Guest guest Posted May 31, 2003 Report Share Posted May 31, 2003 Am I the only one here doing Jims FIR program? I've been on it for a couple wks now. This AM did my 5th sauna session. I started really slowly in the beginning, to test for the heat tolerance, because I have such a hard time with bath's and showers making me weak (used to almost pass out from showers years ago). Something about that kind of moist heat really wipes me out. But the FIR heat does not affect me that way at all, which is amazing. My body has been so 'blocked' for so long, it just couldn't even sweat over most of my body (armpits was all). So I'm finally getting things unblocked a bit and getting a good sweat on most of my upper body now. My poor cold legs are really going to take some time I can see. After doing some research on the net on this I can see so many potential benefits. Dr. Klinghardt recs. it for merc and heavy metal detox, which seems to me the safest way to get it out w/o having it move to the brain or organs and damage them, as chelators might do (I still have my merc). Not to mention this is a way I can afford to do it. The FIR is also commonly rec. as a weight loss program, helping to sweat out the fat. If it does that for me, it will be worth 5 times the price of the heaters alone! I've been fighting a losing battle with that for almost 20 yrs. now. I have tried a lot of the points of Jims program in the past years, but hadn't done them all together and had never done the heat and I think thats the key issue to making it work. Until the metabolism is corrected and the Ph of the colon brought to normal, we are never going to have normal gut bacteria or gut function and will always have candida probs that thrive in that ph. The other elements of the program address this together with the heat to increase the metabolism. I noticed a couple days ago that for the first time in so many years I can't remember, my hands feel SOFT! They were like alligator skin for so long! Even after years of Vite E and a full year of supplementing every kind and dose of EFA known to man (which did not cure anything for me). Obviously I haven't been absorbing much of anything with my digestion so screwed up. Hopefully this is a sign of some gut function returning. Might not sound like much, but its 'big' for me. Its too early in the program yet to see improvment in fatigue and pain levels, but I can keep you posted if you are interested. I gotta think tho, that for the price of a few treatments to have your 'picture' cured of a list of undiagnosed diseases by an electrical Pigg device, (sorry, but I'm with n on that one!) you could have two wonderful FIR heaters to try this program and even if you didn't like it, you would have two incredible heaters that can be used for heat anywhere in your home, FIR heat being the best source of heat and sauna. I liked the idea that for the money I got something I could touch and feel and see, LOL. Something we rarely get from our money. But add the other elements of the program and the potential goal is better health. I know Jim is trying to monitor those willing to do this program to help them along and so that it can be of benefit to others, like those clinical trials we always complain that no one is willing to do. This is why I'm so interested in hearing others experience with it. Some guidance through the program is needed to prevent any side effects like emotional outbursts from zinc deficiency, which could be exacerbated from more sweating. So its important to keep mineral levels up as a part of the plan. The heat feels so wonderful each time, I actually have to drag myself out of it, don't want to do too much too fast and have any bad reactions, but so far have had no bad reactions. (and believe me, I'm the 'Queen' of bad reactions to most everything anymore ) I'd sure be interested in hearing from any others who are doing the this program on here. I've signed up on Jims new list and will be discussing my experience with the others there who have done this longer and are farther along and seen improvement in their health from it. Thought I'd post my experience about it here to see if anybody is interested. Will let you know how it goes further on into the program, good, bad or ugly! Marcia Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 1, 2003 Report Share Posted June 1, 2003 > So how does one correct Ph of the colon? > , Read mssg 57868, from 5/21/03 in the archives, and the ensuing discussion. I think its all expained there. Marcia Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2003 Report Share Posted July 21, 2003 The best I felt in this whole time I've been sick was after spending a month at Dr. L's, doing saunas all day long. They weren't FIR's but were run at 150 degrees, low for a traditional sauna, so they were tolerable. Vitals taken before and after each 30 minute session, and couldn't go back in until vitals were back to normal. And can you believe we wanted to go back in? One guy who got a massive toxic exposure from a chemical spill at work, didn't have a lot of brain left, but had a damn good lawyer - but a great guy, I love him - used to literally sweat oil through his skin. Amazing stuff. Glad it's good for you Donna ----- Original Message ----- From: <jseaton357@...