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Sue, congrats....it would be nice huh...one less thing to worry

about...though my doc did say he would have to keep an eye on it..because it

still could go crazy later. right now I am on a .025 dose....hopefully I

can wean myself completely off. Good luck

Cyntha Landon Idaho

[ ] thyroid

> >One bit of good news the doc said he thinks I may not need to be on

> medication >for my thyroid anymore. He thinks it is normalizing on its


> Just in case >though he is lowering my dose just a little more now to

> see...but he said even >with such a small dose as .05 that my thyroid is

> being hyper with the >medications. Says it is rare for ones own thyroid


> stablize on its own but >not impossible..why not we are use to doing the

> rare thing around here.


> I think mine's making progress, too. I've just started cutting back on

> my dose (.075), and am seeing some positive changes - weight beginning to

> come down slowly, better hair texture, etc, but also a couple of negatives

> like minor hair loss. I think this will take a while, and I want to be

> sure that my body temp doesn't drop any further by doing this;)


> This also happened to someone else I've talked to, w/lyme. I'm pretty

> sure I read in a Lyme book recently (could've been 1991 Patient/Physician

> Perspectives on Lyme) that the additional T4 can actually contribute to

> some of our problems, making our conditions worse. I think it had to do

> w/working the adrenals and/or liver too hard to convert to T3? I never

> felt hyper on the .075, tho.


> Sue



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  • 3 years later...


Well, I did not have an enlarged thyroid gland until I had too, much

iodine...then my symptoms were extreme hairloss, fatigue, weight

gain, cravings for sugar.... ( I don't like sweets)... However, you

can go to www.about.com and search their thyroid forums... you have

to join it is like this site.... and there are 3 or 4 ladies that

they call the mavens... I believe 1 or 2 are docs... the other is

P.H.D in chemistry ( I think) anyway.... they can give you more

information... my thyroid was the first thing lyme attacked....If

your daughter has an enlarged thyroid tell her to AVOID SOY ....


out for soy... it is in everything.....there is a lot of information

on about.com hypothyroid forum....

Take care,

Hope this helped let me know if you need anymore information....

-- In , " Hannah-Jen " <j.sloane@v...> wrote:

> ,


> Can you speak about your hypothyroid condition to me? My daughter

> (24) now has an enlarged thryoid with many colloid cysts in the


> Is this something familiar to you? Or can you direct me to a site

> where I don't have to weed through every thryoid condition known to

> humankind? ;)


> We're trying to find a good endocronologist within her Medicaid HMO

> system. Yeah, right.


> Blessings,




> > ... I have to be careful... I have a

> > hypothyroid condition....

> > Thanks for your support and time,

> >

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Thanks . I really appreciate your response. I'll try that site.

I love sites with mavens! lol. Actually, I am familiar with that

site, I just didn't even think of it.

I will tell her to avoid iodized salt and soy. And you are right.

There is soy in everything now.

Between my daughter and myself, I might as well be earning another

degree here!

Thanks again.


> -Hello,

> Well, I did not have an enlarged thyroid gland until I had too, much

> iodine...then my symptoms were extreme hairloss, fatigue, weight

> gain, cravings for sugar.... ( I don't like sweets)... However, you

> can go to www.about.com and search their thyroid forums... you have

> to join it is like this site.... and there are 3 or 4 ladies that

> they call the mavens... I believe 1 or 2 are docs... the other is

> P.H.D in chemistry ( I think) anyway.... they can give you more

> information... my thyroid was the first thing lyme attacked....If

> your daughter has an enlarged thyroid tell her to AVOID SOY ....


> out for soy... it is in everything.....there is a lot of information

> on about.com hypothyroid forum....

> Take care,


> Hope this helped let me know if you need anymore information....






