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new book: Special Needs Kids go Pharm-Free

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Penguin/Perigee' s latest release

with Judy Converse



<http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=1037814 & msgid=327606 & act=I4QG & c=56093\

1 & destination=http%3A%2F%2Fpharm-freebabiesandkids.com>

Special Needs Kids Go Pharm-Free

Special Needs Kids Go Pharm-Free



Nutrition-Focused Tools To Help Minimize Meds and

Maximize Health and Well-Being

We all know nutrition is important for babies and

kids. But how do you leverage that to really

change a child's life? This book explains...

• Why medications for attention, focus, mood, or

conduct disorders can backfire, and what nutrition tools may work better

• What you can do for your baby now, to prevent

food allergies and asthma later on

• How to help your child sleep well, from babies

to teens, with nutrition-focused tools

• How your child can feel healthier, and lessen

dependence on medications for reflux, constipation, poor growth, or asthma

• How to break the cycle of frequent infections

and antibiotics with the right foods, herbs, or supplements

• Tips for safe and savvy supplement shopping

• What the latest research shows about non-drug

tools that may support seizure control

....and lots more! Reach beyond the prescription

pad for your kids. Despite record breaking sales

of medications to children, data from many

sources show that kids in the US are less

healthy, more chronically ill, and more disabled

than ever. Explore these safe, evidence-based,

effective nutrition strategies - and buy an extra

copy for your pediatrician! If he doesn't want

it, you can always leave it in the waiting room.

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