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Re: Vitamin A protocol - 2 questions

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Can anyone really help us re safety of this

It seems a massive dose -how can we be sure it is safe?

From: danasview@...

Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 13:31:35 +0000

Subject: [ ] Re: Vitamin A protocol - 2 questions

> We want to try this, this week

> 2 days of 200,000 IUs vitmain A

That is half of the recommended " high dose vitamin A protocol " . Here is my



> Can anyone help with any of the following:

> 1. Do we give the 200,000 IU in one go or spread it through the day or night?

Last I checked, it was recommended to give all 400,000 IU at the same time as

one dose. You can divide it into no more than two doses, morning and early

afternoon, but one dose was recommended.




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We have done it with excellent results

I was *VERY* skeptical and waited years, following others experience closely

before we proceeded. No side effects at all but huge cognitive gains within a

week or two.

We split into 2 doses at breakfast and lunch - out of caution, but was not


I HIGHLY recommend for any child who reacted to MMR vaccine.

> Can anyone really help us re safety of this

> It seems a massive dose -how can we be sure it is safe?

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Which brand of vit a did you use?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 20, 2010, at 9:49 PM, " rwb000 " <snccla@...> wrote:

> We have done it with excellent results


> I was *VERY* skeptical and waited years, following others experience

> closely before we proceeded. No side effects at all but huge

> cognitive gains within a week or two.


> We split into 2 doses at breakfast and lunch - out of caution, but

> was not necessary.


> I HIGHLY recommend for any child who reacted to MMR vaccine.



> > Can anyone really help us re safety of this

> > It seems a massive dose -how can we be sure it is safe?



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also..what would the maintenance dose be?? We own Kirkman's mycelized A --

would that brand be acceptable to use for this protocol?

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 10:09 PM, lynnlevrington


> Which brand of vit a did you use?


> Sent from my iPhone


> On Jul 20, 2010, at 9:49 PM, " rwb000 " <snccla@...> wrote:




> We have done it with excellent results


> I was *VERY* skeptical and waited years, following others experience

> closely before we proceeded. No side effects at all but huge cognitive gains

> within a week or two.


> We split into 2 doses at breakfast and lunch - out of caution, but was not

> necessary.


> I HIGHLY recommend for any child who reacted to MMR vaccine.



> > Can anyone really help us re safety of this

> > It seems a massive dose -how can we be sure it is safe?





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I have read of literally hundreds of kids doing the protocol and only one case of toxicity, a mum giving very high doses continually.

If these kids have measles in the gut it just soaks it all up. Sam didn;t even have the MMR but might have suffered horizontal transmission (per work of AW/AK) but was bonny and bright aftwards


Mandi x

In a message dated 21/07/2010 07:19:55 GMT Daylight Time, drken.aitken@... writes:

As I said before, high dose vitamin A can lead to problems with liver toxicity and in certain conditions to problems with retinal function. I don't have the material to hand but will try to find you further info in the next few days (have recently moved an much of my stuff is still packed).

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You can't, JMcC used to advise getting Vit A levels tested prior to doing it. I didn't but I did AC 100,000ius x 2 days

Mandi x

In a message dated 20/07/2010 21:09:04 GMT Daylight Time, peter_2_@... writes:

It seems a massive dose -how can we be sure it is safe?

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That would be biopsy or spinal tap? Not recommended I don;t think lol. You can do Vit A levels, I think it was a spit test JMcC used to do?

Mandi x

In a message dated 21/07/2010 09:51:15 GMT Daylight Time, michelle0471@... writes:

Do you need to do a test to determine measles in the gut first, if so what test?

