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Hi My son alex hair test resuts from DDI

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My son is 3 1/2. PDD-NOS diagnosed last year, but recently moved from reg spec

ed preschool 14 hrs per week to 27 hrs per week Preschool Autism class

(includes ABA. He says one or 2 words together, ready set go, Cow milk, can

follow instructions, sleeps thru the night and is generally happy, never gets

sick, had some eczema but not since we started biomed.

We started CF GF diet 5 months ago saw some good gains from it, he used to drink

a ton of reg cow milk, and was a picky eater, he is much better now. We have him

on Liver Life, 8 drops am, 8 drops pm, and holding, Trienza, KL probiotics, KL

liq zinc, KL complete spectrum, and Selenium 1 pill per day, fish oil and NN cod

liver oil. We started DMSA last week and things went fine, 6.25mg per dose, and

this weekend started him on ALA same dose as DMSA. I just attached his DDI hair

test from 2 months ago.

Please let me know your opinion. His mother had alot of dental work done

while pregnant with my son and he had all the vaccines.

My wife just had a girl, we declined any vac. Do you think I should get her hair

tested, its starting to grow in at 3 months age?

Thanks in advance

in VA

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