> .... now I purposely lay on the lower bench instead of the highest one (more tollerable means I can stay in there longer) and lay under the red IR bulb and I honestly have days where I don't feel like working out and drag myself in there and do the sauna before workout and by the time I am leaving the place I feel great and I attribute this to increasing my sauna time and laying under that IR bulb. Seems to really make a difference. Thanks for really shining the light (pardon the pun) on this subject to get me to try this and add it into my routine. > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2003 Report Share Posted July 21, 2003 At 15:44 21/07/03, Donna wrote: >They weren't FIR's but were run >at 150 degrees, low for a traditional sauna ....I'm still wondering if this temperature difference isn't an important key in the success of FIR? I run my conventional sauna at (80C...beeep ....calculator out to convert...) 176 degrees at the moment ... do you think that 150 might make the whole thing more curative? As you might have read I have been trying to determine why many people think FIR is better than conventional and have come to the conclusion that lower effective temp might be the reason. Your observation tends to support this, and certainly your doctor who ran the program must think so for some reason. Cheers n n Canberra, Australia Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2003 Report Share Posted July 21, 2003 n, I do think temp is a key, but whether there are other differences, I can't say. My doc's unit was especially built for him in the manner of Dr. Rea's center in Dallas, with a company that has a firm reputation for building saunas for MCS folks - no glues, no resins, no particleboard, only outgassed poplar,etc. This has always been the thrust of Environmental Medicine. Each sauna was as big as some of the smaller rooms in my house. I'm not sure FIR was available commercially at the time these were built for him by this company. It was not until I was ready to purchase a sauna myself did I request this company's info (for the second time since there had been a few years from my first request, and noticed that for home use they have the conventional model with the availability to add FIR discs. I still couldn't afford one of their models, so bought a FIR from a company that agreed to make it to my MCS needs. Also, during this very intense program, there was a minimal water requirement to be met between rounds, lots of supplements, three times a week super meyer's cocktails, every morning exercise of some sort as best as one was able to manage, twice a week massages, a tablespoon of oil at the end of each day's session to help elimiate toxins released that followed routes other than the skin....anything that was needed, including huge boluses of magnesium straight down the gullet if needed. YUCK! The first week I barely tolerated the temp, and always was on the verge, so that 150 was definitely my threshold. I did not sweat a drop that first week also, nor did I have a bowel movement, resulting in me being sent for an emergency colonic with a colon hydotherapist that they work with. I really just wanted to die by the end of the first week. Then I started sweating, upper body first, and my tolerance was better, except there were some mornings I was so toxic when they took my temp and it was 95F, I was literally thrown into the sauna w/o my exercise period, no massage, and my first one hour stint until I started moving some of what was making me so toxic. All I can say is that every day ended with a tired, but good tired feeling, and much much better than it started. I even found the energy to explore ton, a lovely city.(Of course, not w/o getting lost a few times - they don't make maps like they used to!!!) And I gained 8 very much needed pounds! So too many variables to draw a good conclusion, but I will tell you that I have overdone it in my FIR at a lower temp, and for less time, really screwing up my thermostat worse than it already is, and it has taken a long time to get back to being able to tolerate anything but the lowest temp. Makes me think there is something more to the FIR than just temp, but at home I don't get IV's, massages, the " detox " supps, so........ Donna in NC Re: FIR sauna > ...I'm still wondering if this temperature difference isn't an important key in the success of FIR? I run my conventional sauna at (80C...beeep ....calculator out to convert...) 176 degrees at the moment ... do you think that 150 might make the whole thing more curative? As you might have read I have been trying to determine why many people think FIR is better than conventional and have come to the conclusion that lower effective temp might be the reason. Your observation tends to support this, and certainly your doctor who ran the program must think so for some reason. > > Cheers > > n Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2003 Report Share Posted July 21, 2003 > Also, during this very intense program, there was a minimal water > requirement to be met between rounds, lots of supplements, three times a > week super meyer's cocktails, every morning exercise of some sort as best as > one was able to manage, twice a week massages, a tablespoon of oil at the > end of each day's session to help elimiate toxins released