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FIR sauna

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Hi sauna lovers,i dump my 2 cents about (F)IR sauna's here.

If you like to use a conventional/traditional sauna

like the scandinavian models, you need a sauna hut, an enclosement,

because it works with hot air ( and controlled humidity added) that needs to be


The IR and FIR sauna's effect is by direct radiation from a suitable source onto

(into) your skin.

That is a double advantage:

First, if you can't stand very humid or hot air, because of e.g. respitory

problems you can not do conventional sauna,

but may feel good in an (F)IR sauna.

Second, while for a conventional sauna you need enough space and money to

buy such a cabin; you do NOT need to buy a cabin to take

profit from the IR sauna effect,

so even people living on social security or who are on a shoe string

budget, may do daily or weekly IR sauna sessions at home without spending 4000$

and up.

Because you don't need a cabin, you don't need expesive sauna stoves,

you only need a pair of (F)IR heating elements.

As an example:

a classic indoor sauna, more then 4500 $


A Fir sauna, (cabin) complete, starting from 1000 $


But the essential part to turn your own bathroom into a (F)IR sauna, without a


even ready to use, cost only around 200$


NFI, I don't endorse the above sellers, they are just examples for price


The point is for FIR compared to conventional sauna, you do not need a cabin,and

ones you tried FIR sauna and you're sure it's bearable and has a positiv effect

on your health,

you may be better off buying a set of IR lamps/radiators then travel to the

other side of town

and pay every week also for transport. After less the 10 sessions your better

off with your own setup.

and more privacy, comfort, better hygiene etc.


Bruno M.


> Hi Amber, you say


> <<Also consider using FIR sauna which, in addition to detox, has been found to

raise the levels of BH4.>>


> I have heard this claim before on here or maybe it was yasko board.


> increased BH4 based on speculation or any data, proof, quasi proof  here other

than anecdotal - ie. feeling better (which  of course is important) ?



> << Always choose a sauna made of safe materials such as Heavenly Heat - you

don't want to overload your system with off gassing.>>

{Moderator: Trimmed previous post}

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I'm wondering what the effects of frequent ocean bathing has on detoxing

compared to a sauna. (salt drawing impurities out of the body)

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Sounds good to me & you would have the positive ions too. If you

don't have access to an ocean I've recently read some recipes for home

detox baths with sea salt and hydrogen peroxide.

I have had good results with localized infections (like bad ingrown

toenail infections) soaking my finger or toe in hot salt water.


On 5/8/09, george6210@... <george6210@...> wrote:


I'm wondering what the effects of frequent ocean bathing has on detoxing

> compared to a sauna. (salt drawing impurities out of the body)



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I got a FIR but its one of those small portable tent type ones. What does off

gassing really mean when speaking of FIR's? Is it only for the bigger solid

units? Hopefully not a prob with the portable ones.

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Off gassing refers to the materials used whether it be plastics, woods, and in

home circumstances, paints, varnishes, and carpets. What does the company

information say about the materials use???

I always wondered about the health of those who use the FIR lamps in their

bathrooms----------what about all the building materials in those rooms off


God Bless,


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thanks Amber


very useful infomation.  and your thoughts on the matter  are much

appreciated.   I too believe FIR sauna is a big factor in me trying to regain my



I think sunlight sauna is a pretty reputable sauna dealer too, I know they use

basswood which I believe is or almost as hypoallergenic as the poplar wood that

HH uses.


If one has MCS, it is critical to go top of the line ie. HH.    If not, then I

believe it isnt as critical, ideal yes but not critical.  I think Hemlock would

be ok for one without MCS.


I will say I had an FIR sauna treatment a few weeks back and it had color

therapy in it as well and I felt much better for 1-3 hours after  (more energy

and I was actually hungry as I ususally dont have much of an appetite).   My

mood was better too.  I just felt lighter.    I gather you burn a lot of

calories and this revs up the metabolism and then triggers the appetite.  maybe

the color therapy helped my mood or maybe just increased endorphins from the



I think I was in too long though and was sweating for too long as I have read

one needs to build up as about 5 hours after I was very very fatigued and didnt

sleep as well as I would have thought the night of having a FIR sauna treatment

the day of.  I think it was cause I was in too long so over did it or maybe too

much detox.  


