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Hi everyone.

Has anyone noticed shifting of teeth. (Maybe caused by gum difficulty)

My daughter had her braces removed at 17. Her teeth were perfect. She got

AIH at 19 (probably before) and now at 21 swears her teeth have shifted a

lot. She's also facing the dentist with trepidation. Has anyone else noticed


Thanks, Jaye (Tara's mother)

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My teeth are shifting. I thought maybe i was just going crazy or something.

>From: BShel502@...

>Reply- onelist

> onelist

>Subject: Re: [ ] Teeth

>Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 15:50:55 EDT


>From: BShel502@...


>Hi everyone.

> Has anyone noticed shifting of teeth. (Maybe caused by gum


>My daughter had her braces removed at 17. Her teeth were perfect. She got

>AIH at 19 (probably before) and now at 21 swears her teeth have shifted a

>lot. She's also facing the dentist with trepidation. Has anyone else



> Thanks, Jaye (Tara's mother)



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--- BShel502@... wrote:

> From: BShel502@...


> Hi everyone.

> Has anyone noticed shifting of teeth. (Maybe

> caused by gum difficulty)

> My daughter had her braces removed at 17. Her teeth

> were perfect. She got

> AIH at 19 (probably before) and now at 21 swears her

> teeth have shifted a

> lot. She's also facing the dentist with

> trepidation. Has anyone else noticed

> this?

> Thanks, Jaye (Tara's mother)

Hi Jaye,

Several years ago before AIH, I woke up one morning and my mouth didn't

seem to close properly. It persisted throughout the day so I went to

see my dentist. I actually thought that my jaw shifted. The dentist

said that I couldn't close my mouth fully because one of my top teeth

was hitting a tooth on my lower jaw. He filed a part of the tooth down

ever so slightly (it wasn't even visible) and everything was fine. He

said that sometimes teeth do shift and even the slightest milimeter can

make a difference in the way the teeth meet when the mouth is closed.

I never had any spaces between my teeth and even now it seems that the

teeth are getting closer together, I notice the difference when


I don't know if your daughter's experience is the same. I hope this



Barbara Ann

Transplant Recipient


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my name is Kathy and I hardly post but I always read everyhting. I justed

wanted to reply to this about shifting teeth.

I just came from my dentist because I had a tooth just fall out. The cause

of this is do to bone loss, which will also cause shifting of the teeth. He

says this is caused from prednisone. He has recommened root planting which

will smooth out the surface so that the gums can try to re-attach to the

bone. I am going to talk to my liver doctor before I have this done since

they have to pull all your gums loose and then irrigate down to the root. I

am worried about infection and it not ever healing.

I hope this helps.



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  • 3 months later...

I thought I had read a posting where somebody else was experiencing cold

sensivity with their teeth. I have been having to drink everything out of a

straw lately because if I don't, it hurts my teeth. Is this from the

Prednisone or what causes that?


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Audra I had made a post regarding cold bothering my teeth. I ended up

needing a root canal. Since then I do not have that intense pain but in

general I feel that all my teeth are more sensitive to cold. Cold never

bothered me before now when I eat ice cream my teeth hurt but it does

stop after a short time, go figure?


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Sometimes the gum shrinks back from the tooth surface and the tooth under

the gum line is very sensitive. I used Sensidyne toothpaste for a long time

and eventually the sensitivity went away.


>From: La7de@...

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>Subject: Re: [ ] Re: teeth

>Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 17:50:01 EDT

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>From: La7de@...


>Audra and ,


>Try using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth, like Sensodyne. That will

>probably help. I can't think of why they would be sensitive to cold now,


>not before, but if I come up with an answer I'll let you know.


> (AIH)

>Dental Hygienist


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Audra and ,

Try using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth, like Sensodyne. That will

probably help. I can't think of why they would be sensitive to cold now, and

not before, but if I come up with an answer I'll let you know.


Dental Hygienist

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I have noticed a lot of sensitivity to cold in my front teeth. This

started several months ago after I stopped taking prednisone. My dentist

had a bite guard made which I use at night to ensure I don't clench my

teeth when I sleep. I also use Enamelon followed by a fluoride rinse

(ACT) which someone on this list suggested.

Alas, after over a month of using these remedies, I don't think the

problem is any better.

It did give me the incentive to have a bone density check done though.

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What medications are you taking?

Teri120366@... wrote:


> From: Teri120366@...


> My teeth are sensitive too. Come to think of it...they started getting

> sensitive when I was diagnosed. Hmmmm!

> Teri

> PSC /UC inNC


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Audra, I also had a post about sensitive teeth several months ago. Mine

have been that way for yrs & I have used sensodyn for yrs but they were

worse after I was diagnosed & I realized I was clinching quite a

lot.Then I learned I had 3 cracked teeth for which I had to have crowns.

