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Re: I am in desperate need of help and will do anything to stop this agony...

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I'm a lurker on this list, so I'm replying privately. I have a friend who

resolved really terrible eczema in her son by finding a really good allergist.

Have you ruled out allergies? We are SCD also and I know that kids on SCD with

limited diets tend to develop food intolerances to the foods they eat a lot.

Have you considered that? What about oxalates for the urination problem? You

could try VSL#3 or the Low Oxalate Diet or Vitamin K protocol...

We haven't chelated yet...just got it in the mail a few days ago. We're going

to just do ALA because our kids have sulfur issues and we don't want to fight

yeast any more than we have to.

Also, it sounds like another round of testing would be helpful if it's in the

budget. I know some people are so in tune with their kids that they can tell

what to add/pull. I'm just not. We have a local DAN and also use Dr. Woeller's

autismactionplan.org site to get access to his opinions. It's just $37/mo.

Just a thought.

I'm sure you'll figure things out. Hang in there.


> Here's my daughter's history. I began biomedical treatments with her starting

in July of 2008 when she was five years old. At first we just did GFCF and then

we built on that. In January 2009 we started the SCD diet and antifungal

medication and probiotics. By the middle of March she was completely

toilet-trained and instead of stripping her clothes off all day, began keeping

them on. This was shortly after her sixth birthday. This is the first real

hope I ever had for her as she had never learned how to do ANYTHING and was very

hyperactive. Well, I stayed with her DAN! for another year and I was getting

impatient because she still had no speech or playskills and I was dying to

chelate her. I decided to do AC chelation in the spring of 2010. During this

time I had added some non-SCD foods back into her diet thinking she was doing

fine on them but looking back I don't think she was. She began stripping her

clothes off and screaming and refusing to wear clothes AT ALL. I had to put her

back on antifungals for a month and the problem temporarily got better. I went

ahead and started chelation with her figuring eventually these problems would

even themselves out if I started pulling metals. Well, after a summer of about

ten rounds she was a mess. She had completely lost her ability to toilet

herself (I did five rounds of DMSA and then added in ALA I give her 5 mg DMSA

and 3 mg ALA when she is on round) would not wear clothes AT ALL even outside

the house, was constantly itching herself down below from all the yeast (I was

using OTC yeast killers but they did nothing). I got her a script for Diflucan

in August and after a two week die-off period, she still didn't want her clothes

on in the house, but she would wear them to go out. HEr belly lost it's bloat

and she quit being so insanely attracted to water like she always is. I began

to think that yes, chelation was going to help after all, so I decided to start

up again and space out the rounds. Well, I started the first week of September

and got eight more rounds in by the middle of November. We still had problems

with clothing and she was itching her nether regions so I figured the Diflucan

was no longer controlling the yeast. I also found pinworms in her stool at the

end of October (after about round 16) and treated her for those with Vermox.

Around the time I discovered the pinworms, she also began getting a strange rash

on her bottom that has not fully left. It is like her bottom is redder than the

rest of her body and wearing clothing made it worse. I switched detergents and

that seemed to stop the problem temporarily, but it has since come back since

completing round 18 and this time it is worse. It is like an itchy eczema rash

that is all over her body. She is on ketonazole to treat the yeast and she has

been on it for two weeks and the rash always begins to heal and then she wears

clothing or gets in the bathtub and it comes raging back. I even tried washing

her clothes in nothing over and over again yet she will still occasionally rash

up after she puts them on.


> Anyways, I have pulled her from school because she is just too miserable to

attend and I am going to homeschool her. Wearing clothing for more than an hour

or two is sheer agony for her, she strips her clothes and screams and has tears

pouring down when we come home from going out somewhere, even if the rash has

not returned. Her belly is also always slightly bloated even with antifungals

and lots of probiotics.


> She also has a strange compulsion. Even though she is potty-trained, she will

urinate in small amounts on cloth. She used to do it on the stairs all the time

and now she has taken to doing it on the furniture. If she has clothes on she

runs to the toilet a million times a day. I have checked her for diabetes,

UTIs, etc. THIS problem has gone on off and on since summer of 2009. She

doesn't pee on hardwood when she does this ONLY cloth, so I am thinking it is

some kind of OCD compulsion. She also has many OCD characteristics like opening

cabinets, turning on lights, etc. The peeing on things DID temporarily stop in

April with a script for oral Amphotericin, but within a week that compulsion

returned. This is confusing to me as I cannot tell if the peeing is OCD or if

it is a physical issue relating to the balance of yeast and bacteria. I have

had her on straight cranberry juice for three days now three times a day but I

see no sign of the problem abating. The rash starts to heal and keeps returning

also. I just don't even know how to begin to restore her to health and

happiness and I am so sorry I ever tried chelating her. I just made a bad

situation so much worse. Everyone told me it would be hard at first and to give

it six months but it has taken away everything she DID have. I feel so selfish

for wanting her to do more than be happy and use a toilet and keep clothes on at

all times now. I had no idea this would make her suffer so much physically.

She literally cannot function because she refuses to wear clothing and is

imprisoned by hyperactivity and compulsions all day.


> I should add, her pooping on the toilet HAS returned, so she's gotten that

back. I have no clue what to do about the rest. I am not chelating at the

moment. I did see her do some cool things like point and start making faces at

herself in the mirror in between rounds, but what is the point in doing this if

it is so physically debilitating to her that she cannot even wear clothes and do

ABA therapy for two hours at almost eight?


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I would try ordering some latex free cotton underwear and let her run around in

just underwear and see if she tolerate them. Some kids have a latex allergy to

the elastic around the waist and legs. If she tolerates them, then just basic

cotton clothing, latex free.

Allergy testing would be a great place to start. See an allergist. Do

skin/blood, whatever, maybe that can guide you more.

Swallowing pills? Do like humaworm too for parasites. Try creams on the bum to

help, antifungal. Lotramin works or get a prescription from the dr.

I'd also do a protocol for virus, OCD issues and look into Pandas.

What supplements are you doing? Digestive enzymes, probiotics? Epson salt

baths would be something to add on too.

Biotin, GSE, check out Brainchild even for a good yeast protocol that you must

stay on at all times. There is no winning the yeast. Always, always treat!


[ ] I am in desperate need of help and will do anything

to stop this agony...

