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Need help to identify - HSV?

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We were visiting TX for a few weeks and on the way home, my daughter's chin

was really itchy and her jaw was sore. There were two distinct little holes

and red around it, then it began to blister. Wouldn't go away with

Colloidal Silver or any of the regular salves, but it did go away within

three or four days with Tea Tree Oil.

Since then, it has come up a few more times, and just a few days ago. Her

face will be red on that side, hot to touch, and she says her jaw hurts only

on her right side. Is it HSV? No one has ever had anything like this


I uploaded photos to this folder:


2/view?picmode= & mode=tn & order=ordinal & start=1 & count=20 & dir=asc

Thanks in advance.

Warm Regards,

Summer McFarland





Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and


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The photo does not hit me as HSV. in our case its always more red.. that

looks yeasty to me. However the nerve pain does lead one on the HSV track..

Unless it Is something else with some yeast that is opportunisitic.. Did you

try any lysine? I also find elderberry works well for HSV.. as well as

lemonbalm and licorice.

Good Luck Summer!

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Summer McFarland

Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 10:00 AM

Subject: [ ] Need help to identify - HSV?

We were visiting TX for a few weeks and on the way home, my daughter's chin

was really itchy and her jaw was sore. There were two distinct little holes

and red around it, then it began to blister. Wouldn't go away with

Colloidal Silver or any of the regular salves, but it did go away within

three or four days with Tea Tree Oil.

Since then, it has come up a few more times, and just a few days ago. Her

face will be red on that side, hot to touch, and she says her jaw hurts only

on her right side. Is it HSV? No one has ever had anything like this


I uploaded photos to this folder:



< /photos/album/354803571/pic/164

705632/view?picmode= & mode=tn & order=ordinal & start=1 & count=20 & dir=asc>

& mode=tn & order=ordinal & start=1 & count=20 & dir=asc

Thanks in advance.

Warm Regards,

Summer McFarland




Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and


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To me, it looked like infected acne. I noticed a larger reddened area on her

chin. Did she injure her chin?

Herpes Simplex Virus looks like blistered lesions. (like pox)

Have you taken her to a dermatologist?

If she has not had the chicken pox vaccine or had chicken pox, then you can do a

herpes titer on her to see for sure.

Personally, I do not think it is herpes. It even looks similar to fire ant

bites, except that I see tiny whitehead pimples in the center. Herpes-type

infections look a bit different, like chicken pox. This *looks like* a rug burn

with infected acne (from picking); since, I seriously doubt that it is a rug

burn (LOL), then my guess would be some sort of allergic reaction, exposure to

virus/cold,or other disorder of the skin of some sort and then she picked at it,

causing it to get infected. The redness around it indicates infection.

What *I* would do is wash with warm soap and water (gently) and *pat* dry (2 to

3 times daily) Instruct her NOT to touch it. Apply a polysporin or triple

antibiotic ointment after patting dry. Leave exposed to air, and do not bandage.

Also, take an internal probiotic (otc).Do this for three days. If it still

persists and does not begin to disappear, then consult a physician.

I must tell you that I am not a doctor, but I am a nurse. And this is what I

would do for my own child, who has had similar (nonherpetic) bumps. My child's

bumps never got infected in the surrounding area, but nonetheless, it looked



> We were visiting TX for a few weeks and on the way home, my daughter's chin

> was really itchy and her jaw was sore. There were two distinct little holes

> and red around it, then it began to blister. Wouldn't go away with

> Colloidal Silver or any of the regular salves, but it did go away within

> three or four days with Tea Tree Oil.


> Since then, it has come up a few more times, and just a few days ago. Her

> face will be red on that side, hot to touch, and she says her jaw hurts only

> on her right side. Is it HSV? No one has ever had anything like this

> before.


> I uploaded photos to this folder:



2/view?picmode= & mode=tn & order=ordinal & start=1 & count=20 & dir=asc


> Thanks in advance.


> Warm Regards,


> Summer McFarland

> 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> 1.224.325.5437




> Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and

> design.




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This looks exactly!! like what my high school wrestler had years ago!! It was

cultured as herpes and staph. Valtrex took a long time to clear it then. The

wrestlers were cleaning everything exc head gear so he had a head and hair line

full by the time it was labelled. He still[27y now] gets periodic outbreaks near

both eyes. He uses high dose lysine now to treat it.


> We were visiting TX for a few weeks and on the way home, my daughter's chin

> was really itchy and her jaw was sore. There were two distinct little holes

> and red around it, then it began to blister. Wouldn't go away with

> Colloidal Silver or any of the regular salves, but it did go away within

> three or four days with Tea Tree Oil.


> Since then, it has come up a few more times, and just a few days ago. Her

> face will be red on that side, hot to touch, and she says her jaw hurts only

> on her right side. Is it HSV? No one has ever had anything like this

> before.


> I uploaded photos to this folder:



2/view?picmode= & mode=tn & order=ordinal & start=1 & count=20 & dir=asc


> Thanks in advance.


