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Re: Fwd: Vote NO to National Vaccine Health Registry!

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Apparently, I live in one of the more " progressive " places where a registry is

already in place.



> This is for Canadians for the time being. Where will it be next implemented?

> With the US having set up a national agency to monitor health care with the

> previous (abomination) Health Care Bill will US citizens be next? Our

> freedoms are being eroded. Be aware.


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------


> * Would appreciate American contacts adding their

> voice...Thanks*


> *from Rukshana in Canada*


> Go to the link in red further down and vote on the question in the

> article and post a comment, if possible.







> --- On *Mon, 12/6/10, *








> They just don't stop caring about us. The Human Resource Units need to be

> monitored, and registries of everything possible are the best means. With

> this one, they can find out which units are not in compliance so as to

> ensure they are properly handled the next time a " pandemic " is announced or

> another new vaccine mandated. But don't think this is some new proposal.

> This has been pushed for since at least 1996:


> http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/im/cirn-rcri/index-eng.php


> The government already has such registries listed and detailed, but as the

> proponents state the provinces need to be " harmonized " :


> http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/iyh-vsv/med/regist-eng.php


> Some nice info there about how you'll be tracked and how " decliners " will be

> " advised " of their negligence. As always, if you wish to speak your mind

> the CBC story has a comments section:


> http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2010/12/06/immunization-registry.html



> Cheers.







> --

> God's blessings in Christ,

> Your Partner in Health,

> N. Rydland, M.D.

> Founder and developer of kidsWellness, Inc.

> Natural products and information for healthier families

> www.kidswellness.com

> www.rydlandjuice.com


> Offices in Central Virginia and South Florida


> 434-984-KIDS [5437]




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I'm considered a Canadian.. . by whatever standard/s? (Political, mostly, that

politics, like war, isn't a problem, if not our biggest problem) People like, as

you refer to (that don't really communicate, so much, as we do? as they should?)

I prefer to treat or prosecute (In that/this regard?!.) rather than become

captivated by their, mischief? (if not disorder?) more and more, as time goes

by, it seems


I prefer the court of public opinion (open, and direct, and so honest, that that

wouldn't be The treatment or answer? of choice?) in that respect, if not

something larger, though I have been known to *vote,* (where I have the option

of changing my mind, or a clear Plan B? if not what consequence I'd be prepared

to accept for abrogating such agreement, and what consequence I'd accept where

not agreeing in the first place? yes, that anyone has a right to do with me and

mine what I don't understand and agree with, but I don't think so, and hope to

act accordingly) where I figure it is communicating, for what I find it to be

worth in that respect, but less and less of how effective I'm finding the

state's form of communication to be, voting, (and engaging with politicians?)

vs. The alternative/s, you understand, for how much more the alternative/s

provide/s, that voting would even be meaningful at all if not for as much (my

considering politics so much like war and evil, otherwise? .. .


They (of the state) probably aren't even asking the right questions, to be so

clear? (as I have usually found, for my self, and why should I waste my time [of

being fooled, again? of such a discreditable lot?] assuming that they've

changed? or that this situation is any different? of such, wilderness?) to be

taken so seriously to be prioritizing them, otherwise, (of how communication

works?) I mean

Best wishes, of my considering you a more worthy and higher priority with

respect to what you and me of this *makes it Communication* and what I'm about

and for (Where I Feel the state doesn't, so much, of the state somewhat being

the problem, of a fixed if not fixating mindset if nothing else? of its record,

no less, vs. mine?!.) and something so worthy, that I have time for anything

less, but to treat and/or to prosecute, that I feel I can and *do*.. (Somewhat

on my terms, no less, for as much)

Perhaps I could do more? I'll see what I can do in that respect, of getting

*our* messages across, for one and All, Thereof. Thanks for your concern in that

respect, especially where it involves dealing with abuse and injustice, that

there would be a better way

Best wishes in that respect of what would be listening, and trying to

understand, that anything else should matter with respect to communication and

justness, (of such health?) that anything could be more meaningful than that

with respect to a group or state, or whatever.

I won't vote if I don't Feel like it, 'cause, I Feel this sort of thing has more

power over voting than voting has over as much, yes, I do, that voting would be

meaningful at All, that I haven't figured out what makes everything so

meaningful and just, but I Feel I do.

Now, if we could get more people to *speak up* and be so meaningful (honest?

about what they Feel? as Understand?) I Feel we'd have done as good as we can,

for all there is (so meaningful) Thereof.. .

Best wishes in that respect, of how what is so meaningful is done, I Feel as



Where voting isn't about getting people to speak for themselves (speak up?) it

isn't about anything so meaningful at All, (and worth a crap, so logically?) I

Feel as Understand, Thereof

I'd say that the state has a long way to go in that/this respect but that *this*

is how that would be done, for what a state would be worth, truly worth, that

anything else would matter.

