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Re: Parathyroid tumor?

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> This may be the wrong list to ask but here goes. What are opinions on this

condition and surgery?

I had high serum calcium, high parathyroid hormone, and a scan revealed one

parathyroid adenoma. Surgery is the only way to treat the problem. I noticed a

difference immediately after surgery. The high calcium was contributing to my

brain fog/ spaced out feelings/ cognitive problems.

One endo told me that " the outcome of the surgery is dependent on the skill of

the surgeon " . I believe that. I know that the surgeon who removed mine was

highly skilled, so I was not concerned about the risks of surgery. It would be

good to check the surgeon out (there are internet sites where patients rate

doctors). I wouldn't be concerned about how " nice " the surgeon is, just how


> My calcium levels in the norm.high range & are climbing.

Mine were above the normal range, and climbing. I was told that the Ca level

shouldn't climb fast, but it did.

> I had to stop calcium supps and any med with cal.

I was told to stop Ca supplements and vit D but I actually found that I felt

much worse without vit D. I continued to supplement vit D, but can't remember

if I supplemented Ca at the time.

I was told to drink 3L of water a day, but I found that no matter how much water

I drank, the Ca still was climbing.

> Calcium containing foods cause reactions.


> I have slight swelling in the throat that does not correlate with anaphlaxis.

Pulsating is visible on in the shallow area below the adam's apple, above the

collar bone.


> Does anyone know a good endocrinologist in the St. Louis area to test further?

An endo might be able to order the parathyroid hormone test and parathyroid

scan, but you will need a surgeon to remove it (if there is one, or more).

>Yes I have yeast & most likely metals to look into

My adenoma was removed before I removed amalgams and started to chelate. After

surgery I supplemented Ca and vit D, and one year later my bone density was

significantly above the normal range for my age and size. Good luck.


> but want to look into this. I have to run a DD test, as ran one by ARI.

> http://www.parathyroid.com/


> Thanks, Kathy B.





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