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Mercola has an interesting segue here.

He goes from the need for basic sanitation to " Vaccines versus Hygiene " in

nothing flat.





A Simple Solution to World Health Issues: Toilets

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(I skipped past the part about toilets and sanitation and when to the really

interesting part.)

There are likely a number of factors that play into this situation, but one that

is surely not helping any is the stubborn belief that medications; drugs, and

vaccines in particular, are the answer to the world's health problems, when in

reality, the simplest, most basic hygiene measures would eliminate a large

portion of these problems.

Today, most medical doctors consider vaccines to be their single most important

tool in protecting public health. And impoverished areas that lack the most

basic facilities for maintaining hygiene, clean food and water, also end up in

large part relying on vaccines to protect them from infectious diseases.

Vaccines versus Hygiene

The overcrowded, filthy cities of 18th and 19th Century Europe and the New World

spawned epidemics of devastating disease. Physicians and politicians were

desperate for cures, while failing to realize that eliminating the root causes

of poor health -- poverty, malnutrition, water contaminated by human and animal

waste, spoiled food, and industrial air pollution among others -- would also

help prevent the spread of many diseases.

This " misdiagnosis " of the problem was the beginning of what has since turned

into our modern health care system, with its blind reliance on vaccines and

other drugs to " address " diseases.

Government-enforced vaccinations against one disease after another led to

burgeoning chemical- and pharmaceutical industries. Today, vaccinations are big

business, and about to get even bigger.

Patents on many blockbuster drugs are now expiring, and with them the tens of

billions of dollars of revenue they used to generate. As a result, drug

companies are now shifting their focus to vaccines instead of new drugs.

Public health officials in every country across the world assist the

pharmaceutical industry's growth, often by force of laws that ensure citizens

use about a dozen different viral and bacterial vaccines, including ones to

suppress even generally mild childhood diseases such as chicken pox.

Meanwhile, traditional public health measures often take a backseat to achieving

the highest possible vaccination rates. These would include:

Improving sanitation


Living conditions

Health education

Access to preventive- and affordable medical care, especially in underprivileged


Mass Vaccination Campaigns Eradicated Disease – What's so Bad About that?

What many mass-vaccination advocates fail to realize is that while vaccines can

and do work in some cases, the widespread use of multiple vaccines is neither

without individual risk, nor without serious long-term public health



Some of these consequences can easily be considered far worse than the

individual diseases these vaccines were designed to protect against.

Mass vaccination has been heralded as the magic bullet that effectively erased a

number of diseases such as smallpox, whooping cough, diphteria and tetanus.

However, vaccines are now being manufactured against not just deadly infectious

diseases, but all sorts of health conditions, from mild and rarely lethal

childhood diseases to nicotine addiction, allergies, and even cancer.

The problem with this mindset is that vaccines can suppress your natural immune


Many components used in vaccines are capable of suppressing your immune system.

Some of these ingredients are also highly toxic. Some of these components


Chemicals and adjuvants

Viruses used in the vaccine

Foreign DNA/RNA from animal tissues

The medical community KNOWS this. It's not necessarily a secret. But the

prevailing thought is that it's better to trade a small immune suppression for

immunity to a specific disease.

This is flawed thinking at its finest, because what you're doing is risking

immune suppression (which can compromise your primary defense against ALL known

disease - includingmillions of pathogens) to try to achieve temporary immunity

against one disease, which could bea disease you will never get or, if you do,

will not result in complications leading to permanent health problems .

Any time you suppress your immune system, you actually increase your risk to

acquiring MORE diseases.

And when you consider the fact that children in the US are expected to receive

48 doses of 14 vaccines by the time they're 6 years old, you can begin to

estimate the enormous strain their developing immune systems are under!

By age 18, US federal public health officials say they should have gotten a

total of 69 doses of 16 vaccines. This " prescription " is the same for every U.S.

child, even though it's well known that all children are not the same

biologically, and some children will not be able to survive the currently

recommended vaccine schedule without suffering serious harm to their health.