Here's my daughter's history. I began biomedical treatments with her starting

in July of 2008 when she was five years old. At first we just did GFCF and then

we built on that. In January 2009 we started the SCD diet and antifungal

medication and probiotics. By the middle of March she was completely

toilet-trained and instead of stripping her clothes off all day, began keeping

them on. This was shortly after her sixth birthday. This is the first real hope

I ever had for her as she had never learned how to do ANYTHING and was very

hyperactive. Well, I stayed with her DAN! for another year and I was getting

impatient because she still had no speech or playskills and I was dying to

chelate her. I decided to do AC chelation in the spring of 2010. During this

time I had added some non-SCD foods back into her diet thinking she was doing

fine on them but looking back I don't think she was. She began stripping her

clothes off and screaming and refusing to wear clothes AT ALL. I had to put her

back on antifungals for a month and the problem temporarily got better. I went

ahead and started chelation with her figuring eventually these problems would

even themselves out if I started pulling metals. Well, after a summer of about

ten rounds she was a mess. She had completely lost her ability to toilet herself

(I did five rounds of DMSA and then added in ALA I give her 5 mg DMSA and 3 mg

ALA when she is on round) would not wear clothes AT ALL even outside the house,

was constantly itching herself down below from all the yeast (I was using OTC

yeast killers but they did nothing). I got her a script for Diflucan in August

and after a two week die-off period, she still didn't want her clothes on in the

house, but she would wear them to go out. HEr belly lost it's bloat and she quit

being so insanely attracted to water like she always is. I began to think that

yes, chelation was going to help after all, so I decided to start up again and

space out the rounds. Well, I started the first week of September and got eight

more rounds in by the middle of November. We still had problems with clothing

and she was itching her nether regions so I figured the Diflucan was no longer

controlling the yeast. I also found pinworms in her stool at the end of October

(after about round 16) and treated her for those with Vermox. Around the time I

discovered the pinworms, she also began getting a strange rash on her bottom

that has not fully left. It is like her bottom is redder than the rest of her

body and wearing clothing made it worse. I switched detergents and that seemed

to stop the problem temporarily, but it has since come back since completing

round 18 and this time it is worse. It is like an itchy eczema rash that is all

over her body. She is on ketonazole to treat the yeast and she has been on it

for two weeks and the rash always begins to heal and then she wears clothing or

gets in the bathtub and it comes raging back. I even tried washing her clothes

in nothing over and over again yet she will still occasionally rash up after she

puts them on.

Anyways, I have pulled her from school because she is just too miserable to

attend and I am going to homeschool her. Wearing clothing for more than an hour

or two is sheer agony for her, she strips her clothes and screams and has tears

pouring down when we come home from going out somewhere, even if the rash has

not returned. Her belly is also always slightly bloated even with antifungals

and lots of probiotics.

She also has a strange compulsion. Even though she is potty-trained, she will

urinate in small amounts on cloth. She used to do it on the stairs all the time

and now she has taken to doing it on the furniture. If she has clothes on she

runs to the toilet a million times a day. I have checked her for diabetes, UTIs,

etc. THIS problem has gone on off and on since summer of 2009. She doesn't pee

on hardwood when she does this ONLY cloth, so I am thinking it is some kind of

OCD compulsion. She also has many OCD characteristics like opening cabinets,

turning on lights, etc. The peeing on things DID temporarily stop in April with

a script for oral Amphotericin, but within a week that compulsion returned. This

is confusing to me as I cannot tell if the peeing is OCD or if it is a physical

issue relating to the balance of yeast and bacteria. I have had her on straight

cranberry juice for three days now three times a day but I see no sign of the

problem abating. The rash starts to heal and keeps returning also. I just don't

even know how to begin to restore her to health and happiness and I am so sorry

I ever tried chelating her. I just made a bad situation so much worse. Everyone

told me it would be hard at first and to give it six months but it has taken

away everything she DID have. I feel so selfish for wanting her to do more than

be happy and use a toilet and keep clothes on at all times now. I had no idea

this would make her suffer so much physically. She literally cannot function

because she refuses to wear clothing and is imprisoned by hyperactivity and

compulsions all day.

I should add, her pooping on the toilet HAS returned, so she's gotten that

back. I have no clue what to do about the rest. I am not chelating at the

moment. I did see her do some cool things like point and start making faces at

herself in the mirror in between rounds, but what is the point in doing this if

it is so physically debilitating to her that she cannot even wear clothes and do

ABA therapy for two hours at almost eight?

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I believe we have to get out kids ready for chelation, decide on a diet, get

the proper metabolic supports in place, get yeast under control etc..

When you went gf/cf, did you then go soy protein free? Gf/cf improved many

of our son's issues, but when we removed soy protein --WOW! It was amazing.

From there we moved toward natural, got rid of refined sugars (except for

special occasions, I confess).

could your daughter possibly have a problem with sulfur? Our son does, so

when we continue chelation, it will be with ALA only.

Also, I too, suggest moving to all cotton clothing. I know my son prefers

soft cotton everything. He does okay with linen. He does not like to wear

blue jeans.

Sometimes when we start something new, it does get much worse before it gets

better. Stopping chelation before enough metals are removed (doing too few

rounds) can be problematic as well, I think, but Andy or Dana would half to

clrify this.

I know when we first removed casein from our son's diet, he went through

horrible withdrawal. I cried every day for three weeks! then things

started getting better.

I do regret doing IV chelation and would recommend only using the AC

protocol after the reactions my son had with IV.

My son used to poop on the floor. If he got the slightest upset about being

out in a public place, he would start to gag and projectile vomit! We did

diet and metabolic supports, and we used ABA methodology in dealing with

behaviors. We couldn't even try chelation for a long time due to our son's

low neutrophil count.

My heart goes out to you. You need another perspective. I think the

may have given you a good idea to contact Dr. Woeller's website. I

know for us sometimes getting another opinion put us on a better path. It

is my own opinion that you re-consider chelation. Have you done a hair


Tammy also gives good advice when she says just have her wear underwear

first. sometimes it is about slow desensitization. Once she is comfortable

with the underwear, you can add a shirt.

What kind of food allergy testing did you have done?

Have you also used enzymes?

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Is she taking any oils? Irritated skin makes me think of oils. EFA's or olive

oil or Lecithin. Lecithin does wonders for my skin and removes the dry itchy

feelings and the need to use hand lotion every 5 minutes. Lecithin in granule

form, not pill form, I buy it at Whole Foods and take about a tablespoon every

day. I add it to water and drink it. This may help your child. Hang in there

and keep trying to resolve it.