> Warm Regards,


> Summer McFarland

> 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> 1.224.325.5437




> Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and

> design.




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Hi Summer,

It could be a staph infection, and if it is, could be community-acquired MRSA

(methicillin resistant staph aureus). If it were me, I would take her to her

doctor, just to be safe.

> >

> > We were visiting TX for a few weeks and on the way home, my daughter's chin

> > was really itchy and her jaw was sore. There were two distinct little holes

> > and red around it, then it began to blister. Wouldn't go away with

> > Colloidal Silver or any of the regular salves, but it did go away within

> > three or four days with Tea Tree Oil.

> >

> > Since then, it has come up a few more times, and just a few days ago. Her

> > face will be red on that side, hot to touch, and she says her jaw hurts only

> > on her right side. Is it HSV? No one has ever had anything like this

> > before.

> >

> > I uploaded photos to this folder:

> >


2/view?picmode= & mode=tn & order=ordinal & start=1 & count=20 & dir=asc

> >

> > Thanks in advance.

> >

> > Warm Regards,

> >

> > Summer McFarland

> > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > 1.224.325.5437

> >



> > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and

> > design.

> >

> >

> >

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Thanks for all the replies. This is my 14 yr old and it first appeared May 2008

while we were visiting my mother. It has since come back I think 4 or 5 times.

We actually thought it was a spider or bug bite the first time.

It starts out just a little red, and it is itchy. Her face will be red along the

jaw as well. Then, it blisters and when the blisters pop (usually in her sleep

or by accident) it will spread.

She did have the varicella vaccine in 1998, without consent, but still got it.

I have just washed it, used witchhazel or ClearAc (calendula and alcohol) to

clean, pat dry and then applied straight Tea Tree Oil - maybe the last time was

incense - and it cleared up, but it is always starting in the same spot.

It doesn't look as bad as some of the Impetigo photos, but it looks exactly like

HSV photos here -


We don't have insurance right now, so I will see if I can take her in to a local

dr for a swab.

Thanks everyone :)

Warm Regards,

Summer McFarland





Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and design.

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Except for the infected part (maybe from touching it) it looks exactly like

my son's yeast rashes. Also from the fact that tea tree oil is working, it

might be yeast. My son had it for about 2 months and from all natural

antifungals that I tried only caprylic acid worked. Herpes are harder and

feels like fire.


On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 12:00 PM, Summer McFarland <

summermcfarland@...> wrote:



> We were visiting TX for a few weeks and on the way home, my daughter's chin

> was really itchy and her jaw was sore. There were two distinct little holes

> and red around it, then it began to blister. Wouldn't go away with

> Colloidal Silver or any of the regular salves, but it did go away within

> three or four days with Tea Tree Oil.


> Since then, it has come up a few more times, and just a few days ago. Her

> face will be red on that side, hot to touch, and she says her jaw hurts

> only

> on her right side. Is it HSV? No one has ever had anything like this

> before.


> I uploaded photos to this folder:




2/view?picmode= & mode=tn & order=ordinal & start=1 & count=20 & dir=asc


> Thanks in advance.


> Warm Regards,


> Summer McFarland

> 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> 1.224.325.5437

> ----------------------------------------------------------

> Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and

> design.




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Impetigo looks more crusty. I had thought of that, but it was not easy to tell

from the picture. I saw pimples with reddened area.

> >

> > We were visiting TX for a few weeks and on the way home, my daughter's


> > was really itchy and her jaw was sore. There were two distinct little


> > and red around it, then it began to blister. Wouldn't go away with

> > Colloidal Silver or any of the regular salves, but it did go away within

> > three or four days with Tea Tree Oil.

> >

> > Since then, it has come up a few more times, and just a few days ago. Her

> > face will be red on that side, hot to touch, and she says her jaw hurts


> > on her right side. Is it HSV? No one has ever had anything like this

> > before.

> >

> > I uploaded photos to this folder:

> >


2/view?picmode= & mode=tn & order=ordinal & start=1 & count=20 & dir=asc

> >

> > Thanks in advance.

> >

> > Warm Regards,

> >

> > Summer McFarland

> > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > 1.224.325.5437

> > ----------------------------------------------------------

> > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and

> > design.

> >

> >

> >

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Could be MRSA, MRSA looks more flesh-eating and with boils.

> > >

> > > We were visiting TX for a few weeks and on the way home, my daughter's


> > > was really itchy and her jaw was sore. There were two distinct little


> > > and red around it, then it began to blister. Wouldn't go away with

> > > Colloidal Silver or any of the regular salves, but it did go away within

> > > three or four days with Tea Tree Oil.

> > >

> > > Since then, it has come up a few more times, and just a few days ago. Her

> > > face will be red on that side, hot to touch, and she says her jaw hurts


> > > on her right side. Is it HSV? No one has ever had anything like this

> > > before.

> > >

> > > I uploaded photos to this folder:

> > >


2/view?picmode= & mode=tn & order=ordinal & start=1 & count=20 & dir=asc

> > >

> > > Thanks in advance.

