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Re: ANDY Re: Remember the Amish study?

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Dear Dr Cutler: A quick one:  What about the GSH Transdermal cream that many

DANs are Rx if mercury is an issue---I have been giving my daughter this for 1

1/2 years and then just bought and reading  in your book about GSH and

Chlorella should not be used if mercury is present.  I have been using the

recommended Dual Detox from Prothera which has chlorella in it--a lot--so I am

now freaked out and my daughter has had some serious regressions--verbal

stimming--OCDs and getting stuck on colors, words that she wants others to say,

etc- to where I may have to take her out of school---she is 5 years old.  I

have the DMSA and ALA -25mg and 100mg and trying to read and determine how to

correctly chelate---I am shaken.  Thanks

From: andrewhallcutler <AndyCutler@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Remember the " Amish study " ?

Date: Saturday, October 9, 2010, 4:04 PM


A sane person with a modicum of knowledge of genetics or biology simply can not

believe autism is genetic. A genetic cause is ruled out definitively by the

increase in incidence over less than a generation.

Insanity is induced by medical training. This has a catastrophic effect on

society, with autism being but one facet.

As far as factual information goes, while Wikipedia is surprisingly innacurate

the below is quite interesting.

I recall discussion on the list that someone had done some sort of survey of

Amish communities and determined the incidence of autism (and possibly other

disorders) was very low. Does anyone have further information on this they can

share with me?



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD



> From: Anne Dachel <adachel06@...>

> Subject: PYSCH TODAY: British develop brain scan to diagnose autistic adults

> rmmoore1@..., fightingautism@..., " Jane Milota " <janeypooh67@...>,

itxgirl7@..., isabellathomas@..., pawneeprance@..., Olmsted.dan@..., " Kelli Ann

" <kellianndavis@...>, wfm@..., " Donna Rode " <rodehill@...>, " Simpson "

<mmbsimp@...>, " Tyler Wynne " <tcw79@...>, rdurano@..., AReynolds.autism@...,

lkhabakus@..., Claudinelisslaw@..., khalif8888@..., " kerns "

<kerns@...>, " kevanne88 " <kevanne88@...>, " Keys2UA " <Keys2UA@...>,

jennifermichelle@..., " KRStagliano " <KRStagliano@...>, " Reda " <reda3@...>,

" frodaddi " <frodaddi@...>, " Gail Burke " <gailb7@...>, " gilles "

<AutismHelp4WA@...>, " Hanchette6 " <Hanchette6@...>, heatherob@...,

hilarydowning@..., jackie@..., jbh@..., " jdonnelly " <jdonnelly@...>,


> jesusnowworld@..., jjarvis@..., jneve@..., joanneantonetti@..., ccdaddy57@...,

" john_abramson " <john_abramson@...>, nneKing@..., egladen@..., "

" <alz7776@...>, autismrr@..., " Kent Heckenlively " <kheckenlively@...>,

" Boyd E Haley " <behaley@...>, faun1020@..., angele.oconnell@...,

julieobradovic@..., julieobradovic@..., " Dr. Todd M. Elsner " <drtodd72712@...>,

jim@..., rick_tallman1@..., " Janak " <cj1951@...>, " G King "

<paulgkingphd@...>, reneetoccodc@..., " Tim Bolen " <jurimed2@...>,

martinfam5@..., sidellnagle@..., Kheinz@..., Jherden2@..., chalkola@...,

d_ann73@..., donaldpfau@..., bindlfamilychiropractic@..., iruroden@...,

dms515@..., daynaboor@...,

> Kbartol@..., JEMORD@..., tcarr@..., doc@..., skenitz@..., joller@...,

kfsdo00@..., " Jon S Poling " <jon1275@...>, ldrdoc@..., " bowman "

<drjrbowman1@...>, " Jim Manley " <jimmanleylaw@...>, " Rory Cameron "

<rory_cameron@...>, andreas2@..., " abear2 " <abear2@...>, drbobsears@..., " Mayer

Eisenstein " <mayer@...>, tjpete@..., lrupe@..., wakersaj@..., halvorsen@...

> Date: Friday, October 8, 2010, 4:01 PM












> Who cares what the rate is..........all we want to do is diagnosis and

treat....(and maybe cure).







> Researchers in the UK develop scan that diagnoses autism. Psychology Today

http://news.google.com/news/search?pz=1 & cf=all & ned=us & hl=en & q=autism & as_qdr=d & as\

_drrb=q & cf=all & start=10

> Scientists in the U.K. have developed a brain scan, they say, that can

diagnose autism in adults in 15 minutes with 90 percent accuracy?

> That's an amazing, mind-boggling assertion, and one that was published today

in The Journal of Neuroscience.

> The most exciting aspect of this news is that developers hope it can soon be

used to screen children for autism spectrum disorders.

> The paper about this groundbreaking news was written by Ecker, MSc,

PhD, a lecturer in the Department of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Sciences at

the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London, and her colleague, Dr.

, professor of Psychiatry and Brain Maturation.







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