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B-12 shots

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My doctor is a bariatric specialist and a big believer in B12. I got shots

before and I get them about once a month now. I'd get them more often if I saw

her more often!

:-) Kathy in VA

-------------- Original message --------------

From: " sheree_current " <scurrent@...>

I went in for my one month checkup with my local doctor and she told me

that she usually starts her gastric bypass patients with B-12 shots at

about 2 months postop. Is this correct, and something I need to do?

Shouldn't I wait for my 1 year labs first to see if I need it? What

have all of your doctors recommended and is anybody else taking these

shots? Let me know if you have any experience with this please.

Thank you,

Sheree C.

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HI Sheree:

My 1 month check up my b-12 level was fine, however on my 3 month check up my

b-12 was low and so was my potassium. I now take b-12 shot once a month and

potassium suppliments daily. My levels are back to the normal range at my 6

month check up and I have lost 105 pounds.



sheree_current <scurrent@...> wrote:

I went in for my one month checkup with my local doctor and she told


that she usually starts her gastric bypass patients with B-12 shots at

about 2 months postop. Is this correct, and something I need to do?

Shouldn't I wait for my 1 year labs first to see if I need it? What

have all of your doctors recommended and is anybody else taking these

shots? Let me know if you have any experience with this please.

Thank you,

Sheree C.


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I'm a firm believer in having bloodwork done FIRST

before I get any kind of meds---not exactly sure why

your doc would begin vitamin " treatment " without

seeing if you need it or not..

Ray Ann

--- sheree_current <scurrent@...> wrote:

> I went in for my one month checkup with my local

> doctor and she told me

> that she usually starts her gastric bypass patients

> with B-12 shots at

> about 2 months postop. Is this correct, and

> something I need to do?

> Shouldn't I wait for my 1 year labs first to see if

> I need it? What

> have all of your doctors recommended and is anybody

> else taking these

> shots? Let me know if you have any experience with

> this please.


> Thank you,

> Sheree C.





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Hi Sheree,

I had to start taking a B-12 supplement at 6 mo out... after bloodwork

revealed I was a little low. My doctor wanted to prevent any trouble... but

only after I had bloodwork done to see where I was. Why take something you

might not need? I don't get shots though, I take 1000 MCG per day with my other

supplements and my 1 year labs were fine. I would be hesitant to add something

that I might not even need yet, especially at only one month out. Maybe those

who have had the RNY gastric bypass need to start early and she's comparing you

to them? In any case I would have bloodwork done first to see if I even needed

B-12 shots yet. Good luck.

Danee' in Oregon



sheree_current <scurrent@...> wrote:

I went in for my one month checkup with my local doctor and she told


that she usually starts her gastric bypass patients with B-12 shots at

about 2 months postop. Is this correct, and something I need to do?

Shouldn't I wait for my 1 year labs first to see if I need it? What

have all of your doctors recommended and is anybody else taking these

shots? Let me know if you have any experience with this please.

Thank you,

Sheree C.


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Maybe a good idea. My B12 was low at about the 1 year mark (2 1/2 yrs

post-op) and it's finally back in range after doing home injections. The


are probably something I will have to do for life, but it's easy and well

worth it! Not expensive either. I think I just pain $15 for a prescription of

B12 and that bottle should last me about 6 mos or longer.

Good luck. Sounds like you have a really proactive doc!



In a message dated 1/23/2007 10:12:46 A.M. Central Standard Time,

scurrent@... writes:

I went in for my one month checkup with my local doctor and she told me

that she usually starts her gastric bypass patients with B-12 shots at

about 2 months postop. Is this correct, and something I need to do?

Shouldn't I wait for my 1 year labs first to see if I need it? What

have all of your doctors recommended and is anybody else taking these

shots? Let me know if you have any experience with this please.

Thank you,

Sheree C.

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  • 3 years later...
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JJ took B-12 shots and at the begining it helped him some with agression BUT after a few months he got to much in his system so we stopped. Are you seeing a DAN! Dr? Lois

B-12 Shots

Has anyone saw positive results giving B-12 shots to kids on the spectrum?


