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Sorry, I didn't keep the letter, so I am not sure which website you are referring to? I'll take a look and see what can be done.

Yikes, are you guys getting the ads on top of the letters now? Sheesh, what's up with ? I hate that!

No doubt, just trying to make sure we see their sponsor's ads. what a pain.

By the way, my daniel's diet is going well. We had a salad for lunch, and a big pot of veggie soup for dinner, made with just water and veggies thrown in, lots of garlic for seasoning last night. It was great! Tonight is baked potatoes and salad again, lunch was salad....kind boring sounding, I guess, but it is wonderful! I feel great. I wouldn't stress about the protein shake for breakfast- that is what I normally do too, and I didn't want to give up the protein, so I am still drinking that. I don't use soy, though, because of the negative effect on the thyroid. Maybe tomorrow I will skip the shake like a good girl! : )

Oops, and today I took the kids to a movie, as they were off school, and I sneaked a few Raisinets! Oh well, tomorrow I will do better! It is nice to be perfect on these diets, but I am also realistic that it isn't always easy. Why don't you start tomorrow?

Take care!


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Sorry, I neglected to answer your last question, and it is an important one. The answer to that one, in my humble opinion, is that those that get better after explant are the ones that work the hardest at it...by eating the right foods and providing their bodies the nutrients they need to rebuild healthy cells, by staying away from prescription drugs or at least not totally depending on them, by detoxing their bodies, by focusing on their ability to heal from a positive, spiritual level, (believing that God has not abandoned them and/or that they are not without hope), avoiding a toxic lifestyle to the best of their ability, and the final one, patience, patience, patience. It may or may not be true that the longer they are in your body the less chance there is of healing. I simply don't have the raw data to form an opinion one way or the other. But I do know that other support group leaders, as well as Dr. Kolb with her protocol, have supported the idea that those who heal do NOT follow allopathic medicine, but rather alternative or holistic medicine and allow the body to heal naturally without the added insult to the liver of lots of toxic drugs.

The one very important requirement for the best hope of healing is the total removal of any scar tissue along with the implants. I think for many women with silicone gel implants earlier in the game, the importance of proper implant and scar capsule removal was not fully realized, and those that are still sick are those that have not had a proper removal of their implants--many were left with the scar capsule in their bodies, still wreaking havoc.

It takes alot of work, but I think most women can regain their health, given time, the right tools, the right information, and the right frame of mind. I've done it and so have others! I have confidence that all of the women here going through explant and detoxification/rebuilding will get much, much better, and avoid full blown autoimmune disease and other complications, including cancer. Only time will tell, but I have confidence because of how good I feel right now.



----- Original Message -----


Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 1:59 PM

Subject: Diet

We all know truthfully, most of them will get better. I do feel like that some days, that I had them too long, the damage is done, or I will end up with MS, or cancer someday. Do you notice that the girls that had them longer, didnt get better, or just took longer to bet better? Talk to you,

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Hey, I actually paid attention to this ad....! Anyone else going to enter the Dream Home giveaway contest? Wow, could you image actually winning it, and having to pay taxes on the ARV of $1 mil+ ? Ouch!!! Time to sell!


----- Original Message -----


Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 7:36 PM

Subject: Re: Diet


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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 month later...
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No one has come up with a certain diet thus far for CMT. You are right about the

low fat - especially if one is inactive. As for my personal experience, letting

go completely of sugar, salt, caffeine and alcohol made a huge difference in me

- for the better. I too eat fish and alot of chicken. Also lots of fruit and

vegetables. Another thing that has helped me is to eat smaller amounts more

frequently. I eat 5 times a day. I also drink artesian (mineral) water. All of

this has given me much more energy. And helps keep my metabolism in balance.


