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Regression with ALA chelation - why?

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I'm stumped. We have been plugging along nicely with ALA chelation on the

weekends. 2 kids doing it, and we had the kinks worked out, did 29 rounds. We

were away on vacation and took a break for 2 weeks. When I tried to restart

ALA, my older child/daughter started throwing tantrums, usually within 1-2 hours

of getting her first dose of ALA. Some other symptoms that we had gotten under

control have returned as well, esp OCD-like behaviors, e.g. thinking about one

thing and can't get it out of her head, and getting really angry if that

particular thought or plan doesn't pan out. I did not change anything such as

the ALA dose. There are a few factors that I am concerned about though:

**We went to Disney, and though I was told all of the food we ate was GFCF, I

suspect it was not. That was at the end of May, so I would think if we did get

any contamination with these foods, they should be out of her system by now.

She also ate a little bit of shrimp and clams - could these contain mercury?

**She was complaining of a sore throat just before things started going

downhill. No fever and it wasn't significantly red. Never went to the doctor or

got a culture, but I was thinking she might have a latent strep infection.

**It's summertime, and the critters are out. Our property has been sprayed for

carpenter ants and mosquitos one time each. Also, our immediate neighbors have

been regularly spraying their yard for mosquitos. I'm worried about the impact

of pesticides, but don't know much about them.

**I had increased yeast protocol with GSE and biotin.

I have backed off on ALA, switched to DMSA chelation. We did our first round

last weekend and it went well. Will probably continue this for a while. Also

bumped up our yeast protocol even more (GSE 4 250mg caps/day, biotin 3 1mg

tabs/day, but didn't seem to be helping (?maybe causing more of a problem?) Just

recently brought it down to where we had been before the trouble started but not

really making a difference.

Not sure how to proceed from here. The OCD symptoms are our immediate problem,

tantrums with ALA next in line. If anyone has any thoughts on what might be

going on, I would love to hear them.

Thanks. Sorry this is so long.

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