that followed > routes other than the skin....anything that was needed, including huge > boluses of magnesium straight down the gullet if needed. YUCK! Its extrememly imortant when doing sauna therapy to be aware of your mineral needs and keep your water intake up, as you sweat minerals out along with the toxins, so it makes sense that to make their sauna program effective they would have to address the nutrional and mineral and hydration needs as well. Basically this is what Jims program does (for very little money in comparison), and why he monitors people on the program (which costs nothing to us) to make sure things are going correctly and this is precisely why all the elements of the program need to be done simultaneously. If people try to experiment with sauna's on their own without adressing these issues they could end up worse instead of better. > > > The first week I barely tolerated the temp, and always was on the verge, so > that 150 was definitely my threshold. I did not sweat a drop that first week > also, nor did I have a bowel movement, resulting in me being sent for an > emergency colonic with a colon hydotherapist that they work with. I really > just wanted to die by the end of the first week. Then I started sweating, > upper body first, and my tolerance was better, except there were some > mornings I was so toxic when they took my temp and it was 95F, I was > literally thrown into the sauna w/o my exercise period, no massage, and my > first one hour stint until I started moving some of what was making me so > toxic. Wow, for me this would have been waaaay too intense too fast. I started with very low heat and short exposure. I've been doing the FIR program for 9 wks now and my legs are just now starting to sweat on the upper legs, but not the lower legs yet. I think going too fast is very risky and probably why you did end up with some problems. > All I can say is that every day ended with a tired, but good tired > feeling, and much much better than it started. I even found the energy to > explore ton, a lovely city.(Of course, not w/o getting lost a few > times - they don't make maps like they used to!!!) And I gained 8 very much > needed pounds! Amazingly the FIR is an energizing source of heat it seems. Also very relaxing and really does feel good after sessions. I wondered about the weight issue, because when the whole program is addressed properly it seems it normalizes weight. I " ve been on it 9 wks and haven't gained anything (thank goodness!) I need to lose lots of weight and hoping that will start coming off as my metabolism gets corrected. Yet those that are underweight seem to want to eat more and gain weight. > > > So too many variables to draw a good conclusion, but I will tell you that I > have overdone it in my FIR at a lower temp, and for less time, really > screwing up my thermostat worse than it already is, and it has taken a long > time to get back to being able to tolerate anything but the lowest temp. > Makes me think there is something more to the FIR than just temp, but at > home I don't get IV's, massages, the " detox " supps, so........ Its the type of heat that makes it different and so effective. Its really wise when doing a sauna program to be monitored by somebody, and one needs to keep their electrolytes balanced and mineral levels up and stay hydrated or it could cause problems and not give the healing effect. Marcia Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2003 Report Share Posted July 22, 2003 It seems like there might be different things that saunas are doing. Low temp may be enough to increase metabolism which is one of the goals of treatment. But at hgher temps I had definite herx'ing which I've now heard from people on the lyme list is not uncommon for people with lyme. So high temps might be killing bugs. Thanks, Doris ----- Original Message ----- From: n ...I'm still wondering if this temperature difference isn't an important key in the success of FIR? I run my conventional sauna at (80C...beeep ...calculator out to convert...) 176 degrees at the moment ... do you think that 150 might make the whole thing more curative? As you might have read I have been trying to determine why many people think FIR is better than conventional and have come to the conclusion that lower effective temp might be the reason. Your observation tends to support this, and certainly your doctor who ran the program must think so for some reason. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 21, 2003 Report Share Posted September 21, 2003 Hi Jill, You wrote, " ...From all this, I have begun to wonder if it should be done 2-3 times a day, rather than once a day. I asked Dr. and he said it could be done up to 3x a day; he did it twice a day; I hear of doctors putting patients thru intensive programs where they do it a bunch of times a day... " Is it safe? Do you know how these doctors monitor electroyte imbalance and mineral loss? Do they have protocols that you could pass on? Sue B. Upstate New York Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 13, 2003 Report Share Posted November 13, 2003 Far INfra Red sauna -- it stimulates the cells to do their natural thing and cleanses the body through sweating! and yes, it probably increases the body's natural production of ozone but