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Re: Why is my son so pale?

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My son was extremely pale since birth until we treated the yeast.....is he

free of yeast???



From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of jkryan34

Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 10:52 AM

Subject: [ ] Why is my son so pale?

We have been doing biomedical therapy for a year now, and my son has

improved significantly. Lingering issues are food intolerances, some

hyperactivity, not having bowel movements every day (getting much more

regular though- goes 4-5 days a week instead of 7), and slow weight gain.

Although his behavior has improved a great deal and his immune system seems

to be getting stronger, he is still extremely pale. I was convinced that b12

shots taken for almost a year now would give him his color back (he lost it

after his 1 year vaccinations). His DAN doctor said he did not have heavy

metal toxicity, although his aluminum was a little high on the hair test.

Could this be the sole cause for his pallor? Any other ideas for what could

be causing this?

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He seems to be..... he was on Nystatin for 3 months and behavior improved a lot.

He regressed after a course of antibiotics and just finished a round of

Diflucan. We are going to continue the Diflucan, but even when I thought yeast

had decreased significantly after the Nystatin, he was still pale. I will have

his yeast levels tested again. Thanks for the suggestion.

From: Ann Schimka <aschimka@...>

Subject: RE: [ ] Why is my son so pale?

Date: Sunday, February 14, 2010, 12:59 PM


My son was extremely pale since birth until we treated the yeast.....is he

free of yeast???



From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of jkryan34

Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 10:52 AM

Subject: [ ] Why is my son so pale?

We have been doing biomedical therapy for a year now, and my son has

improved significantly. Lingering issues are food intolerances, some

hyperactivity, not having bowel movements every day (getting much more

regular though- goes 4-5 days a week instead of 7), and slow weight gain.

Although his behavior has improved a great deal and his immune system seems

to be getting stronger, he is still extremely pale. I was convinced that b12

shots taken for almost a year now would give him his color back (he lost it

after his 1 year vaccinations) . His DAN doctor said he did not have heavy

metal toxicity, although his aluminum was a little high on the hair test.

Could this be the sole cause for his pallor? Any other ideas for what could

be causing this?

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Both my children were quite pale for years and both now have colour in their

cheeks after a couple of years of biomed.

I'm not sure what helped the most since both my children have some similar

issues and individual ones too. Taking supplements has definitely helped them

both in their overall health and this includes Vitamins A, Bs, C, D, E,

Magnesium, Zinc. Liver support has been very important too along with adrenal

support. My daughter's weight and growth were stagnant for over 1.5 years until

we put her on thyroid (for hypothyroidism) and then she put on weight & started

growing again and has started getting healthy tan in the summer. She didn't

sweat either for years and now she does and gets coloured cheeks when


It's hard to comment on the info you give. Slow bowel movements can be the

result of insufficient bile flow (but can also be yeast). Do you give liver


For the food intolerances, do you give enzymes? Or restrict his diet?


> We have been doing biomedical therapy for a year now, and my son has improved

significantly. Lingering issues are food intolerances, some hyperactivity, not

having bowel movements every day (getting much more regular though- goes 4-5

days a week instead of 7), and slow weight gain. Although his behavior has

improved a great deal and his immune system seems to be getting stronger, he is

still extremely pale. I was convinced that b12 shots taken for almost a year now

would give him his color back (he lost it after his 1 year vaccinations). His

DAN doctor said he did not have heavy metal toxicity, although his aluminum was

a little high on the hair test. Could this be the sole cause for his pallor? Any

other ideas for what could be causing this?


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What other testing have you done???....is his oxalic acid in normal range???

My son just finished 3 yr on the Low Oxalate Diet...this was also very

helpful since yeast and oxalates love to feed wach other but clostridia is

now our new concern.....

Just some ideas....



From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of

Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 11:09 AM

Subject: RE: [ ] Why is my son so pale?


He seems to be..... he was on Nystatin for 3 months and behavior improved a

lot. He regressed after a course of antibiotics and just finished a round of

Diflucan. We are going to continue the Diflucan, but even when I thought

yeast had decreased significantly after the Nystatin, he was still pale. I

will have his yeast levels tested again. Thanks for the suggestion.