Consider this the more direct route (of direct democracy? of direct

representation) for as much, (of people understanding and those agreeing working

with themselves of as much, with what is *theirs* to work with, and not so much

anyone else or what isn't theirs to work with, otherwise) if not Justice,

Thereof? Please do, where you'd be about as much for as much for what is yours

to do with and be, Thereof

I do believe we agree (strongly agree?) that compulsory vaccination (and

censorship, and coercion, if not lies and manipulations in that regard, of a

registry?) is a *violation* of a sacred trust, of our selves. I believe the

state/government needs to understand that, (if not a lot more, than it does?) in

the way that understanding is done, of turning up the volume of getting people

to speak for themselves, on the matter if not their issues, no less, (as we do

here, if not elsewhere) that anything else could be more meaningful for them and

us and getting the job done and justice served.

On serving Justice. On How It's done (I Feel as understand, that I would want to

be with anything, otherwise.. .


> This is for Canadians for the time being. Where will it be next implemented?

> With the US having set up a national agency to monitor health care with the

> previous (abomination) Health Care Bill will US citizens be next? Our

> freedoms are being eroded. Be aware.


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------


> * Would appreciate American contacts adding their

> voice...Thanks*


> *from Rukshana in Canada*


> Go to the link in red further down and vote on the question in the

> article and post a comment, if possible.







> --- On *Mon, 12/6/10, *








> They just don't stop caring about us. The Human Resource Units need to be

> monitored, and registries of everything possible are the best means. With

> this one, they can find out which units are not in compliance so as to

> ensure they are properly handled the next time a " pandemic " is announced or

> another new vaccine mandated. But don't think this is some new proposal.

> This has been pushed for since at least 1996:


> http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/im/cirn-rcri/index-eng.php


> The government already has such registries listed and detailed, but as the

> proponents state the provinces need to be " harmonized " :


> http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/iyh-vsv/med/regist-eng.php


> Some nice info there about how you'll be tracked and how " decliners " will be

> " advised " of their negligence. As always, if you wish to speak your mind

> the CBC story has a comments section:


> http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2010/12/06/immunization-registry.html



> Cheers.







> --

> God's blessings in Christ,

> Your Partner in Health,

> N. Rydland, M.D.

> Founder and developer of kidsWellness, Inc.

> Natural products and information for healthier families

> www.kidswellness.com

> www.rydlandjuice.com


> Offices in Central Virginia and South Florida


> 434-984-KIDS [5437]




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I'm all for saying " no " to abuse.. (I don't consider not using English or

whatever language/fixed and *fixing* language? in the prescribed way an abuse,

*at All*.. . (But quite the contrary? .. . where for Understanding More

This, I believe, has relevance to the vaccine issue

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/26/opinion/26iht-edcohen.html?nl=todaysheadlines & \


Kill me if I or my actions should kill another. Don't ask me and follow with

what would be so right after I become a criminal, or so compromised, OK? There,

someone had to say so.. .

On dealing with incompetence. No, I don't want to be a slave, otherwise. I want

to pay for my mistakes and get what I deserve. Who'd be the adult in that

picture, is not so much a question for me, alone


An eye for an eye (or comparable compensation? sure, why not) yes. A lie for a

lie, *never,* or nothing could ever become right, (of such viscious cycle of

crime and abuse, of censorship itself, no doubt? but I somehow got through? I

Feel) I Feel as understand, of The truth, that we can't choose to make that our

faith, (of what we actually believe?) of God is such a choice (very much like

our very health?) I Feel as understand

Some seem to want to die, for whatever that's worth? Keep it interesting? I'm

thinking justice would be about and for as much. Do you think?

Causing injury by vaccination (or whatever) deserves as much, I Feel as

understand, that I should care if the act was willful or not? No. Not so much.

That you even know what I'm (or anyone, is?) thinking or feeling, but it doesn't

seem so, that a court of law could figure out as much, that I need to go with

*opinions,* esteemed, legal, opinions or not. No)

I have so much contempt for *incompetence* (Yes, I sort of treat it like it's,

like a crime. (Of sorts?!.) I would suggest as much for everyone) where

politicians and nations and many professionals are accomplished at crime and

abuse, of negligence? (guilty? of their responsibility? at least to The truth,

Thereof?) no doubt, whatever else they might have accomplished, (in getting away

with as much?) I am surely not in such low if not unreconciled association, no,

not so much... of what I Feel, makes me so accomplished as I Am

History needs a good shake in that respect (of what has been esteemed and what

has not?) is my sense of It. If I have my way It will be done (I'm working on

It! of all justice, that justice could be done otherwise, where the impossible,

in that respect, perhaps, just might take a bit longer, is my sense of It, (if

not this) of the " God job " (but what do you call it where the state says it does

something like it?) if not God's job, that there would be a God at All, but I

have figured it is *our* job, that criminals and abusers wouldn't rule the world

Make your cause so worthy, or be a part of the problem?