I have no reference for that. Best wishes and much love, Ken Ken Gullan Institute for Research Integration (IRI) San Diego, CA 92106-2424 IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with developmental difficulties. To contact me off-list use kengullan@... or call 619-222-1104 FIR Sauna Hello all, What is a FIR Sauna and does it get ozone into the body? If so, how? Thank you, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2003 Report Share Posted November 14, 2003 In a message dated 11/14/2003 5:42:26 PM Central Standard Time, iri2@... writes: > Quite frankly, even though I have an FIR and ozone/steam sauna, I am > thinking of getting 3 hothouses (as Donna's daughter did) and placing them over an > FIR mat. It should be the best of all worlds > Best wishes and much love, Ken > Ken, I have one Hot House and am so impressed how it has helped my Autoimmune problem that I ordered another one this week. My goal is 3 also. Edith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2003 Report Share Posted November 14, 2003 In a message dated 11/14/2003 6:26:16 PM Central Standard Time, iri2@... writes: > or > This site belongs to a person I was able to speak with 2 weeks ago and this week also. Good reading!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2003 Report Share Posted November 14, 2003 No wonder you are confused! :-) There really are only two types of saunas to consider - a wet or dry sauna. A wet sauna uses steam and a dry sauna uses only heat. It is the way that both do their thing that makes the difference. A dry sauna can use just rocks and an element to generate the heat or it can use an FIR element/lamp. Many " dry " saunas using the element/rock combination can be made to be wet by pouring water over the hot rocks and getting steam. The other way to get a wet sauna is to pump steam into the sauna which is what most ozone saunas do. The FIR dry sauna has the advantage that the FIR rays do not heat the air but do heat the skin as soon as they contact the skin. Therefore the air stays relatively cool even though the skin (and deep layers under the skin) gets very hot which makes it so effective. It also means that your nose does not burn when you breath in the hot air or steam (from the wet sauna). Quite frankly, even though I have an FIR and ozone/steam sauna, I am thinking of getting 3 hothouses (as Donna's daughter did) and placing them over an FIR mat. It should be the best of all worlds Best wishes and much love, Ken Ken Gullan Institute for Research Integration (IRI) San Diego, CA 92106-2424 IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with developmental difficulties. To contact me off-list use kengullan@... or call 619-222-1104 Re: FIR Sauna Ken, although I have read about steam sauna verses dry sauna, and far infra red saunas verses the other two, It has me totally confused. There are good arguments for all of them as far as I can see, but I wondered about the far infra red,as they say it doesn't get as hot. I understand that you need to get the temperature up to at least 130 F, in order to kill the bacteria in your body. Does it do this? On the other hand I'm thinking that different kinds of saunas are for different things, depending on what you want to accomplish. Am I on the right track? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2003 Report Share Posted November 14, 2003 Ken, What is a hothouse? Links? Who sells FIR mats? Thanks, Dennis Ken Gullan - IRI wrote: >No wonder you are confused! :-) There really are only two types of saunas to consider - a wet or dry sauna. A wet sauna uses steam and a dry sauna uses only heat. It is the way that both do their thing that makes the difference. A dry sauna can use just rocks and an element to generate the heat or it can use an FIR element/lamp. Many " dry " saunas using the element/rock combination can be made to be wet by pouring water over the hot rocks and getting steam. The other way to get a wet sauna is to pump steam into the sauna which is what most ozone saunas do. >The FIR dry sauna has the advantage that the FIR rays do not heat the air but do heat the skin as soon as they contact the skin. Therefore the air stays relatively cool even though the skin (and deep layers under the skin) gets very hot which makes it so effective. It also means that your nose does not burn when you breath in the hot air or steam (from the wet sauna). Quite frankly, even though I have an FIR and ozone/steam sauna, I am thinking of getting 3 hothouses (as Donna's daughter did) and placing them over an FIR mat. It should be the best of all worlds >Best wishes and much love, Ken > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2003 Report Share Posted November 14, 2003 Hi Ken, I missed the discussion about 'hothouses' and FIR mats. Would you mind explaining, or perhaps, telling me what the subject line of the message about the 'hothouses' might have been so I can look it up? Thanks. Lainie Re: FIR Sauna No wonder you are confused! :-) There really are only two types of saunas to consider - a wet or dry sauna. A wet sauna uses steam and a dry sauna uses only heat. It is the way that both do their thing that makes the difference. A dry sauna can use just rocks and an element to generate the heat or it can use an FIR element/lamp. Many " dry " saunas