From: Ann Schimka <aschimkasan (DOT) <mailto:aschimka%40san.rr.com> rr.com>

Subject: RE: [ ] Why is my son so pale?

@ <mailto: %40>

Date: Sunday, February 14, 2010, 12:59 PM

My son was extremely pale since birth until we treated the yeast.....is he

free of yeast???



From: [mailto: @ groups.


On Behalf Of jkryan34

Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 10:52 AM

Subject: [ ] Why is my son so pale?

We have been doing biomedical therapy for a year now, and my son has

improved significantly. Lingering issues are food intolerances, some

hyperactivity, not having bowel movements every day (getting much more

regular though- goes 4-5 days a week instead of 7), and slow weight gain.

Although his behavior has improved a great deal and his immune system seems

to be getting stronger, he is still extremely pale. I was convinced that b12

shots taken for almost a year now would give him his color back (he lost it

after his 1 year vaccinations) . His DAN doctor said he did not have heavy

metal toxicity, although his aluminum was a little high on the hair test.

Could this be the sole cause for his pallor? Any other ideas for what could

be causing this?

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> We have been doing biomedical therapy for a year now, and my son has improved

significantly. Lingering issues are food intolerances, some hyperactivity, not

having bowel movements every day (getting much more regular though- goes 4-5

days a week instead of 7), and slow weight gain. Although his behavior has

improved a great deal and his immune system seems to be getting stronger, he is

still extremely pale. I was convinced that b12 shots taken for almost a year now

would give him his color back (he lost it after his 1 year vaccinations). His

DAN doctor said he did not have heavy metal toxicity,

How does the DAN! doctor know this?

>although his aluminum was a little high on the hair test. Could this be the

sole cause for his pallor? Any other ideas for what could be causing this?


Two reasonably common causes for pallor in this population are:

Anemia (common with heavy metal problems); and

functionally inadequate adrenal performance.

The second is well addressed with adrenal cortex or glandular supplement. The

former since it didn't get better with B-12 may respond to iron. Of course if he

has heavy metal problems this may make him have color but get worse, but that

would at least be informative.

If he's had a blood count it should have told the doctor if he had an anemia.



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

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My son was very pale prior to chelation. You can see the transformation in him

in the photos on my webpage:


I also regained a normal skin tone once I began ridding myself of metals and

taking supplements.

I'm not but will add about the thyroid:

Children who are hypothyroid do not always gain weight, at least not until many

years after they become hypo. www.stopthethyroidmadness.com and see " taking your

temps " . It's the cheapest way to see if his thyroid works. My daughter is hypoT

and untreated her TSH was 3.04. Mine was 2.84 but I had symptoms of being

hypothyroid when my TSH was 1.6. TSH is not useful for determining thyroid

function in mercury toxicity.

We had to find a holistic doctor to put my daughter on Armour Thyroid which is a

prescription for her thyroid. Both of my children take adrenal support. My son's

thyroid is normal thus far. It is very important to treat thyroid problems in

children if they are present because they affect I.Q and growth. A child will

not reach full adult height in untreated. Not to mention other problems.



> ,

> Thank you so much for your detailed response. My son takes all the vitamins

and minerals you listed except for vitamin b6 (it made him very weepy even in

small doses- I read that people with phenol intolerance can have a hard time

tolerating b6 due to its phenolic property). He does take enzymes, and for liver

support, he takes Liver Life, which has helped him immensely.


> I will look into adrenal support. The other thing that you mentioned that I

haven't addressed is hypothyroidism. I thought a person who has hypothyroidism

has unexplained weight GAIN and difficulty losing weight. My son is very thin

and is underweight. Do you mind telling me what your daughter's TSH level was

when her thyroid was low? My sister who has hypothyroidism saw his lab results

and thought his TSH could indicate hypothyroidism also, but it fell in the lab's

normal range. How did you know your daughter had hypothyroidism? Did a DAN!

doctor point this out or did you see and endocrinologist? What do you mean when

you say you " put her on thyroid? " Is that a medication?  Thank you again for

your detailed response! I really appreciate it!

