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Can't wait to see you in Gettysburg. We have so many redheads in our group.

I remember being at NIH and was looking for ? ( I think Marleen), but she

told me I'd recognize her by her red hair. When I got there, there was a sea

of women with red hair. Wonder if Lyme likes red hair or something. Just

teasing. Talk to you soon. I agree the Zith helped me the most, but its so

expensive. I do smoke, but the stains never occurred before I got Lyme. And

I brush at least 6 times a day, maybe more because of the thrush always

making my mouth feel so yucky! Don't worry about the cursing, its a good way

to express yourself, I used to be a bartender and I'm very used to it, and

my husband works around the navy a lot, so he uses the F word on a regular

basis, I have to remind him not to when my son is around. Its just so

natural for some people. And big deal, they are only words. Talk to you

soon. Vicki, Md

>From: Cslyme@...


>Hi Vicki,

> I know what you mean about teeth. I was on abx off and on for years


>URI's, Sinus, ect. My teeth started to turn and they kept telling me to


>smoking, drinking coffee and tea, none of which I do. The Zith helped me

>the most, I have been on it about 4 years. It is the only thing that helps

>my fibro pain.

> Recently had a bad URI again and he put me on Biaxin Double Strength

>500mgs 2..day. Anyway it gave me a #$%$## of as herx. maybe I should go

>back to Biaxin. I was on Biaxin when I got bit and was so sick, my doctor

>nor I knew about lyme and the Herx's.

> Sorry about the swear words. It had been 6 1/2 years and the more I

>lecture, research, ect, the worse I feel for everyone not understanding our

>plight. And now look how many are going to be chronically ill from the

>vaccine. the circle is forever.

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Some how I didn't believe it anyway. She should put some Disney character on

her quilt square. Take care, Vicki

>From: BearyPrety@...


>In a message dated 3/11/00 3:31:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, Cslyme@...



><< I am the short,

> fat redhead, you can't miss me. >>

> Don't believe what Connies says ! She is the beautiful readhead with


>sweetest smile who loves to shop at the Disney Store : )



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  • 7 months later...

Hi everyone, s second teeth were late coming in. I asked the Dr. if

the prednisone (which stunted growth) could affect the development of the

teeth being delayed, he said yes I could be right, I t kind of makes sense

to me if the steroids are stunting the growth in the body(bones) etc it must

be affecting development of teeth... Jane

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i am still on the prednisone, down to 2.5 today, for treatment of my kidney

disease. in the past few weeks several of my teeth have been bugging me,

very sensitive. could this be because of the prednisone? i have never had

teeth trouble before, only 1 cavity my whole life and now i look in my mouth

and think i have 2 all of a sudden. thanks, brandy


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you more than likely are right

was diagnosed years ago with constitutional growth delay

shes 13 now and still has 2 baby teeth

when she was 3 years old she had to have the 2 front teeth extracted

due to abcesses those teeth finally came back in when she was 9 years old

she also went through dental surgery at 6 years old

she had been on antibotics for almost a year due to abcesses

the family dentist sent us to a special child dentist

and she said melissa needed surgery to remove

nearly every tooth in her mouth this surgery made a difference

melissa was up playing 2 hours after the surgery

she didnt have but 2 or 3 teeth for a year or 2

but she was able to eat

the kids with JRA need to see the dentist

and make sure they are aware the child has JRA


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  • 10 months later...

thanks for your reply Gloria... now I know I'm not imaging things....

I didn't wear a coat most of last winter because of the hot flashes... I"ll probably be like you in shorts this winter...


[ ] Teeth

Hi!Beth, I to am sensitive to cold, on my teeth,it is the prednisone, and these hot flashes are unbarable, I'll probaly be wearing shorts all winter long. I can't stand the heat! gloriagauss@...

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  • 3 months later...

For those of you with sensitive teeth and sore jaws

from grinding your teeth when you sleep, try this for

about a week, and I think you will have some relief.

It works for me.

Buy a mouth guard at WalMart or KMart in the sporting

goods department. Follow the instructions about

forming it to your bite. Then, wear it to bed for the

night. It sounds crazy, but believe me it works.