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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 4/15/2005 8:49:51 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, health writes:

So there you have it. Every fruit, nut, and vegetable has some proteinin it to make the cells of that fruit, nut, or vegetable. A wellrounded, varied diet provides all the protein we need. I have read thatthe average American OVEREATS protein by 150% PER DAY!!!Shari


You really can't go wrong with the macrobiotic theory - fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds,legumes, and sea vegetables. (you can use sea salt, if you can't get the sea vegs) As long as they are non-processed whole foods, you are eating naturally. There is a reason it is known as "the cancer diet".


RN, Holistic Healthcare Consultant <<*>>~~<<*>>~~<<*>>~~<<*>>~~<<*>>~~<<*>>~~<<*>>~~<<*>>~~<<*>>~~<<*>>For good health, we must put food first.www.pulseparty.com/WholeFoodNutrition

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  • 6 months later...

Some time ago before I started saving links to interesting articles I saw something that said that while diet changes can often help RA there was no single diet that was uniformly best for helping RA. I would be interested in references to the considerable research you mention. I am puzzled by conflicting claims about diet and would like to have something more than anecdotal information for drawing conclusions. Thanks and God bless.

----- Original Message -----

From: Ann

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2005 7:43 AM

Subject: Diet

There was considerable research done on special diets for the joint pain in RA and it was found that a vegetarian diet with the addition of fish and a little chicken was most beneficial in aiding to combat inflammation. Also complete avoidance of coffee, alcohol and dairy products. Adding pineapple juice since it contains bromelaine, a natural anti-inflammatory.

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  • 4 years later...

Hi Jen,

I certainly have. It may not be strictly macrobiotics but on those lines. The

most important addition (and a big change as I never liked drinking it and still

don't like it) was GREEN TEA. It contains EGCG that has anti carcinogenic

qualities. So far it works for me fine and brought my WBC count right down to

the normal level. You can read my story here:



Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 12:10 AM

Subject: [ ] diet

Has anyone changed their diet after dx? Macrobiotics or any other type?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jenn,

my name is Kim. I dong usually post on this site....I read your post about diet

and macrobiotics. I have just switched to a macrobiotic diet in the last week

and notice a big difference in Gleevec ( been on it 16 months) side effects. I

hardly notice fhe Gleevec anymore and Ive had many of ghe debilitating side

effects. Do you know much about macrobiotics and have you changed your diet?

On Tue Jan 19th, 2010 4:10 PM PST wrote:

>Has anyone changed their diet after dx? Macrobiotics or any other type?





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I am slowly trying to change my diet. I have been doing a lot of reading and

research on that lifestyle. I am glad to hear that you have noticed a positive



> >Has anyone changed their diet after dx? Macrobiotics or any other type?

> >

> >

> >Jen

> >


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Hi Everyone,

Hope I'm able to send this. Last time I tried it

woudn't accept my hotmail address.

Anyway, this is about diet. I've been taking Glivec

(400mg) for about 5 years now. Usual side-effects but nothing serious enough to

affect my life or piss me off too much. What I eat is real food. No convenience

muck or ready made burgers, no additives, no hydrogenated fats, no rubbish. I

just buy fresh fruit and veg, free range meat when possibe and I bake my own

bread. I don't drink cola or coffee, only weak tea - and - my biggest sin, a few

glasses of wine (well, life has to be worth living after all!)

I also take regular exercise, mainly walking and

cycling in the fresh air.

I'm 64 and feel fit and well.

I hope this helps. The main thing is to lead as

healthy a lifestyle as possible, I don't think there's any need to go OTT and

give yourself a heap of stress preparing weird food!

Incidentally, a lot of people advocate being

vegetarian. Fair enough, but don't buy the convenience stuff (quorn sausages

etc) without first reading the label. Have you seen what's in some of that


Best wishes to all, Shelagh Nugent



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Hi Shelagh,

Welcome to the group.

Could you tell us at what level you are with your CML.