using the element/rock combination can be made to be wet by pouring water over the hot rocks and getting steam. The other way to get a wet sauna is to pump steam into the sauna which is what most ozone saunas do. The FIR dry sauna has the advantage that the FIR rays do not heat the air but do heat the skin as soon as they contact the skin. Therefore the air stays relatively cool even though the skin (and deep layers under the skin) gets very hot which makes it so effective. It also means that your nose does not burn when you breath in the hot air or steam (from the wet sauna). Quite frankly, even though I have an FIR and ozone/steam sauna, I am thinking of getting 3 hothouses (as Donna's daughter did) and placing them over an FIR mat. It should be the best of all worlds Best wishes and much love, Ken Ken Gullan Institute for Research Integration (IRI) San Diego, CA 92106-2424 IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with developmental difficulties. To contact me off-list use kengullan@... or call 619-222-1104 Re: FIR Sauna Ken, although I have read about steam sauna verses dry sauna, and far infra red saunas verses the other two, It has me totally confused. There are good arguments for all of them as far as I can see, but I wondered about the far infra red,as they say it doesn't get as hot. I understand that you need to get the temperature up to at least 130 F, in order to kill the bacteria in your body. Does it do this? On the other hand I'm thinking that different kinds of saunas are for different things, depending on what you want to accomplish. Am I on the right track? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2003 Report Share Posted November 14, 2003 or the same people that sell the chi machine Mats at I would not necessarily buy from these guys but would do a complete search for best price, etc. Best wishes and much love, Ken Ken Gullan Institute for Research Integration (IRI) San Diego, CA 92106-2424 IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with developmental difficulties. To contact me off-list use kengullan@... or call 619-222-1104 Re: FIR Sauna Ken, What is a hothouse? Links? Who sells FIR mats? Thanks, Dennis Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2003 Report Share Posted November 14, 2003 Edith what was your problem and how did it help? Ken those thigns look expensive for the sie. $900--so three would be $2700 plus a mat...hmmm...might as well get a healthmate? But I guess it's smaller in size. Now you've got me curious I never saw those before. > In a message dated 11/14/2003 5:42:26 PM Central Standard Time, iri2@c... > writes: > > > > Quite frankly, even though I have an FIR and ozone/steam sauna, I am > > thinking of getting 3 hothouses (as Donna's daughter did) and placing them over an > > FIR mat. It should be the best of all worlds > > Best wishes and much love, Ken > > > Ken, > > I have one Hot House and am so impressed how it has helped my Autoimmune > problem that I ordered another one this week. My goal is 3 also. > Edith > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2003 Report Share Posted November 14, 2003 Edith, what _is_ the Hot House, please? No doubt, I've missed something here. Uh-oh! Obie. Re: FIR Sauna In a message dated 11/14/2003 5:42:26 PM Central Standard Time, iri2@... writes: > Quite frankly, even though I have an FIR and ozone/steam sauna, I am > thinking of getting 3 hothouses (as Donna's daughter did) and placing them over an > FIR mat. It should be the best of all worlds > Best wishes and much love, Ken > Ken, I have one Hot House and am so impressed how it has helped my Autoimmune problem that I ordered another one this week. My goal is 3 also. Edith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2003 Report Share Posted November 14, 2003 Edith, I didn't look ahead but I see it now; thanks. Obie. Re: FIR Sauna In a message dated 11/14/2003 5:42:26 PM Central Standard Time, iri2@... writes: > Quite frankly, even though I have an FIR and ozone/steam sauna, I am > thinking of getting 3 hothouses (as Donna's daughter did) and placing them over an > FIR mat. It should be the best of all worlds > Best wishes and much love, Ken > Ken, I have one Hot House and am so impressed how it has helped my Autoimmune problem that I ordered another one this week. My goal is 3 also. Edith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 26, 2004 Report Share Posted March 26, 2004 Hi Trader. There is a free standing fir unit that sells for $150. And there is a guy on the Beck-n-stuff list that sells them and tells how to set them up in a shower of bathroom and make an inexpensive, effective FIR sauna. You might hop over there an inquire. I don't like being in a whole hot room. I prefer having my head cool, so the Hot House by hte appeals to me. You can see pictures of it at and also read some great FIR information. My daughter in law has three of these and loves, loves, loves them. They are more expensive than a homemade set up and less expensive than a walk in ready made unit. One thing that makes them unique is that the entire inside of the unit is covered in crystal and emits fir and treats every inch of your body exposed to it. All other units that I have seen have a limited FIR surface which slowly heats the air and makes a suana