> Here's my daughter's history. I began biomedical treatments with her starting

in July of 2008 when she was five years old. At first we just did GFCF and then

we built on that. In January 2009 we started the SCD diet and antifungal

medication and probiotics. By the middle of March she was completely

toilet-trained and instead of stripping her clothes off all day, began keeping

them on. This was shortly after her sixth birthday. This is the first real

hope I ever had for her as she had never learned how to do ANYTHING and was very

hyperactive. Well, I stayed with her DAN! for another year and I was getting

impatient because she still had no speech or playskills and I was dying to

chelate her. I decided to do AC chelation in the spring of 2010. During this

time I had added some non-SCD foods back into her diet thinking she was doing

fine on them but looking back I don't think she was. She began stripping her

clothes off and screaming and refusing to wear clothes AT ALL. I had to put her

back on antifungals for a month and the problem temporarily got better. I went

ahead and started chelation with her figuring eventually these problems would

even themselves out if I started pulling metals. Well, after a summer of about

ten rounds she was a mess. She had completely lost her ability to toilet

herself (I did five rounds of DMSA and then added in ALA I give her 5 mg DMSA

and 3 mg ALA when she is on round) would not wear clothes AT ALL even outside

the house, was constantly itching herself down below from all the yeast (I was

using OTC yeast killers but they did nothing). I got her a script for Diflucan

in August and after a two week die-off period, she still didn't want her clothes

on in the house, but she would wear them to go out. HEr belly lost it's bloat

and she quit being so insanely attracted to water like she always is. I began

to think that yes, chelation was going to help after all, so I decided to start

up again and space out the rounds. Well, I started the first week of September

and got eight more rounds in by the middle of November. We still had problems

with clothing and she was itching her nether regions so I figured the Diflucan

was no longer controlling the yeast. I also found pinworms in her stool at the

end of October (after about round 16) and treated her for those with Vermox.

Around the time I discovered the pinworms, she also began getting a strange rash

on her bottom that has not fully left. It is like her bottom is redder than the

rest of her body and wearing clothing made it worse. I switched detergents and

that seemed to stop the problem temporarily, but it has since come back since

completing round 18 and this time it is worse. It is like an itchy eczema rash

that is all over her body. She is on ketonazole to treat the yeast and she has

been on it for two weeks and the rash always begins to heal and then she wears

clothing or gets in the bathtub and it comes raging back. I even tried washing

her clothes in nothing over and over again yet she will still occasionally rash

up after she puts them on.


> Anyways, I have pulled her from school because she is just too miserable to

attend and I am going to homeschool her. Wearing clothing for more than an hour

or two is sheer agony for her, she strips her clothes and screams and has tears

pouring down when we come home from going out somewhere, even if the rash has

not returned. Her belly is also always slightly bloated even with antifungals

and lots of probiotics.


> She also has a strange compulsion. Even though she is potty-trained, she will

urinate in small amounts on cloth. She used to do it on the stairs all the time

and now she has taken to doing it on the furniture. If she has clothes on she

runs to the toilet a million times a day. I have checked her for diabetes,

UTIs, etc. THIS problem has gone on off and on since summer of 2009. She

doesn't pee on hardwood when she does this ONLY cloth, so I am thinking it is

some kind of OCD compulsion. She also has many OCD characteristics like opening

cabinets, turning on lights, etc. The peeing on things DID temporarily stop in

April with a script for oral Amphotericin, but within a week that compulsion

returned. This is confusing to me as I cannot tell if the peeing is OCD or if

it is a physical issue relating to the balance of yeast and bacteria. I have

had her on straight cranberry juice for three days now three times a day but I

see no sign of the problem abating. The rash starts to heal and keeps returning

also. I just don't even know how to begin to restore her to health and

happiness and I am so sorry I ever tried chelating her. I just made a bad

situation so much worse. Everyone told me it would be hard at first and to give

it six months but it has taken away everything she DID have. I feel so selfish

for wanting her to do more than be happy and use a toilet and keep clothes on at

all times now. I had no idea this would make her suffer so much physically.

She literally cannot function because she refuses to wear clothing and is

imprisoned by hyperactivity and compulsions all day.


> I should add, her pooping on the toilet HAS returned, so she's gotten that

back. I have no clue what to do about the rest. I am not chelating at the

moment. I did see her do some cool things like point and start making faces at

herself in the mirror in between rounds, but what is the point in doing this if

it is so physically debilitating to her that she cannot even wear clothes and do

ABA therapy for two hours at almost eight?


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Very often, lecithin comes from soy; however, it is not the protein part.

Though we removed our son from soy with great results, we have never found a

problem with soy lecithin. Our son has a problem with proteins -- probably

more than just gluten, casein, and soy varieties, and there is much research

going on about this regarding children with autism possibly having a problem

with metabolism of all proteins. It's interesting. I found that enzymes

have also helped a lot. We have used several, but I actually think Gluten

Ease that we get at WF works well for him.

I do wish there were easy solutions and you didn't have to go through this

--we've spent the last 9.9 years searching for answers, but we never had to

resort to psychotropics, though docs tried to push us in that direction. We

went strictly diet, metabolic supports, ABA/Floor-time (done on our own),

and chelation. There is hope. Our son became completely non-verbal at

regression and at times was seemingly catatonic with his staring spells.

We've been through the constant spinning, throwing himself up against the

wall so hard he would fall, endless sleepless nights due to horrendous gut

pain, poop on the floor, and one psychotic episode after he was given oral


His immune system was damaged, so we've dealt with eight bouts of pneumonia

along with chronic asthma and bronchitis.

I don't even know how we mothers do it all! We fight the medical battles

and the insurance battles, and we try to find the right path for our

children, and then for good measure, we must also fight the educational

systems for what is " appropriate. "

Very early on, after a doctor had given me a long list of things my child

would " never " do such as talk, I was is WF, and there was a family with a

boy smaller than mine just jabbering away, and the parents were miffed with

his constant questions. I had to duck down another aisle because all I

could think was that they didn't know how lucky they were! I had just been

told my child would probably never regain speech! And of course some tears

fell. I came home and got on the Internet and found THIS group, which led

me in the right direction.

A year later, when my child crawled into bed and said, " I wuv you Mommy, " I

KNEW why I did what I did, and why I would continue to do whatever I had to

do. For myself, I cannot discount prayer. I have prayed A LOT over the

years, and somehow when I've reached a plateau, I wind up just where I need

to be to find the next step. Keep trying, keep asking questions, keep

searching. Perseverance is key.

