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Smoking Guns part #2

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" Smoking guns "

A Possible Link Between Chemical Exposure And Autism May Have Been

Overlooked In The Very Earliest Cases At s Hopkins


In 1943, a child known only as Frederick W. became part of the first

medical report of a strange new disorder. Frederick was Case 2 of 11

children whose behavior " differed markedly and uniquely from anything

reported so far, " wrote Dr. Leo Kanner, the psychiatrist at s

Hopkins University who introduced the syndrome to the world and named it

" autism



History tells a good story and we do have the science to back it up,

problem is they don¡¯t want to fess up and continue to skew data to

accomplish this.EVERY time a small study is presented never fails they

make sure it¡¯s disproved.

What gets me is they continue to make future studies (in fact they

prepare them ahead of time) as they know who is about to publish

studies. They do this to prove there is no epidemic trend (one Example)

as with the removal of Thimerasol from vaccines. That¡¯s been their

plan all along. I don¡¯t think its going to change now.

They are doing that to cover up SIDS VIDS amalgam poisoning,

Alzheimer¡¯s, Aids and may others that include mercury toxicity. Such

problems include RA (rheumatoid arthritis), HT (Hashimoto's

thyroiditis), HAD (human adjuvant disease), MS (multiple sclerosis), ALS

(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or, more commonly, Lou Gehrig's disease)

and MCTD (mixed connective tissue disease).Should we now add MT (mercury

toxicity)?These conditions plus others, such as Crohn's disease,

Raynaud's disease, systemic candidiasis, diabetes, and even Alzheimer's

disease are now believed by many to be autoimmune disorders

VIDS ¨C Vaccine Induced Diseases



Vaccines and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Is There a Link?

http://www.thinktwice.com/sids.htm <http://www.thinktwice.com/sids.htm>

amalgam poisoning http://www.iaomt.org/testfoundation/amalgampage.htm


http://www.whale.to/v/haley_q.html <http://www.whale.to/v/haley_q.html>

Mercury Poisoning and Amalgam (Silver)






http://www.safeminds.org/ <http://www.safeminds.org/>

As with Autism One thing we do know from science is that is impossible

to have an epidemic of this magnitude that would be all. " Genetic " , so

there goes that theory. But yet the are spending millions on genetic

research while we have many answers today that would bring us further in

curing/ preventing and stopping it all together

Sad thing is the peak hasn't hit us yet, should be next 2-4 years or so

I wonder what¡¯s is going to happen when the real numbers hit the

publics eyes. That would be those born 2001-2002 with Hg still on the

shelf from the so-called removal of 1999-2001. . I suspect again another

strategy to down play the entire situation. They been at this for years

and have KNOWN THE TRUTH all along. They have too much at stake,

especially loosing the publics trust.

I want to say two things here¡­¡­. Not to debate but to be considered

by those who poo poo the whole thing and try to blame one subgroups or

disclaim anything that does point to an environmental cause.

Mercury has a slow onset that can take years to fully manifest.

Therefore, the decision in 1991/92 to change the vaccine schedule did

not start to show up in the autism figures until 1995/1996, creating

confusion and uncertainty

One thing to mention is that I don¡¯t think that HG is the ONLY

component to autism but will say that is/ was and can be a major player

along with viruses that may not even be on the map with regards to our

kid¡¯s today.

The other thing I must say is history is like a SMOKING GUN. Man we are

so smart today, yet lie, cheat, steal, murder, hurt the weakest, our

children, unborn children and the elderly We continue to do this by

trying to cover up history for the sake of the almighty dollar. The sad

thing is we do have the science and they know it !!! Man we are able to

get a genetic blueprint from a hair sample today. In fact not too many

years ago they have mapped the entire genome system. You mean to tell me

they can¡¯t find the strain or the commonality, or the common

denominator here. " Common give me a break. "

Today we have an abundance of science and data to back up our concerns.

IN fact we have many ongoing studies, published articles and a mountain

of SCIENCE including EVIDENCE that will tell the truth of what is

happening. But again much is ignored, denied, and discounted for all the

sake of the almighty dollar. This my friend will be one of those hidden

epidemics that the mainstream medical community will want to cover up

for a long time.