atomosphere. The hot air does not emit fir. The unit does and so the only part of your body that really experiences the fir is the part that is close to the element. FIR itself is extremely therapeutic. You want the actual FIR rays to penetrate you body, where they neutralize toxins (as opposed to have to sweat them out). FIR also weakens cancer cells and increases circulation and actually causes your bodys frequencies to harmonize. You body emits FIR and so itis compatible with FIR. Unhealthy cells have a different frequency and so FIR challenges them and weakens them and enables your body to oust them. Air heated by FIR doesn't do all this. Hot air is good and does make you sweat and release toxins and increase circulation, but FIR waves to even more and so you want direct exposure to FIR waves and not just air heated by FIR. For this, I haven't seen anything that beats the Hot House. But if a person can't afford one of those, then the second best thing I have seen is the floor unit that you can sit really close to in an enclosed area like a glassed in shower. One in front and one in back makes about $300 and will work pretty good for someone well enough to sit up. Just go to the beck list and ask for a link to the guy who has FIR units that help fibro. Then Jim will make himself known. Blessings Donna FIR Sauna > Hi all. > > Last weekend I attended the Total Health show in Toronto. The most > interesting new product I saw was the FIR Sauna. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 28, 2004 Report Share Posted March 28, 2004 Hi Ruth, Thank you for your input. It is appreciated. :>) > Hi Trader. There is a free standing fir unit that sells for $150. And > there is a guy on the Beck-n-stuff list that sells them and > tells how to set them up in a shower of bathroom and make an inexpensive, > effective FIR sauna. You might hop over there an inquire. > > I don't like being in a whole hot room. I prefer having my head cool, so > the Hot House by hte appeals to me. You can see pictures of it at > and also read some great FIR information. > My daughter in law has three of these and loves, loves, loves them. > > They are more expensive than a homemade set up and less expensive than a > walk in ready made unit. One thing that makes them unique is that the > entire inside of the unit is covered in crystal and emits fir and treats > every inch of your body exposed to it. All other units that I have seen > have a limited FIR surface which slowly heats the air and makes a suana > atomosphere. > > The hot air does not emit fir. The unit does and so the only part of your > body that really experiences the fir is the part that is close to the > element. > FIR itself is extremely therapeutic. You want the actual FIR rays to > penetrate you body, where they neutralize toxins (as opposed to have to > sweat them out). FIR also weakens cancer cells and increases circulation > and actually causes your bodys frequencies to harmonize. You body emits FIR > and so itis compatible with FIR. Unhealthy cells have a different frequency > and so FIR challenges them and weakens them and enables your body to oust > them. > > Air heated by FIR doesn't do all this. Hot air is good and does make you > sweat and release toxins and increase circulation, but FIR waves to even > more and so you want direct exposure to FIR waves and not just air heated by > FIR. For this, I haven't seen anything that beats the Hot House. > > But if a person can't afford one of those, then the second best thing I have > seen is the floor unit that you can sit really close to in an enclosed area > like a glassed in shower. One in front and one in back makes about $300 and > will work pretty good for someone well enough to sit up. > > Just go to the beck list and ask for a link to the guy who has FIR units > that help fibro. Then Jim will make himself known. > > Blessings > Donna > > FIR Sauna > > > > Hi all. > > > > Last weekend I attended the Total Health show in Toronto. The most > > interesting new product I saw was the FIR Sauna. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 19, 2006 Report Share Posted December 19, 2006 Would love to find out where you get one. On Dec 18, 2006, at 11:44 AM, ilt404 wrote: > I have a little portable sauna Parashis artpages@... zine: portfolio: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 19, 2006 Report Share Posted December 19, 2006 Hi Toni, can you give me specifics about replacing minerals and iodine while using the IR sauna? Is there a formula of some sort, about how much is lost per hour (or whatever)? I already have some mineral deficiencies and imbalances which I'm supplementing, but still......... Oh, and what kind of unit do you have? I'm so glad to hear positives from it, I may even stuff my kids in there for a bit, as they are both having some thyroid issues, and I strongly suspect there is something in our environment that is causing it. Best, View my Blog ~ If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us. -- Hermann Hesse >I have a little portable sauna that sits in my loungeroom and as many > mornings as possible I sit in it and watch TV for an hour. I have been > doing it for nearly 2 years and feel that I have really detoxed. I had > a med checkup recently and I am in really good condition. (I am 60) > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 6, 2009 Report Share Posted May 6, 2009 Have you considered the sleeping bag type FIR saunas such as those done by They seem to be allergy free. (PS I have no connection with them!) Pam > > >> I have both Fibro. and CFS. I've had them for about 25 years now. I'm 48 now. I have a lot of exhaustion and cognitive problems. My doctor told me that cognitive problems aren't part of Fibro. or CFS. That's not what I've read. Do other people here also have cognitive problems? What helps you? > > ***Have you considered the Pall/Ziem protocol? I experienced cognitive improvement within the first two months on the protocol and increased energy/stamina followed after that. I am currently investigating hypercoagulation and Rich's work as an additional component for me. > > You can learn more about Pall's work at: www.tenthparadigm. org > Or join the forum: The Tenth Paradigm Society (and first read the Links & Files section) > Pall wrote a book: Explaining Unexplained Illnesses: Disease Paradigm for . . . > > >>She said to start exercising every day starting with about 5 minutes a day. I tried. I just can't do that. Everything I do makes me more exhausted. Any suggestions? > > ***Exertion beyond your ability is likely to make you worse! However, lack of oxygenation does cause further problems so do your best to breathe well and perhaps look into oxygen therapy. With caution of course, oxygen can be damaging. > > Also consider using FIR sauna which, in addition to detox, has been found to raise the levels of BH4. Janis Bell describes BH4 on her blog: > > " 3. Of course the body has ways to detoxify ammonia. But in doing so, it uses up a very important enzyme known as BH4. BH4 makes non-toxic byproducts from ammonia and arginine, and helps us make the important feel-good neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. When BH4 stores are low, instead of getting non-toxic byproducts, we get lots of free radicals (peroxynitrite and superoxide) that go about damaging cell membranes until they are neutralized by anti-oxidants. And mood disorders can result because there isn't enough BH4 to make all the right amounts of feel-good neurotransitters. " > > Additionally there have been many reports of people with FM finding fairly immediate relief using FIR sauna. Always choose a sauna made of safe materials such as Heavenly Heat - you don't want to overload your system with off gassing. You may not have chemical sensitivities now but a stressed system is more at risk to develop MCS. > > There is more information about sauna therapy on the Tenth Paradigm Forum, look in the Files and Links folders. > > Amber > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________________________ > Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now > http://ca.toolbar.. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 6, 2009 Report Share Posted May 6, 2009 >> Hi Amber, you say <<Also consider using FIR sauna which, in addition to detox, has been found to raise the levels of BH4.>>  >> I have heard this claim before on here or maybe it was yasko board.  >> increased BH4 based on speculation or any data, proof, quasi proof  here other than anecdotal - ie. feeling better (which of course is important) ? ***Glad you brought this up as I later wished I had used better terminology! This last March Pall posted a sauna therapy abstract on the Tenth Paradigm Society forum in which he made the statement that sauna therapy may act to increase BH4 availability via two distinct pathways. I have not yet seen this abstract or the paper that has been accepted for publication on his website so for now you can go to the 10thP forum and type 'sauna therapy abstract' into the search feature to read the abstract in full, or go to the Links folder where you will find a file of pertinent posts by Pall that includes this abstract. He also said that he would email a copy of the paper to anyone who emailed him directly, but I have not yet received the paper. Later in sauna therapy abstract discussion (on 10thP forum) someone has posted more information regarding NO, the Urea Cycle, BH4, and sauna. This looks like information that you might have also seen on the yasko board. >> << Always choose a sauna made of safe materials such as Heavenly Heat - you don't want to overload your system with off gassing.>>  >> heavenly heat is  expensive, very good yes but out of my budget and I am considering a FIR sauna purchase. I believe Poplar and Basswood are the best woods for those who are sensitive, but what about Hemlock, I have read it is still  pretty decent, maybe not as good as poplar or basswood but still acceptable. I am finding most  of the medium end saunas in 2-3k price range use this wood.  I believe hemlock is a softwood. ***I have not looked into hemlock so have no response for your thoughts. I have not yet used any of the brands of FIR sauna but plan on doing so this year. (Yea!) I began researching it about 6 months ago and because of long term MCS I was really keying in to what other MCS people were saying about their experience and also it was significant to me the long list of environmental health clinics and physicians that had Heavenly Heat in their practice. When possible I have contacted people to inquire further about their experience and how they came to choose the product that they purchased. For people with MCS it always seems to come down to Heavenly Heat or High Tech and for me the choice would clearly be Heavenly Heat. {Moderator: removed reference to sale of product(s). Please backchannel that information. Thanks.