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Re: immunizations/mercury theory is debunked

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I would have to tell you that my children are recovering from Autism using the

AC protocol of chelation.

Chelation is the process of removing heavy metals like mercury and lead from the

body and brain.



From: tastitales <tastitales@...>

Sent: Mon, August 16, 2010 12:33:28 PM

Subject: [ ] immunizations/mercury theory is debunked

What do you say to someone who insists that, there is no proof or studies to

show the link. that i am just a angry momo because my son has autism and looking

for something to grab on to. I am not intelligent for listening to DR. who says

mercury poisoning is responsible for my son's autism. DR. are just making money

off me.

fustrated mom

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You could ask them if they would be willing to drink a calibrated amount of

ethyl mercury that is comparable to the ratio our children received via

vaccines just to prove to you that THEIR theory is correct and that ethyl

mercury is not neuro toxic to anyone.

let's see, my son got 200 times the EPA limit for mercury in a single day

for an adult when he only weighed about fifteen to twenty pounds. So that

would have to be calibrated to be the same ratio for a man weighing 165

pounds. Do you think willing to do this?

Look, you are probably not going to convince any people who are " sheep. "

Most of the people in the world are followers --they just believe and do a

they are told. They will tell you that " studies prove vaccines have saved

us all, " : but when you ask to see those studies and you ask who funded the

studies, then they get mad at you. You can't win the argument. All you can

do is to prevent further damage to your child.

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I know how you feel. Some people just don't get it until they live it. Sadly

they don't read about what is actually in vaccines. If they would read the

ingredients and list of side effects....they might get a clue. It's very

annoying not being validated....I think we all know that here.

Doctors are part of a group, a club if you will, and most of them stick

together. Most of the general public has no idea what's in a vaccine or a metal

filling and they trust wholeheartedly what they are told. I think we all were

like this at one point in our lives until autism happened. Then we realized that

we were lied too.

Just remember you don't have to prove anything. You lived it. There are

thousands of parents around the world behind you. There are website and studies

that are revealing the truth. Some people try to hush it up, but the masses are

getting louder and louder.

I have had people tell me there's no proof. But if it's not the metals why are

these kids getting better when you take out the metals?

and you bet we are angry. Ask them how they'd feel if someone messed up their

kid? Children were not like this 100 years ago and certainly not so many. The

one thing that has changed is how many shots they put into infants.

This is all a very hard thing to learn to live with. You never get over it

entirely, you just learn ways to make it productive. Hang in there!



> What do you say to someone who insists that, there is no proof or studies to

show the link. that i am just a angry momo because my son has autism and looking

for something to grab on to. I am not intelligent for listening to DR. who says

mercury poisoning is responsible for my son's autism. DR. are just making money

off me.


> fustrated mom


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For the most part, I avoid conversations of that sort. You haven't really given

a context, so I can't say how you might avoid it.

Part of the reason I avoid it:

I tend to operate on the assumption that ideas like that scare and upset people

because *it hits too close to home*: If mercury damaged YOUR kid that badly,

maybe they are poisoning their own and just not seeing the damage yet. A rule

of thumb I came up with in my twenties: " You can't keep lying to yourself if

you admit the truth to someone else. " So when someone is desperate and adamant

and hostile...etc... about something like that, I just try to back out of the

mess because I figure the odds are very high that what they are really doing is

giving themselves a pep-talk to the effect of " I'm a good mom! I am NOT

poisoning my kids like this utter psycho is implying. It really IS safe, my

doctor said so and I can TRUST my doctor. (yadda yadda) " It's not that they

care what you believe about your child it is that your views are threatening

their world view and that cannot be tolerated because that is scary stuff.

I am usually dealing with such reactions from the cystic fibrosis community

(rather than in relation to ASD) where I am met with enormous hostility for

getting well and being willing to share what worked for me (and my son). Part

of me finds this baffling given their mantra of wanting " a cure " . But part of

me totally understands how upsetting and frightening it is to hear that you can

get well, you just have to stop believing in and trusting the people you turn to

regularly whenever your life hangs in the balance. Not exactly cheery news.





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Unless they are immediate family members (like a spouse), I would say they

respectfully need to mind their own business.

Honestly, there haven't been a lot of quality studies on Autism and there are

doctors out there who will take advantage of you and you probably are a bit

angry. That doesn't mean you are wrong to believe your child was damaged by

vaccines and other environmental exposures (it isn't all about the mercury), but

it does mean you need to be careful about who you let treat your child and what

you chose to treat him with.

good luck to you.



> What do you say to someone who insists that, there is no proof or studies to

show the link. that i am just a angry momo because my son has autism and looking

for something to grab on to. I am not intelligent for listening to DR. who says

mercury poisoning is responsible for my son's autism. DR. are just making money

off me.


> fustrated mom


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A couple of years ago, I went to see a gastro doc but he was booked and they

asked if I would see his new associate. I got to talking with this doctor

about what happened to my son and the fact my father had died and I was

having to take care of my mom, too, and I was sure my stomach was due to


Well, talk about divine providence, he told me his son was poisoned by

vaccines too! Even he had a hard time discussing it with his colleges.

they are just so blinded by whatever. It just seems that in these days, if

it hasn't happened to your child, then it can't be true.