Commentary on Published Science



Lets NOT forget the " Simpsonwood trials " involving CDC conference

mercury and vaccines



NOTE: how many links have been altered and changed in anything that

reefers back to Simpsonwood trials In fact if you a google search on

Mercury, Thimerosal, Vaccine History and cover ups you will get allot of

websites that have been shut down altered and changed. So be aware of

this during your searches to find the hidden truth and the many " smoking






Remember how most of your murder mysteries are solved? Follow the money

trail and it will most likely lead you right to the suspect and or many

suspects ¡­ Btw will someone tell them to dig through all the

forensics; the answer is there all along. Something to think about

A suggestion for a good read that might answer that Q and assuredly the

genetic excuse we commonly hear


The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-made Epidemic


2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8 & qid=1289850222 & sr=8-1


22/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8 & qid=1289850222 & sr=8-1>

Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical



150D6M8/ref=sr_1_1?s=books & ie=UTF8 & qid=1290102732 & sr=1-1


0150D6M8/ref=sr_1_1?s=books & ie=UTF8 & qid=1290102732 & sr=1-1>

Smoking guns and resources



********MUST SEE (READ) **********

Studies and links Thimerosal & Neurodevelopmental disorders







Published Letters

ELetters is an online forum for ongoing peer review




Dangers of Vaccines and cover ups



Note how many stories have been removed I wonder why?????


Dr. Moulden (Interview): What You Were Never Told About Vaccines





SafeMinds has actively critiqued much of the research on the

vaccine-autism link




PutChildrenFirst.org http://www.putchildrenfirst.org/


Was founded by parents to let the world know that the Centers For

Disease Control (CDC), a division of the Department of Health and Human

Services, is covering-up the relationship between a near-tripling of

vaccinations for our children in the 1990s and the epidemic of autism

and other neurodevelopmental disorders that began at exactly the same





list of the studies used to support the false assertion that vaccines do

not cause autism

http://www.fourteenstudies.org/ <http://www.fourteenstudies.org/>



KirbyThe Next Big Autism Bomb: Are 1 in 50 Kids Potentially At






Wakefield at Parliment





A thimerosal resource guide





Autism-thimerosal The Controversy



Summary Comparison of Characteristics

of Autism & Mercury Poisoning

http://www.whale.to/a/table_a.htm <http://www.whale.to/a/table_a.htm>

This guy has about 20 studies done thoroughly taken right from the

vaccine companies themselves





HEY LOOK DO A SEARCH ON www.nonmercury.org <http://www.nonmercury.org/>

For some reason it DOES NOT EXIST anymore coincidence????


See here Geiers' Relevant Papers

*********Many smoking guns here *********

http://mercury-freedrugs.org/ <http://mercury-freedrugs.org/>


Some historical Vaccine stuff the swine flu affair ANOTHER MUST READ






In early February 1977, less than two weeks after taking office as

Secretary of

Health, Education and Welfare, I was faced with a difficult health

policy decision:

Whether to release stocks of influenza vaccine that had been withheld

after use of the

vaccine was linked with the Guillain-Barr¨¦ Syndrome¡ªan often

paralyzing and sometimes killing side effect.

In the fall of 1976, HEW had begun vaccinating millions of citizens in

an unprecedented

national influenza program¡ªan attempt to vaccinate virtually the


American population against swine flu, and to vaccinate high-risk

persons against both

swine flu and A/ flu.


Hers a neat little site I don¡¯t think its complete but there is some

nice graphs showing history of the inoculation.

http://www.healthsentinel.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_content & view=s\

ection & layout=blog & id=8 & Itemid=55

<http://www.healthsentinel.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_content & view=\

section & layout=blog & id=8 & Itemid=55>


http://www.healthsentinel.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_content & view=a\

rticle & id=2655:us-deaths-from-tb-and-flu & catid=56:us-deaths-from-tb-and-\

flu & Itemid=55

<http://www.healthsentinel.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_content & view=\

article & id=2655:us-deaths-from-tb-and-flu & catid=56:us-deaths-from-tb-and\

-flu & Itemid=55>


An Introduction to the Contradictions Between Medical Science and

Immunization Policy




The Truth About Vaccines and Modern Medicine

History of Vaccines



Study the VAERS reports and research (vaccination reporting system)

Rem info is free if you know where to look for it





https://vaers.hhs.gov/data/data/ <https://vaers.hhs.gov/data/data/>





History of vaccines (1721- 1993)

The following is an quick snapshot of the usage of vaccines for the past

290+ years and how it as affected our society. This will give you brief

of what to expect when the swine flu vaccine come out. Just remember if

you don¡¯t learn from history tend to repeat itself.






History of vaccines cover ups

TIMELINE RESULTS " For History of Vaccine cover ups "

*******Have to check this out ********

http://www.google.com/#q=History+of+vaccines+cover+ups & hl=en & prmd=iv & tbs\

=tl:1 & tbo=u & ei=7-HnTNidGsb_lgeM67i7Cw & sa=X & oi=timeline_result & ct=more-re\

sults & resnum=11 & ved=0CEAQ6AIwCg & fp=cae82668a2ddab14 & cad=b

<http://www.google.com/#q=History+of+vaccines+cover+ups & hl=en & prmd=iv & tb\

s=tl:1 & tbo=u & ei=7-HnTNidGsb_lgeM67i7Cw & sa=X & oi=timeline_result & ct=more-r\

esults & resnum=11 & ved=0CEAQ6AIwCg & fp=cae82668a2ddab14 & cad=b>

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