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Re: religious exemption???? HELP

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If you are pro-life (against abortion) you need to know that there are aborted

fetal cells in vaccines.  That's enough reason for me, never mind the poisons!

nancy j.

From: zfs.zumbafunaticsimone <shuete@...>

Subject: [ ] religious exemption???? HELP

Date: Monday, November 1, 2010, 10:19 AM


What are the different religions that do not believe in vaccinations? I

need to fill out one of those forms and I would like to be well informed in

advance. Anyone else do this? How did it go? Did the school expect it right away

or did you have to run around in circles. I am in Florida so anyone out there

who did this please help. Thanks in advance. Simone.

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That one is easy... ok, first of all you don't need a specific Religion to have

a Religious belief. In America that is wide open... however, if you need a


Any Vaccine that contains " Human Protein " (which would be a listed ingredient)

is produced using An Embryotic Stem Cell Line. This is actually quite a bit more

series than simply saying it was produced from an abortion. See, they actually

use the Embryotic Stem Cells because the line continues to grow. In other words

the individual components of the Human is technically alive. Any Religion that

specifically opposes Abortion, or which specifically views a soul as inhabiting

the body at the moment of conception would clearly have a problem with this.

Note that the Embrotic Stem Cells also exist within the Vaccinations intact.

This in and of itself can lead to a whole mess of problems since they haven't

quite figured out how to make them work the way they want to. There is about a

50% success ratio, leading to the potential for Cancer. Only adult Stem Cells

(most commonly harvested without harm from the umbilical cord or other times

from the marrow of an adult and in no way harms a life) has been proven capable

of saving lives.

Also, by extension, any vaccine that no longer uses human proteins but had a

line started by Embryotic Stem Cells can be viewed as supporting Abortion and

objected along similar lines.

Other Vaccines use Animals. Chicken Embryos is pretty common. Though they also

sometimes use cow meat. If a Religious belief opposes the use or killing of

animals than the rest of the exceptions would apply here. A notorious problem

with animal lines is that it is difficult to ensure quality. The Polio Vaccine,

on more than one occasion over the past 30 years - which uses Monkey Cells to

grow it - can be contaminated with a Simian Virus that in humans causes Brain

Cancer in 100% of cases where successful contamination occurs. Some well

publicized cases of infant fatality resulted from the chemo that followed which

later resulted in a confirmation that this vaccine caused the Cancer. The

Government is never held accountable because the vaccinations are seen as

" voluntary " (somehow).


However, if you decide to give a reason for a religious exception you have to be

careful. Details can be circumvented. If you say " I am against the use of

Embryotic Stem Cells " they might then say " such and so " doesn't have it. Then

you'd be stuck. If you said, " I am against injecting unnatural substances " they

might as well argue that if some chemical is naturally sourced.

I'd first try giving as few details as possible. Just say, " It is against my

Religious Beliefs " and if they push the issue you could then try some ideas

above. Some states will allow ideological objections but not many.

From: zfs.zumbafunaticsimone <shuete@...>

Subject: [ ] religious exemption???? HELP

Date: Monday, November 1, 2010, 1:19 PM


What are the different religions that do not believe in vaccinations? I

need to fill out one of those forms and I would like to be well informed in

advance. Anyone else do this? How did it go? Did the school expect it right away

or did you have to run around in circles. I am in Florida so anyone out there

who did this please help. Thanks in advance. Simone.

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I live in florida, all I did was go to my local health department. Went to where

they give vaccines. Said I needed to get a religious vaccine exemption. After

waiting I was called back, the nurse asked for me to write my sons name. I

asked for two copies of the waiver. She wrote my sons name on each waiver,

signed her name and stamped both. There was no discussion other than being told

if there was any outbreak, I had to keep him at home. I thanked her and left.

Its really none of their business what religion you are/aren't. I don't think

they can really say you can't have one since I don't think they can question

your religion.

Its my belief, if the " religion " needs a name. Its Sonya's church of God.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect

[ ] religious exemption???? HELP

Date: Monday, November 1, 2010, 1:19 PM


What are the different religions that do not believe in vaccinations? I

need to fill out one of those forms and I would like to be well informed in

advance. Anyone else do this? How did it go? Did the school expect it right away

or did you have to run around in circles. I am in Florida so anyone out there

who did this please help. Thanks in advance. Simone.

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They can't ask at all in Florida. There is strong legal precedent, I think

related to separation of church and state and freedom of religion(found it with

google before but it is eluding me now), that makes it a very big no no for them

to even hint at going there.


> From: zfs.zumbafunaticsimone <shuete@...>

> Subject: [ ] religious exemption???? HELP


> Date: Monday, November 1, 2010, 1:19 PM


















> What are the different religions that do not believe in vaccinations? I

need to fill out one of those forms and I would like to be well informed in

advance. Anyone else do this? How did it go? Did the school expect it right away

or did you have to run around in circles. I am in Florida so anyone out there

who did this please help. Thanks in advance. Simone.



























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www.vaclib.org and click exemptions and then your state. the laws on how to do

this are different in each state.



> From: zfs.zumbafunaticsimone <shuete@...>

> Subject: [ ] religious exemption???? HELP


> Date: Monday, November 1, 2010, 1:19 PM


















> What are the different religions that do not believe in vaccinations? I

need to fill out one of those forms and I would like to be well informed in

advance. Anyone else do this? How did it go? Did the school expect it right away

or did you have to run around in circles. I am in Florida so anyone out there

who did this please help. Thanks in advance. Simone.



























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With respect to what you're saying, of some real positives (in offence of what

the Christian church has become? from what Christ was about, yes, like, where is

it on these matters today, and the other faiths?) ask for an exemption based on

your faith of *reason?* Why not, where you're being so reasonable, and they're


You could be a first in that respect, where you are, of such reason? .. .


On Reason. (My sense of It

Yes, it can be overwhelming and usually is, (where you try to do too much at

once?) to be able to do as much as is so reasonable, IFAU, but I'll see what I

can do for you in that respect.. .

Of such faith, and exemption? .. . Hey, at least you'd be telling The truth is

my sense of It of as much, that anything else should matter

Of the open prayer?!. That any other should matter so much.. .

Of such faith.

Best wishes, Thereof


> From: zfs.zumbafunaticsimone <shuete@...>

> Subject: [ ] religious exemption???? HELP


> Date: Monday, November 1, 2010, 1:19 PM


















> What are the different religions that do not believe in vaccinations? I

need to fill out one of those forms and I would like to be well informed in

advance. Anyone else do this? How did it go? Did the school expect it right away

or did you have to run around in circles. I am in Florida so anyone out there

who did this please help. Thanks in advance. Simone.



























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