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My son came off special ed today

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I wanted to share this post to encourage everyone to continue your efforts -

they do work.

Five years ago I lost my son to the mmr - he lost all speech, eye contact,

developed seizures, lost his right eye, photo-sensitive, sound sensitive, fine

motor was obliterated, and he couldn't walk very good. We tragically lost his

mom after the diagnosis.

I never would have believed it had I not seen it.

His doctors were no help, nor was the govt., nor were many well meaning people.

This chatroom was an extremely important source of information for us. thank

you jan, dana, rebecca....

Five years of speech, OT, social skills and more importantly, chelation, diet,

supplements, hbot, allergy abatement brought him back bit by bit.

Today he's in a mainstream class in a mainstream school. Speech is clear, he

writes, he reads above grade level, and amazingly he hit the 99% in math for all

second graders. We'll never get his eye back and his social skills still need

lots of work, but I think he'll have a decent life.

After the poison event at 18 months, my son couldn't smile for almost 2

years...I didn't either. Today I smiled, cried, and felt a twinge of happy

pride that I pushed back against the FUBAR system and recovered my boy. You can

too !

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