> > >

> > > Warm Regards,

> > >

> > > Summer McFarland

> > > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > > 1.224.325.5437

> > >



> > > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and

> > > design.

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I did not see blisters like that on your picture, but I saw pimply looking

places. BUT if it *was* blistery, then the fluid places poppped, then it could

be herpetic. Where would she have gotten that from, though? (Water fountains?)

<<< I never let me kids drink from water fountains because of the incredible

source of germs.


> Thanks for all the replies. This is my 14 yr old and it first appeared May

2008 while we were visiting my mother. It has since come back I think 4 or 5

times. We actually thought it was a spider or bug bite the first time.


> It starts out just a little red, and it is itchy. Her face will be red along

the jaw as well. Then, it blisters and when the blisters pop (usually in her

sleep or by accident) it will spread.


> She did have the varicella vaccine in 1998, without consent, but still got it.

I have just washed it, used witchhazel or ClearAc (calendula and alcohol) to

clean, pat dry and then applied straight Tea Tree Oil - maybe the last time was

incense - and it cleared up, but it is always starting in the same spot.


> It doesn't look as bad as some of the Impetigo photos, but it looks exactly

like HSV photos here -

> http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/HARDIN/md/dermnet/herpessimplex2.html


> We don't have insurance right now, so I will see if I can take her in to a

local dr for a swab.


> Thanks everyone :)


> Warm Regards,


> Summer McFarland

> 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> 1.224.325.5437




> Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and



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go to the doctor.

> > >

> > > We were visiting TX for a few weeks and on the way home, my daughter's


> > > was really itchy and her jaw was sore. There were two distinct little


> > > and red around it, then it began to blister. Wouldn't go away with

> > > Colloidal Silver or any of the regular salves, but it did go away within

> > > three or four days with Tea Tree Oil.

> > >

> > > Since then, it has come up a few more times, and just a few days ago.


> > > face will be red on that side, hot to touch, and she says her jaw hurts


> > > on her right side. Is it HSV? No one has ever had anything like this

> > > before.

> > >

> > > I uploaded photos to this folder:

> > >


2/view?picmode= & mode=tn & order=ordinal & start=1 & count=20 & dir=asc

> > >

> > > Thanks in advance.

> > >

> > > Warm Regards,

> > >

> > > Summer McFarland

> > > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > > 1.224.325.5437

> > > ----------------------------------------------------------

> > > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and

> > > design.

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I know it sounds too easy but it could be an allergic reaction to the fluoride

in the toothpaste. Especially if she recently switched brands. You normally see

it on the sides of the mouth or the chin. Have her brush her teeth with baking

soda for a while or a non fluoride toothpaste like for kids. And see if that



> >

> > Thanks for all the replies. This is my 14 yr old and it first appeared May

2008 while we were visiting my mother. It has since come back I think 4 or 5

times. We actually thought it was a spider or bug bite the first time.

> >

> > It starts out just a little red, and it is itchy. Her face will be red along

the jaw as well. Then, it blisters and when the blisters pop (usually in her

sleep or by accident) it will spread.

> >

> > She did have the varicella vaccine in 1998, without consent, but still got

it. I have just washed it, used witchhazel or ClearAc (calendula and alcohol)

to clean, pat dry and then applied straight Tea Tree Oil - maybe the last time

was incense - and it cleared up, but it is always starting in the same


> >

> > It doesn't look as bad as some of the Impetigo photos, but it looks exactly

like HSV photos here -

> > http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/HARDIN/md/dermnet/herpessimplex2.html

> >

> > We don't have insurance right now, so I will see if I can take her in to a

local dr for a swab.

> >

> > Thanks everyone :)

> >

> > Warm Regards,

> >

> > Summer McFarland

> > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > 1.224.325.5437

> >



> > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and


> >


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What makes you think it is a virus? Were you giving antivirals or did she have

exposure? This sounds more like a food reaction to me, especially because you

said the jaw was sore. I get a sore jaw with certain foods and sometimes my

upper back near my neck is achy. I think this is lactic acidosis or a lesser

form of anaphylaxis. I'm not real crazy about topical ointments because mostly

anything that is on the surface of the skin is something trying to get out of

the body. Instead, I would give activated charcoal, stinging nettle,

niacinamide, and/or milk thistle to help whatever it is detox out of the body.


> We were visiting TX for a few weeks and on the way home, my daughter's chin

> was really itchy and her jaw was sore. There were two distinct little holes

> and red around it, then it began to blister. Wouldn't go away with

> Colloidal Silver or any of the regular salves, but it did go away within

> three or four days with Tea Tree Oil.


> Since then, it has come up a few more times, and just a few days ago. Her

> face will be red on that side, hot to touch, and she says her jaw hurts only

> on her right side. Is it HSV? No one has ever had anything like this

> before.


> I uploaded photos to this folder:



2/view?picmode= & mode=tn & order=ordinal & start=1 & count=20 & dir=asc


> Thanks in advance.


> Warm Regards,


> Summer McFarland

> 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> 1.224.325.5437




> Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and

> design.




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