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...I didn't know you could go to Wal Mart for this! I have paid $125 twice and one at $75 for mine at the dentist! The reason for so many was that my dog ate two of them! Grrrr....I guard this latest one with my life!


Re: [ ] teeth

For those of you with sensitive teeth and sore jawsfrom grinding your teeth when you sleep, try this forabout a week, and I think you will have some relief.It works for me.Buy a mouth guard at WalMart or KMart in the sportinggoods department. Follow the instructions aboutforming it to your bite. Then, wear it to bed for thenight. It sounds crazy, but believe me it works. __________________________________________________

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You are very fortunate that your mouth guard was so low in cost. I checked

with the dentist to get one for me and it is $500.00 and the insurance isnt

going to pick up any of it!!!. If things go as they are I will be having

all caps on my front teeth. I did buy one of those mouth guards that fit to

your mouth at a sporting goods store, my problem was i grit my teeth so bad

i made my gums sort of raw from it. It was for the top and bottom teeth and

cost about $5.00 here in Illinois. I havent used it for awhile but i may go

back to it again soon.

LC AIH (0701)

Re: [ ] teeth

...I didn't know you could go to Wal Mart for this! I have paid $125

twice and one at $75 for mine at the dentist! The reason for so many was

that my dog ate two of them! Grrrr....I guard this latest one with my life!


Re: [ ] teeth

For those of you with sensitive teeth and sore jaws

from grinding your teeth when you sleep, try this for

about a week, and I think you will have some relief.

It works for me.

Buy a mouth guard at WalMart or KMart in the sporting

goods department. Follow the instructions about

forming it to your bite. Then, wear it to bed for the

night. It sounds crazy, but believe me it works.


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LC, I cannot believe a mouth guard would be so much unless you live in a big city! WOW....I am going to try the one at WalMart. I heard on a TV program that those are just as good as what is done at the dentist!


Re: [ ] teethFor those of you with sensitive teeth and sore jawsfrom grinding your teeth when you sleep, try this forabout a week, and I think you will have some relief.It works for me.Buy a mouth guard at WalMart or KMart in the sportinggoods department. Follow the instructions aboutforming it to your bite. Then, wear it to bed for thenight. It sounds crazy, but believe me it works. __________________________________________________

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There are differences in mouth guards. I have been grinding my teeth for years and have gone through many mouth guards. Here in MN we can pay any where from$60.00 to $500.00. I have also looked at the ones at Walmart. The ones you get at Walmart are thick and hard to keep in your mouth while you sleep and hard to talk with while in. I find that the dentist here in a small town charges 60 and my sisters dentist in big town charges 500. They have come a long way with how they shape them now. Mayo clinic has started making them so that they only cover a very thin layer of the plastic on just a few of your front teeth and it is enough to stop the grinding with TMJ. The one I have I could where all day and no one would ever know I have one in. Again it only cost me 60 in my small town. I would check around if I were you guys to see if you can find some better prices. Also keep in mind to ask if they will give you the mold after words. This will help so that you can have another one made when needed. Anyway that is what I know on the subject and I hope it helps.


Re: [ ] teethFor those of you with sensitive teeth and sore jawsfrom grinding your teeth when you sleep, try this forabout a week, and I think you will have some relief.It works for me.Buy a mouth guard at WalMart or KMart in the sportinggoods department. Follow the instructions aboutforming it to your bite. Then, wear it to bed for thenight. It sounds crazy, but believe me it works. __________________________________________________

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Hi ,

Sorry for the delay. I feel like I'm a broken record LOL

I use that floss already & yes it is good. I now use the silky one as it

doesn't catch as much as the Ultra.

The electric toothbrushes have been too harsh on my teeth.

I've been hearing about ionic being the best.

Any comments anyone on electric toothbrushes?

Thanks & Happy Tuesday : )

Re: Re: a step at a time

Hey !

No problem :) I still go to the holistic dentist in

Quebec (it's only a 20min drive from my place

anyways). I honestly don't know if there is one here

in Ottawa, but Hull is only 5 minutes from downtown.