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As I said before, high dose vitamin A can lead to problems with liver toxicity and in certain conditions to problems with retinal function. I don't have the material to hand but will try to find you further info in the next few days (have recently moved an much of my stuff is still packed).Ken From: B <peter_2_@...>Subject: RE: Re: Vitamin A protocol - 2 questions"malcom aut europe" < >Date: Tuesday, 20 July, 2010, 21:08

Can anyone really help us re safety of this

It seems a massive dose -how can we be sure it is safe? > Autism-Biomedical- Europe@grou ps.com> From: isobelwizza> Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 18:16:29 +0000> Subject: Re: Vitamin A protocol - 2 questions> > biotics research corporation is another brand> bio-ae-mulsion forte i drop is 12,500 iu available from nutri centre quite pricy!> > > > >> > > > We want to try this, this week> > > >> > > > 2 days of 200,000 IUs vitmain A> > > >> > > > Can anyone help with any of the following:> > > >> > > > 1. Do we give the 200,000 IU in one go or spread it through the day or> > > night?> > > >> > > > 2. What is likely to happen good/bad? ie typical reactions..> > > >> > > > Best wishes> > > >> > > > > > > >> > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ------> > > > > > DISCLAIMER> > > No information contained in this post is to be construed as medical advice. If you need medical advice, please seek it from a suitably qualified practitioner.> > >

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Do you need to do a test to determine measles in the gut first, if so what test?


Autism Treatment From: Mum231ASD@...Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 04:25:33 -0400Subject: Re: Re: Vitamin A protocol - 2 questions

I have read of literally hundreds of kids doing the protocol and only one case of toxicity, a mum giving very high doses continually.

If these kids have measles in the gut it just soaks it all up. Sam didn;t even have the MMR but might have suffered horizontal transmission (per work of AW/AK) but was bonny and bright aftwards


Mandi x

In a message dated 21/07/2010 07:19:55 GMT Daylight Time, drken.aitkenbtinternet writes:

As I said before, high dose vitamin A can lead to problems with liver toxicity and in certain conditions to problems with retinal function. I don't have the material to hand but will try to find you further info in the next few days (have recently moved an much of my stuff is still packed).

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Do you have a link to where i can buy this spit test?


Autism Treatment From: Mum231ASD@...Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 05:20:12 -0400Subject: Re: Re: Vitamin A protocol - 2 questions

That would be biopsy or spinal tap? Not recommended I don;t think lol. You can do Vit A levels, I think it was a spit test JMcC used to do?

Mandi x

In a message dated 21/07/2010 09:51:15 GMT Daylight Time, michelle0471hotmail (DOT) co.uk writes:

Do you need to do a test to determine measles in the gut first, if so what test?

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I looked in a few books last night

Mcandless, Rimland/ Pangborne, Dan, and Muscroft all recommend this Vitmain A protocol but they tend to say you need to say yes to 3 out of the following 5:

1. Issues aftter MMR

2. Ongoing gut problems

3. Even slightly elevated IgG

4. Autoimmune to myelin

5. Measles in ileum

We are definitiely positive tot he first 3, and have no idea about 4 and 5

So I guess we are going to do this


Autism Treatment From: Mum231ASD@...Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 04:25:33 -0400Subject: Re: Re: Vitamin A protocol - 2 questions

I have read of literally hundreds of kids doing the protocol and only one case of toxicity, a mum giving very high doses continually.

If these kids have measles in the gut it just soaks it all up. Sam didn;t even have the MMR but might have suffered horizontal transmission (per work of AW/AK) but was bonny and bright aftwards


Mandi x

In a message dated 21/07/2010 07:19:55 GMT Daylight Time, drken.aitken@... writes:

As I said before, high dose vitamin A can lead to problems with liver toxicity and in certain conditions to problems with retinal function. I don't have the material to hand but will try to find you further info in the next few days (have recently moved an much of my stuff is still packed).

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> Probably this is difference between child and adult dose?

What I was told by Dr. McCandless, is that if the child weighs less than 35

pounds, you do 300,000 IU the first day and 400,000 IU the second day. If over

35 pounds, 400,000 IU each day.


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> Can anyone really help us re safety of this

> It seems a massive dose -how can we be sure it is safe?

What I did, is I gradually increased my son's vitamin A and noticed that no

matter how high I got, he still needed more. Once I had given him 100,000 IU

per day for over a month, I decided it was time for high dose protocol.


