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Re: Re: MMR shot causing issues in Adults?

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I also received an MMR two days after giving birth to my son, I didn't

want it, I felt very, very forced to receive it back in 1996 & I caved in,

MISTAKE! I was also breast feeding & was told it was safe for me to have the

shot, even if I was breast feeding!

I should have went with my gut instinct that it was NOT good for the baby

OR myself but at 21 years old, I didn't know what I know now & I believed

the nurses, doctors & trusted that vaccines were supposed to be good and

help us.

I'm currently 35 years old & my health is a MESS! I feel like crap every


I have thyroid issues, 2 thyroid nodules, I was also diagnosed with PCOS a

few years ago & started developing anxiety & panic attacks when my son was

only 3 months old. My health has declined each year, irregular menstrual

cycles, extreme fatigue every single day, rapid heart rate & I never

connected it until I just read this post, now I am wondering if it was that


MMR that did me in?? Ugh!

I did have symptoms within 24 hours after receiving it, fever, swollen

glands, I felt sick for like a week or two. My body didn't react well to it &

I doubt it's a coincidence that my health went downhill after the MMR shot

I was given!


In a message dated 8/9/2010 8:00:52 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

cmh203b@... writes:

Hi Boopercat,

I am sorry for your troubles over that damn MMR. I also have had a major

downfall after the MMR. I also had to have it for Grad school, went to a

local dr abd received it willingly. I was a physical ed teacher, coach and

active athlete. After I became gluten intollerant, my throid failed, adrenals

failed and my healthh Tourretts syndrome and that led me to research Autism

and prenatal care for those predisposed genetically. It then dawned on me

that the MMR may have damaged me. I went on to have 3 beautiful children w/

the knowledge of how dangerous vaccinations could be to them. Two of them

have sjight speech delays and the middle boy has facial ticks when he is

nervous. I believe I have saved their lives by the knowledge I unknowingly

discovered, years before. I got very lucky, but it could have been me just

like you with your daughter. I am sorry you had to go through this. have you

tried Andy's way?


> I know this is anecdotal but I would like to briefly share my story with

> your family. I am 47 years old and when we were children, we received


> FEW shots. I think I had about 6 over 11 years or close to that number

> anyway. I never received the MMR. When I was 31 years old I went to law


> They required the MMR. I was a vibrant, healthy woman, so much so that I

> had been teaching dance up until the date I started law school. I also


> in a summer outdoor historical drama 3 days a week for fun and mad


> I was only reprimanded for pushing my dance team too much. I was told


> kids 5 and 10 years younger, could not keep up with my pace. However,

> after taking the MMR my health DRAMATICALLY went nuts and declined. I

> immediately had symptoms I could only describe as severe chronic


> fibromyalgia, my ovaries then failed, the list goes on. I was checked

for a host of

> autoimmune diseases. It is 16 years later and I have only had some

relief and

> a semblance of a normal life in the past 2 years but still suffer. I


> nothing to point toward this quick and dramatic change in my health


> that shot. So thinking a shot will not harm someone because they are


> is simply not true. Perhaps not as much neurological but my immune


> and glandular system just went crazy. To add to this, I have an only

> daughter. She was too young at the time to have her autism diagnosis but

she was

> eventually diagnosed. Therefore, I tend to be one of those who believe


> genetic predisposition with an environmental trigger. Now that I think


> my Mom had a measles shot when she was pregnant and miscarried and then

> miscarried again and was never able to have children after those 2


> This is after 4 successful pregnancies. I see a pattern in our family

> regarding this MMR shot. Like I said, my story is just anecdotal but

worthy of

> consideration. I live this nightmare. In my poor health I care for a

> disabled mother (strokes), a child with autism and myself, all alone. It


> sound dramatic but in my gut I sometimes feel like that shot ruined my


> Not worth it. I would have rather risked the diseases. I would also like

> to remind you that your child is 12 and in 6 years can make this


> regarding their own body. If I were you, would consider asking your

husband to

> let your children make their decision own decision when they are of age.

> They will have to live with the results even more so than you.



> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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I, too, believe it was repeated MMR vaccines that caused my auto-immune

hypo-hypothyroidism. I am just glad that due to a life threatening reaction

to a flu vaccine at 27, I refused any more vaccines after that. but doctors

mad me think my flu vac reaction was a fluke, and so like an idiot I trusted

them to vaccinate my son ---UNTIL I saw a documentary about the Prevnar

(meningitis) vaccine and it being related to causing autism.

When we went back to the pediatrician's office I adamantly refuse for my son

to be given vaccines with thimerosal, but the doctor lied about the

ingredients in the other vaccines which also contained thimerosal, and here

we are today. We have our son back, but he still has a damaged immune

system. Doctor's can do whatever they want regarding vaccinating children

without any legal recourse. they are immune form vaccine litigation --even

if they LIE to get the shots into your kid, so caveat emptor.

I am thankful I refused another MMR after giving birth to my son. the

doctor got really angry about it, but I didn't care. It turns out no matter

how many times they vaccinate me, I am just not going to hold titers to

rubella. You see, they just rarely give individual vacs for these, so if

you don't hole titers to one, then they wills still give you the shot for

all three (MMR). Some research studies show that giving a vaccine when you

already hold titers can trigger auto-immune disease. Also, repeatedly

giving a vaccine to someone with an allele that prevents them from holding

titers has been shown to trigger auto-immune disease.

