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Please help me

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i was just diagnosed myself. Take heart, it's not so bad. =) You take one

pill a day and you feel much better. It does take a while to get the

correct dosage down.

HUGS. Don't be afraid, you've been through much worse then this.



email: blaidd@...

webpage: http://blaidd.home.texas.net/


Join the Wolfdog Alliance Webring :


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  • 6 years later...

In a message dated 8/19/2005 7:49:29 A.M. Central Standard Time,


In the meantime I suggest you stop all antifungals and probiotics.

Some candida sufferers must stay on the diet up to 6 months before

being able to tolerate antifungals, except coconut oil. Get the

diet " down pat " and well integrated into your daily life. It will kill

off a lot of candida on its own. Later on you can add antifungals as

the article suggests. Don't try to do to too much at once. You will

overwhelm your body so it can't heal properly, and your symptoms will

be intolerable.

I sympathize with what you're going through. Hang in there. Heed Bee's

advice. I wish I had found her and this board before trying to heal myself


products I didn't know enough about. You will save yourself a lot of

frustration - not to mention a lot of money - by taking it one day and one meal

at a

time. Come here often for support and motivation. We've all been raised to

think a few pills will cure us but the more you read in the files, the more

you'll break away from unrealistic expectations and discover food is a far

superior medicine.

God bless you,


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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest

Hello All,

My child's test result came back with low amino acid and high in bacteria.

He is on compounded Amino acid with the below dosage:

cysteine -56 mg

histidine -184mg

isoleucine - 417 mg


lysine - 242mg

methionine-229 mg




I am trying to find out what exactly is this going to help him with?

What changes will i see in my child etc...I am kind of lost.

Is there anthing else out in the market that can be bought without the


He is also on flagyl 125mg thrice a day and 50 mg diflucan.

What is the dosage for flagyl and diflucan?

I would really appreciate all your inputs on the above.



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  • 6 months later...

Welcome to the group, I am glad you are hear.

Soon you will find things to try to help you heal your body.

From: summer time <morrisman64@...>

Subject: Please help me


Date: Monday, February 7, 2011, 11:04 PM


I have been dealing with Candida overgrowth for 4 years now and its getting

worst lost my job of 22 years a few months ago as a result of it. I was given

antibiotics for over 3 months in 2006 prior to that was in perfect health. But

now dealing with fatigue, depression, brain fog, dizzy spells and severe panic

attacks that just come out of the blue and now confined to the house afraid to

go outside have tried everything you can think of PLEASE anyone out there is

there something I can take to claim down the panic attacks till I get rid of the

yeast? I'm seriously thinking about killing myself this week can't take anymore

please save me!!!

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Have you been tested for heavy metal poisoning, mercury or lead? Because the

symptoms of fatigue, depression, brain fog are symptoms of mercury poisoning.

mercury poisoning and candida go hand in hand.

I am almost recovered from mercury poisoning and the anxiety has slowly gone

away. I wish the best for you. You may email me off list if you like.



From: summer time <morrisman64@...>


Sent: Mon, February 7, 2011 9:04:54 PM

Subject: Please help me

I have been dealing with Candida overgrowth for 4 years now and its getting

worst lost my job of 22 years a few months ago as a result of it. I was given

antibiotics for over 3 months in 2006 prior to that was in perfect health. But

now dealing with fatigue, depression, brain fog, dizzy spells and severe panic

attacks that just come out of the blue and now confined to the house afraid to

go outside have tried everything you can think of PLEASE anyone out there is

there something I can take to claim down the panic attacks till I get rid of the

yeast? I'm seriously thinking about killing myself this week can't take anymore

please save me!!!

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PLEASE go to Wil's: bodyelectrician.com site, find his contact info and get on

the AOT/MMS that is killing MY systemic fungus and finally giving me my life

back after 10 years of hell!!! NB: a 6 month to 1 year's supply is ONLY $30!!

The AOT/MMS is natural, easily taken and only kills pathogens!! (It also

chelates heavy metals, boosts immunity and restores balance through

oxidation--to quote the label..) Millions of people are using this product

globally to heal of cancer, lyme, malaria etc etc, and yes candidiasis!!!)

PLEASE BELIEVE this product can help you--because it WILL!!!Don't give up--there

is ALWAYS HOPE!!!!! You are LOVED and you WILL SUCCEED if you just don't give

up!!!LouisePS On the panic attacks, when fearful thoughts come to me--often

enough--I tell them to go in the name of my  LORD, and they leave.. Works for


From: summer time <morrisman64@...>

Subject: Please help me


Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2011, 12:04 AM

I have been dealing with Candida overgrowth for 4 years now and its getting

worst lost my job of 22 years a few months ago as a result of it. I was given

antibiotics for over 3 months in 2006 prior to that was in perfect health. But

now dealing with fatigue, depression, brain fog, dizzy spells and severe panic

attacks that just come out of the blue and now confined to the house afraid to

go outside have tried everything you can think of PLEASE anyone out there is

there something I can take to claim down the panic attacks till I get rid of the

yeast? I'm seriously thinking about killing myself this week can't take anymore

please save me!!!