The expanding floss is from Oral B. I bought it at

Walmart but have seen it other places too. It is

called UltraFloss and you can really feel the

difference. It is a little more expensive but I think

it is worth it. My Electric toothbrush replaced my

Excel 3D very quickly. It is called Rota-dent... that

too makes you feel a difference! ;) like walking out

of the dentist office.


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  • 2 years later...

Do you have osteoporosis? You should get a bone density scan to check on

that possibility, given your dental problems.

Are you taking Prednisone? That can damage teeth.

Could you have celiac disease? Tooth damage is common among people with CD.

CD affects about 1% of the U.S. population. People with one autoimmune

disease have a higher incidence. CD is pretty much symptom-free in half the

people who have it, so it's seriously under-diagnosed. Because it prevents

absorption of nutrients, including calcium, teeth and bones are affected. You

can find more information on celiac.com

I'm sorry you're having these problems. Best wishes.


In a message dated 2/24/07 12:08:55 PM, john@... writes:


> Hi everyone. I have lots of questions, but today I'll just address one

> of them. Very curious as to how many out there have bad teeth because

> of this liver disease? My teeth are literally crumbling out of my

> mouth as we speak. I was dx.with Primary Billiary Cirrohis &

> Autiommune Hepatitis (Overlap) - GRADE 4 - STAGE 2. I have only known

> about my liver disease since September 2006. I can't afford implants,

> looks like I have no other choice but dentures; anyone have any advice

> as to what are the better of dentures?

> Thank you,






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i DO NOT HAVE liver disease but i use a special type of calicum and mag

guaranteed to increase bone mass by 9 per cent in 6 months

they sayget a bone density and it prove is

If anyone want is let me know


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That is one of the big problems with having these 2 diseases... I am 38 and had

to have my teeth removed almost 2 years ago, and also be careful with all your

bones, cause they snap in an instant, i have had a broken ankle and broken ribs.

A week ago friday, i had an emergency with my dad, we almost lost him, he had

esophus varises, they put bands on the veins to stop the bleeding and it did. He

was in ICU for5 days, then a reg room for 3 more. iI brought him back to his

home on friday. But he also has ASCITES and is was tapped that thursday and

removed 5 liters of liquid, but is still large and is in his feet and ankles.

Looks like when he goes to doctors this friday he will be tapped again if it

doesn't go down.

It is scary to see what i have to look forward to.

flatcat9@... wrote:

Do you have osteoporosis? You should get a bone density scan to check


that possibility, given your dental problems.

Are you taking Prednisone? That can damage teeth.

Could you have celiac disease? Tooth damage is common among people with CD.

CD affects about 1% of the U.S. population. People with one autoimmune

disease have a higher incidence. CD is pretty much symptom-free in half the

people who have it, so it's seriously under-diagnosed. Because it prevents

absorption of nutrients, including calcium, teeth and bones are affected. You

can find more information on celiac.com

I'm sorry you're having these problems. Best wishes.


In a message dated 2/24/07 12:08:55 PM, john@... writes:


> Hi everyone. I have lots of questions, but today I'll just address one

> of them. Very curious as to how many out there have bad teeth because

> of this liver disease? My teeth are literally crumbling out of my

> mouth as we speak. I was dx.with Primary Billiary Cirrohis &

> Autiommune Hepatitis (Overlap) - GRADE 4 - STAGE 2. I have only known

> about my liver disease since September 2006. I can't afford implants,

> looks like I have no other choice but dentures; anyone have any advice

> as to what are the better of dentures?

> Thank you,






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Hi, --

My teeth went downhill, and my dentist wasn't surprised--given the

disease and it's medication. Finally, I could no longer stand the

very attractive toothless look and got dentures. I HATE them but

can't think of any other way to go. Eating is difficult; talking is

clumsy; and I always feel like I have a couple of rocks in my

mouth. I have them tweaked regularly, but I'm still having a hard

time. BUT I know people who have tnem and get along very well--

you'd never know they had dentures. I really hope you'll be one of

those lucky ones!!

Good luck!

in OR

PS--If anyone has any suggestions on how to get along better with

dentures--PLEASE!! Speak up!!


