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vision therapy

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Adler in St Albans, regards Marina

On 5 Nov 2009 18:54, " isobelwizza " <isobelwizza@...> wrote:


hi everyone

Sharon do you know where to get vision therapy I see in your recent post you do it..

any information would be greatful!!


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....we swapped from Holland to Adler....

-------- Original Message --------

*From:* Marina Vrahimi <marinavrahimi@...>

*To:* Autism Treatment

*Date:* Thu, 5 Nov 2009 22:26:58 +0000

Adler in St Albans, regards Marina

On 5 Nov 2009 18:54, " isobelwizza " <isobelwizza@...> wrote:

hi everyone

Sharon do you know where to get vision therapy I see in your recent post


do it..

any information would be greatful!!



*Included Files:*


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Why did you swap, if you don't mind me asking? I am also thinking of vision therapy for my son.


Re: vision therapy

....we swapped from Holland to Adler....-------- Original Message --------*From:* Marina Vrahimi <marinavrahimigooglemail>*To:* Autism Treatment *Date:* Thu, 5 Nov 2009 22:26:58 +0000 Adler in St Albans, regards MarinaOn 5 Nov 2009 18:54, "isobelwizza" <isobelwizza > wrote:hi everyoneSharon do you know where to get vision therapy I see in your recent postyoudo it..any information would be greatful!!isobel--*Included Files:*am2file:001-HTML_Message.html

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We have been seeing Adler for over a year. 's processing, esp tracking

and saccadic eye movement are massively improved. We did an assessment where

had to read single and double digit figures - whole page of them in rows,

left to right then move onto next line, reading them out loud as fast as he

could, without making a mistake.This was previously a problem as he used to

often read words on a page from the line below. He came out above 85 centile for

his age. This is amazing for a boy who used to have to turn his whole head and

body to track a moving object in the house or outside. Now his eye tracking of

objects,especially a moving ball, is more or less age appropriate - Don't think

we'll be taking up tennis any time soon though!



> hi everyone

> Sharon do you know where to get vision therapy I see in your recent post

> you

> do it..

> any information would be greatful!!

> isobel


> --

> *Included Files:*

> am2file:001-HTML_Message.html


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My dd has been seeing Holland in Cheltenham for years. He has never

suggested that she needed vision therapy - until I turned up one day with my dd

wearing coloured lenses from Ian Jordan in Scotland. I thought that Mr Holland

was about to lynch me - to say that he doesn't like Ian Jordan is an

understatement. For some strange reason Mr Holland now considers that my dd

needs vision therapy - like my OT says, why has he suddenly decided that. I'm

not doing vision therapy - the blue lenses + sensory integration therapy + The

Scotson Technique will I think sort her visual difficulties. They have already

improved tremendously.

Ian Jordan is a lovely man & he had my dd sussed within minutes. Has anyone else

been there?

> >

> > hi everyone

> > Sharon do you know where to get vision therapy I see in your recent post

> > you

> > do it..

> > any information would be greatful!!

> > isobel

> >

> > --

> > *Included Files:*

> > am2file:001-HTML_Message.html

> >


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Oh Yes! The Jovial Geordie! Heart in the right place, very smart man, has

invented some amazing equipment for vision therapy- but IMHO could benefit from

being a tad more organized!!


> > >

> > > hi everyone

> > > Sharon do you know where to get vision therapy I see in your recent post

> > > you

> > > do it..

> > > any information would be greatful!!

> > > isobel

> > >

> > > --

> > > *Included Files:*

> > > am2file:001-HTML_Message.html

> > >

> >


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We went when Katy was small ,she was very difficult to assess then.We had some

green lenses but she would never wear them !


> > >

> > > hi everyone

> > > Sharon do you know where to get vision therapy I see in your recent post

> > > you

> > > do it..

> > > any information would be greatful!!