I think this is why the " herd " immunity theory really doesn't work.

Vaccines do not work for everyone they are given too. In fact, the only

real thing the offer to say they do work is to mass vaccinate and then if no

one gets the flu or few get it, they say, " Ah, the vaccine saved

everybody. " But the truth is they don't know if it was the vaccine or if

people just didn't naturally get the flu that year, or if there was ever a

real problem with the flu wires that year. They are guessing, and giving

power to vaccines regardless of why there is not an epidemic in any given


Vicki, the answer is probably yes. The symptoms you describe about having

anxiety and panic attacks could have actually been hyperthyroidism.

Especially since you got nodules. I got the same thing after the birth of

my son along with horrendous pain in my neck/throat. this can be

thyroiditis, which can occur often post-part um. I know if I had let them

vaccinate me yet again, I would have been worse, and since I was breast

feeding, I think my son would have been more severely affected --especially

since he had hyper bilirubin anemia after birth.

I started having problems with fatigue after the flu shot nearly killed me

in 1987.

You should find a good, holistic DO to work with. Have them check your

IODINE levels pronto. Most people are deficient in iodine as the government

FDA stopped foods from being fortified with it long ago. It is in salt, but

you would need 17 teaspoons of salt a DAY to get enough. Few of us eat

enough shell fish due to the mercury (and now since the BP disaster, I doubt

I would touch shrimp again for a long time). Few of us eat sea vegetables

like kelp. Iodine is essential to the body and protects the body from many

cancers like thyroid cancer and breast cancer.

I had my first breast biopsy at 27. I had fibrocystic breast disease, and

was having to have fluid filled cysts drained from my breasts all the time.

Then when my son was five, I had to have two more biopsies and I had an

adenoma right where one puts the antiperspirant containing aluminum under

the arm. so then I had to have a needle guided excision of dysplastic cells

(per-cancerous) removed. This is fun :( This is where they squeeze you in a

mammogram machine and then place a needle connected to a wire deep into your

breast tissue so the surgeon can find the cells --and they give you NOTHING

for the pain (at least not at Baylor). Anyway, after than I got

pro-active. I threw away all antiperspirants and use nothing containing

aluminum --no foods from cans, no antiperspirant, no coated cooking pans, no

aluminum foil. I use all natural deoderant spray and natural (no talc) body


I had a wonderful doctor who tested me for iodine deficiency and sure enough

( I had become hypothyroid by this time, too). I went on a supplement

called IODORAL, and I believe it has saved my life. I was able to drop my

use of thyroid hormone by one third. I have better mammograms now than I

did in my twenties, and I have no more fibrocystic breast disease. Even my

radiologist asked me what I did to turn things around. She said she was

going to tell some friends at UT Southwestern to see if they would do a

study on this and breast health.

Our kids could be deficient too, and iodine helps with detoxification, but

you can get too much, so you need to get levels checked before starting and

have a doctor tell you how much you need. Or you can just chuck the salt

and start using kelp granules in place of it. It tastes like salt and only

1/8 teaspoon a day is a daily supply. Iodine might help you feel better.

Also, consider taking Acetyl-L-Carnitine daily. This, to me is a miracle

amino acid that has helped both my son and me. It can make you feel younger

and more energetic and is one of the few amino acids shown to help repair


I'm not a doctor, but few MD's ever helped me feel better. I have had great

luck with DO's who tend to be more compassionate and open-minded.

We moms need all the help we can get to feel up to the tasks we must do for

our kids. I hope you feel better soon.


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I was a perfectly healthy 21 year old that just gave birth to a beautiful,

healthy boy & they gave me that damn shot!

3 months later, everything started going nuts! I thought it was because I

had just given birth & that my hormones were out of wack also.

Every year I get worse. I'm 35 & I feel like I'm so much older than my

actual age.

I know it's not normal to feel so sick, especially at this age.

I have heavy menstrual cycles now, one that just lasted 3 weeks & I swear,

took the life out of me!

It drained me completely.

In a message dated 8/10/2010 10:51:57 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

Boopercat@... writes:

Vicki your symptoms are almost identical to mine, including the panic

attacks and anxiety which I had never had before. I always attributed this


the bottoming out of my hormonal levels but I believe the bottoming out of


hormones go back to all this crazy immune trouble and glandular trouble I

developed after taking the MMR.

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I finally had to go on a beta blocker for a while due to the anxiety, PVC's,

and panic attacks which doctors labeled " depression. " Depression my a$$!

I said to one doc, " Hell yeah, you'd be depressed to if you were throwing

10,000 PVC's a day! " But he just didn't want to see that the symptom's

would cause the frustration rather than the other way around. Finally I

realized it was post-part hypothyroidism then hyperthyroidism for TWO years

followed by hypothyroidism. The anxiety and panic attacks can be due to too

much thyroid hormone which can then move too much adrenalin to act on the

heart. i kept telling them, " I have too much adrenalin. " I felt like I was

in " flight " mode all the time.

The beta blocker helped me a lot, and then I was able to wean off once the

PVC's were gone for a while.

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