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yeast or bacteria?

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My four year old who has symptoms of yeast is suffering from constipation. When

ever he passes stool he has to push hard and the stool comes in watery shape

with blood in it. He is on diflucan from last two weeks. We give 50 mg per day.

Is this blood due to bacteria? Is his constipation requires more dose of anti

fungal? There is no fissure or external bleeding near his anus.



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red blood?


> My four year old who has symptoms of yeast is suffering from constipation.

When ever he passes stool he has to push hard and the stool comes in watery

shape with blood in it. He is on diflucan from last two weeks. We give 50 mg per

day. Is this blood due to bacteria? Is his constipation requires more dose of

anti fungal? There is no fissure or external bleeding near his anus.


> Regards,


> Sajeel


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yes. Usually fresh red. Sometimes of dark colour.


On Sat Jul 24th, 2010 8:18 PM PKT Pamela H wrote:

>red blood?




>> My four year old who has symptoms of yeast is suffering from constipation.

When ever he passes stool he has to push hard and the stool comes in watery

shape with blood in it. He is on diflucan from last two weeks. We give 50 mg per

day. Is this blood due to bacteria? Is his constipation requires more dose of

anti fungal? There is no fissure or external bleeding near his anus.


>> Regards,


>> Sajeel




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Sounds like a Gi bleed to me. The fact that it can be red or dark bloood

some times points to that. These bleeds can be intermittent when it's red it

means it is actively bleeding during the BM when it's dark it means blood

came out a while ago and was sitting there in the colon until the next BM.

If it is indeed a GI bleed depending on the volume it can be considered an

acute issue that may call for surgical intervention. I don't know of a fix

for it , just watch the volume carefully and it may be time to consult with



On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 10:37 AM, sajeel shafiq <sajeelshafiq@...>wrote:



> My four year old who has symptoms of yeast is suffering from constipation.

> When ever he passes stool he has to push hard and the stool comes in watery

> shape with blood in it. He is on diflucan from last two weeks. We give 50 mg

> per day. Is this blood due to bacteria? Is his constipation requires more

> dose of anti fungal? There is no fissure or external bleeding near his anus.


> Regards,


> Sajeel




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Bright red blood is generally a sign of new blood as in hemmroids which you

cannot always see and if the child is constipated and pushing obviously can

cause that. Darker red blood is generally a sign that the blood is older as in

has been in the tract longer so is generally considered more serious. So if you

have a smear on the toilet paper and its intermittent it may not be cause for

alarm- I AM NOT A DOCTOR- but if you are seeing lots of blood I would see a DR.

Hemmroids can cause lots of blood in the water as well so its always good to get

a professional opinion if you are concerned.


> >

> >

> > My four year old who has symptoms of yeast is suffering from constipation.

> > When ever he passes stool he has to push hard and the stool comes in watery

> > shape with blood in it. He is on diflucan from last two weeks. We give 50 mg

> > per day. Is this blood due to bacteria? Is his constipation requires more

> > dose of anti fungal? There is no fissure or external bleeding near his anus.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Sajeel

> >

> >

> >




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