}  >> and what do you mean by safe materials, wood I assume and also how constructed so there are no glues right?  what do you mean by off gassing? just when it gets hot, then treated wood or the glue will off gas? ***Safe materials = yes - safe wood, no glues, no plastic. Since I am not in the sauna biz I have no concrete knowledge of where materials come from but I am suspect of wood that has traveled from distant ports. I have been led to believe that HH only uses materials and wood that are safe for those with MCS (as well as those who do not have MCS). There seems to be some evidence that prolonged exposure to some chemicals may be enough to tip the scales in the direction of MCS for those who are not currently afflicted but are at risk for one reason or another. (Well that is a broad statement as everyone is at risk to develop MCS but it doesn't mean that they will!) And yes, when I said off gassing I was referring to wood (for example untreated cedar would be too much for me even when it is not heated), glues, plastics. For me it has become crystal clear that purchasing a sauna is crucial for my health and well being so the unit must be as safe as possible. I'm not sure what, if any, regulations are in place for the sauna industry so the experiences of others with similar health issues and long term reputation of a product has a significant impact on my decision. Since all roads have pointed to Heavenly Heat as the industry leader for quality and safety, newer brands making statements that they have the same level of quality and safety would have to disclose how they are accomplishing that. Well I have certainly rattled on, I hope this has answered your questions! Amber Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 8, 2009 Report Share Posted May 8, 2009 thanks Pam  looks interesting but I kind of like idea of an actual sauna where one can relax and meditate in while sweating and listening to soft music. oh and also being able to stretch my muscles at same time.  cheers From: pamandnoel <pamandnoel@...> Subject: Re: FIR Sauna Received: Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 4:12 AM Have you considered the sleeping bag type FIR saunas such as those done by www.get-fitt. com? They seem to be allergy free. (PS I have no connection with them!) Pam > > >> I have both Fibro. and CFS. I've had them for about 25 years now. I'm 48 now. I have a lot of exhaustion and cognitive problems. My doctor told me that cognitive problems aren't part of Fibro. or CFS. That's not what I've read. Do other people here also have cognitive problems? What helps you? > > ***Have you considered the Pall/Ziem protocol? I experienced cognitive improvement within the first two months on the protocol and increased energy/stamina followed after that. I am currently investigating hypercoagulation and Rich's work as an additional component for me. > > You can learn more about Pall's work at: www.tenthparadigm. org > Or join the forum: The Tenth Paradigm Society (and first read the Links & Files section) > Pall wrote a book: Explaining Unexplained Illnesses: Disease Paradigm for . . . > > >>She said to start exercising every day starting with about 5 minutes a day. I tried. I just can't do that. Everything I do makes me more exhausted. Any suggestions? > > ***Exertion beyond your ability is likely to make you worse! However, lack of oxygenation does cause further problems so do your best to breathe well and perhaps look into oxygen therapy. With caution of course, oxygen can be damaging. > > Also consider using FIR sauna which, in addition to detox, has been found to raise the levels of BH4. Janis Bell describes BH4 on her blog: > > " 3. Of course the body has ways to detoxify ammonia. But in doing so, it uses up a very important enzyme known as BH4. BH4 makes non-toxic byproducts from ammonia and arginine, and helps us make the important feel-good neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. When BH4 stores are low, instead of getting non-toxic byproducts, we get lots of free radicals (peroxynitrite and superoxide) that go about damaging cell membranes until they are neutralized by anti-oxidants. And mood disorders can result because there isn't enough BH4 to make all the right amounts of feel-good neurotransitters. " > > Additionally there have been many reports of people with FM finding fairly immediate relief using FIR sauna. Always choose a sauna made of safe materials such as Heavenly Heat - you don't want to overload your system with off gassing. You may not have chemical sensitivities now but a stressed system is more at risk to develop MCS. > > There is more information about sauna therapy on the Tenth Paradigm Forum, look in the Files and Links folders. > > Amber > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _ > Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now > http://ca.toolbar. . > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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