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Oh my gosh YES!!! We noticed it after a week or two. We are now at a shot every

other day. When we started almost 2 yrs ago my son was non-verbal. Now along

with the diet and supplements, he is a chatter box. I believe it helped him

start learning and understanding more as well as language. No complaints or


Hope this helps!


Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect

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Yes. My son took them for two years and it seemed to help. However, our Dan DR. now gives him a tablet that she feels is better for most kids.

From: Genia Bernard <gbernard97@...>Subject: B-12 Shotsautism Date: Friday, June 25, 2010, 6:37 PM

Has anyone saw positive results giving B-12 shots to kids on the spectrum?


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Yes. My son took them for two years and it seemed to help. However, our Dan DR. now gives him a tablet that she feels is better for most kids.

From: Genia Bernard <gbernard97@...>Subject: B-12 Shotsautism Date: Friday, June 25, 2010, 6:37 PM

Has anyone saw positive results giving B-12 shots to kids on the spectrum?


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Wow! that's great!! Pat K

Re:B-12 Shots

Oh my gosh YES!!! We noticed it after a week or two. We are now at a shot every other day. When we started almost 2 yrs ago my son was non-verbal. Now along with the diet and supplements, he is a chatter box. I believe it helped him start learning and understanding more as well as language. No complaints or regrets. Hope this helps!


Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect


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me too! my daughter was completely non-verbal and now is way above normal speech. I don't beleive she would have ever talked without the shots. We worked her up to every day but at every other day the next day she said a 4 word sentence clearly and she could not talk at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally try it and if you need any tips let me know. We have been doing it for a year and a half now.From: Genia Bernard <gbernard97@...>Subject: B-12 Shotsautism Date: Friday, June 25, 2010, 5:37 PM Has anyone saw positive results giving B-12 shots to kids on the spectrum?


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What is the dose you are giving your son? Thanks, Lois

Re:B-12 Shots

> Oh my gosh YES!!! We noticed it after a week or two. We are now at a shot

> every other day. When we started almost 2 yrs ago my son was non-verbal.

> Now along with the diet and supplements, he is a chatter box. I believe it

> helped him start learning and understanding more as well as language. No

> complaints or regrets.


> Hope this helps!

> Francine


> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect


> ------------------------------------



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Dereck will see a DAN with Autism Solutions Center in Cordova, TN. I really appreciate the helpful information about B-12 shots. The discussions and information from this group is so helpful. When I'm going through a rough time...so is someone else. I have twin boys on the spectrum. Dereck has been very aggressive this year. I know its mainly because of his communication. He is verbal and it's very hard to understand him. He gets frustrated easily. and bites, hits, and scratches. This turns into a meltdown. We tried Risperdol last December. He was more aggressive with the meds, so we stopped. We saw a DAN last summer and started supplements, B12 shots, anti yeast meds, and the gluten free and casein free

diet. I started with too much and couldn't tell what worked. I did see results. We went to Tampa on vacation last summer and didn't continue. This time we will start small....B 12 shots.



From: lois noland <jlois@...>autism Sent: Fri, June 25, 2010 8:48:39 PMSubject: Re: B-12 Shots

JJ took B-12 shots and at the begining it helped him some with agression BUT after a few months he got to much in his system so we stopped. Are you seeing a DAN! Dr? Lois

B-12 Shots

Has anyone saw positive results giving B-12 shots to kids on the spectrum?


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my ped said noFrom: <denwhi7@...>Subject: Re:B-12 Shotsautism Date: Sunday, June 27, 2010, 1:24 PM

Can you go to your child's regular PCP to get the B12 shots or does it have to be a DAN doctor?


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I was curious as to who you see to get your B12 shots. I really want to start sending my two girls (3 and 4 yo) to a DAN doc, but the costs are so high. I know another mom with three on the spectrum who shares the same peds doctor as I and she said that after begging and pleading, ,she got our peds doc to write her a script for it......I don't know if it's appropriate for me to ask her to do the same. What are the indications for the shots, exactly?

Sorry for all the ?s, but I'd rather get the info from those who have been there and know..


B-12 Shotsautism Date: Friday, June 25, 2010, 5:37 PM

Has anyone saw positive results giving B-12 shots to kids on the spectrum?