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My doc says you can have a thyroid condition without the test coming

back with the TSH high... There are two reasons;one is the fact that

many docs do not give thyroid meds until the TSH is above 5... the

other reason could be that the receptor sites for hormones are

blocked by spirochettes and the hormone has no place to go... so

when the blood is tested it can show normal levels... also, the doc

can not go just by TSH... he or she needs to check, free t3 and

t4... also, I had reverse t3... some people seem to think of it as

wilsons syndrome(not wilsons disease)well, anyway I would go to

about.com and read the hypothyroid forum... if you sign up there are

really helpful people who can give you more information... the

thyroid thing has been a nightmare too... the lyme caused this

according to my doc... who knows... I am on armour thyroid... I do

not think the synthetics are worth a darn... but that is just me..

lots of people agree... docs don't but, the ones with thyroid

problems do... Take care,

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In 1998 I was diagnosed with Hoshimoto's thyroiditist....It was most of

the time very low..... then it leveled out on its own and didn't have any

problems that I know of (tests I know aren't always right...lol...but

when are they?) and I was taken of medication and had it tested

frequently. In April I got Pneumonia and was in the hospital for

that...that was when I was in Pennsylvania...I miss it in a lot of

ways...they found the hyperthyroid there before I moved to Idaho. I am

on antibiotics frequently for infections such as urine, sinus, eye

infections, bronchitis, pneumonia....But through all of that I have still

felt better than I have in a long time...strange huh...

The test they did for Graves come back negative...but this doctor knows

it too isn't always accurate...he diagnosed me with it because of

excessive dry skin, pin point rashes, sand feeling in my eyes and some

others...LOL...but that could also be symptoms for Lyme...

I am so sorry I have been so gone for so long..I didn't have access to

the Internet much...but now we have a place of our own. We moved in with

Darren's parents because I seemed to be getting worse...but I think the

different environment is helping, a lot less humidity. I love Idaho and

this will always be my real home but I miss it back east....

I hope things are going well for everyone...I know that is a big hope and


Cyntha, Myesha, Celeste,

Rigby, Idaho

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> Hey,

Yes, thyroid being one of the hormones that controls so much...

especially in women....it can really mess with your adrenals...so

the stress of a monthly cycle put me in bed for 3 days...low thyroid

can cause heavy periods...also when we get low on thyroid we have

troubles with low estradiol....this is according to Dr. Larian

Gillespie you can join her forum she is a great doc and her forum

is 9.95 a month but, she answers all questions and will get back to

you so quick... she says stay away from progesterone....well anyway

her website is www.hormonediva.com....

I think most of my heavy periods were caused by the hormonal havoc

lyme forced on me... well hope this helps... you can also get a lot

of information on about.com thyroid forums...



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Everyone is talking about hypothyroidism...Mine is hyperthyroidism...who

here has that problem. Doctor also believes that I have Graves

Disease...matter of fact has put that down as one of my diagnosis....Mine

started out as hypothyroid in 1998 and has gone to the other


Cyntha Landon and girls

Rigby, Idaho

Home of the television......

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Yes that is right... with lyme you can go from one to the other day

by day...I had hyperpituitary, hypopit, then hypothyroid to hyper,

the hypo adrenalism to hyper... it is crazy and I hate it.... some

days I am so hypo... hair falling out, skin dry,then boom hyper eyes

bulging, exaughsted but, racing heart... other things... crazy...


> Everyone is talking about hypothyroidism...Mine is


> here has that problem. Doctor also believes that I have Graves

> Disease...matter of fact has put that down as one of my


> started out as hypothyroid in 1998 and has gone to the other

> extreme......


> Cyntha Landon and girls


> Rigby, Idaho


> Home of the television......

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Also ask for a Hashimotos thyroiditis test. It checks for antibodies. This

condition will not show up on a normal thyroid panel test that checks T3, T4,

etc. I have Hashimotos and had all the symptoms of hypothyroid. I tried Armour

but do better or synthetic

lymebytes <ko_@...> wrote:

Hi Sandy. Regarding your thyroid, were you given only Cytomel and

only for a couple of weeks? Were your tests done recently? I ask

because sometimes people who have Lyme also have thyroid disorders.

