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reverse effects of homeopathy?

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My son started homeopathy about 5 months ago, receiving 4 treatments.

The treatments have worsened exisisting behaviors, and started new negative

behaviors. Is there any way to undo or reverse the treatments? He has become

hyper. His old verbal stims have been off the charts from the hyperness. He

continuously runs through connecting rooms to make his path a circle, touching

particular objects along the way. He has a starting point in the living room

and gets angry if I attempt to stop him before the circle is completed. He has

become aggressive, bruising and breaking the skin on my arm. He choked his

therapist. He is using his weight by pushing to get what he wants. His eating

has become glutenous. He steals food. Today he ate pages from the phone book

and paper thin metalic party decorations. Thanks,

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Hi ,

Sorry to hear your child is having aggravation (or probing) with your remedies.

It sounds pretty serious.

My son is the same. According to his homeopath, he belongs to 10% of the most

sensitive patients. Every remedy we tried he had negative effects. The latest

was he got aggressive and attacked me. So I used all the supplements I could

find even slightly relevent and it was taken care of.

But the homeopath became worried and told me to give anything containing

camphor, the handiest would be Vicks vaporub (in this case rub it on the skin)

then the effect of the remedy is cancelled. Luckily, so far I didn't need to

try this. But it should work if all those negatives were caused by the

homeopathy remedy.

Hope it helps.



> Hi,

> My son started homeopathy about 5 months ago, receiving 4 treatments.

> The treatments have worsened exisisting behaviors, and started new negative

behaviors. Is there any way to undo or reverse the treatments? He has become

hyper. His old verbal stims have been off the charts from the hyperness. He

continuously runs through connecting rooms to make his path a circle, touching

particular objects along the way. He has a starting point in the living room

and gets angry if I attempt to stop him before the circle is completed. He has

become aggressive, bruising and breaking the skin on my arm. He choked his

therapist. He is using his weight by pushing to get what he wants. His eating

has become glutenous. He steals food. Today he ate pages from the phone book

and paper thin metalic party decorations. Thanks,



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Are there other environmental triggers?

Have you done anything for yeast?

Have you tried epsom salt or baking soda baths? I don't know why I am thinking

that a little bit of eucalyptus drops would help. Maybe lavender as well. We

did geranium.

Have you tried any Bach remedies? Rescue remedy is great and can be picked up

at many health food stores.

Anger and aggression in Chinese medicine usually equate to liver issues, so

perhaps in doing everything it is just an overload for his detoxifying organs.

Did you take in the ALA and any other supplements to test to make sure that he

could handle all of them at once?

As I have discussed with many parents, autism in general carries an anger

component with it, to some degree, aimed at the people that are trying to help

the most. My daughter verbalized it -- she was angry at me for trying to " fix "

her all the time. When you have that much emotional energy in anger, it

definitely has an effect on detoxification. This has been noted in several

detoxification and wellness clinics -- unresolved anger will often need to be

addressed and if you can't do it with them, the Bach remedies often help. We

use www.floralive.com which are really potent.

Does any of that resonate? Hope that brings up some ideas for you.


Summer McFarland





Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and design.

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Mint and coffee are what we avoid to keep a remedy working here (on advice of a

number of homeopaths we've seen for various issues). So I would try those.

Pica - isn't that zinc deficiency?

Behaviors sound sort of OCD-ish - my kid used to get aggressive and violent as

hell if I tried to stop him from what he " had " to do. Has he been tested for



> Hi,

> My son started homeopathy about 5 months ago, receiving 4 treatments.

> The treatments have worsened exisisting behaviors, and started new negative

behaviors. Is there any way to undo or reverse the treatments? He has become

hyper. His old verbal stims have been off the charts from the hyperness. He

continuously runs through connecting rooms to make his path a circle, touching

particular objects along the way. He has a starting point in the living room

and gets angry if I attempt to stop him before the circle is completed. He has

become aggressive, bruising and breaking the skin on my arm. He choked his

therapist. He is using his weight by pushing to get what he wants. His eating

has become glutenous. He steals food. Today he ate pages from the phone book

and paper thin metalic party decorations. Thanks,



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we work with a homeopath and you should call you homeopath and ask what to use

to reverse.   or if you know what remedy caused this behavior you could look

up what the antidote is .   



From: mosaictm <sunshine369@...>

Sent: Mon, February 15, 2010 1:15:26 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: reverse effects of homeopathy?


Mint and coffee are what we avoid to keep a remedy working here (on advice of a

number of homeopaths we've seen for various issues). So I would try those.

Pica - isn't that zinc deficiency?

Behaviors sound sort of OCD-ish - my kid used to get aggressive and violent as

hell if I tried to stop him from what he " had " to do. Has he been tested for



> Hi,

> My son started homeopathy about 5 months ago, receiving 4 treatments.

> The treatments have worsened exisisting behaviors, and started new negative

behaviors. Is there any way to undo or reverse the treatments? He has become

hyper. His old verbal stims have been off the charts from the hyperness. He

continuously runs through connecting rooms to make his path a circle, touching

particular objects along the way. He has a starting point in the living room and

gets angry if I attempt to stop him before the circle is completed. He has

become aggressive, bruising and breaking the skin on my arm. He choked his

therapist. He is using his weight by pushing to get what he wants. His eating

has become glutenous. He steals food. Today he ate pages from the phone book and

paper thin metalic party decorations. Thanks,



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