My son has proved the doctors wrong on most of their " nevers. " Now all I

have to do is get him to where he can drive a car, get into college, and

find a wife, and then I'm going to be looking up a few doctors to visit.:)

The first time I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he answered

very seriously, " Married. "

My son was potty trained by age five and has regained all forms of speech.

I'd say its about 3 or four years behind his age, but we have wonderful

conversations now!

Hang in there!

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>>She began stripping her clothes off and screaming and refusing to wear clothes


This was related to yeast overgrowth at my house.

>>I had to put her back on antifungals for a month and the problem temporarily

got better.

Have you tried biotin? That was required for long-term control here.

>>(I was using OTC yeast killers but they did nothing).

What, and how much? My son required 20mg biotin plus 4 GSE tablets 3x per day

for a few years.

>>She also has many OCD characteristics like opening cabinets, turning on

lights, etc.

At my house, OCD was caused by yeast, viruses, and B vitamin deficiency.

Sometimes it is related to strep bacteria.

>>physical issue relating to the balance of yeast and bacteria.

For bacteria problems, I used OLE.


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She had completely lost her ability to toilet herself (I did five rounds of DMSA

and then added in ALA I give her 5 mg DMSA and 3 mg ALA when she is on round)

would not wear clothes AT ALL even outside the house, was constantly itching

herself down below from all the yeast (I was using OTC yeast killers but they

did nothing). I got her a script for Diflucan in August and after a two week

die-off period, she still didn't want her clothes on in the house, but she would

wear them to go out.

>> Maybe she would do better on ALA only, dosed no more than 3 hours apart.

DMSA can reduce neutrophils and lower resistance to yeast, which sounds like a

major problem for your girl. Did she have lots of liver support, eg. milk

thistle 3-4x a day?

I also found pinworms in her stool at the end of October (after about round 16)

and treated her for those with Vermox. Around the time I discovered the

pinworms, she also began getting a strange rash on her bottom that has not fully

left. It is like her bottom is redder than the rest of her body and wearing

clothing made it worse. I switched detergents and that seemed to stop the

problem temporarily, but it has since come back since completing round 18 and

this time it is worse. It is like an itchy eczema rash that is all over her

body. She is on ketonazole to treat the yeast and she has been on it for two

weeks and the rash always begins to heal and then she wears clothing or gets in

the bathtub and it comes raging back. I even tried washing her clothes in

nothing over and over again yet she will still occasionally rash up after she

puts them on.

>> I assume she's still GFCF. Have you checked your water to make sure it's not

high in chlorine or aluminum or other metals? Doctor's Data has a water test

that shows these things. What are you using for bathing? I find flaxseed oil

or coconut oil applied to itchy skin to be helpful. How much zinc, selenium,

vit E and EFAs is she getting?

> Anyways, I have pulled her from school because she is just too miserable to

attend and I am going to homeschool her. Wearing clothing for more than an hour

or two is sheer agony for her, she strips her clothes and screams and has tears

pouring down when we come home from going out somewhere, even if the rash has

not returned. Her belly is also always slightly bloated even with antifungals

and lots of probiotics.


>> Is she on enzymes? What brand of probiotics?

She also has many OCD characteristics like opening cabinets, turning on lights,


>> Could be strep or viral. We use lysine or Olive Leaf Extract for viral

maintenance. But first I would make sure the probiotics don't have strep

thermophilus in them; it can really aggravate OCD in a kid with strep


Sorry she's suffering and hope this helps find some answers.


chelating 3 boys and myself

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What laundry detergent are you using? Do you use any fabric softener in the

wash? How about dryer sheets? What do you clean the tub with?

What kind of soap do you use in her bath? What are you putting on her skin for


When we had eczema it meant there was something in the diet that needed to be

pulled out, and yeast. The only things that helped yeast here were GSE, biotin,

and sometimes we had to throw in OoO. We added coconut oil as a supplement - a

few spoonfuls a day. We had to use both Custom probiotics and Culterelle. And,

as long as there were metals, we had to continue on with parasite control


Topically we would mix coconut oil and tea tree oil for eczema/skin issues.

OLE eliminated our OCD behaviors here. My son actually had an OCD dx. I was

giving him OLE for other reasons, not realizing yet on the early part of our

journey what it could do for us!

When we got OLE in a high enough dose (and it helps with parasites, some) and

did a few continuous months of an herbal parasite protocol my son's clothing

issues just completely disappeared.

The root of the yeast is the metals for most, though, usually.


> Here's my daughter's history. I began biomedical treatments with her starting

in July of 2008 when she was five years old. At first we just did GFCF and then

we built on that. In January 2009 we started the SCD diet and antifungal

medication and probiotics. By the middle of March she was completely

toilet-trained and instead of stripping her clothes off all day, began keeping

them on. This was shortly after her sixth birthday. This is the first real

hope I ever had for her as she had never learned how to do ANYTHING and was very

hyperactive. Well, I stayed with her DAN! for another year and I was getting

impatient because she still had no speech or playskills and I was dying to

chelate her. I decided to do AC chelation in the spring of 2010. During this

time I had added some non-SCD foods back into her diet thinking she was doing

fine on them but looking back I don't think she was. She began stripping her

clothes off and screaming and refusing to wear clothes AT ALL. I had to put her

back on antifungals for a month and the problem temporarily got better. I went

ahead and started chelation with her figuring eventually these problems would

even themselves out if I started pulling metals. Well, after a summer of about

ten rounds she was a mess. She had completely lost her ability to toilet

herself (I did five rounds of DMSA and then added in ALA I give her 5 mg DMSA

and 3 mg ALA when she is on round) would not wear clothes AT ALL even outside

the house, was constantly itching herself down below from all the yeast (I was

using OTC yeast killers but they did nothing). I got her a script for Diflucan

in August and after a two week die-off period, she still didn't want her clothes

on in the house, but she would wear them to go out. HEr belly lost it's bloat

and she quit being so insanely attracted to water like she always is. I began

to think that yes, chelation was going to help after all, so I decided to start

up again and space out the rounds. Well, I started the first week of September

and got eight more rounds in by the middle of November. We still had problems

with clothing and she was itching her nether regions so I figured the Diflucan

was no longer controlling the yeast. I also found pinworms in her stool at the

end of October (after about round 16) and treated her for those with Vermox.

