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Please help with chelation plan: Saw DAN : long one

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Thanks all for reply.

I totally understand your concern and am not taking any offence.

Glad I am with such great gurus.

I would have been doomed without your support and guidance.


Issue 1 I spoke to the Dr.L from Baltimore and he will be ordering the

medicines for AC protocol on monday.

Read through half of the documents and am a damnscared about the protocol from

my DAN . I had trusted him so much .  Spent  $600 to see the doc.

I have lot of questions also about AC protocol also.

I will write my plan and can someone pls validate it?  I don't want to make

another mistake.

My plan is at the bottom of this page

Following is my son's hair test rep. 





Issue 2 

Methyl B12 injections

My DAN had earlier prescribe .05ml of mb12. My son used to sleep through the

night before the injection.

For 2-3 days after the injection, his sleep was disturbed. So, the doc had asked

me to reduce it to .03.

This was month1 and and I am in month 4.  He says I will have to wait another 2

more months to increase the mb12 to .05.  Is this valid? Not sure what to do.


Weight : 34lb

School time  :  9am  - 2:30 pm

Questions :

1. How do I increase it to 72 hours? Should I ask his school teacher to give 2-3

doses.Not sure

if it is a good time.  What if they mess up on time.

2. Any inclusions/exclusions of supplements? Already taking mb12, should I add

more vitaminb?

3. can dmsa + ala+ supplements be given together?


Round 1 - 3

DMSA dosage :1/8 per pound

             34/8  == 4.25mg of dmsa

Frequency : every 4 hours

Duration  : 64hrs

Schedule  : Total duration : 66 hrs

Friday    : 3pm , 7pm, 11pm,                 9hrs

Saturday  : 3am , 7am, 11am, 3pm , 7pm, 11pm 24hrs

Sunday    : 3am , 7am, 11am, 3pm , 7pm, 11pm 24hrs

Monday    : 3am , 7am                         7hrs


Frequency : every 3 hours

Duration  : 63 hrs

Round     : possibly round 4

ALA dosage: 1/8 per pound

            34/8  == 4.25mg of ALA

Friday    : 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, 12pm,                      


Saturday  : 3am, 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, 12am  24hrs

Sunday    : 3am, 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, 12am  24hrs

Monday    : 3am,

6am                                  6hrs





sacchromyces boulardi


flucongole (diflucan)



Spectrum complete   Kirkman


dmg/folinic acid/b12


Vitamin C

magnesium citrate

Selenium Seleniomethionine

vitamin e -- no soy

Enhansa             Leelisby



Vitamin d 5000iu

Flax seeds



Milk Thistle silmarin


Vitamin A

B Complex 



3yrs old ASD ... will start cheltion soon

From: mercurybabies2 <mercurybabies2@...>

Subject: [RecoveryFromAutism] Re: Saw DAN : Chelation after gut healing


Date: Wednesday, 24 November, 2010, 6:37 PM


And by the time they actually get around to agreeing with the parent to try AC

chelation they have almost guaranteed it won't work. The damage is worse and

it's very hard to reverse it. We've seem too many children become much sicker

and develop significant problems like seizure disorders from improper chelation.

We would not feel so passionately about this if we hadn't seen it happening over

and over on other lists. This is why we run this list. We don't want these kids

to be put through this anymore.

RFA Group

#1 90 rounds Age 15

#2 109 rounds Age 7

#3 67 rounds Me!




> > Hi All,


> > I saw my DAN this week. My son is really high on metals and yeast.


> >


> > My DAN was to heal his gut first before starting chelation. Last visit was 3

months ago and we have this protocol


> > 1 month : mb12


> > 2nd month : multivitamin and prothera probiotic


> > 3rd month : enhansa, saccromyces boulardi, igg200 , calcium , D


> >


> > This visit he suggests that I start


> > 1 month : flucongole (diflucan)


> > 2nd month : dmps suppositories 50mg 1 rectally /week for 2-3 weeks


> > 2nd month after 2-3 weeks edta suppositories 1/ per week


> > 3rd month include proefa nordic naturals , zinc 20mg


> > 3rd month end : lab for blood (cbc, iron , ferritin, vita d), gut panel ,



> > 4th month add phoscol, dmg /folicnicacid and b12


> >


> > Next visit : eval dmps/edta then switch to AC cutler.


> >


> > 1.How does the chelation plan sound? Is it safe?


> > Are suppositories good? My DAN thinks that oral DMPA might hurt his gut and

wants to do it rectally. He would not do it if I am not comfortable. Should I

include supplements during chelation?


> >


> > 2. Can we include diflucan with Saccromyes boulardi probiotic?


> >


> > 3. How is the whole protocol?


> >


> > Any thoughts on this woul be helpful.


> >


> > Thanks


> > 3yrs old ASD ... will start cheltion soon


> >


> >

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