> Hi everyone. I have lots of questions, but today I'll just

address one

> of them. Very curious as to how many out there have bad teeth


> of this liver disease? My teeth are literally crumbling out of my

> mouth as we speak. I was dx.with Primary Billiary Cirrohis &

> Autiommune Hepatitis (Overlap) - GRADE 4 - STAGE 2. I have only


> about my liver disease since September 2006. I can't afford


> looks like I have no other choice but dentures; anyone have any


> as to what are the better of dentures?

> Thank you,



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My teeth aren't so good either. Just this afternoon a part of my back-tooth

broke of and a few months ago I realized that the outer part of my teeth.

How do you explain that the end of the tooth are getting lighter, almost see

through. Very strange.

So that might have to do with the prednisone? More luck?

Well first I'll call a dentist tomorrow to get that broken back-tooth fixed.

Very strange.

Good night



Hi, --

My teeth went downhill, and my dentist wasn't surprised--given the

disease and it's medication. Finally, I could no longer stand the

very attractive toothless look and got dentures. I HATE them but

can't think of any other way to go. Eating is difficult; talking is

clumsy; and I always feel like I have a couple of rocks in my

mouth. I have them tweaked regularly, but I'm still having a hard

time. BUT I know people who have tnem and get along very well--

you'd never know they had dentures. I really hope you'll be one of

those lucky ones!!

Good luck!

in OR

PS--If anyone has any suggestions on how to get along better with

dentures--PLEASE!! Speak up!!


> Hi everyone. I have lots of questions, but today I'll just

address one

> of them. Very curious as to how many out there have bad teeth


> of this liver disease? My teeth are literally crumbling out of my

> mouth as we speak. I was dx.with Primary Billiary Cirrohis &

> Autiommune Hepatitis (Overlap) - GRADE 4 - STAGE 2. I have only


> about my liver disease since September 2006. I can't afford


> looks like I have no other choice but dentures; anyone have any


> as to what are the better of dentures?

> Thank you,



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How are you today? Hope you're having a good day.

For HCV, it is the drugs we take -- peginterferon -- that play havoc with the

immune system and our teeth and you are correct that the virus itself does its

thing. Science is just really finding out about the virus and where it hides,

where it goes, what it does -- there are many extra hepatic manifestations.

Doing a number on the teeth is one of them! :-)

I have a strange case in that my AIH/HCV combination has produced ALT/AST levels

that are really not all that high -- between 70-110 usually. I would imagine

with AIH the liver enzymes would be higher? Is this true? If one has AIH isn't

the disease constantly on the march unless, of course, you're taking the

medications to control it?

What are people's enzymes like that just get diagnosed and are not on Prednisone

and Imuran (sp)?

My AIH was diagnosed by a biopsy -- certain specific cells were present, which

added one nail to the coffin. My ANA and the other blood tests for AIH are

always negative. The peginterferon produced a rash ... it does in everyone who

takes it ... that appeared to be a malar rash but it has dissipated.

I guess I am wondering if I even have AIH and diagnosis it difficult. I have a

very good liver doctor, a hepatologist.

It boggles the mind sometimes.

Hope everyone is doing well today and we'll all pull through this!

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest


> hi all,


> I'm looking for suggestions/advice on whether stainless steel crowns are o.k.

The dentist said that it's less toxic than what's been used in the past. My

daughter has 4 cavities with one being with a broken tooth (molar). We are

doing oil pulling 3 times daily and hoping this will heal her cavities, this

along with Bee's diet. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

+++Hi Vanesa. I think you should investigate using porcelain instead.

The best, Bee

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> >

> > I'm looking for suggestions/advice on whether stainless steel crowns are


> > We are doing oil pulling 3 times daily and hoping this will heal her



> +++I think you should investigate using porcelain instead.


> The best, Bee

Hi ,

I've also heard that porcelain is the best option for fillings, but it's more

pricey. I have gurgled my mouth with clove tea for a while and it seems to be

helping my cavities. It tastes good and is easy to make and keeps in the fridge

for a few days.

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  • 11 months later...

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