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Seizures and chelation

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My son has been on two rounds of DMSA chelation. 100 mg every 4 hours from

Friday at 4:30 pm until Monday at 8:30 am. (every other weekend) He is 102

pounds, age 14. He has not had seizures for almost 3 years (nocturnal

seizures). He had a very bad one last night and went to the hospital. They did

an eeg and said there was abnormal activity on the eeg. Has anyone experienced

seizures after starting chelation?

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I think that is too high of a dose for your son. I am on my 5 round of

chelation and I am only taking 12.5 mg every 3 hours. When I was on 25 mg, it

was already really tough on me. I think 12.5 mg is almost at the edge for me as

well. How much does your son weigh? Andy Cutler recommends starting at 1/8 mg

for every pound you weigh.

I hope your son is well. I am trying to recover from this mess as well and

understand the difficulties you are going through.

- tony


From: ev.rviii5106 <rviii@...>

Sent: Wed, February 10, 2010 8:49:32 PM

Subject: [ ] Seizures and chelation

My son has been on two rounds of DMSA chelation. 100 mg every 4 hours from

Friday at 4:30 pm until Monday at 8:30 am. (every other weekend) He is 102

pounds, age 14. He has not had seizures for almost 3 years (nocturnal

seizures). He had a very bad one last night and went to the hospital. They did

an eeg and said there was abnormal activity on the eeg. Has anyone experienced

seizures after starting chelation?

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Sorry to hear about your sons seizures, have no experiences in it, but your dose

is too high for your son, I would not go over 25 mg or even less, but it may be

better yet to take a brake from chelation until he feel better

Take care


Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect

[ ] Seizures and chelation

My son has been on two rounds of DMSA chelation. 100 mg every 4 hours from

Friday at 4:30 pm until Monday at 8:30 am. (every other weekend) He is 102

pounds, age 14. He has not had seizures for almost 3 years (nocturnal

seizures). He had a very bad one last night and went to the hospital. They did

an eeg and said there was abnormal activity on the eeg. Has anyone experienced

seizures after starting chelation?

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My son takes nearly 1mg/lb DMSA and tolerates it well. Everyone does not need

to take the 1/8-1/2 mg/lb dose of DMSA, but this situation certainly calls for a

reduction. I would take it down to 25 mgs and work from there. It could be a

very untimely coincidence, but better safe than sorry.

Does this mean he is on medication?


> >

> > My son has been on two rounds of DMSA chelation. 100 mg every 4 hours from

Friday at 4:30 pm until Monday at 8:30 am. (every other weekend) He is 102

pounds, age 14. He has not had seizures for almost 3 years (nocturnal

seizures). He had a very bad one last night and went to the hospital. They did

an eeg and said there was abnormal activity on the eeg. Has anyone experienced

seizures after starting chelation?

> >


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I would even go lower than that, if you feel it triggered a seizure. Better safe

than sorry. My girl is 70lbs. and all she can handle is 6MG. My girl has

siezures too.

On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:41 AM, ev.rviii5106 wrote:


> He is not on medication for seizures now. His last seizure was three years

ago. We thought he had grown out of them because they were nocturnal seizures

which we were told they stop when they get to puberty, which they did until

Tuesday night when he had the seizure. He had finished chelation round on Monday

morning so maybe the too high dose triggered the seizure. I will cut that dose

in half. Thanks for all the input.



> > > >

> > > > My son has been on two rounds of DMSA chelation. 100 mg every 4 hours

from Friday at 4:30 pm until Monday at 8:30 am. (every other weekend) He is 102

pounds, age 14. He has not had seizures for almost 3 years (nocturnal seizures).

He had a very bad one last night and went to the hospital. They did an eeg and

said there was abnormal activity on the eeg. Has anyone experienced seizures

after starting chelation?

> > > >

> > >

> >



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My son has had seizures for the last 8 years. He has tried every anticonvulsant

out there practically which has had worse side effects than the seizure itself!

Finally, we noticed a phenomena that occurred when we gave him Magnesium Citrate

in the form of tea called Gillham's CALM. I can only give him about 2

teaspoons twice a day, because it causes him to go potty...but this cut his

seizures by about 75%! If he does have a seizure and I give it to him, within

an hour it starts working and they stop. So now we are giving him mg in other

forms every 6 hours (which doesn't cause potty problems) but it assimilates

differently. We even had a cream made for him that I put on him tummy at night

to pull him through the nocturnal seizures which is what he mostly has.

Anyway...try magnesium...really helps...AND cut down that chelation dose...WAY

too much! Dr. Cutler makes it very clear that increasing the dosage doesn't

move the metals out any faster and can even set you back if you see horrible

side effects. Also, hopefully, you are supplementing with high doses of Vitamin

C, etc.

Best to you!


(mother of 2 boys with autism...oldest with seizures)


> My son has been on two rounds of DMSA chelation. 100 mg every 4 hours from

Friday at 4:30 pm until Monday at 8:30 am. (every other weekend) He is 102

pounds, age 14. He has not had seizures for almost 3 years (nocturnal

seizures). He had a very bad one last night and went to the hospital. They did

an eeg and said there was abnormal activity on the eeg. Has anyone experienced

seizures after starting chelation?


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