> > > isobel

> > >

> > > --

> > > *Included Files:*

> > > am2file:001-HTML_Message.html

> > >

> >


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hello tina thank you for posting this information it seems amazing the results

.....seen, isobel


> We used Geoff Shayler down in Dorset for vision therapy.


> Here are 's results of 14 days of therapy (10 days x 2 hours per day in

2007 & 4 days x 2 hours per day in 2009)


>                                            Before therapy            After


> Peripheral vision                     4 degrees                50 degrees

> Visual Acuity                         R6/9 L6/9                    R6/6   L6/6

> Refraction                              R +0.5, L+0.5              R 0.25 L


> Eye tracking                          

poor                            excellent

> Saccadic eye movement      Diff maintaining concentration        Good accurate


> Near point of clear focus        20 cm                             8cm

> Far point of clear focus          26 cm                             56 cm

> range of clear near focus         6cm                              48cm

> Fusional reserves                   poor                              normal


> His reading has greatly improved in fluency and as you can see he has gone

from tunnel vision to good peripheral vision.  This means his football, tennis

etc are much improved!


> Geoff uses these strange coloured filters that you look into plus various

exercises.  Not got a clue how it works, but fantastic for both of my children -

my daughter also had restricted peripheral vision and she now loves

reading adult books and her academics have improved significantly.


> Tina


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  • 10 months later...

Hello. I did vision therapy with my child. We used a behavioral optometrist in

NJ. It constituted using a chart and a series of exercises on a daily basis (I

believe..it been quite some time ago). I can't say if my son benefited...I did

it just to make sure he has no vision trouble. I did this while doing chelation

(maybe a year ---25 rounds). Vidya


From: catherine <ngozi_cathy@...>

Sent: Tue, September 7, 2010 1:31:29 AM

Subject: [ ] vision therapy


please i am interested in vision therapy for my son. could anyone tell me about

their experiences with vision therapy? at what stage of chelation is it best? we

just completed round 26. who are the best doctors? what do i look out for? any

advice will be highly appreciated


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We saw Melvin Kaplan in Tarrytown, New York when my son was three. He

prescribed prism lenses and showed me how both my son and I have problems with

convergence. He threw a ball at me and I flinched when I caught it (as I always

do, volleyball was a nightmare for me in PE class). Then he chose a pair of

glasses for me and threw the ball again. No fear and I caught it easily. It

was like a miracle.

Unfortunately, my son (who was also beginning the biomedical route) did not

respond so dramatically. I saw a lot more visual stimming, spaciness, wouldn't

keep them on consistently, and finally broke the frames and hid the glasses in a

box. (He was three, and we were doing to many things at once to say it was the


About a year later my son's visual system responded dramatically to secretin

infusions. A squint, pushing on the corners of his eyes, peripheral gazing,

lining up objects and a head tilt disappeared. He started drawing pictures and

reading Dr. Suess books. (Before he could read individual words but would not

track long enough to read a sentence.)

We have also looked into pinhole eyeglasses, and the Eye Q program. I think

there are several ways to skin a cat.


> Hi Penny,


> I'm certainly no expert, just a person who has done VT.

> VT can include a lot of different stuff. It would depend

> on the practitioner as well as the condition that is being

> treated. My VT included a lot of vision exercises, some

> physical exercises (bilateral movement!), eye patching,

> and a few other things. They also had changes they asked

> me to make in my desk set up at work, lighting, and

> reading habits. The VT office I went to (behavioral

> optomitrist) was very " structured " . They told me at the

> first check-out visit what would be needed, how long it

> would take, how much $ it would cost, etc. Very organized.


> I could not begin to say if VT would help your son, but

> it is worth getting checked out, once you find a behavioral

> optomotrist---which I think may not be so easy. I think

> that most eye docs will not know a thing about VT. I

> cannot guess how many different eye docs I went to who

> failed to note the " eye teaming " problems I was having....

> (I was about 35 when a new eye doc mentioned the issue

> to me-- so it is not like I hadn't had my eyes checked a lot.)