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we see our local dan dr. His name is Jerry taylor and he lives in a city close to us. We live in montana. I don't think you should use our prescription information just in case it isn't tailored to your children. You really need a professional to give you the right amount. sorry to be so stinky. I just wouldn't perosnally ask a ped for a prescription someone was using. Because what if it isn't correct. It is really important to do more than just shot if there are other issues in the gut a dan! would see that. I know that the cost is high but it is worth it.CAthy

From: Genia Bernard <gbernard97 (DOT) com>Subject: B-12 ShotsAutismBehaviorProbl emsgroups (DOT) comDate: Friday, June 25, 2010, 5:37 PM

Has anyone saw positive results giving B-12 shots to kids on the spectrum?


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The DAN! Dr. I seen takes insurence! He's in Randallstown md. Lois

B-12 Shotsautism Date: Friday, June 25, 2010, 5:37 PM

Has anyone saw positive results giving B-12 shots to kids on the spectrum?


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Just want to hear the group's opinion:

Have methyl-cobalamine shots been helpful with your kids? Are this safe on a

mercury toxic kid?



Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

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We tried them three times, all three times mb12 made our guy crazy.... tantrums,

acting out, etc. We found out he needs the sulfur donor not the methyl donor.

nancy j

a child is diagnosed with

asd every 20 seconds

> From: isaguzmandiaz2@... <isaguzmandiaz2@...>

> Subject: [ ] B-12 shots

> " Autism mercury group " < >

> Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 8:15 PM

> Just want to hear the group's

> opinion:

> Have methyl-cobalamine shots been helpful with your

> kids?  Are this safe on a mercury toxic kid?

> Regards,

> Isa


> Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel


> ------------------------------------


> =======================================================


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Ow that is great to hear! We started doing transdermal supplements a few months

ago, started with zinc and have added in B6 and will do B5 and then B12 (several

types we will try) next. We do our transdermals at compounding pharmacy in emu

oil, suppose to help get the nutrients into the layers deeper and is

antiinflammatory. Thank you for sharing, I hope my son has same experience.


> >

> > Just want to hear the group's opinion:

> > Have methyl-cobalamine shots been helpful with your kids? Are this safe on

a mercury toxic kid?

> > Regards,

> > Isa

> >

> > Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

> >


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How much MB12 does one drop contain?



> > >

> > > Just want to hear the group's opinion:

> > > Have methyl-cobalamine shots been helpful with your kids? Are this safe

on a mercury toxic kid?

> > > Regards,

> > > Isa

> > >

> > > Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

> > >

> >


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How did you find out your son needs Sulfur donor and not the methyl donor?



> > From: isaguzmandiaz2@... <isaguzmandiaz2@...>

> > Subject: [ ] B-12 shots

> > " Autism mercury group " < >

> > Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 8:15 PM

> > Just want to hear the group's

> > opinion:

> > Have methyl-cobalamine shots been helpful with your

> > kids?  Are this safe on a mercury toxic kid?

> > Regards,

> > Isa

> >

> > Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > =======================================================

> >

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We've done the shots. Big gains with social skills and language, but a definate

increase in hyperactivity. Not out of control, but definately more energized

(wish I could have had some of it!) We did the shots for over a year are now

doing sublingual. No regression in skills and less hyper.



> Just want to hear the group's opinion:

> Have methyl-cobalamine shots been helpful with your kids? Are this safe on a

mercury toxic kid?

> Regards,

> Isa


> Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel


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We gave our son MB12 shots when he was three, right before chelation. They were

great at first, increased eye contact, language etc. Once we started chelation,

about 6 months later, they started to cause regression. He no longer needed

them it seems, chelation was addressing the issues apparently that made the B12

shots necessary/helpful initially in our son. So we stopped giving the shots.

Now, 90 rounds later, he takes B12 orally and does fine, and we can control the

dose up or down simply as needed.



> > From: isaguzmandiaz2@... <isaguzmandiaz2@...>

> > Subject: [ ] B-12 shots

> > " Autism mercury group " < >

> > Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 8:15 PM

> > Just want to hear the group's

> > opinion:

> > Have methyl-cobalamine shots been helpful with your

> > kids?  Are this safe on a mercury toxic kid?

> > Regards,

> > Isa

> >

> > Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > =======================================================

> >

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