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Re: withe mucos in the stools help

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I wouldn't be worried about it since that isn't always a sign of infection. In

fact, it could be many things. It might even be a good thing depending on the

actual cause. Some forms of bile can appear to be white mucous. It can be white

and foamy or be sticky and surrounding the stools. This is simply part of a

natural process. The body converts bad cholesterol into bile, which is used for

both detox and lubrication and other things I can't recall off hand. It is

usually reabsorbed which is why you don't always see it, but some factors can

cause excess to be produced.

L-Carnosine, for example, is known to cause excess production. Which is partly

why it is so beneficial for the reduction of Bad Cholesterol.

I would, however, suggest seeing a Doctor to test the stools. You won't need to

save stools though since they are perfectly capable of testing without it. But

you can if you want to. In any case, I've had this happen to me many times

before and it never turned out to be an infection.

From: ralitsa76 <ralitsa76@...>

Subject: [ ] withe mucos in the stools help

Date: Monday, November 1, 2010, 4:00 AM


hello aftr round and sups my son end up with withe mucos in the stools

what i do naw?Please help i give pro and prebiotics biotin i try to control the

yeast and stredd but is out of control naw.

Thank you

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Hi thank you for answering me it is happened jist today i gave last dose at 5am

and on morning i gave husk and charcoal to clear if thereis any bad stuf left in

i gave him supliments in breacfast and end up with probiotics i know how the

mucos loocs like it is more jelly like and this was like tick not tick like

material but like a plastic bag not jely like and was only on a side not al over

and the stools wasent hard and littel bit undygestes aswell would i bring him to

GP as im 100 procent shure my GP doesent know what to do even i bring him to

hospital as i do not trust them anymore.

Thank you

From: ralitsa76 <ralitsa76@...>

Subject: [ ] withe mucos in the stools help

Date: Monday, November 1, 2010, 4:00 AM


hello aftr round and sups my son end up with withe mucos in the stools what i do

naw?Please help i give pro and prebiotics biotin i try to control the yeast and

stredd but is out of control naw.

Thank you

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hmm. Well it is true that Hospitals can overlook some things and over react to

others. Plus, the most they will do if it is an infection is prescribe an


A Safe Alternative is Colloidal Silver. Prior to pharmaceuticals Silver was the

antibiotic of choice. People used to put silver dollars in milk to prevent

spoiling prior to refrigeration as well. Colloidal Silver is germicidal. Any

microbe - Virus, Bacteria, or Single-Cell Parasite Egg - that comes into direct

contact with a Silver Ion is killed within a few minutes of contact because it

interferes with it's metabolism. It essentially suffocates it.

It is safe to try because your body will not develop an immune response to it

and no microbe can adapt to it. You can even take it long term and continuously.

However, a few things to keep in mind: Because it requires direct contact, safe

amounts are going to be less effective than an antibiotic. (It will, however,

make up for this by the fact that it will work on more than just bacteria).

Also, the FDA just a few years ago decided that it's germicidal properties can

no longer be advertised. This had less to do with the effectiveness and more to

do with a medical condition that occurs if you take too much of it. Basically,

your skin can turn blue from the silver deposits. If you take no more than 20 to

30 ppm of one ounce per day short term, or no more than 10 ppm of one ounce long

term, this side effect will not occur. It is, however, somewhat slow to get

started in your system. It lasts about 2 weeks before being flushed naturally at

that dosage, and can take about as long to get the most benefit. But it can

still have short term benefits. Especially in your colon.

A product I personally use is this:


ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8 & s=hpc & qid=1288602931 & sr=8-1

I like it because it provides enough silver to help prevent infection and treat

low level infections, while also providing trace minerals. Trace Minerals are so

important that.. well.. If you add Trace Minerals to your Garden, your produce

will grow twice as big and be much more healthy. Because although things can

survive without it, they live better with a full range of minerals. Studies

suggest that your overall immune system stands to benefit from it. If you try

that I'd suggest drinking one cap full a day - but the taste can take getting

used to.

Another thing you can try is Tea Tree Oil. It is a natural antiseptic. However,

I have no personal experience with that. Citrus Food also contains natural

antiseptics that you can try.

From: ralitsa76 <ralitsa76@...>

Subject: [ ] withe mucos in the stools help

Date: Monday, November 1, 2010, 4:00 AM


hello aftr round and sups my son end up with withe mucos in the stools what i do

naw?Please help i give pro and prebiotics biotin i try to control the yeast and

stredd but is out of control naw.

Thank you

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Hello again from me Coloidal silver how much i need to give my son as hi is 6y

and 50lb.

Thank you

PS In Bulgaria we do fasting 2/3 times per year and when we go to church for

like confetion but it is not confetion it more like to be cleaned from preest

the preest give you red wine (like Jesus blood)  from silver cup with silver

spoon i was disgusted as hi called the oldest people firt and babys at the end

and hi saw my face hi explayn to me the pouer of the silver but  thanks to you

i remembered just naw.

Thanks again

From: ralitsa76 <ralitsa76@...>

Subject: [ ] withe mucos in the stools help

Date: Monday, November 1, 2010, 4:00 AM


hello aftr round and sups my son end up with withe mucos in the stools what i do

naw?Please help i give pro and prebiotics biotin i try to control the yeast and

stredd but is out of control naw.

Thank you

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Hello again from me Coloidal silver how much i need to give my son as hi is 6y

and 50lb.

Thank you

PS In Bulgaria we do fasting 2/3 times per year and when we go to church for

like confetion but it is not confetion it more like to be cleaned from preest

the preest give you red wine (like Jesus blood)  from silver cup with silver

spoon i was disgusted as hi called the oldest people firt and babys at the end

and hi saw my face hi explayn to me the pouer of the silver but  thanks to you

i remembered just naw.

Thanks again

From: ralitsa76 <ralitsa76@...>

Subject: [ ] withe mucos in the stools help

Date: Monday, November 1, 2010, 4:00 AM


hello aftr round and sups my son end up with withe mucos in the stools what i do

naw?Please help i give pro and prebiotics biotin i try to control the yeast and

stredd but is out of control naw.

Thank you

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> Hello again from me Coloidal silver how much i need to give my son as hi is 6y

and 50lb.

If its potency is 10ppm, then usual recommendation is about 1/2tsp 1-2 times a

day. But don't give it for longer than a week, colloidal silver should be used

only in critical situations, if used at all. Potential side effect of silver is

argyria - permanent grey stains on skin. It can happen if one takes too large

doses of silver of for long time. What is worse, our children often can't clear

out metals properly and accumulation of silver may be toxic.

If you suspect yeasts there are other safe remedies like oil of oregano,

grapefruit seed extract, uva ursi.


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