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yeast? help

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My son was delivered by c-section and we were in the hospital 5 or 6 days. I was

given antibiotics intravenously because of an infection from the section. I

continued to nurse through that time. After he had been home 2 days, he had a

yeast infection on his bottom. I took him to the doctor, who gave him a cream.

The rash went away and a few months later he had thrush. He was treated and it

also went away. Has it been hiding? Even as I say that it sounds silly, but his

behaviors sound exactly like your description of yeast.

 His pediatrician connects all behaviors to being autistic like it is a mental

illness, but never to anything physical that could be going on in his body. He

has had strep a couple of times, allergies since he was 5, and a few stomach

viruses. He also had the flu 3 months after he had a severe reaction to a dpt.

That was actually the last time he had a high fever(3 years old), followed by


 I have been trying to figure this out for years. He has sensory issues and ocd

that are over the top and behaviors that we associate with pain somewhere, but

he can't tell us. If there is any hope for him, we want to find it but don't

know where to start or how to go about it. We have very little money and  the

nearest Dan doctor is 200 miles away.

We have never done chelation. I don't know where to start. In the beginning, we

tried some B vitamins from Kirkman. Then a child neurologists tested for

seizures but found none. He recommended Lexapro(antidepressant) which made him

manic. I refused the heavy weight neuroleptics, so we were dismissed. I came

across this site about that time and was just a reader for several years. During

this time I tried probiotics, calcium, vitamin c, and dmg. Then I heard about

TMG and tried it. He became more stable in his mood so we stuck with that. We

have tried melatonin for sleep and enzymes and some whole food vitamins from the

local health food store. Temporary solutions, then back to square one.

Once again,



From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: 2 rounds, kid is driving me nuts

Date: Saturday, January 30, 2010, 11:18 AM


> I have a question. My son has many symptoms that seem to be yeast, but when

the GI doc did a colonoscopy, he assured me they tested for parasites and yeast

and found nothing. I am very confused.

Then the yeast is not residing there. It can reside almost anywhere in the



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> Dana,

> My son was delivered by c-section and we were in the hospital 5 or 6 days. I

was given antibiotics intravenously because of an infection from the section. I

continued to nurse through that time. After he had been home 2 days, he had a

yeast infection on his bottom. I took him to the doctor, who gave him a cream.

The rash went away and a few months later he had thrush. He was treated and it

also went away. Has it been hiding? Even as I say that it sounds silly, but his

behaviors sound exactly like your description of yeast.

I don't know whether it has been " hiding " , but it does sound like his body does

not have the present ability to control yeast overgrowth.

> Â His pediatrician connects all behaviors to being autistic like it is a

mental illness, but never to anything physical that could be going on in his


This is typical.

>> He has had strep a couple of times,

I eliminated strep with OLE.

>>allergies since he was 5, and a few stomach viruses. He also had the flu 3

months after he had a severe reaction to a dpt. That was actually the last time

he had a high fever(3 years old), followed by regression.

He probably has latent virus issues.

> Â I have been trying to figure this out for years. He has sensory issues and

ocd that are over the top and behaviors that we associate with pain somewhere,

but he can't tell us.

Most sensory issues at my house were caused by yeast overgrowth. OCD was caused

by yeast, viruses, and deficiencies of certain B vitamins, especially B12 and

folic acid.

> We have never done chelation. I don't know where to start.

Ask a lot of questions. Do a lot of research.

I used ALA, it worked very well here for four children and myself.


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Thank you for your input. Where do I need to start? What do I need to try to get

under control first? Should I try to attack these before I actually start

chelation with ALA?

 How much Biotin or GSE or OLE or whatever? Should he be taking a multi-vitamin

through all of this? I ordered your book hoping that it would give me some

information that I could use to make sense of all of this. When it arrives,

maybe I will fell more in control of the situation.

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: yeast? help

Date: Sunday, January 31, 2010, 11:09 AM


> Dana,

> My son was delivered by c-section and we were in the hospital 5 or 6 days. I

was given antibiotics intravenously because of an infection from the section. I

continued to nurse through that time. After he had been home 2 days, he had a

yeast infection on his bottom. I took him to the doctor, who gave him a cream.

The rash went away and a few months later he had thrush. He was treated and it

also went away. Has it been hiding? Even as I say that it sounds silly, but his

behaviors sound exactly like your description of yeast.

I don't know whether it has been " hiding " , but it does sound like his body does

not have the present ability to control yeast overgrowth.

> Â His pediatrician connects all behaviors to being autistic like it is a

mental illness, but never to anything physical that could be going on in his


This is typical.

>> He has had strep a couple of times,

I eliminated strep with OLE.

>>allergies since he was 5, and a few stomach viruses. He also had the flu 3

months after he had a severe reaction to a dpt. That was actually the last time

he had a high fever(3 years old), followed by regression.

He probably has latent virus issues.

> Â I have been trying to figure this out for years. He has sensory issues and

ocd that are over the top and behaviors that we associate with pain somewhere,

but he can't tell us.

Most sensory issues at my house were caused by yeast overgrowth. OCD was caused

by yeast, viruses, and deficiencies of certain B vitamins, especially B12 and

folic acid.

> We have never done chelation. I don't know where to start.

Ask a lot of questions. Do a lot of research.

I used ALA, it worked very well here for four children and myself.


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> Thank you for your input. Where do I need to start?

I think I would try adding or increasing biotin first.

>> What do I need to try to get under control first? Should I try to attack

these before I actually start chelation with ALA?

It is best to have yeast under control before chelating, because chelation will

generally increase the yeast. Don't work to " eliminate " the yeast, because that

usually doesn't happen until chelation is completed, but work towards having

yeast " reasonably under control " before starting chelation.

> Â How much Biotin or GSE or OLE or whatever?

I started with 400mcg biotin and one drop GSE. Increase as required.

OLE was anti-bacterial and anti-viral here, not anti-fungal.

>>Should he be taking a multi-vitamin through all of this?

You can if you want and it is tolerated.

>>I ordered your book hoping that it would give me some information that I could

use to make sense of all of this. When it arrives, maybe I will fell more in

control of the situation.

Everything in my book is also on my site. The book is primarily for reference

when away from the computer, and to give to others to read who don't use a


Here is my yeast page



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ok. Thanks for all your help.

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: yeast? help

Date: Sunday, January 31, 2010, 11:53 AM


> Thank you for your input. Where do I need to start?

I think I would try adding or increasing biotin first.

>> What do I need to try to get under control first? Should I try to attack

these before I actually start chelation with ALA?

It is best to have yeast under control before chelating, because chelation will

generally increase the yeast. Don't work to " eliminate " the yeast, because that

usually doesn't happen until chelation is completed, but work towards having

yeast " reasonably under control " before starting chelation.

> Â How much Biotin or GSE or OLE or whatever?

I started with 400mcg biotin and one drop GSE. Increase as required.

OLE was anti-bacterial and anti-viral here, not anti-fungal.

>>Should he be taking a multi-vitamin through all of this?

You can if you want and it is tolerated.

>>I ordered your book hoping that it would give me some information that I could

use to make sense of all of this. When it arrives, maybe I will fell more in

control of the situation.

Everything in my book is also on my site. The book is primarily for reference

when away from the computer, and to give to others to read who don't use a


Here is my yeast page

http://www.danasvie w.net/yeast. htm


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