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Re: Dana, please read

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I think you will find there are always going to be a number of different

opinions for every type of treatment regarding autism. You are correct for

asking questions and doing your research. I don't think Dana has all the

answers. Nor do I think she would tell you she did. I do know she has been there

for me and was a big help. She has her heart in the right place. Kathy

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On Nov 25, 2010, at 7:43 AM, " concernedparent97hotmail "

<concernedparent97hotmail@...> wrote:

> I'm new to the group, but I've been reading and following the discussions for

some time. I know that Dana is very well regarded, and people always ask her

opinion. But what's this blog? It almost looks like they are making fun of her!?



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> I'm new to the group, but I've been reading and following the discussions for

some time. I know that Dana is very well regarded, and people always ask her

opinion. But what's this blog? It almost looks like they are making fun of her!?

I report what worked for my son and my family. The things that worked for my

family, may not work for others. I am honest in reporting my son's progress.

Some people, even on this list, don't like that. There are some people who

would rather belittle others [and spend a whole lot of time doing it], rather

than be glad for improvements. But if something I have done may help your

child, then I am glad to share the information. It is your choice to try

things, or not. And it is your choice to believe me, or not. There are a lot

of people on this list, and other lists, and in local support groups, etc, who

can give you information and recommendations, some good and some not-so-good.

Do your research, and recover your child.


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Dana has been a huge help in recovering my first son. A lot of the advice she

gave was right on. I am thankful that she and others like her are here

altruistically, just to help you take steps to further the goal of recovering

your child.


> > I'm new to the group, but I've been reading and following the discussions

for some time. I know that Dana is very well regarded, and people always ask her

opinion. But what's this blog? It almost looks like they are making fun of her!?



> I report what worked for my son and my family. The things that worked for my

family, may not work for others. I am honest in reporting my son's progress.

Some people, even on this list, don't like that. There are some people who

would rather belittle others [and spend a whole lot of time doing it], rather

than be glad for improvements. But if something I have done may help your

child, then I am glad to share the information. It is your choice to try

things, or not. And it is your choice to believe me, or not. There are a lot

of people on this list, and other lists, and in local support groups, etc, who

can give you information and recommendations, some good and some not-so-good.

Do your research, and recover your child.


> Dana


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Call me a cynic but I find posts such as yours highly suspect, and distasteful.

Your handle was just created on the 7th and this is the best you can manage with

your one and only post " anywhere " on health groups? PFFFFTTTT!!


> I'm new to the group, but I've been reading and following the discussions for

some time. I know that Dana is very well regarded, and people always ask her

opinion. But what's this blog? It almost looks like they are making fun of her!?


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Withe the sugestions and advices Dana gives me options and feith and feith is

very important in treatment and what you or the link you provide guves me

what?What you sugest what you have expirianced have you got any advices instead

of confusing me and gives me no hope if you dont have something in to replace

hur advices what your action is here?Beside that many of Danas sugestions are

based on Dr.and other resurchers like Dr.McCandles with vitamin A high doses and

i have find some of hur advices for treatment for candida in books written from

Dr.and nurses if notting work for you try to have more feith cos lost in feith

will bring any treatment doun.Do you realy beleive in any treatment and if you

have child with autism what way you try to help to your child with suspisiosnest

and no feith.

Sory for my inglish i realy try to be nice to you and i m not realy nice when i

dont like some one actions.

It is my choice what to do how to listen could you not try to distract me i have

realy to much to do but read some thinks like that.


> I'm new to the group, but I've been reading and following the discussions for

some time. I know that Dana is very well regarded, and people always ask her

opinion. But what's this blog? It almost looks like they are making fun of her!?


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So what?

My child IS recovered.

You would never pick him out from a group of kids as having had an ASD.

And you know what? I don't give a rat's ass who makes fun of Dana, or Andy

Cutler, or McCarthy or me. I have my child back. A fully functional,

happy, healthy kid. And he will be able to be self supporting as an adult, not

using your tax dollars for his care.


> I'm new to the group, but I've been reading and following the discussions for

some time. I know that Dana is very well regarded, and people always ask her

opinion. But what's this blog? It almost looks like they are making fun of her!?


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I always read what Dana advises to other parents and her answers helped me to

learn more about yeast and viruses.  If you don't like this forum, you can

always leave!!!



From: ryansdad2004 <ryansdad2004@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Dana, please read

Date: Thursday, November 25, 2010, 4:33 PM


Call me a cynic but I find posts such as yours highly suspect, and distasteful.

Your handle was just created on the 7th and this is the best you can manage with

your one and only post " anywhere " on health groups? PFFFFTTTT!!


> I'm new to the group, but I've been reading and following the discussions for

some time. I know that Dana is very well regarded, and people always ask her

opinion. But what's this blog? It almost looks like they are making fun of her!?


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Do you read everything you believe?


> I'm new to the group, but I've been reading and following the discussions for

some time. I know that Dana is very well regarded, and people always ask her

opinion. But what's this blog? It almost looks like they are making fun of her!?


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People make fun of us all-you need to learn that fast.


From: danasview <danasview@...>

Sent: Thu, November 25, 2010 7:42:01 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Dana, please read


> I'm new to the group, but I've been reading and following the discussions for

>some time. I know that Dana is very well regarded, and people always ask her

>opinion. But what's this blog? It almost looks like they are making fun of


I report what worked for my son and my family. The things that worked for my

family, may not work for others. I am honest in reporting my son's progress.

Some people, even on this list, don't like that. There are some people who would

rather belittle others [and spend a whole lot of time doing it], rather than be

glad for improvements. But if something I have done may help your child, then I

am glad to share the information. It is your choice to try things, or not. And

it is your choice to believe me, or not. There are a lot of people on this list,

and other lists, and in local support groups, etc, who can give you information

and recommendations, some good and some not-so-good. Do your research, and

recover your child.


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