Some symptoms overlap. The ones you mention are ones I have from


People who have thyroid disorders can have their tests in the normal

range, but it may not be normal for them. As with Lyme, it is

important to see a doctor who does not rely solely on test results

but who also takes your symptoms into consideration. I suggest that

you have a thyroid panel done. Specifically ask that the Free T3,

Free T4 (in addition to the T3 and T4), and thyroid antibody tests be

done. They are not usually and are necessary for a comprehensive view

of your thyroid function.

When getting treated for thyroid disorders it can take some time to

get the meds to the optimum level and alleviate symptoms. The meds

have to be increased slowly. There are synthetic and natural meds.

Some people do better on synthetic and some do better on natural. If

you get the tests done and want to post your results, I will help you

interpret them if I can.

> > Hello irishdrought2003@y...,

> >

> > In reference to your comment:

> >

> > è How do you tell if its hormones of illness? Sandy

> >

> >

> > ******Sandy my homeopathic MD can check your hormones by using


> saliva.

> > I have many online friends, who have him test them and then take

> the hormone

> > drops your body requires. Women need 5 different hormones and he

> can test you

> > and prescribe the proper dose of drops. I had a complete

> hysterectomy in

> > 1985 and have been on his drops since then.

> >

> > ******The testing cost $65 and that includes the drops. He does

> not take

> > insurance but IF it is your hormones and not Babesia, then it is

> worth taking the

> > drops and being tested monthly. Interesting to note that my

> hormone levels

> > have not changed in 15 years, even with a Lyme diagnosis. He


> it is

> > important to test me monthly for them, as Lyme can play havoc


> your hormone

> > balance and you never know when they can change.

> >

> > *****If you are interested send me a request for his name and

> address in

> > sdale, Arizona. You simply saturate a Q-tip from under your

> tongue and mail

> > it in.

> >

> > Angel Huggz

> > or Angel

> >

> > PS The Babesia sweats I go through from time to time are KILLER

> and my hair

> > will be dripping wet. I don't have the cold/chills though that


> describe

> > with the Babesia sweats.

> >

> >

> >

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  • 5 years later...

> I've had an underactive thyroid for years and have been on Synthroid.

I eliminated hypothyroid here with selenium, iodine, and tyrosine. No

medication required. You can consider trying these, and see if you can

eliminate your dependency on the medication.


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Dana--what tests for hypothyroid---I think daughter has Adrenal issues--tired

and when tired has meltdowns--


From: danasview <danasview@...>

Sent: Fri, October 29, 2010 6:49:31 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: thyroid


> I've had an underactive thyroid for years and have been on Synthroid.

I eliminated hypothyroid here with selenium, iodine, and tyrosine. No medication

required. You can consider trying these, and see if you can eliminate your

dependency on the medication.


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> Thanks Dana. How much selenium?

I started with 50mcg and worked up.

>>How much tyrosine?

I started with 250mg and worked up.

>>What about Creatine?

I have not used this.


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> Dana--what tests for hypothyroid

I tested " by observation " .

>>I think daughter has Adrenal issues--tired

> and when tired has meltdowns--

I use Thorne Adrenal Cortex Extract for myself.


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I received my son's thyroid results today. Everything is within normal range

except for his reverse T3. He is at a 45 and the normal range is between 11-32.

I have not started chelation on my son yet. I wanted some feedback on if I

should treat the thyroid with Armour before starting chelation. If anyone has

had any experience with Armour could they please give me their input. Thanks!!

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> I received my son's thyroid results today. Everything is within normal range

except for his reverse T3. He is at a 45 and the normal range is between 11-32.

I have not started chelation on my son yet. I wanted some feedback on if I

should treat the thyroid with Armour before starting chelation. If anyone has

had any experience with Armour could they please give me their input. Thanks!!


The numbers mean something, 'within normal limits' does not.



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

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  • 3 months later...

It really is ridiculous! I have a TON of issues now but was showing the

signs and my levels were slightly off back in 2000 & I wasn't officially

diagnosed until 2005!