They are much better. I also have been using Biotene toothpaste which is

supposed to be good for dry mouth & bacteria.

I have a son that is a Dentist but unfortunetly he lives elsewhere so I

couldn't have him do my work to save those $. I really prefer the

electric toothbrush which I have used for sometime & I think may have

helped with my sensitivty. That's my 2 cents worth.

Good luck to you.

Leona M. AIH

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I have been on Prednisone, Azulfidine, in the past. Flagyl for a few of my

Ulcerative Colitis flare ups. I was on Actigall when I first found out I had

PSC. I've tried taking Asacol on several different occasions but it just

makes the colitis worse. So I have found by drinking Metamucil twice a day

daily..I can usually get through any flare ups unless there is bacteria

involved then the flagyl clears it out. Of course...my gastro doc. doesn't

listen to my reasoning. But I pretty much know my body.

The last month I have had the worse cold I've ever had, a flare up & I have

been extremely depessed. Went to my Family doctor today for Blood work etc. &

will have a CT Scan of my abdomen because I have an area in my abdomen mid to

lower right that sometimes is extremely tender and painful to the touch. The

Gastro doc at Duke did a Colonoscopy & said there's no reason as far as the

results go why one place would be any more tender than the next because over

70% of my Colon is ulcerated. Today I started a trial period of an anti

depressant. I hope it works.

Teri PSC/UC in NC

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  • 1 month later...

just went to the dentist and her remy said that alot of the meds for

JRA have alot of suger in them like Motrin and pedie pred had three


>From: Jitz45@...

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>Subject: Re: [ ] Teeth

>Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 20:58:43 EDT

>MIME-Version: 1.0

>From errors-80038-1732-shancna=hotmail.comonelist Fri Oct 22 17:58:57


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>From: Jitz45@...


>Hi, regarding the teeth, I just brought my 8 yr old son to Dentist because

>his teeth were very yellow, he cleaned them but wasn't sure it was beacause

>of meds I will ask pediatric rheumy about this next visit. His second


>are slow coming in I was wondering if it was due to steroids. Anyone else

>notice this? Jane


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In a message dated 10/22/99 5:07:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time, foxpro@...


<< hello! I was curious if anyone else worries about their children's teeth

with all these medications they are on? I have noticed since has

started taking MTX her teeth are getting yellow. Anyone else notice that

with their children's teeth? Any tips on how to whiten teeth? >>

With methotrexate, it's not so much the teeth you need to worry about as the

gums. After I had been taking it for awhile, I needed oral surgery because

my gums had swollen to the point where the orthodontist would've had to take

my braces off years early to prevent infection. Oral surgery is not fun. I

got to lay in the dentist's chair for a few hours smelling my own flesh being

burned away with a laser. I was around fifteen at the time, I doubt it would

be any less traumatic for a younger child.



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Hi, regarding the teeth, I just brought my 8 yr old son to Dentist because

his teeth were very yellow, he cleaned them but wasn't sure it was beacause

of meds I will ask pediatric rheumy about this next visit. His second teeth

are slow coming in I was wondering if it was due to steroids. Anyone else

notice this? Jane

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My daughter has the most awful teeth. She had a crown put on a molar

only 4 months after it came through. She had another 5 fillings before she

was three and a half. This was prior to JRA though. When I was at the JRA

conference in Chicago there was another parent in the Systemic break out

group that said they have 6 kids and they all have wonderful teeth except for

the youngest who has the JRA and that his teeth got very bad after he started

the steroids. The doctors all say it can't be the steroids and start to find

reasons, like not brushing properly, or drinking milk before bed, etc., but

they swear that nothing is different about their 6th child except the JRA the

teeth and the steroids. Surely there must be a connection? Who knows.

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I feel the reason that I had to have all my upper teeth pulled were do to the

meds that I have token through out the years. I was on pred for 8+ years. I

brushed daily and did all those things you were suppose to do and they still had

to be pulled, I do feel the meds have something to do with it.

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[ ] Teeth

hello! I was curious if anyone else worries about their children's teeth

with all these medications they are on? I have noticed since has

started taking MTX her teeth are getting yellow. Anyone else notice that

with their children's teeth? Any tips on how to whiten teeth?

Also, I can't remember who mentioned 's lumps that I wrote

about. The lumps are like jello and they are on the backs of her

hands. They are the size of a peanut m-n-m. Then in her wrist she gets

nodules (pea-sized, hard as rock).