For justice, or the state is only so much very ignorant or deluded, crap, of

*abuse,* (accredited, or whatever, of consider the source?) of who and what

would have been abused in that respect, I will not forget, (or forgive, until it

is time, of what would be so right) of such, understanding and mission, of as

much, Thereof, that Understanding isn't about serving justice, but I figure It


On mission impossible, made possible, Hello (Watch the sh*t hit the fan now?

That I don't know how to expose the shit, (in dealing with It? in dealing with

as much?) but I Feel I do. That might be your problem/about your problem, be

careful? .. . Own Up? Pay Up, here on *earth,* to those you have violated, would

be best, that you would be received and accepted where you want to be received

and accepted? or else, expect less or no mercy? but what else.. .


> >

> > This is for Canadians for the time being. Where will it be next implemented?

> > With the US having set up a national agency to monitor health care with the

> > previous (abomination) Health Care Bill will US citizens be next? Our

> > freedoms are being eroded. Be aware.

> >

> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> >

> > * Would appreciate American contacts adding their

> > voice...Thanks*

> >

> > *from Rukshana in Canada*

> >

> > Go to the link in red further down and vote on the question in the

> > article and post a comment, if possible.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On *Mon, 12/6/10, *

> >

> >

> >



> >

> >

> > They just don't stop caring about us. The Human Resource Units need to be

> > monitored, and registries of everything possible are the best means. With

> > this one, they can find out which units are not in compliance so as to

> > ensure they are properly handled the next time a " pandemic " is announced or

> > another new vaccine mandated. But don't think this is some new proposal.

> > This has been pushed for since at least 1996:

> >

> > http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/im/cirn-rcri/index-eng.php

> >

> > The government already has such registries listed and detailed, but as the

> > proponents state the provinces need to be " harmonized " :

> >

> > http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/iyh-vsv/med/regist-eng.php

> >

> > Some nice info there about how you'll be tracked and how " decliners " will be

> > " advised " of their negligence. As always, if you wish to speak your mind

> > the CBC story has a comments section:

> >

> > http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2010/12/06/immunization-registry.html

> >

> >

> > Cheers.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > God's blessings in Christ,

> > Your Partner in Health,

> > N. Rydland, M.D.

> > Founder and developer of kidsWellness, Inc.

> > Natural products and information for healthier families

> > www.kidswellness.com

> > www.rydlandjuice.com

> >

> > Offices in Central Virginia and South Florida

> >

> > 434-984-KIDS [5437]

> >

> >

> >

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When a government has a right to invade the bodies of its citizens, security has

trumped freedom -- from the provided link (and I might add, *real* security,

where the state becomes the threat by as much

Where people don't communicate for themselves, of themselves? of how that battle

(if not research) goes? (and are censored) they lose everything of as much, (so

meaningful) and lies, and what lies are about, prevail, I Feel as understand --

from Glavic

> > >

> > > This is for Canadians for the time being. Where will it be next


> > > With the US having set up a national agency to monitor health care with


> > > previous (abomination) Health Care Bill will US citizens be next? Our

> > > freedoms are being eroded. Be aware.

> > >

> > > ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> > >

> > > * Would appreciate American contacts adding their

> > > voice...Thanks*

> > >

> > > *from Rukshana in Canada*

> > >

> > > Go to the link in red further down and vote on the question in


> > > article and post a comment, if possible.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --- On *Mon, 12/6/10, *

> > >

> > >

> > >



> > >

> > >

> > > They just don't stop caring about us. The Human Resource Units need to be

> > > monitored, and registries of everything possible are the best means. With

> > > this one, they can find out which units are not in compliance so as to

> > > ensure they are properly handled the next time a " pandemic " is announced


> > > another new vaccine mandated. But don't think this is some new proposal.

> > > This has been pushed for since at least 1996:

> > >

> > > http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/im/cirn-rcri/index-eng.php

> > >

> > > The government already has such registries listed and detailed, but as the

> > > proponents state the provinces need to be " harmonized " :

> > >

> > > http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/iyh-vsv/med/regist-eng.php

> > >

> > > Some nice info there about how you'll be tracked and how " decliners " will


> > > " advised " of their negligence. As always, if you wish to speak your mind

> > > the CBC story has a comments section:

> > >

> > > http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2010/12/06/immunization-registry.html

> > >

> > >

> > > Cheers.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --

> > > God's blessings in Christ,

> > > Your Partner in Health,

> > > N. Rydland, M.D.

> > > Founder and developer of kidsWellness, Inc.

> > > Natural products and information for healthier families

> > > www.kidswellness.com

> > > www.rydlandjuice.com

> > >

> > > Offices in Central Virginia and South Florida

> > >

> > > 434-984-KIDS [5437]

> > >

> > >

> > >

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