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You should begin this at a low dose and wait a few days before increasing in

order to reduce a die off reaction. Die off can come as irritability, gas, or

any other yeast symptoms you typically see in him. You won't necessarily see

more poop unless you give him to much then you will see loose stools.

If you are using the liquid start with 2-5 drops once per day. If you have

tablets, 12/ tablet once per day. Making sure you are giving probiotics four or

more hours apart from the GSE dose. And giving probiotics every day. If he

tolerates these low doses well you can increase it a bit in a few days if you

still see yeast. But you only increase if the die off symptoms are minimal or

non existent.

The idea is to slowly work up to a dose the controls yeast for him. This might

be 1/2 table once a day, it might 1/2 tablet 3x a day, it might be 1 tablet 2x,

or 1 tablet once...etc.

It's different for everyone. I also find that increasing the GSE on rounds helps

prevent/treat yeast flares with chelation.



> Hi so I just bought the GSE for my SON i didnt try it yet. wanted to know what

reaction will i see after giving it to him.Should i see more poop or what?




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> Hi so I just bought the GSE for my SON i didnt try it yet. wanted to know what

reaction will i see after giving it to him.

You should see a reduction of his yeast symptoms. Some kids have significant

die off symptoms, others don't.

If your child has phenol issues, give it with No-Fenol enzyme.

>>Should i see more poop or what?

It can cause diarrhea, especially if you give too much at one time.


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  • 1 month later...

Why would you give Gee with a chelator? It's probably fine, don't see any

problem with it. just not sure why you would.



> Would it be ok to give a couple drops of gee with a dose of your chelator? Or

is it best to give the chelator on it's own? Thanks for your time.


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I believe this is part of the ayurvedic medicine, you dose your herb/supplement

with milk, water or ghee, depending on the level of absorption you want? So I am

assuming you are hoping for a deeper absoption of the chelator ?


> T 5yo boy, 40lb 4mg ALA, 4mg DMSA, Round #51 (allergies, asd)

> M 3yo girl, 43lbs, 4mg ALA, 2mg DMSA, Round #21 (allergies)

From: mercurybabies2

Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 3:54 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: GSE

Why would you give Gee with a chelator? It's probably fine, don't see any

problem with it. just not sure why you would.



> Would it be ok to give a couple drops of gee with a dose of your chelator? Or

is it best to give the chelator on it's own? Thanks for your time.


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  • 2 months later...
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You can get the Nutribiotic GSE *tablets*. Amazingly, they have virtually no

taste - very unlike the liquid - and can be ground in a coffee bean grinder for

those who can't swallow pills. HTH


> Hello all,

> Anyone know of any other brand of GSE I can use. We use the liquid one from

nutribiotics and my daughter absolutely hates the taste even if I put it in

juice or anything sweet, she will not drink it. Please help. Thanks

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