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And this is done in what frequency? How many times is the dose to be repeated?

Is micellized vit A ok? My kid's tipping point was MMR, I don't havea doubt

about it.



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[ ] Re: Vitamin A protocol - 2 questions

> Probably this is difference between child and adult dose?

What I was told by Dr. McCandless, is that if the child weighs less than 35

pounds, you do 300,000 IU the first day and 400,000 IU the second day. If over

35 pounds, 400,000 IU each day.


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Can anyone let me know what form they were using ? Was the intramuscular , or oral. If oral,- what kind. If intramuscular, bought from where.

Thank you v. much


PS I have a 10 years old daughter and I think she would benefit from it. I belive the injectable would be better, but I had hard timefinding a place to buy it from.

From: B <peter_2_@...>Subject: RE: Re: Vitamin A protocol - 2 questions"malcom aut europe" < >Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 4:08 PM

Can anyone really help us re safety of this It seems a massive dose -how can we be sure it is safe? > Autism-Biomedical- Europe@grou ps.com> From: isobelwizza> Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 18:16:29 +0000> Subject: Re: Vitamin A protocol - 2 questions> > biotics research corporation is another brand> bio-ae-mulsion forte i drop is 12,500 iu available from nutri centre quite pricy!> > > > >> > > > We want to try this, this week> > > >> > > > 2 days of 200,000 IUs vitmain A> > > >> > > > Can anyone help with any of the following:> > > >> > > > 1. Do we give the 200,000 IU in one go or spread it through the day or> > > night?> > > >> > > > 2. What is likely to happen good/bad? ie typical reactions..> > > >> > > > Best wishes> > > >> > > >

> > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ------> > > > > > DISCLAIMER> > > No information contained in this post is to be construed as medical advice. If you need medical advice, please seek it from a suitably qualified practitioner.> > >

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On 21 July 2010 07:19, KEN AITKEN <drken.aitken@...> wrote:

As I said before, high dose vitamin A can lead to problems with liver toxicity and in certain conditions to problems with retinal function. I don't have the material to hand but will try to find you further info in the next few days (have recently moved an much of my stuff is still packed).

The risks are why the protocol is only used for a few days every 6 months.-- is

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On 21 July 2010 12:26, B <peter_2_@...> wrote:

I looked in a few books last night


Mcandless, Rimland/ Pangborne, Dan, and Muscroft all recommend this Vitmain A protocol but they tend to say you need to say yes to 3 out of the following 5:


1.  Issues aftter MMR

2.  Ongoing gut problems

3.  Even slightly elevated IgG

4.  Autoimmune to myelin

5.  Measles in ileum** Ive answered yes to the 1st 2. How can i tell if ive got elevated IgG? Would that be my requirement for gf/cf diet? Im also seriously considering doing this.

-- is

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Well not an easy answer Im afraid - we did blood tests in Ukraine for all the different Ig things

Cost us about £3.00 (three pounds) probably

Autism Treatment From: alexis.atrekkie22@...Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 19:43:54 +0100Subject: Re: Re: Vitamin A protocol - 2 questions

On 21 July 2010 12:26, B <peter_2_@...> wrote:

I looked in a few books last night Mcandless, Rimland/ Pangborne, Dan, and Muscroft all recommend this Vitmain A protocol but they tend to say you need to say yes to 3 out of the following 5: 1. Issues aftter MMR 2. Ongoing gut problems3. Even slightly elevated IgG4. Autoimmune to myelin5. Measles in ileum

** Ive answered yes to the 1st 2. How can i tell if ive got elevated IgG? Would that be my requirement for gf/cf diet? Im also seriously considering doing this.-- is

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Good morning, Dana,

Quick question for clarification.

After the two days of 400,000IU each day, do you move to the maintenance dose on

Day #3 or is it a gradual decline?

When we did the High Dose Vitamin A Protocol in December 2009, we did two days

of 400,000 IU and then went immediately to 25,000IU for the maitenance.