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> My son's TSH is 3.697, and my sister thought that indicated hypothyroidism (I

should have listened to her since she suffers from hypothyroidism). But the

lab's range is

> .550 - 7.100, so I thought he fell in the middle. Even though your daughter

was hypoT, was her TSH within the lab's normal range? His free T4 is 1.16 (range

is .90-1.59). This is so confusing to me.

My #4 had a standard thyroid test with a regular ped. He said it was normal.

But, she needs the selenium, tyrosine, and iodine, which my #2 and #3 need for

thyroid support. So a normal test result is not always accurate.

I have read that the body needs tyrosine for adequate tanning in the sun. My #4

[and my other kids] were severely deficient in tyrosine. Maybe that is causing

your child's pale tone?


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Maybe he ought to be tested for homocysteies,and megaloblastic anemia.

> >

> > From: Mum231ASDaol (DOT) com <mailto:Mum231ASD% 40aol.com>

> > <Mum231ASDaol (DOT) com <mailto:Mum231ASD% 40aol.com> >

> > Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Why is my son so pale?

> >

> > <mailto:Autism- Mercury%40g roups.com>

> > Date: Sunday, February 14, 2010, 2:14 PM

> >

> >

> >

> > Vitamin D helped with my son. Also worth trying low sulphur diet for a

> > week

> >

> > ro so and see if that makes any diference IMHO

> >

> > Mandi in UK

> >

> >

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Hi ,

I wanted to add that my reply was quite incomplete! The truth is that I've done

a lot with my daughter in two years that I didn't list in my earlier reply,

including lots of adrenal support (adrenal insufficiency is a big subject for

her and the cause of many issues), chelation (over 50 rounds), some anti-viral,

gut-healing, yeast-control, diet restrictions, parasite treatments and other

supplements too.

All of the above is contributing to her better health no doubt, but with respect

to the specific problem of paleness, I just listed the things that I believed to

have helped the most overall.

Andy mentions anemia as a cause of paleness. My DD has always had low iron (like

many of our toxic kids) and recent blood work shows that her iron has dropped

even further (which has me worried but that's another subject). But despite

this, she still has slightly red cheeks these days, which she didn't have 2

years ago when she was always pale, pencil thin & sickly looking.

Also about hypothyroidism & weight, adrenal function plays a part in weight

control as well. Despite being hypo, my DD has always been quite lean, but not

surprising given that her cortisol levels are quite low. You can look at this

website which shows at-a-glance symptoms of adrenal vs thyroid issues:

http://www.drrind.com/therapies/metabolic-symptoms-matrix There is good info on

the website that Jan mentioned too.

My DD's TSH has always been decent (around or under 1.5 I think) but it's her

FT3 & FT4 levels that were too low. No doctor diagnosed anything thyroid-related

for her despite looking at her results, I figured it out by looking for answers

to explain her symptoms, reading a lot in this forum (esp. in the archives) and

piecing it all together. Jan knows a lot about thyroid issues and she was a

great help too with Andy & a few others too. No doubt, DD's health is better as

a result of addressing this problem.

Hope this helps,


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> Dana,

> How did you know your kids were severely deficient in tyrosine

I did research and learned that thyroid support requires selenium, iodine, and

tyrosine. When I added the tyrosine, things improved dramatically. I had

previously added the selenium, several years ago [they no longer need it], and

that also had a dramatic impact.

>>Can you test for this?

People here often mention a thyroid test that appears to be more accurate than

the standard test given by regular peds. Perhaps someone can mention that test

again for you. I just went by observation of symptoms.


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> Thank you for the info, Dana! I am definitely researching iodine and tyrosine.

How much iodine and tyrosine did you give? My son is almost 36 lbs. This is the

next thing I will be researching (how much and often to give).

I started with 50mcg iodine and 250mg tyrosine. He is up to 100mcg iodine and

1000mg tyrosine. My son was toxic in most minerals, so I don't like giving very

much of any mineral. These are the only two supps he needs right now [plus a

little folic acid for proper absorption of the tyrosine].


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