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Got tested for pyroluria - have questions

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I don't technically have autism (although I might be somewhere on the bottom

part of the spectrum), nor do I have a family member with autism - but I've been

an occassional lurker of this group because I've strongly suspected that I

suffer from mercury intoxication, and this group is such a treasure when it

comes to this and related issues.

Anyway - I recently took a home urine test for pyroluria through the Bio-Center

Laboratory, and I received my test results back today. I have some questions

and concerns about the results - and I thought that this might be a good place

to ask since it's possible that some members here are familiar with this test.

According to Bio-Center, the " normal " range for the pyroluria (pyrroles) urine

test is 0 - 20 ug/dL. Anything higher than 20 would be strongly suggestive of

pyroluria, I think. Well, my result is an astronomical 126! In some ways, I'm

glad to see this result - for it could be an important explanation for my severe

psychological issues.

But, I worry that the result might be " too good to be true " . See - shortly

after I sent my sample back to Bio-Center, I emailed a Bio-Center employee with

the worry that the timing of my sample-collection may have been " off " - and that

it may result in a " false low " or " diluted " result. At the end of the email, I

mentioned how important an accurate result is to me - since an accurate

diagnosis could explain my lifelong struggles. This may or may not be

reasonable, but I worry that this revelation that I've been having problems may

have caused them to have a certain " bias " when it came to evaluating my sample

and generating the result. Maybe they had so much sympathy for me that they

inflated the result?

Part of me thinks it's stupid to have this worry - but there is that part of me

that is skeptical and unsure. Bio-Center has a good reputation, right? Would

the soundness of the scientific process win out over any personal biases?

For anyone who've taken this test, may I ask what your results were? I just

want a feel for how atypical my results might be. How confident should I be

that this is a sound, accurate result?

Thanks for any feedback,


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