Around the time I discovered the pinworms, she also began getting a strange rash

on her bottom that has not fully left. It is like her bottom is redder than the

rest of her body and wearing clothing made it worse. I switched detergents and

that seemed to stop the problem temporarily, but it has since come back since

completing round 18 and this time it is worse. It is like an itchy eczema rash

that is all over her body. She is on ketonazole to treat the yeast and she has

been on it for two weeks and the rash always begins to heal and then she wears

clothing or gets in the bathtub and it comes raging back. I even tried washing

her clothes in nothing over and over again yet she will still occasionally rash

up after she puts them on.


> Anyways, I have pulled her from school because she is just too miserable to

attend and I am going to homeschool her. Wearing clothing for more than an hour

or two is sheer agony for her, she strips her clothes and screams and has tears

pouring down when we come home from going out somewhere, even if the rash has

not returned. Her belly is also always slightly bloated even with antifungals

and lots of probiotics.


> She also has a strange compulsion. Even though she is potty-trained, she will

urinate in small amounts on cloth. She used to do it on the stairs all the time

and now she has taken to doing it on the furniture. If she has clothes on she

runs to the toilet a million times a day. I have checked her for diabetes,

UTIs, etc. THIS problem has gone on off and on since summer of 2009. She

doesn't pee on hardwood when she does this ONLY cloth, so I am thinking it is

some kind of OCD compulsion. She also has many OCD characteristics like opening

cabinets, turning on lights, etc. The peeing on things DID temporarily stop in

April with a script for oral Amphotericin, but within a week that compulsion

returned. This is confusing to me as I cannot tell if the peeing is OCD or if

it is a physical issue relating to the balance of yeast and bacteria. I have

had her on straight cranberry juice for three days now three times a day but I

see no sign of the problem abating. The rash starts to heal and keeps returning

also. I just don't even know how to begin to restore her to health and

happiness and I am so sorry I ever tried chelating her. I just made a bad

situation so much worse. Everyone told me it would be hard at first and to give

it six months but it has taken away everything she DID have. I feel so selfish

for wanting her to do more than be happy and use a toilet and keep clothes on at

all times now. I had no idea this would make her suffer so much physically.

She literally cannot function because she refuses to wear clothing and is

imprisoned by hyperactivity and compulsions all day.


> I should add, her pooping on the toilet HAS returned, so she's gotten that

back. I have no clue what to do about the rest. I am not chelating at the

moment. I did see her do some cool things like point and start making faces at

herself in the mirror in between rounds, but what is the point in doing this if

it is so physically debilitating to her that she cannot even wear clothes and do

ABA therapy for two hours at almost eight?


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I plan on inviting my son's a-hole diagnosing doc to his college graduation and

his wedding. He won't even know who we are, of course. I fired him after the

second visit when he told me I was " refusing to treat " my child by not putting a

preschooler on zoloft and risperdal.


> Very often, lecithin comes from soy; however, it is not the protein part.

> Though we removed our son from soy with great results, we have never found a

> problem with soy lecithin. Our son has a problem with proteins -- probably

> more than just gluten, casein, and soy varieties, and there is much research

> going on about this regarding children with autism possibly having a problem

> with metabolism of all proteins. It's interesting. I found that enzymes

> have also helped a lot. We have used several, but I actually think Gluten

> Ease that we get at WF works well for him.


> I do wish there were easy solutions and you didn't have to go through this

> --we've spent the last 9.9 years searching for answers, but we never had to

> resort to psychotropics, though docs tried to push us in that direction. We

> went strictly diet, metabolic supports, ABA/Floor-time (done on our own),

> and chelation. There is hope. Our son became completely non-verbal at

> regression and at times was seemingly catatonic with his staring spells.


> We've been through the constant spinning, throwing himself up against the

> wall so hard he would fall, endless sleepless nights due to horrendous gut

> pain, poop on the floor, and one psychotic episode after he was given oral

> steroids.

> His immune system was damaged, so we've dealt with eight bouts of pneumonia

> along with chronic asthma and bronchitis.


> I don't even know how we mothers do it all! We fight the medical battles

> and the insurance battles, and we try to find the right path for our

> children, and then for good measure, we must also fight the educational

> systems for what is " appropriate. "


> Very early on, after a doctor had given me a long list of things my child

> would " never " do such as talk, I was is WF, and there was a family with a

> boy smaller than mine just jabbering away, and the parents were miffed with

> his constant questions. I had to duck down another aisle because all I

> could think was that they didn't know how lucky they were! I had just been

> told my child would probably never regain speech! And of course some tears

> fell. I came home and got on the Internet and found THIS group, which led

> me in the right direction.


> A year later, when my child crawled into bed and said, " I wuv you Mommy, " I

> KNEW why I did what I did, and why I would continue to do whatever I had to

> do. For myself, I cannot discount prayer. I have prayed A LOT over the

> years, and somehow when I've reached a plateau, I wind up just where I need

> to be to find the next step. Keep trying, keep asking questions, keep

> searching. Perseverance is key.


> My son has proved the doctors wrong on most of their " nevers. " Now all I

> have to do is get him to where he can drive a car, get into college, and

> find a wife, and then I'm going to be looking up a few doctors to visit.:)


> The first time I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he answered

> very seriously, " Married. "


> My son was potty trained by age five and has regained all forms of speech.

> I'd say its about 3 or four years behind his age, but we have wonderful

> conversations now!


> Hang in there!




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My thoughts are to try washing your clothes in a different machine, like at a

friend or relative's house, and see if that makes a difference. My washing

machine is poorly designed and develops mildew, which my son is allergic to. He

never got a rash, but used to act more " autistic " (hysterical and screaming)

when exposed to mildew.

Also, be sure to remove your clothes promptly when the wash cycle has finished,

and if you usually dry your clothes on a line, try putting them in a dryer

instead. I read that freezing temperatures will kill any mildew in the fabric,

so you could try putting your daughter's clothes in a plastic bag and leave them

overnight in a freezer.

Just some ideas. Good luck to you.



> I switched detergents and that seemed to stop the problem temporarily, but it

has since come back since completing round 18 and this time it is worse. It is

like an itchy eczema rash that is all over her body. She is on ketonazole to

treat the yeast and she has been on it for two weeks and the rash always begins

to heal and then she wears clothing or gets in the bathtub and it comes raging

back. I even tried washing her clothes in nothing over and over again yet she

will still occasionally rash up after she puts them on.