Another interesting observation was my muscle pain  seemed worse (not much but

still worse)  and felt different while i was in the sauna and following  ,

almost like the FIR was getting deep into the muscles and cells and either

killing pathogens or releasing them or breaking something else up as my muscles

are hard and knotty as they tend to be with FM.   Maybe the FIR sauna was

stirring some stuff up??   Was only one time, so hard to say.   wonder if ayone

else experienced something similar  the first few times?


From: kachinacreek <kachinacreek@...>

Subject: Re: FIR Sauna

Received: Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 1:02 PM

>> Hi Amber, you say <<Also consider using FIR sauna which, in addition to

detox, has been found to raise the levels of BH4.>>


>> I have heard this claim before on here or maybe it was yasko board.


>> increased BH4 based on speculation or any data, proof, quasi proof  here

other than anecdotal - ie. feeling better (which  of course is important) ?

***Glad you brought this up as I later wished I had used better terminology!

This last March Pall posted a sauna therapy abstract on the Tenth

Paradigm Society forum in which he made the statement that sauna therapy

may act to increase BH4 availability via two distinct pathways. I have not yet

seen this abstract or the paper that has been accepted for publication on his

website so for now you can go to the 10thP forum and type 'sauna therapy

abstract' into the search feature to read the abstract in full, or go to the

Links folder where you will find a file of pertinent posts by Pall that

includes this abstract. He also said that he would email a copy of the paper to

anyone who emailed him directly, but I have not yet received the paper.

Later in sauna therapy abstract discussion (on 10thP forum) someone has posted

more information regarding NO, the Urea Cycle, BH4, and sauna. This looks like

information that you might have also seen on the yasko board.

>> << Always choose a sauna made of safe materials such as Heavenly Heat - you

don't want to overload your system with off gassing.>>


>> heavenly heat is  expensive,  very good yes but out of my budget and I am

considering a FIR sauna purchase.  I believe Poplar and Basswood are  the best

woods for those who are sensitive, but what about Hemlock, I have read it is

still  pretty decent, maybe not as good as poplar or basswood but still

acceptable.  I am finding most  of the medium end saunas in 2-3k price range use

this wood.  I believe hemlock is a softwood. 

***I have not looked into hemlock so have no response for your thoughts. I have

not yet used any of the brands of FIR sauna but plan on doing so this year.

(Yea!) I began researching it about 6 months ago and because of long term MCS I

was really keying in to what other MCS people were saying about their experience

and also it was significant to me the long list of environmental health clinics

and physicians that had Heavenly Heat in their practice. When possible I have

contacted people to inquire further about their experience and how they came to

choose the product that they purchased. For people with MCS it always seems to

come down to Heavenly Heat or High Tech and for me the choice would clearly be

Heavenly Heat.

{Moderator: removed reference to sale of product(s). Please backchannel that

information. Thanks.}


>> and what do you mean by safe materials, wood I assume and also how

constructed so there  are no glues right?   what do you mean by off gassing? 

just when it gets hot, then treated wood or the glue will off gas?

***Safe materials = yes - safe wood, no glues, no plastic. Since I am not in the

sauna biz I have no concrete knowledge of where materials come from but I am

suspect of wood that has traveled from distant ports. I have been led to believe

that HH only uses materials and wood that are safe for those with MCS (as well

as those who do not have MCS). There seems to be some evidence that prolonged

exposure to some chemicals may be enough to tip the scales in the direction of

MCS for those who are not currently afflicted but are at risk for one reason or

another. (Well that is a broad statement as everyone is at risk to develop MCS

but it doesn't mean that they will!)

And yes, when I said off gassing I was referring to wood (for example untreated

cedar would be too much for me even when it is not heated), glues, plastics.

