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Autism Awareness: Causes and











by Lylah M. Alphonse April 28, 2010 12:36 PM

While the search continues for a cause -- and for a cure -- autism in

general has become part of the mainstream. But while children's programs

like PBS's *Arthur*are encouraging acceptance and




autism spectrum disorders, controversey is what's making headlines in the


Last night, PBS broadcast its *Frontline* piece on " The Vaccine

Wars<http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/vaccines/>, "

touching on the MMR vaccine-autism debate and the Thimerosal-autism debate,

both of which are still ongoing in some communities in spite of the fact

that the supposed links have been



The show pitted anecdotal evidence from parents against research and advice

from medical professionals, creating, as Dr. Jay Gordon put it in an open



?utm_source=twitterfeed & utm_medium=twitter>to

one of *Frontline's* co-producers, " a pseudo-documentary with a preconceived

set of conclusions: 'Irresponsible moms against science' was an easy

takeaway from the show. "

An assistant professor of pediatrics at UCLA Medical School who has

reservations about vaccinations, Dr. Gordon's multi-hourlong interview with

Frontline ended up on the cutting room floor, he


html?utm_source=twitterfeed & utm_medium=twitter>,

as did an interview with Dr. W. Sears, author of *The Vaccine Book:

Making the Right Decision for Your Child,*who advocates an alternative

vaccination schedule. Evidence in favor of vaccination was provided

by researchers including Dr. Offit, who has earned millions of dollars

as the co-creator of the RotaTeq vaccine, is a paid spokesman for Merck, and

has said that he thinks infants' immune systems could theoretically handle

as many as 10,000 vaccinations at one


or perhaps " closer to 100,000. "

*The Vaccine War* wasn't all about autism. (Missed the show? You can watch



e & utm_medium=grid & utm_source=grid>.)

It also delved into the way not vaccinating kids leads to a dangerous breach

in herd immunity (Moms against science AND society!), but didn't touch

on vaccine failure. (It does happen: An outbreak of the

mumps<http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5905a1.htm> in

New York and New Jersey last year was not caused by a lack of immunization;

in fact, most of the more-than 1,500 patients had been properly vaccinated

against it.)

I'm fascinated by the discussion going on at the PBS.org forums


now. There are many parents posting with anecdotal evidence about the

dangers of vaccination, and some of their stories are gut-wrenching. And

there are plenty of medical practitioners posting well-worded, researched

responses. It's a far cry from the moms-against-science tone of the program

itself -- and, frankly, much more interesting.

*Lylah M. Alphonse is a Globe staff member and mom and stepmom to five kids.

She writes about juggling career and parenthood at **The 36-Hour


* and blogs at **Write. Edit. Repeat.*<http://writeeditrepeat.blogspot.com/>

* E-mail her at**lalphonse@...* <lalphonse@...>* and follow her

on Twitter @WriteEditRepeat <http://www.twitter.com/writeeditrepeat>. April

is Autism Awareness Month; you can **read her posts about autism



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