My son is still having visual stims.

I want to do the High Dose Vitamin A Protocol again. But I want to do it right.

Thank you,


> > We want to try this, this week

> > 2 days of 200,000 IUs vitmain A



> That is half of the recommended " high dose vitamin A protocol " . Here is my



> http://www.danasview.net/vitamina.htm



> > Can anyone help with any of the following:

> > 1. Do we give the 200,000 IU in one go or spread it through the day or




> Last I checked, it was recommended to give all 400,000 IU at the same time as

one dose. You can divide it into no more than two doses, morning and early

afternoon, but one dose was recommended.


> Dana


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You should use no more vitamin A after the 2 days, except RDA which is 2500 IU

so 10% of what you are doing

From: jerry_montgomery@...

Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2010 06:09:17 +0000

Subject: [ ] Re: Vitamin A protocol - 2 questions

Good morning, Dana,

Quick question for clarification.

After the two days of 400,000IU each day, do you move to the maintenance dose on

Day #3 or is it a gradual decline?

When we did the High Dose Vitamin A Protocol in December 2009, we did two days

of 400,000 IU and then went immediately to 25,000IU for the maitenance.

My son is still having visual stims.

I want to do the High Dose Vitamin A Protocol again. But I want to do it right.

Thank you,


> > We want to try this, this week

> > 2 days of 200,000 IUs vitmain A



> That is half of the recommended " high dose vitamin A protocol " . Here is my



> http://www.danasview.net/vitamina.htm



> > Can anyone help with any of the following:

> > 1. Do we give the 200,000 IU in one go or spread it through the day or




> Last I checked, it was recommended to give all 400,000 IU at the same time as

one dose. You can divide it into no more than two doses, morning and early

afternoon, but one dose was recommended.


> Dana




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> Good morning, Dana,

> Quick question for clarification.

> After the two days of 400,000IU each day, do you move to the maintenance dose

on Day #3 or is it a gradual decline?

According to Dr. McCandless several years ago, maintenance dose [starting on day

3] is 10,000-25,000 IU per day. However, once measles virus was gone for my

son, I was unable to supplement with *any* vitamin A or he would reach toxicity.

> When we did the High Dose Vitamin A Protocol in December 2009, we did two days

of 400,000 IU and then went immediately to 25,000IU for the maitenance.

That sounds like the recommendation for older kids.

> My son is still having visual stims.

My son needed high dose protocol twice. After that, he did still have visual

stims, because it took more than just vitamin A to eliminate the visuals. He

still needed other anti-virals, B1 and B12, and a few other things to eliminate

the visuals.


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Good afternoon, Dana,

Thank you as always.

What would the dosage be for day #1 and day #2 for a 40 lb 5 to 6 year old.

I think I need to do the High Dose Vitamin A Protocol again. Want to do it

correct the second time,

Thank you,


> > Good morning, Dana,

> > Quick question for clarification.

> > After the two days of 400,000IU each day, do you move to the maintenance

dose on Day #3 or is it a gradual decline?



> According to Dr. McCandless several years ago, maintenance dose [starting on

day 3] is 10,000-25,000 IU per day. However, once measles virus was gone for my

son, I was unable to supplement with *any* vitamin A or he would reach toxicity.



> > When we did the High Dose Vitamin A Protocol in December 2009, we did two

days of 400,000 IU and then went immediately to 25,000IU for the maitenance.



> That sounds like the recommendation for older kids.



> > My son is still having visual stims.



> My son needed high dose protocol twice. After that, he did still have visual

stims, because it took more than just vitamin A to eliminate the visuals. He

still needed other anti-virals, B1 and B12, and a few other things to eliminate

the visuals.


> Dana


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> Good afternoon, Dana,

> What would the dosage be for day #1 and day #2 for a 40 lb 5 to 6 year old.

According to Dr. McCandless, 400,000 IU per day for 2 days, if the child weighs

over 35 pounds.


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