Find a GOOD Endocrinologist, it's SO important and try to get a woman, all

of the men I saw said I was fine, nothing to worry about, just anxiety

attacks, YES, they were anxiety attacks caused from hyperthyroidism, amongst

heart palpitations, weight gain, hair loss, etc.

Low and behold, I also have PCOS which took many years to diagnose also so

my hormones are just a mess but this all could have been taken care of

YEARS ago if I had a good doctor.

Good Luck to you and go to that site posted earlier,

_www.stopthethyroidmadness.com_ (http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com) , it's a

great site!!


In a message dated 2/15/2011 2:37:29 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,

sharol.taylor@... writes:

This was a VERY informative site... I have been seeking treatment for my

thyroid, but I keep getting told my blood tests are NORMAL. Yet I fit many

of the SYMPTOMS, 33 of the symptoms.

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Both have been reformulated in the past couple of years -adding a cornstarch

binder. It has caused great havoc for 2 of us who are still trying to get

re-regulated. I'll have to try the decrease flouride exposure as our city water

does have it added. Thanks,

> > >

> > > We did a first round of AC chelation with my son who weighs 30lbs and is

2.5 years old. He has become very sensitive and cries very easily and has a

meltdown when things dont go his way. He was never like this before and would

generally go do something else if things did not go his way.

> > > Does this indicate Adrenal Fatigue? I know i can give him ACE for this but

i dont know how to dose it? Anyone please help me with this.

> > >

> > > Also, we are quite convinced that my son has hypothyroid symptoms. His

height is stuck at 15 month. At 15 month he was 31 inches and now after 19

months he is still at 31 inches. Also, he has low Free T4 and low Free T3. Can

anyone tell me how to get armour thyroid? What doctor should i go to get Armour


> > > Thanks

> > > Rochelle.

> > >

> >


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What is the best way to treat a low thyroid?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 15, 2011, at 2:27 PM, " mbrookh " <mbrookh@...> wrote:

> Both have been reformulated in the past couple of years -adding a cornstarch

binder. It has caused great havoc for 2 of us who are still trying to get

re-regulated. I'll have to try the decrease flouride exposure as our city water

does have it added. Thanks,



> > > >

> > > > We did a first round of AC chelation with my son who weighs 30lbs and is

2.5 years old. He has become very sensitive and cries very easily and has a

meltdown when things dont go his way. He was never like this before and would

generally go do something else if things did not go his way.

> > > > Does this indicate Adrenal Fatigue? I know i can give him ACE for this

but i dont know how to dose it? Anyone please help me with this.

> > > >

> > > > Also, we are quite convinced that my son has hypothyroid symptoms. His

height is stuck at 15 month. At 15 month he was 31 inches and now after 19

months he is still at 31 inches. Also, he has low Free T4 and low Free T3. Can

anyone tell me how to get armour thyroid? What doctor should i go to get Armour


> > > > Thanks

> > > > Rochelle.

> > > >

> > >

> >



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> > > > >

> > > > > We did a first round of AC chelation with my son who weighs 30lbs and

is 2.5 years old. He has become very sensitive and cries very easily and has a

meltdown when things dont go his way. He was never like this before and would

generally go do something else if things did not go his way.

> > > > > Does this indicate Adrenal Fatigue? I know i can give him ACE for this

but i dont know how to dose it? Anyone please help me with this.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also, we are quite convinced that my son has hypothyroid symptoms. His

height is stuck at 15 month. At 15 month he was 31 inches and now after 19

months he is still at 31 inches. Also, he has low Free T4 and low Free T3. Can

anyone tell me how to get armour thyroid? What doctor should i go to get Armour


> > > > > Thanks

> > > > > Rochelle.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >




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This was a VERY informative site... I have been seeking treatment for my

thyroid, but I keep getting told my blood tests are NORMAL. Yet I fit many

of the SYMPTOMS, 33 of the symptoms.

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of mercurybabies2

Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 2:04 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: thyroid


> > > > >

> > > > > We did a first round of AC chelation with my son who weighs 30lbs

and is 2.5 years old. He has become very sensitive and cries very easily and

has a meltdown when things dont go his way. He was never like this before

and would generally go do something else if things did not go his way.

