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Re: Autism Self-Advocacy

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I would like to hear more. Thanks.

-- [ ] Autism Self-Advocacy

I am an autism self-advocate and have achieved a very nice employment

success with local media in Humboldt County and many local radio sponsors.

Local businesses help as well. I was wondering if I have permission to

explain it further.


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Obama talked about hope for people. Lots of self-advocates online I read were

frustrated too. Why not hope for people with autism. I want to find others to

help with the disability work industry centered around local communities and

working together.

Can anyone help but without greedy intentions.


I spent three years so far and it was stressful and bold but I am glad I did it.


> I would like to hear more. Thanks.





> -- [ ] Autism Self-Advocacy



> I am an autism self-advocate and have achieved a very nice employment

> success with local media in Humboldt County and many local radio sponsors.

> Local businesses help as well. I was wondering if I have permission to

> explain it further.


> Young







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We don't want no ASAN aspies around here.


> I would like to hear more. Thanks.





> -- [ ] Autism Self-Advocacy



> I am an autism self-advocate and have achieved a very nice employment

> success with local media in Humboldt County and many local radio sponsors.

> Local businesses help as well. I was wondering if I have permission to

> explain it further.


> Young







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I don't like being called an aspie. I do not know what ASAN is either. I am a

disability civil rights and employment advocate in Humboldt county California. I

create employment and speak my mind. Intolerance is something I don't shy away


> >

> > I would like to hear more. Thanks.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -- [ ] Autism Self-Advocacy

> >

> >

> > I am an autism self-advocate and have achieved a very nice employment

> > success with local media in Humboldt County and many local radio sponsors.

> > Local businesses help as well. I was wondering if I have permission to

> > explain it further.

> >

> > Young

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Eeek. Speak for yourself. I don't even know what ASAN is, either. All I can

Google is makes soy candles.

Can you elaborate on why we should be so hesitant?


> >

> > I would like to hear more. Thanks.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -- [ ] Autism Self-Advocacy

> >

> >

> > I am an autism self-advocate and have achieved a very nice employment

> > success with local media in Humboldt County and many local radio sponsors.

> > Local businesses help as well. I was wondering if I have permission to

> > explain it further.

> >

> > Young

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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My Social Goals

As an (ASAN, I just figured it out) an individual with high functioning autism I

have created an employment organization to employ individuals with autism

related disabilities and other general developmental disabilities as defined by

California Law. Each individual is covered under the civil rights and service

act known as the Lanterman Act in California. I'd like to see the rise of the

disability work industry on the community level.

Currently three others are employed labeling and selling candles under this

disability owned organization. I would like others with disabilities such as

autism with the help of their service help like

I received help to create their own businesses to employ each other in

partnership with local business communities. Right now three other product lines

for community work are being developed such as bath salt, jewelry and awareness

products that are 100% organically disability owned and to employ others with


I do not sell products online and if when I do a center will stock inventory and

do the mail order. I am speaking up so that parents of qualifying individuals

can have a similar vision should their children need this structure of

employment. I am sponsored by many local radio stations, been in the front

pages of two local papers for this project and have alot of support in the


If anyone serious comes along in my internet journey to spread the good news and

would like to talk to a PHD Harvard graduate about me I can sign a release.

However that would only be for established non-profit groups helping people with

autism and otherwise that may be led by parents or not. I really like to see

disability leadership when possible.


> > >

> > > I would like to hear more. Thanks.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > -- [ ] Autism Self-Advocacy

> > >

> > >

> > > I am an autism self-advocate and have achieved a very nice employment

> > > success with local media in Humboldt County and many local radio sponsors.

> > > Local businesses help as well. I was wondering if I have permission to

> > > explain it further.

> > >

> > > Young

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I don't want to fill up this forum with my words. If people find trust problems

with autism leadership in my organization if they truly wanted they could

investigate further but instead it may be part of discrimination easily

overcome. Few have challenged the leadership and it's style is alien socially.

As a activism animal politically any sort of challenges have been (the very few)

been sorted with victory politically. I am not concerned personally with anyone

no matter whom challenging my organization as all such attempts have resulted in

it getting larger.

Disability bigotry is handled swiftly and in new ways. As children grow they may

choose to be member of this type of employment. In a control group many choose

and no one has not chosen to be part of this organization as a person with

disabilities. I am perceived as an advocate leader and have even achieved front

page articles in my local chamber of commerce.

The only thing holding it up is discrimination from people without disabilities

at times. In the coming years growth will further enable and working with

non-disability owned groups has been proven beneficial. I actually enjoy

standing up and doing that which has few times been done before and never been

so viable.

As far as ASAN advocacy the individual may change his or her mind but ultimately

the such in mentality will be if needed entirely politically destroyed.

Thanks for the opportunity to post here. I would like to speak to anyone here

wanting to talk. Please call 1-888-241-6856 and PRESS 1. For more information

please visit http://www.compassionateintegrations.org/about.html .

Bye Bye


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I suppose my only question would be if this is too off topic to be of relevance

here. Your message of helping those with disabilities being financially

productive is a good one, but we are here to discuss the impact of mercury and

other toxins on our bodies in an attempt to get well. We want to treat toxic

symptoms of Autism and recover.

If you are interested in learning about how you can make yourself healthier,

feel free to stay and learn!


> > > >

> > > > I would like to hear more. Thanks.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -- [ ] Autism Self-Advocacy

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I am an autism self-advocate and have achieved a very nice employment

> > > > success with local media in Humboldt County and many local radio


> > > > Local businesses help as well. I was wondering if I have permission to

> > > > explain it further.

> > > >

> > > > Young

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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In idea autism is a different wiring in the brain. However adverse symptoms that

manifest as a result of dietary allergies can be deemed beneficial. I really do

not like the process of self-diagnosis however my mother said when I was on a

special diet I read about I was better. I don't think I personally have a

problem with how I am but with services I geto ut of the house and started an

advocacy employment company.

I don't think there is any cure for difference but to be healthier is always a

good thing. Many prone to the alternative cures \ treatments say autism can go

away but I understand it as hardwired. Other say autism is an identity such as

aspie. Personally i don't like be called a label as a self-reference.

The concept and idea of autism is so very generalized and diverse that I don't

think from what I have observed all of them can snap out of it and become

normal. I think diversity is a beautiful thing and in society we need

integrations by means of a general acceptance of diversity. Bottom line

stereotype is a business owner may thing he or she will be baby sitting an adult

with autism or that some kind of behavioral weirdness (difference but normal)

will drive customers away. If diets, toxicity theoretics and applied

methodologies of treatment and herbals as well as pills don't make autism go

away least people might focus on acceptance and equality as well.

I am not severally autistic and I like getting out of the house with the

California Lanterman Act.

> I suppose my only question would be if this is too off topic to be of

relevance here. Your message of helping those with disabilities being

financially productive is a good one, but we are here to discuss the impact of

mercury and other toxins on our bodies in an attempt to get well. We want to

treat toxic symptoms of Autism and recover.


> If you are interested in learning about how you can make yourself healthier,

feel free to stay and learn!


> Pam

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