For me it has become crystal clear that purchasing a sauna is crucial for my

health and well being so the unit must be as safe as possible. I'm not sure

what, if any, regulations are in place for the sauna industry so the experiences

of others with similar health issues and long term reputation of a product has a

significant impact on my decision. Since all roads have pointed to Heavenly Heat

as the industry leader for quality and safety, newer brands making statements

that they have the same level of quality and safety would have to disclose how

they are accomplishing that.

Well I have certainly rattled on, I hope this has answered your questions!



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And don't forget to shower with luke warm to cool water immediately, otherwise

all the toxins reabsorb!!! I tried a series of FIR sauna's at a spa, owned by

a ND----they had no showers and I kept complaining of not feeling

well----research showed me the shower is a must

God Bless,


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<I think I was in too long though and was sweating for too long as I have read

one needs to build up as about 5 hours after I was very very fatigued and didnt

sleep as well as I would have thought the night of having a FIR sauna treatment

the day of. I think it was cause I was in too long so over did it or maybe too

much detox.>

Yes, I have consistently read that if your health is not so good to start

slowly, for some folks that has even meant just a few minutes at a time but

surely no more than 10 minutes at a time until you are confident about


<Another interesting observation was my muscle pain seemed worse (not much but

still worse) and felt different while i was in the sauna and following, almost

like the FIR was getting deep into the muscles and cells and either killing

pathogens or releasing them or breaking something else up as my muscles are hard

and knotty as they tend to be with FM. Maybe the FIR sauna was stirring some

stuff up? Was only one time, so hard to say. wonder if anyone else experienced

something similar the first few times?>

You didn't say what you did to prepare for the sauna so I thought I would offer

that, in addition to perhaps staying in too long the first time, there is the

hydration and electrolyte status to consider. If either of these were low going

in and not replenished during the sauna and after sauna I'm wondering if you did

stress your body too much. And, like was mentioned by someone else, toweling

off during sauna and showering in warm to cooler water post sauna is an

important part of the process.

If you are curious about supplement, electrolyte & hydration protocols there are

a few in the Files section of the 10thP forum. One of them was supplied by an EI

doc to their patient. Perhaps one day I will ask permission to copy from those

who supplied them but at the moment I'm just not up for the process! So it is

just sheer laziness that I continue to simply reference their location.


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  • 1 year later...

Would it be too much to do the FIR sauna when starting DMSA, ALA.....we have one

and loves going in it....should be stop while starting ACP.  Also what are

the best vit/minerals to be on and best brand....do you give these away from the

ACP?  I would think that the DMSA would be wasted if it was given with


From: Liz <elizabethsoliday@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Statistic on Chelation

Date: Monday, October 11, 2010, 12:32 PM


If you are chelating and you start to see rashes or have fever, don't worry too

much about it, just give more epsom salt baths to help with comfort and opening

pores to let it out. I don't see anything wrong with using supplements for

bacteria/viruses along with chelation, but I do see something wrong with

antibiotic use early in chelation or continued antibiotic use without chelating.


> > >

> > > What does PANDAS mean?

> > >

> > > Ricky

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > From: praboli <praboli@>

> > >

> > > Sent: Sun, October 10, 2010 8:17:19 PM

> > > Subject: [ ] Re: Statistic on Chelation

> > >

> > >  

> > > I have never tried IV Chelation, but have a basic understanding of biochem


> > > metabolic processes. With child #1, I did chelation for 1.5 years, every


> > > ACP. This protocol ultimately recovered my child. I don't deny it's hard

to get

> > > up at night, but as you slowly see those new gains, that's incentive

enough to

> > > keep going. My child went from a " walking coma " to a smart, intuitive,


> > > abstract thinking and highly social child. He is in mainstream school

without an

> > > aid doing age appropriate work.

