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Hi list:

I am cross posting this mail, I am at my wits end. I have been doing several

things (viracin, lots of probiotics, ACV lemonade in between meals, bi-carb

electrolyte water) to try to eliminate my DS's reflux. He's been strict SCD

since 1.8 years, we had this problem gone, but an MD prescribed him AMBROTOSE,

(8 molecule sugar from different gums) I told him I didn't think that was

something for him since it is not a monosaccharyde !!!! He insisted " I have been

doing this for 30 years and now you know better than me?? " (Typical,uh?) I

cracked under his persistence and gave it to my kid for 6 days....enough to turn

his GI back several months...he has now this bad reflux that l have no been able

to stop, he has even had a few diarreic BMs, which I had not seen in months. I

believe the polysaccharide caused a yeast flare, and have been handling it as

such too (Candex, biotin, viracin) but now I just don't seem to get the 2

together, this has gone out of hand.

Sorry for the long post, I need all help possible and I thank you in advance for

your feedback. It is terrible to see him expelling food/gastric acid so many

times a day, I am so mad at myself for succumbing to some " expert advice " again

and it coming from an MD, causing again a health issue to my child, as if I

didn't have enough...aagghhh!!!!

Thanks for reading and blessings.


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Just another example of MD meaning " Me Deity. " I would trust a mother's

instinct any day over an MD's. It is this pompous elitism that got us all

into this mess.

Find you a doctor who will listen. There ARE lots of good ones out there,

and some are MD's, but you have to keep looking. don't waste your time or

money on this jerk.

Your son may even have h pylori. this could certainly cause a lot of reflux

and stomach pain on its way to causing an ulcer. I've had h. pylori so I

can tell you it is no picnic. Did this doctor think to consider this

possibility? If it is h.pylori, you won't kill the bacteria this way.

Perhaps someone here knows of another way other than bismuth or harsh

antibiotics? Anyone?

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