> > > > > Does this indicate Adrenal Fatigue? I know i can give him ACE for

this but i dont know how to dose it? Anyone please help me with this.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also, we are quite convinced that my son has hypothyroid symptoms.

His height is stuck at 15 month. At 15 month he was 31 inches and now after

19 months he is still at 31 inches. Also, he has low Free T4 and low Free

T3. Can anyone tell me how to get armour thyroid? What doctor should i go to

get Armour Thyroid??

> > > > > Thanks

> > > > > Rochelle.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >




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There's even a thyroid group too, and an off-shoot for adrenal problems.

Do your best to avoid or monitor the chemicals (in food, water, environment)

that displace iodine in your body: chlorine, bromine, fluorine.



> This was a VERY informative site... I have been seeking treatment for my

> thyroid, but I keep getting told my blood tests are NORMAL. Yet I fit many

> of the SYMPTOMS, 33 of the symptoms.




> From: [mailto: ]

> On Behalf Of mercurybabies2

> Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 2:04 PM


> Subject: [ ] Re: thyroid






> www.stopthethyroidmadness.com

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Margaret, this is not medical advice, but I suggest you may try

tagamet afore trying stablon.

I have used stablon off and on for ten years, great to boost energy

and socializing. Very safe, no sides to speak of, can start and stop

at anytime.

Tagamet, an over the counter anti-acid slows the metabolism of

estrogen, and the end result would be more estrogen in your body. I am

male, and it gave me erectile dysfunction because of the increase of

estrogen. It does cause gyno, male breast development in males.

Tag will stop digestion, as it neutralizes the hydrochloric acid in

our stomach, so it must be taken two to three hours after a meal. An

ideal situation would be to take some Betaine HCL with your meal, then

tag three hours later.

I was taking two tabs daily, but you would decide your dosage by how

you may feel.

Ninety percent of our serotonin, the feel good neuro-transmitter is

made in the small intestines, although medics tell us, that serotonin

does not reach the brain. Serotonin increase is what most anti

depressants attempt to do, stablon encourages serotonin to work mroe

effeciently.. It does make some sense, if the small intestines are

producing sufficient amounts of serotonin, the body can send along to

the brain, more pre-cursors, 5HTP, to the brain to make serotonin. No

one can argue with that.

So proper digestion is important to resolve depression, 5HTP is the

precursor to serotonin, so it must be digested and metabolized and

then hauled to our brain. and we smile.

So you might consider taking Betaine HCL, digestive enzymes, tagamet.

I think a great protocol for post meno females, there should be no

sides. But just my personal opinion. stay vertical,

david lubbock tx.

On 4/19/11, margaret mcguinness <mrgrtmcguinness@...> wrote:

> Hi all


> I have been taking LDN since October 09 and am a lot better since starting

> it.I

> was in a bad way and although I have had underactive thyroid for 20years it

> is

> the past 4 that I suffered after giving up smoking 60 a day.I have seen an

> endicrinologist on the NHS (no good) but in the end it was my own research

> which

> helped.I found LDN looking for help for my best friend who was diagnosed 3

> yeasr

> ago with MS age 49.


> I now find that I am suffering from low mood.I have not had this feeling

> since

> my son was born and he will be 28 next week.I suffered post natal depression

> then.I hate the thought of anti depressents and think it must be my hormones

> (or

> lack of them) causing this dark feeling.I hate the thought of HRT and did

> try

> the " natural " progesterone cream which was onlly slightly helpful.I take

> thyroxine 125mcg per day and have regular blood tests.I take 3.5 LDN per

> night.I

> also suffer from Lican Planus which was discovered in OCt 09 which is why I

> started the LDN.


> I am wondering if I should buy some Tineptine (stablon) as I have heard they

> are

> different to usual anti depressents???? Can anyone offer any advise and

> would it

> be ok to take with LDN and thyroxine.LDN from my GP " off Label "


> Sorry for being so long

> Margaret

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