*digest version*

Mother to (3 years old), (22 months old) and Madeline (5

months old)

*Inside every little girl is the wise and gentle spirit of a woman of God*

*Inside every little boy is the compassion and strength of a man of God*


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Hi Amy,

Does your daughter take iron? Elliot was taking Fer-in-sol and had some

discoloration which polished out when he visited the dentist. He also takes

mtx but he has not had any problems.

Usually the nodules in the wrist are hard due to the fact that there is very

little room for the synovial fluid to bulge out- there are alot of bones in

the wrist so fluid gathers in one area and bulges out. I imagine that on the

top of the hand there is a larger amount of space so the fluid has a

jelly-like consistency.


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Hi Jane,

I had discussed this with my dentist and he did say that it was likely that

adult teeth would come in late secondary to steroid use. Although my son who

is turning 8 (and does not have JRA) just lost his first top tooth- I don't

think you are terribly late yet.


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Hi ,

It would figure that we dont have enough to worry about- now we can keep the

dentist busy too!

Does your daughter swellow pills? Before Elliot turned 5 , I decided that I

was sick of crushing pills or measuring out liquid. A friend of mine had told

me that she taught her child to swallow pills using an elbow macaroni cut in

half. (cooked of course)

The size comes close to a pill size, and the texture is slippery. Well it

worked for Elliot. You may be able to take a NSAID in pill form instead of

the sweet liquid.

Good luck, Rena

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Hi Amy:

My daughter, Sara (3 years) is also on MTX and her 2 bottom teeth in front are

stained in a brwoinsh color (like when smoker's get germs on their teeth). At

first, I thoght it was the Poly-Visol vitamins (with Iron ) she was taking but

she has come off that for a while and she still has the stains. I wondor if its

the MTX that's doing it.

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Well, I'm not sure how this will fit in with others experiences but Josh

has the most beautiful white, sparkly teeth and has had very few

cavities. My daughter Kayla(the one without JRA), on the other hand,

seems to need a new filling almost every time we go to see her dentist!

Josh is much more careful, brushing about three times a day and flossing

regularly. Kayla often brushes only in the morning or after being

reminded to before bedtime, and she likes to hurry through, despite my

even getting a two minute timer to help her out. She also loves to chew

gum. And I'm positive that's why her teeth aren't as strong as her

brother's. Josh also takes calcium supplements daily so maybe that's

helped out? His gums are in really good shape, too. I hope he doesn't

have the sort of trouble Jenni mentioned, in the future, as he's been

taking MTX for 4 and a half years..... so far! But it doesn't seem like

the meds he takes have affected his teeth as of yet.

He did have trouble with one tooth not wanting to come out, when the

other adult tooth was already pushing through. It was a pain for him

because it would wiggle and move when he was eating and sometimes

talking, so finally we asked the dentist to remove it. It was so easy

with the dental pliers but for a couple months, it was very persistent

about wanting to stay. I've worried about how his jaw might not be

growing fast enough, because of the JRA, but so far the dentist says

there's no problem. My online friend Ann's daughter did need major

reconstructive surgery for that problem. She had JRA since she was

little and had the jaw surgery at age 16, to correct deformities from

the illness. Her jaw hadn't grown for lots of years. Not related to

prednisone, though. She took mostly just aspirins for her pain and


Take care,


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  • 4 months later...
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Hi Vicki,

I know what you mean about teeth. I was on abx off and on for years for

URI's, Sinus, ect. My teeth started to turn and they kept telling me to stop

smoking, drinking coffee and tea, none of which I do. The Zith helped me

the most, I have been on it about 4 years. It is the only thing that helps

my fibro pain.

Recently had a bad URI again and he put me on Biaxin Double Strength

500mgs 2..day. Anyway it gave me a #$%$## of as herx. maybe I should go

back to Biaxin. I was on Biaxin when I got bit and was so sick, my doctor

nor I knew about lyme and the Herx's.

I guess I will have to go talk to him. Maybe i will stick with the Zith

since it allows me to work and as soon as school is out, hit the Biaxin and

herx all summer, maybe I can get rid of this #$%## thing.

Sorry about the swear words. It had been 6 1/2 years and the more I

lecture, research, ect, the worse I feel for everyone not understanding our

plight. And now look how many are going to be chronically ill from the

vaccine. the circle is forever.

I hope to see you in Gettysburg. If you saw the NY pictures, I am the short,

fat redhead, you can't miss me.

Love and hugs,

This list is the greatest because of the people who care.

Connie, MI

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In a message dated 3/11/00 3:31:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, Cslyme@...


<< I am the short,

fat redhead, you can't miss me. >>

Don't believe what Connies says ! She is the beautiful readhead with the

sweetest smile who loves to shop at the Disney Store : )

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