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I think I recognize the email of yours, summer time.

I have left you several messages and you will not return my calls.

I have offered to help you and my staff has also talked with you in length. To

get the benefit of anyone's help you need to stick with a plan or program long

enough to get the biology to heal and this does not always happen fast or very


This is for anyone with a fungal issue; One of the biggest contributors to

fungus is our negative belief of being a victim. If you feed into the victim

mindset you are feeding the fungus some of what it need to flourish. Fungus

feeds on negative energy, dead, dying and damaged tissue. Negative energy is a

major contributing factor in staying ill.

Wil Spencer VMSP, Naturopath, author, researcher



From: summer time <morrisman64@...>


Sent: Tue, February 8, 2011 12:04:54 AM

Subject: Please help me

I have been dealing with Candida overgrowth for 4 years now and its getting

worst lost my job of 22 years a few months ago as a result of it. I was given

antibiotics for over 3 months in 2006 prior to that was in perfect health. But

now dealing with fatigue, depression, brain fog, dizzy spells and severe panic

attacks that just come out of the blue and now confined to the house afraid to

go outside have tried everything you can think of PLEASE anyone out there is

there something I can take to claim down the panic attacks till I get rid of the

yeast? I'm seriously thinking about killing myself this week can't take anymore

please save me!!!

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Could you tell me more about the AOT/MMS . What exactly is it? I did look at

the site but couldn't see it anywhere.


Please help me


Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2011, 12:04 AM

I have been dealing with Candida overgrowth for 4 years now and its getting

worst lost my job of 22 years a few months ago as a result of it. I was

given antibiotics for over 3 months in 2006 prior to that was in perfect

health. But now dealing with fatigue, depression, brain fog, dizzy spells

and severe panic attacks that just come out of the blue and now confined to

the house afraid to go outside have tried everything you can think of PLEASE

anyone out there is there something I can take to claim down the panic

attacks till I get rid of the yeast? I'm seriously thinking about killing

myself this week can't take anymore please save me!!!

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We have had a Baltimore, MD City campaign in recent years, with accompanying

bumper stickers and posters: BELIEVE. Literally, that is what the slogan

said/says!!!!! Wil is right: if we don't BELIEVE we will get better health,

finances, whatever, it won't happen..

Having been abused most of my life (I am middle-aged), " believing for better "

has been VERY difficult for me to do as well!! When I have gotten to the places

where I just couldn't take any more pain, THEN I was able to pull up, BY

BELIEVING that there was a new and better way for me.. THEN the path opened up,

and I got to my " next level " as they say! [FIRST I believed, THEN the way of

change opened up...]

(Everyone has a different " bottom, " i.e. tolerance/threshold for pain.. When you

truly hit bottom in whatever trial you are in, I am hoping that you will accept

what hope and help has been extended to you.. My understanding is that there is

ALWAYS a way of escape/a way out of the test.. " NEVER give up, never give up,

never ever give up!! " ~Winston Churchill [Emphasis mine.])

I am rooting for you!!! KNOW that you are loved for who you are, NOT what you

do!!! You are valuable beyond measure, REGARDLESS of the present circumstances!!


I think I recognize the email of yours, summer time.

I have left you several messages and you will not return my calls.

I have offered to help you and my staff has also talked with you in length. To

get the benefit of anyone's help you need to stick with a plan or program long

enough to get the biology to heal and this does not always happen fast or very


This is for anyone with a fungal issue; One of the biggest contributors to

fungus is our negative belief of being a victim. If you feed into the victim

mindset you are feeding the fungus some of what it need to flourish. Fungus

feeds on negative energy, dead, dying and damaged tissue. Negative energy is a

major contributing factor in staying ill.

Wil Spencer  VMSP, Naturopath, author, researcher



From: summer time <morrisman64@...>


Sent: Tue, February 8, 2011 12:04:54 AM

Subject: Please help me


I have been dealing with Candida overgrowth for 4 years now and its getting

worst lost my job of 22 years a few months ago as a result of it. I was given

antibiotics for over 3 months in 2006 prior to that was in perfect health. But

now dealing with fatigue, depression, brain fog, dizzy spells and severe panic

attacks that just come out of the blue and now confined to the house afraid to

go outside have tried everything you can think of PLEASE anyone out there is

there something I can take to claim down the panic attacks till I get rid of the

yeast? I'm seriously thinking about killing myself this week can't take anymore

please save me!!!

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