Zavie (age 71)

67 Shoreham Avenue

Ottawa, Canada, K2G 3X3

dxd AUG/99

INF OCT/99 to FEB/00, CHF

No meds FEB/00 to JAN/01

Gleevec since MAR/27/01 (400 mg)

CCR SEP/01. #102 in Zero Club

2.8 log reduction Sep/05

3.0 log reduction Jan/06

2.9 log reduction Feb/07

3.6 log reduction Apr/08

3.6 log reduction Sep/08

3.7 log reduction Jan/09

3.8 log reduction May/09

3.8 log reduction Aug/09

4.0 log reduction Dec/09

e-mail: zmiller@...

Tel: 613-726-1117

Fax: 613-482-4801

Cell: 613-282-0204

ID: zaviem

Tel in FL: 561-429-5507


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

Shelagh Nugent

Sent: February-01-10 11:35 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: diet

Hi Everyone,

Hope I'm able to send this. Last time I tried it

woudn't accept my hotmail address.

Anyway, this is about diet. I've been taking Glivec

(400mg) for about 5 years now. Usual side-effects but nothing serious enough


affect my life or piss me off too much. What I eat is real food. No


muck or ready made burgers, no additives, no hydrogenated fats, no rubbish.


just buy fresh fruit and veg, free range meat when possibe and I bake my own

bread. I don't drink cola or coffee, only weak tea - and - my biggest sin, a


glasses of wine (well, life has to be worth living after all!)

I also take regular exercise, mainly walking and

cycling in the fresh air.

I'm 64 and feel fit and well.

I hope this helps. The main thing is to lead as

healthy a lifestyle as possible, I don't think there's any need to go OTT


give yourself a heap of stress preparing weird food!

Incidentally, a lot of people advocate being

vegetarian. Fair enough, but don't buy the convenience stuff (quorn sausages

etc) without first reading the label. Have you seen what's in some of that


Best wishes to all, Shelagh Nugent



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I read your memo's and will say that in my 10 year Anniversary Survival of CML.

The last 6 years, I have drastically changed

my diet while on Gleevec.

I no longer consume any meats, except Free-Range Turkey's.

I am lactose intolerance so not consuming any dairy products

was not a problem giving them up!

In fact if I were to smell red meat or cheese it makes me quezzy!

And I do not consume any white flour, white potatoes, but only

white sticky rice.

I do consume much Legumes, as well as all organic veggies, wheather steam,

poached, baked, and sauteed.

And I eat much Wild Fish from Alaska, not Farm Raised as I believe there was a

study done in Japan about how Farm Raised

Fish has too much mercury like the flu vaccination contain in them.

A macrobiotic is more of a philosphical way of looking into

nature foods of the regions of where one lives, and the type

of diet natural to ones region. It is based on an Oriental yin & yang food

philosophy which most American's as well as Canadians can't comprehend.

Take for example the State of Alaska. It is very cold sub-below in

temperature, and in order for one to keep their bodies warmer, they tend to

consume more meat even if it is rare, nuts, and much legumes. However, milk

products and its derivatives are hardly consume by native Alaskian, because milk

brings on more auto-immune health problems in cold climates, then just good

clean H2O.

Green Tea is healthy if it come from Guilin, China, where it is grown in the

high mountain area, and in other parts of China.

There is a hype in green tea in the USA. It mostly taste good,

and when mixed with sugar it changes it total health benefits.

In the Asian countries green tea is never drank with honey,

white sugar, nor artificial sugar, any added sugar it becomes

glycemic. Check the Internet for the pros and cons, and if you

like it continue drinking it! Hey I have drank green tea for years

even before it became popular here in the USA!

Remember there are foods which can cure one, and there

are foods which can harm one!

Dory Doggie


From: <jms30@...>

Sent: Sun, January 31, 2010 7:39:52 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] diet


I am slowly trying to change my diet. I have been doing a lot of reading and

research on that lifestyle. I am glad to hear that you have noticed a positive



> >Has anyone changed their diet after dx? Macrobiotics or any other type?

> >

> >

> >Jen

> >


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