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Another thought: If you use a mat or decals to prevent slipping in the tub,

could that be causing a reaction due to either latex or mildew allergy? Check it

out by having your daughter stand and take a shower if possible, or else get rid

of the mat.


> the rash always begins to heal and then she wears clothing or gets in the

bathtub and it comes raging back.

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Yes, I had a " friend " try to push me towards putting Ethan on

Zoloft when he was three. I couldn't even speak to her for a while, and

then I realized that mothers without a child with ASD just aren't going to

" get it, " so just let half of what they say go in one ear and out the


I'm sure his previous district would have loved tohave him doped up on

Straterra for attention, and some other nasty drug for the severe anxiety he

suffered in that environment --everybody wants some drug to make somebody

Else's life easier.

I can understand instances in which some drugs are needed. I would never

say never. If my son had kept kicking, hitting, and biting me as he did in

his younger years. But it is a last resort and not a first resort to me.

These drugs all have severe side effects. I had to use Darvocette for years

for Dysmennorhea -- Now they've taken it off the market fro causing heart

problems. It makes you wonder. I'm sure I have chronic fatigue from a

vaccine reaction I had in 1987. Now telling what else I'll have to look

forward to from all the vaccines forced into me as a child (and not nearly

as many as our children got).

My mother is on Coumadin to thin her blood, and because she is on Coumadin

she cannot eat green vegetables because they tell her they will thin her

blood. Hey, here's a thought: " Why didn't they just tell her to eat lots of

green, leafy vegetables every day to thin her blood then? "

I'm with you , I can't wait for the day my son gets into college and I

look up the dev. Ped. who told me to find an institution and give her a

piece of my mind!

My hat goes off to the fine physicians who are healers rather than dealers.

Hell shall be full of the dealers in white coats, I think.

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Here is a company that claims to make clothing for kids with sensory issues.  I

have a few other ideas,please e-mail me.


Soft was founded in February 2007.  We then began a two year market research

process and one year sample development and testing phase, and finally launched

our first collection in Winter 2009/10!  We are a research driven company,

therefore we continue to test samples on children with a variety of sensory

needs and a range of tactile sensitivity--to ensure that the clothing we

manufacture will eliminate the most common complaints we hear from parents and

children. No more morning meltdowns, no more spending hundreds on clothes your

children refuse to wear.  Sign up for our mailing list on the Contact Us page

for updates on our collection launches, new styles and for access to exclusive

coupon codes.  


Many children are extra-sensitive to the texture and feel of clothing. Soft® is

the first line of inclusive clothing designed with the needs of all children in

mind, including those with Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, and

tactile defensiveness/sensitivity. We use flat seaming and seamless construction

for extra comfort, 100% of the softest combed cotton and our specially developed

Soft Sensory Blends , wide collars, encased elastic waistbands, printed labels

(tagless), custom fits, and much more.

Created by a Mom and Special Education teacher, our goal is to design clothing

that can enhance social skills, sensory organization, concentration, by

addressing unique sensory needs, but without sacrificing personal style and self


E. Ralli (founder, director) has an MA in Special Education from

Columbia University, and worked with children with Autism and Sensory Disorders

in the New York City school system before starting Soft in 2007. 

conducted three years of both qualitative and quantitative research in and out

of the classroom in preparation for launching the Soft clothing line. 

is also an avid fashion junkie--following her favorite designers religiously,

and pulling expertise and inspiration from her close friends in the industry.  

Suzy Kogen Friedman (co-founder, partner), is a lifelong advocate for people

with developmental disabilities. Her nephew Timmy, now 9, was diagnosed with

Autism and global developmental delays at age 3. Timmy's daily dressing

challenges were Suzy's inspiration for Soft Clothing. Suzy runs a successful

real estate development company in the Chicago area, where she is also a wife

and a mother. Suzy is working her creative and problem-solving magic on the

development of the Soft Sensory Toy line, to launch in 2011.  

What is so different about Soft?

More than 1 in 150 children have sensory needs that are largely unmet by the

children's apparel market today. Soft is about to revolutionize children's

apparel. We are the first inclusive and universally designed line of clothing

geared toward children with sensory or tactile sensitivity, a common symptom of

Autism, Aspergers, and Sensory Processing Disorder. Soft is designed and

constructed considering the needs of all children, particularly, sensory

sensitive dressers.

Soft provides comfort and style for all children. After conducting over two

years of in-depth market research, we learned a lot about what parents want and

what children like. We have incorporated that feedback to create stylish and

comfortable clothes for the people who need it most. We use:

Flat seaming totally seamless construction throuought (for extra comfort)

Soft high quality cotton (combed, bio-washed and pre-washed for extra soft and


Wide collars (for a roomy fit)

Encased elastic (waistbands that don't pinch)

Printed labels throughout -- printed with water based ink (for a smooth

non-plasticy feel that won't itch)

Vegetable dyes, natural enzyme washes, and water based digital prints (to

protect against allergies)