> > >

> > >

> > > Child #2, I did the same things. He got worse and I couldn't understand. I


> > > increased the yeast protocol and he kept going downhill. Come to find out

he had

> > > PANDAS. Now we're treating PANDAS successfully with antibiotics (still has


> > > long way to go). Started doing the ACP and making some great gains with


> > > child. My point of all this is before you start any kind of protocol,


> > > please take the time to understand what you are doing biochemically to the


> > > and the affinity of toxic metals to the CNS. The ACP has been phenomenal


> > > both my kids and I wouldn't even consider doing it any other way. AC may


> > > a little harsh in his responses, but he knows the potential damage you are


> > > to cause in your already toxic child. The fact that he is responding is


> > > appreciated here because I always learn from his posts, as well as some of


> > > other moms/dads.

> > >

> > >

> > > I love it that we have our child back, and anxiously awaiting our #2


> > > recovery. I pray and hope the rest of the struggling parents out there get


> > > child back as well.

> > >

> > > Also, it wouldn't be a bad idea to check out Andy's books. I haven't read


> > > page, but they are great reference books which I've gone back to over and


> > > when I had questions or needed more info.

> > >

> > > Pam

> > >

> > > Pam

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Give supporting supps on and off round. A list is posted in the files section.

Most important are the antioxidants. The rest are mainly for comfort.



From: Wrenn <ajwrenn@...>

Sent: Mon, October 11, 2010 3:01:55 PM

Subject: [ ] FIR sauna


Would it be too much to do the FIR sauna when starting DMSA, ALA.....we have one

and loves going in it....should be stop while starting ACP.  Also what are

the best vit/minerals to be on and best brand....do you give these away from the

ACP?  I would think that the DMSA would be wasted if it was given with


From: Liz <elizabethsoliday@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Statistic on Chelation

Date: Monday, October 11, 2010, 12:32 PM


If you are chelating and you start to see rashes or have fever, don't worry too

much about it, just give more epsom salt baths to help with comfort and opening

pores to let it out. I don't see anything wrong with using supplements for

bacteria/viruses along with chelation, but I do see something wrong with

antibiotic use early in chelation or continued antibiotic use without chelating.


> > >

> > > What does PANDAS mean?

> > >

> > > Ricky

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > From: praboli <praboli@>

> > >

> > > Sent: Sun, October 10, 2010 8:17:19 PM

> > > Subject: [ ] Re: Statistic on Chelation

> > >

> > >  

> > > I have never tried IV Chelation, but have a basic understanding of biochem



> > > metabolic processes. With child #1, I did chelation for 1.5 years, every



> > > ACP. This protocol ultimately recovered my child. I don't deny it's hard




> > > up at night, but as you slowly see those new gains, that's incentive




> > > keep going. My child went from a " walking coma " to a smart, intuitive,



> > > abstract thinking and highly social child. He is in mainstream school

>without an


> > > aid doing age appropriate work.

> > >

> > >

> > > Child #2, I did the same things. He got worse and I couldn't understand. I



> > > increased the yeast protocol and he kept going downhill. Come to find out

>he had


> > > PANDAS. Now we're treating PANDAS successfully with antibiotics (still has



> > > long way to go). Started doing the ACP and making some great gains with



> > > child. My point of all this is before you start any kind of protocol,



> > > please take the time to understand what you are doing biochemically to the



> > > and the affinity of toxic metals to the CNS. The ACP has been phenomenal



> > > both my kids and I wouldn't even consider doing it any other way. AC may



> > > a little harsh in his responses, but he knows the potential damage you are



> > > to cause in your already toxic child. The fact that he is responding is



> > > appreciated here because I always learn from his posts, as well as some of



> > > other moms/dads.

> > >

> > >

> > > I love it that we have our child back, and anxiously awaiting our #2



> > > recovery. I pray and hope the rest of the struggling parents out there get



> > > child back as well.

> > >

> > > Also, it wouldn't be a bad idea to check out Andy's books. I haven't read



> > > page, but they are great reference books which I've gone back to over and



> > > when I had questions or needed more info.

> > >

> > > Pam

> > >

> > > Pam

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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