> So, look for a behavioral optomitrist. (If you can't find

> one, write me off-list and I'll give you the number for

> my doc, and you can call and ask for a referral.) I think

> the majority of the VT practice is kids with " learning

> issues " .... I think VT can help (but not always).


> Also, mercury poisoning causes SEVERAL vision problems and

> diseases...... check Andy's book if you want more info....

> in any case, perhaps chelation will help! I don't know

> about stabismus.


> best,

> Moria



> Message: 20

> Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 22:04:28 -0500

> From: Penny Galloup <mcksmom@...>

> Subject: strabismus


> I know this was recently discussed and I just ignored it because I

> didn't think it applied to me. My son's eyes occasionally cross,

> sometimes he does a strange " popeye " sort of squint and recently one eye

> at a time turns in occasionally. I still didn't think much of it

> because I didn't know about strabismus until today. I just thought it

> was a typical autistic stim behavior. My son's teacher asked the school

> nurse to come in and look at my son's eyes. This is one of the things

> she suspects could be wrong. I have an appointment with a optometrist

> next week.


> He is 4.6 y.o. How can effective can vision therapy be at this point?

> What exactly will they do? Where do prism lenses come in? If this is

> the problem and is corrected could I see good changes in his learning

> habits?


> I'm sorry for all the questions but this is new to me as of tonight and

> I would appreciate everyone's input. I read the archives but would

> still like to hear from all of you that this is pertinent to.


> Thanks so much.


> Penny


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We're doing vision therapy. My son has 20/20 vision and passed the school

screening with no problems, but the school's autism specialist noted that his

visual-spatial processing was really poor, what she termed as " statistically

significant " . We saw a developmental optometrist and found that he has problems

with visual tracking and refocusing.

We've seen some improvement in tracking, but none so far with the focus issues.

However, we've only been at it for a few months and the VT is combined with

other sensory therapies, so it may take a bit longer. His IEP meeting is coming

up, so Ill be working to see if the school can incorporate some VT goals.


> >

> > Hi Penny,

> >

> > I'm certainly no expert, just a person who has done VT.

> > VT can include a lot of different stuff. It would depend

> > on the practitioner as well as the condition that is being

> > treated. My VT included a lot of vision exercises, some

> > physical exercises (bilateral movement!), eye patching,

> > and a few other things. They also had changes they asked

> > me to make in my desk set up at work, lighting, and

> > reading habits. The VT office I went to (behavioral

> > optomitrist) was very " structured " . They told me at the

> > first check-out visit what would be needed, how long it

> > would take, how much $ it would cost, etc. Very organized.

> >

> > I could not begin to say if VT would help your son, but

> > it is worth getting checked out, once you find a behavioral

> > optomotrist---which I think may not be so easy. I think

> > that most eye docs will not know a thing about VT. I

> > cannot guess how many different eye docs I went to who

> > failed to note the " eye teaming " problems I was having....

> > (I was about 35 when a new eye doc mentioned the issue

> > to me-- so it is not like I hadn't had my eyes checked a lot.)

> > So, look for a behavioral optomitrist. (If you can't find

> > one, write me off-list and I'll give you the number for

> > my doc, and you can call and ask for a referral.) I think

> > the majority of the VT practice is kids with " learning

> > issues " .... I think VT can help (but not always).

> >

> > Also, mercury poisoning causes SEVERAL vision problems and

> > diseases...... check Andy's book if you want more info....

> > in any case, perhaps chelation will help! I don't know

> > about stabismus.

> >

> > best,

> > Moria

> >


> > Message: 20

> > Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 22:04:28 -0500

> > From: Penny Galloup <mcksmom@>

> > Subject: strabismus

> >

> > I know this was recently discussed and I just ignored it because I

> > didn't think it applied to me. My son's eyes occasionally cross,

> > sometimes he does a strange " popeye " sort of squint and recently one eye

> > at a time turns in occasionally. I still didn't think much of it

> > because I didn't know about strabismus until today. I just thought it

> > was a typical autistic stim behavior. My son's teacher asked the school

> > nurse to come in and look at my son's eyes. This is one of the things

> > she suspects could be wrong. I have an appointment with a optometrist

> > next week.