> Here's my daughter's history. I began biomedical treatments with her starting

in July of 2008 when she was five years old. At first we just did GFCF and then

we built on that. In January 2009 we started the SCD diet and antifungal

medication and probiotics. By the middle of March she was completely

toilet-trained and instead of stripping her clothes off all day, began keeping

them on. This was shortly after her sixth birthday. This is the first real hope

I ever had for her as she had never learned how to do ANYTHING and was very

hyperactive. Well, I stayed with her DAN! for another year and I was getting

impatient because she still had no speech or playskills and I was dying to

chelate her. I decided to do AC chelation in the spring of 2010. During this

time I had added some non-SCD foods back into her diet thinking she was doing

fine on them but looking back I don't think she was. She began stripping her

clothes off and screaming and refusing to wear

clothes AT ALL. I had to put her back on antifungals for a month and the

problem temporarily got better. I went ahead and started chelation with her

figuring eventually these problems would even themselves out if I started

pulling metals. Well, after a summer of about ten rounds she was a mess. She had

completely lost her ability to toilet herself (I did five rounds of DMSA and

then added in ALA I give her 5 mg DMSA and 3 mg ALA when she is on round) would

not wear clothes AT ALL even outside the house, was constantly itching herself

down below from all the yeast (I was using OTC yeast killers but they did

nothing). I got her a script for Diflucan in August and after a two week die-off

period, she still didn't want her clothes on in the house, but she would wear

them to go out. HEr belly lost it's bloat and she quit being so insanely

attracted to water like she always is. I began to think that yes, chelation was

going to help after all, so I decided to

start up again and space out the rounds. Well, I started the first week of

September and got eight more rounds in by the middle of November. We still had

problems with clothing and she was itching her nether regions so I figured the

Diflucan was no longer controlling the yeast. I also found pinworms in her stool

at the end of October (after about round 16) and treated her for those with

Vermox. Around the time I discovered the pinworms, she also began getting a

strange rash on her bottom that has not fully left. It is like her bottom is

redder than the rest of her body and wearing clothing made it worse. I switched

detergents and that seemed to stop the problem temporarily, but it has since

come back since completing round 18 and this time it is worse. It is like an

itchy eczema rash that is all over her body. She is on ketonazole to treat the

yeast and she has been on it for two weeks and the rash always begins to heal

and then she wears clothing or

gets in the bathtub and it comes raging back. I even tried washing her clothes

in nothing over and over again yet she will still occasionally rash up after she

puts them on.


> Anyways, I have pulled her from school because she is just too miserable to

attend and I am going to homeschool her. Wearing clothing for more than an hour

or two is sheer agony for her, she strips her clothes and screams and has tears

pouring down when we come home from going out somewhere, even if the rash has

not returned. Her belly is also always slightly bloated even with antifungals

and lots of probiotics.


> She also has a strange compulsion. Even though she is potty-trained, she will

urinate in small amounts on cloth. She used to do it on the stairs all the time

and now she has taken to doing it on the furniture. If she has clothes on she

runs to the toilet a million times a day. I have checked her for diabetes, UTIs,

etc. THIS problem has gone on off and on since summer of 2009. She doesn't pee

on hardwood when she does this ONLY cloth, so I am thinking it is some kind of

OCD compulsion. She also has many OCD characteristics like opening cabinets,

turning on lights, etc. The peeing on things DID temporarily stop in April with

a script for oral Amphotericin, but within a week that compulsion returned. This

is confusing to me as I cannot tell if the peeing is OCD or if it is a physical

issue relating to the balance of yeast and bacteria. I have had her on straight

cranberry juice for three days now three times a day but I see no sign of the


abating. The rash starts to heal and keeps returning also. I just don't even

know how to begin to restore her to health and happiness and I am so sorry I

ever tried chelating her. I just made a bad situation so much worse. Everyone

told me it would be hard at first and to give it six months but it has taken

away everything she DID have. I feel so selfish for wanting her to do more than

be happy and use a toilet and keep clothes on at all times now. I had no idea

this would make her suffer so much physically. She literally cannot function

because she refuses to wear clothing and is imprisoned by hyperactivity and

compulsions all day.


> I should add, her pooping on the toilet HAS returned, so she's gotten that

back. I have no clue what to do about the rest. I am not chelating at the

moment. I did see her do some cool things like point and start making faces at

herself in the mirror in between rounds, but what is the point in doing this if

it is so physically debilitating to her that she cannot even wear clothes and do

ABA therapy for two hours at almost eight?


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Hello i would like to do metabolitic support to my son can you help me with that

as i do V E VC Q10 selenium zink Mg and most from mito coctail but i dot think

that is enough any help will be apresiated.

Thank you

From: mosaictm <lisa369@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: I am in desperate need of help and will do

anything to stop this agony...

Date: Saturday, 4 December, 2010, 15:23



I plan on inviting my son's a-hole diagnosing doc to his college graduation and

his wedding. He won't even know who we are, of course. I fired him after the

second visit when he told me I was " refusing to treat " my child by not putting a

preschooler on zoloft and risperdal.


> Very often, lecithin comes from soy; however, it is not the protein part.

> Though we removed our son from soy with great results, we have never found a

> problem with soy lecithin. Our son has a problem with proteins -- probably

> more than just gluten, casein, and soy varieties, and there is much research

> going on about this regarding children with autism possibly having a problem

> with metabolism of all proteins. It's interesting. I found that enzymes

> have also helped a lot. We have used several, but I actually think Gluten

> Ease that we get at WF works well for him.


> I do wish there were easy solutions and you didn't have to go through this

> --we've spent the last 9.9 years searching for answers, but we never had to

> resort to psychotropics, though docs tried to push us in that direction. We

> went strictly diet, metabolic supports, ABA/Floor-time (done on our own),

> and chelation. There is hope. Our son became completely non-verbal at

> regression and at times was seemingly catatonic with his staring spells.


> We've been through the constant spinning, throwing himself up against the

> wall so hard he would fall, endless sleepless nights due to horrendous gut

> pain, poop on the floor, and one psychotic episode after he was given oral

> steroids.

> His immune system was damaged, so we've dealt with eight bouts of pneumonia

> along with chronic asthma and bronchitis.


> I don't even know how we mothers do it all! We fight the medical battles

> and the insurance battles, and we try to find the right path for our

> children, and then for good measure, we must also fight the educational

> systems for what is " appropriate. "


> Very early on, after a doctor had given me a long list of things my child

> would " never " do such as talk, I was is WF, and there was a family with a

> boy smaller than mine just jabbering away, and the parents were miffed with

> his constant questions. I had to duck down another aisle because all I

> could think was that they didn't know how lucky they were! I had just been

> told my child would probably never regain speech! And of course some tears

> fell. I came home and got on the Internet and found THIS group, which led

> me in the right direction.


> A year later, when my child crawled into bed and said, " I wuv you Mommy, " I

> KNEW why I did what I did, and why I would continue to do whatever I had to

> do. For myself, I cannot discount prayer. I have prayed A LOT over the

> years, and somehow when I've reached a plateau, I wind up just where I need

> to be to find the next step. Keep trying, keep asking questions, keep

> searching. Perseverance is key.


> My son has proved the doctors wrong on most of their " nevers. " Now all I

> have to do is get him to where he can drive a car, get into college, and

> find a wife, and then I'm going to be looking up a few doctors to visit.:)


> The first time I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he answered

> very seriously, " Married. "


> My son was potty trained by age five and has regained all forms of speech.

> I'd say its about 3 or four years behind his age, but we have wonderful

> conversations now!


> Hang in there!




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When my youngest son was more OCD, he benefited from getting enough vitamins.

However, it turned out mold was what made him OCD. Finding hidden mold issues

at home and resolving them stopped his OCD behavior and reduced the amount of

vitamins he needed.