This doctor and his wife healed their son. They saw Dr. Rao, and they went

to Dr. H. Rea at the environmental health clinic in Dallas. Dr.

Sethi told me that Dr. Rea helped his son the most. It involved a strict

diet and eliminating toxins in the child's environment. I know Dr. Rea does

hyperbaric, too. Anyway, Dr. Sethi's son recovered. Dr. Rea has helped a

lot of people who are environmentally sick. I wish we could afford him. He

doesn't take insurance. He has written a wonderful book on how to build

houses that are non-toxic.

Those who don't listen to us now, will wish they had some day. Sooner or

later, it will affect ALL children. Then will the world wake up?

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If someone said those things to me, I wouldn't talk to them anymore.


> What do you say to someone who insists that, there is no proof or studies to

show the link. that i am just a angry momo because my son has autism and looking

for something to grab on to. I am not intelligent for listening to DR. who says

mercury poisoning is responsible for my son's autism. DR. are just making money

off me.


> fustrated mom


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I would educate them to the truth:


Regardless of anyone's *OPINION*, the *FACTS* are CDC has stated VACCINES CAN

CAUSE AUTISM http://tinyurl.com/Vax-Autism1 - and have paid out BILLIONS OF

DOLLARS to vaccine damaged kids and have THOUSANDS on the lawsuit list yet to be


THIMEROSAL (MERCURY) containing vaccines are well over TOXIC WASTE LEVEL

(250x's) http://tinyurl.com/VaxToxicWaste and expired or spilled vaccines must

be handled by HAZMAT AS TOXIC WASTE. How can you justify direct injection of

TOXIC WASTE into our babies (and adults) and say it is healthy?

BTW, it's not just mercury - lots more toxic ingredients and foreign DNA.

Could vaccines explain the high SIDS rate and USA ranking #46 in the world in


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_infant_mortality_rate Doesn't

this shock you?

The only studies that have ever said vaccines are safe are those conducted by

the Vaccine Manufacturers - EXACTLY what we saw with CIGARETTES and LUNG CANCER.



Please note any scientific studies that show long term safety of multiple

injections of TOXINS and VIRUSES in vaccines. (HINT - there are NONE)

Read KENNEDY's (or watch YouTube video) DEADLY IMMUNITY -


Why did scientists acknowledge the link and cover it up by adding in tons of

kids under 2 yrs where they could not be Dx'd with Autism to make the

statistical correlation disappear?

Why do the surveyed unvaccinated population have ZERO autism (actually 1/10,000,

where it was before vaccinations increased) Why won't our Gov't do a study of

vaccinated vs unvaccinated like Generation Rescue did?


Read the analysis of the Canadian and Denmark studies that show EXCLUSION OF

AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD) and inclusion of NON-ASD groups to make

statistical correlations disappear. (But it WAS originally there)


DOLLARS from CDC and disappeared? Yet we still base our vaccine policy on his


Years ago you would have been taught in medical school to prescribe HEROIN,

CIGARETTES, ALCOHOL and THALIDOMIDE - but today we call that insane. When the

real evidence is reviewed, you will find the same pattern with vaccines.



> >

> > What do you say to someone who insists that, there is no proof or studies to

show the link. that i am just a angry momo because my son has autism and looking

for something to grab on to. I am not intelligent for listening to DR. who says

mercury poisoning is responsible for my son's autism. DR. are just making money

off me.

> >

> > fustrated mom

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Hi TJ,

How many rounds have you done? How many rounds before you saw the first big wow.

We just finished our first with DMPS and ALA. 99-299 to go.



> I would have to tell you that my children are recovering from Autism using the

> AC protocol of chelation.

> Chelation is the process of removing heavy metals like mercury and lead from


> body and brain.

> TJ





> ________________________________

> From: tastitales <tastitales@...>


> Sent: Mon, August 16, 2010 12:33:28 PM

> Subject: [ ] immunizations/mercury theory is debunked



> What do you say to someone who insists that, there is no proof or studies to

> show the link. that i am just a angry momo because my son has autism and


> for something to grab on to. I am not intelligent for listening to DR. who


> mercury poisoning is responsible for my son's autism. DR. are just making


> off me.


> fustrated mom









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We have done about 70 rounds. Was about six months until we really knew we were

gonna recover the boys. The progress is subtle.


[ ] immunizations/mercury theory is debunked



> What do you say to someone who insists that, there is no proof or studies to

> show the link. that i am just a angry momo because my son has autism and


> for something to grab on to. I am not intelligent for listening to DR. who


> mercury poisoning is responsible for my son's autism. DR. are just making


> off me.


> fustrated mom









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There is lorry loads of evidence that mercury and autism are linked/ the same


From: tj_werth@...

Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 23:37:52 -0700

Subject: RE: [ ] Re: immunizations/mercury theory is debunked

We have done about 70 rounds. Was about six months until we really knew we were

gonna recover the boys. The progress is subtle.


[ ] immunizations/mercury theory is debunked



> What do you say to someone who insists that, there is no proof or studies to

> show the link. that i am just a angry momo because my son has autism and


> for something to grab on to. I am not intelligent for listening to DR. who


> mercury poisoning is responsible for my son's autism. DR. are just making


> off me.


> fustrated mom









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