Vaccine Immunity is Not the Same as Naturally Acquired Immunity

Vaccines are designed to fool your body's immune system into producing

antibodies to resist viral and bacterial infection. The theory is that a

vaccination involves the same mechanisms as if you were to actually have the

disease and recuperate from it. But unlike natural recovery from an infectious

disease, which stimulates lifetime immunity, vaccines only provide temporary

protection. That's why booster shots are often required.

Besides that, there are a vast number of peer-reviewed papers demonstrating that

the theory of vaccination is questionable.

Evidence-based science shows, again and again, that when it comes to preventing

infectious diseases, antibodies on their own cannot, and do not, equal immunity.

For example, years of scientific research, assembled by researcher Judy Wilyman,

gives evidence for how ineffective the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine really

is, and why the mass use of pertussis vaccine is not the most important factor

in reducing whooping cough-associated injuries and deaths.. She writes:

" The paper concludes that pertussis vaccine is not controlling the incidence of

pertussis in the Australian community, nor was it the most significant factor in

reducing mortality and morbidity of pertussis disease. "

What did she deem the most likely factor responsible for reducing whooping


Raised standards of living.

Another example is the PhD thesis of a researcher from Tasmania named

Mercae. Her thesis offers an in-depth look at the way in which assumptions made

about vaccine-induced immunity have led to a vaccination policy that is NOT

based in science and ignores research that disagrees with the accepted premise

that vaccines induce immunity.

Her research concludes that by pushing ahead with more and more vaccines, we may

be doing immense damage to the human race as a whole.

In a world where science-based evidence supposedly rules the roost, the vaccine

industry has managed to turn scientific evidence on its ear and indoctrinated

the entire health care system, and the general public, into believing in mass

vaccination policies based on flawed assumptions.

It's time to wake up from our advertisement-induced collective slumber and begin

to review the folklore of conventional vaccine recommendations with a more

critical eye.

True Immunity: Where Does it Come From?

In a word: Nutrition!

Again and again, science has glossed over this most important factor that can

make or break your health. Proper nutrition will naturally boost your immune

system and provide for vibrant health. Proper nutrition can allow you to recover

from both acute and chronic disease. Without it, your body does not have the

building blocks it needs to prevent disease and to heal itself.

Your body will NEVER suffer from a synthetic, chemical drug deficiency -- that

much I can assure you!

Unfortunately, there's very little profit in pushing broccoli and cooking

spices. This is why you can't get an honest answer from your health officials,

and why there are so few safe, effective treatments forthcoming from the

conventional medical industry.

Profit motives drive the pharmaceutical- and medical industries. These are not

philanthropic establishments.

Hence, medicine has shunned diet and nutrition, claiming it has no place in

scientific medicine, and replaced man's original " pharmacy " with synthetic and

usually toxic drugs.

And what do we have to show for these so-called health care advances?

Declining health across the board, from the very young to the very old...

Reducing Your Risk of Contracting Infectious Disease

So let's circle back to the issue of sanitation and toilets, because many will

likely want to argue that the Western world does not have this problem, yet

still has issues with the spread of infectious disease.

Whereas the developing world could easily improve disease rates by improving

sanitation, countries like the United States and most of Europe has the opposite

problem of being overly sanitized.

Here, overuse of vaccines, antibiotics, antibacterial household products like

hand soap and cleaners, have all contributed to the upsurge of new,

drug-resistant superbugs.

But even these superbugs can be safely and effectively dealt with without

resorting to overuse of chemical and pharmaceutical products..

There is actually no need to ever use antibacterial hand soap, as there's plenty

of evidence showing that nothing works better to cut germs than simply washing

your hands with plain soap and water!

Limiting your use of vaccines, antibiotics, and antibacterial household products

can actually help curb these new diseases, and there are natural options

available even within the medical setting, such as using copper door handles and

faucets, which dramatically inhibits the spread of deadly viruses and bacteria.

For more information about how you can safely sanitize your home and protect

yourself and your family from infectious disease, please review the related

articles listed below.


Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.

Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you.

Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Ben lin

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