If she is pressing cloth to her to urinate into, I would wonder if it is giving

her some kind of relief. Sometimes when stuff is coming out of me, it is very

uncomfortable to urinate.

The reason to do this: Leaving this stuff in her is far worse and guarantees a

lifetime of suffering and misery. I have a serious medical condition that I am

recovering from and I sometimes tell my 23 year old son " I hate going through

what it takes to get well. I only put up with it because all other options are

worse. "

Hang in there. And I hope you are getting the information you need.









> She also has a strange compulsion. Even though she is potty-trained, she will

urinate in small amounts on cloth. She used to do it on the stairs all the time

and now she has taken to doing it on the furniture. If she has clothes on she

runs to the toilet a million times a day. I have checked her for diabetes,

UTIs, etc. THIS problem has gone on off and on since summer of 2009. She

doesn't pee on hardwood when she does this ONLY cloth, so I am thinking it is

some kind of OCD compulsion. She also has many OCD characteristics like opening

cabinets, turning on lights, etc. The peeing on things DID temporarily stop in

April with a script for oral Amphotericin, but within a week that compulsion

returned. This is confusing to me as I cannot tell if the peeing is OCD or if

it is a physical issue relating to the balance of yeast and bacteria. I have

had her on straight cranberry juice for three days now three times a day but I

see no sign of the problem abating. The rash starts to heal and keeps returning

also. I just don't even know how to begin to restore her to health and

happiness and I am so sorry I ever tried chelating her. I just made a bad

situation so much worse. Everyone told me it would be hard at first and to give

it six months but it has taken away everything she DID have. I feel so selfish

for wanting her to do more than be happy and use a toilet and keep clothes on at

all times now. I had no idea this would make her suffer so much physically.

She literally cannot function because she refuses to wear clothing and is

imprisoned by hyperactivity and compulsions all day.


> I should add, her pooping on the toilet HAS returned, so she's gotten that

back. I have no clue what to do about the rest. I am not chelating at the

moment. I did see her do some cool things like point and start making faces at

herself in the mirror in between rounds, but what is the point in doing this if

it is so physically debilitating to her that she cannot even wear clothes and do

ABA therapy for two hours at almost eight?


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The OCD you describe as well as the frequent urination sounds like it could be

PANDAS related. I know that there is a possibility it is simply yeast, but I

would also look into PANDAS. I attributed OCD symptoms to yeast when I should

have been looking into PANDAS. Turns out that an anti-viral/anti-bacterial

protocol (with of course an increased yeast protocol alongside as the

anti-virals will bring up yeast) was what completely eliminated the OCD stuff.

You might simply try an increase in OLE (300-500 mg 2 or 3 x a day) which is

very effective with PANDAS in my and many other parent's experience.

Best of luck and hang in there!

> >

> >

> >

> > She also has a strange compulsion. Even though she is potty-trained, she

will urinate in small amounts on cloth. She used to do it on the stairs all the

time and now she has taken to doing it on the furniture. If she has clothes on

she runs to the toilet a million times a day. I have checked her for diabetes,

UTIs, etc. THIS problem has gone on off and on since summer of 2009. She

doesn't pee on hardwood when she does this ONLY cloth, so I am thinking it is

some kind of OCD compulsion. She also has many OCD characteristics like opening

cabinets, turning on lights, etc. The peeing on things DID temporarily stop in

April with a script for oral Amphotericin, but within a week that compulsion

returned. This is confusing to me as I cannot tell if the peeing is OCD or if

it is a physical issue relating to the balance of yeast and bacteria. I have

had her on straight cranberry juice for three days now three times a day but I

see no sign of the problem abating. The rash starts to heal and keeps returning

also. I just don't even know how to begin to restore her to health and

happiness and I am so sorry I ever tried chelating her. I just made a bad

situation so much worse. Everyone told me it would be hard at first and to give

it six months but it has taken away everything she DID have. I feel so selfish

for wanting her to do more than be happy and use a toilet and keep clothes on at

all times now. I had no idea this would make her suffer so much physically.

She literally cannot function because she refuses to wear clothing and is

imprisoned by hyperactivity and compulsions all day.

> >

> > I should add, her pooping on the toilet HAS returned, so she's gotten that

back. I have no clue what to do about the rest. I am not chelating at the

moment. I did see her do some cool things like point and start making faces at

herself in the mirror in between rounds, but what is the point in doing this if

it is so physically debilitating to her that she cannot even wear clothes and do

ABA therapy for two hours at almost eight?

> >


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check into hyperoxaluria, do a OAT test or a test from litholink, the high

oxylates caused my son to have urinary urgancy and pee pee pain etc and would

have small leaking accidents ...


> >

> >

> >

> > She also has a strange compulsion. Even though she is potty-trained, she

will urinate in small amounts on cloth. She used to do it on the stairs all the

time and now she has taken to doing it on the furniture. If she has clothes on

she runs to the toilet a million times a day. I have checked her for diabetes,

UTIs, etc. THIS problem has gone on off and on since summer of 2009. She

doesn't pee on hardwood when she does this ONLY cloth, so I am thinking it is

some kind of OCD compulsion. She also has many OCD characteristics like opening

cabinets, turning on lights, etc. The peeing on things DID temporarily stop in

April with a script for oral Amphotericin, but within a week that compulsion

returned. This is confusing to me as I cannot tell if the peeing is OCD or if

it is a physical issue relating to the balance of yeast and bacteria. I have

had her on straight cranberry juice for three days now three times a day but I

see no sign of the problem abating. The rash starts to heal and keeps returning

also. I just don't even know how to begin to restore her to health and

happiness and I am so sorry I ever tried chelating her. I just made a bad

situation so much worse. Everyone told me it would be hard at first and to give

it six months but it has taken away everything she DID have. I feel so selfish

for wanting her to do more than be happy and use a toilet and keep clothes on at

all times now. I had no idea this would make her suffer so much physically.

She literally cannot function because she refuses to wear clothing and is

imprisoned by hyperactivity and compulsions all day.

> >

> > I should add, her pooping on the toilet HAS returned, so she's gotten that

back. I have no clue what to do about the rest. I am not chelating at the

moment. I did see her do some cool things like point and start making faces at

herself in the mirror in between rounds, but what is the point in doing this if

it is so physically debilitating to her that she cannot even wear clothes and do

ABA therapy for two hours at almost eight?

> >


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