> >

> > He is 4.6 y.o. How can effective can vision therapy be at this point?

> > What exactly will they do? Where do prism lenses come in? If this is

> > the problem and is corrected could I see good changes in his learning

> > habits?

> >

> > I'm sorry for all the questions but this is new to me as of tonight and

> > I would appreciate everyone's input. I read the archives but would

> > still like to hear from all of you that this is pertinent to.

> >

> > Thanks so much.

> >

> > Penny

> >


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  • 2 months later...

I have a son 8 years old. He is diagnosed with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Expressive

and Receptive Language Disorder. We had a hair sample done and he had mercury

poising. We've done 8 rounds of ALA and it seems to be working. We want to try

vision theropy (Family Vision Care and Vision Therapy in Belmont). Has anyone

tried this for Dyslexia and has it worked? What other methods have worked for


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I never tried this but my friend swears by it.

eye vision improvement (age reversal) program I found years ago from American

Vision Institute. Two of the physician founders passed on and now it is carried

on through private donations to improve vision through their Vision Therapy

Program which they now encourage you to download free onto your desktop.

Interesting you mentioned as I was just planning to get back into this intensely

as my eyes are failing (close up or small print) and I do not wish to go to

glasses - ever. If you google American Vistion Institute you will find website

is now visiontherapy .net., or, you can simply google Vision Therapy Program,

and start learning and exercising your eyes today!

Way back when it was commercially advertised (before people could download free

and share files on the internet) it was over 400 bucks! Now it is FREE !!!!

help to people like us. I just printed out the written 49 page guide/tutorial

which has a multitude of eye exercises and information you should read several

times to insure you understand (and have faith) and you can also download to

your desktop and utilize three eye exercise modules noted on page 13 and 15

(about 71 minutes of computer time to watch). Personally, I found the

non-video, physical exercises worked well for me without watching a terminal or

screen which I believe has a counter impact to eye muscle focus and



> I have a son 8 years old. He is diagnosed with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia,


> and Receptive Language Disorder. We had a hair sample done and he had mercury

> poising. We've done 8 rounds of ALA and it seems to be working. We want to try

> vision theropy (Family Vision Care and Vision Therapy in Belmont). Has anyone

> tried this for Dyslexia and has it worked? What other methods have worked for

> you?






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Im only finding the program for $35 when I google visiontherapy.net

.. If you have access to the free link would you please post it.

On 2010-11-23, at 11:34 AM, rwb000 wrote:

> American Vision Institute

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Apparently the FREE site is now $35. Was only free for short while a year or so

ago. Sorry for any confusion.

> >

> > I have a son 8 years old. He is diagnosed with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia,


> > and Receptive Language Disorder. We had a hair sample done and he had


> > poising. We've done 8 rounds of ALA and it seems to be working. We want to


> > vision theropy (Family Vision Care and Vision Therapy in Belmont). Has


> > tried this for Dyslexia and has it worked? What other methods have worked


> > you?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I really appreciate you sharing the info:=)

I wonder if you can share with me your file(s). Not that I want to safe the

money. I have previously purchased a couple of related products and I want

to much sure that it is different from what I already have. As I don't see

they have any money back guarantee and I don't want to spend the money for

something I have already.


[ ] Re: vision therapy

Apparently the FREE site is now $35. Was only free for short while a year or

so ago. Sorry for any confusion.

> >

> > I have a son 8 years old. He is diagnosed with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia,


> > and Receptive Language Disorder. We had a hair sample done and he had


> > poising. We've done 8 rounds of ALA and it seems to be working. We want

to try

> > vision theropy (Family Vision Care and Vision Therapy in Belmont). Has


> > tried this for Dyslexia and has it worked? What other methods have

worked for

> > you?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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