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Flame Retardants: widespread contamination, study link to autism?

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Flame retardant found in small butter sample.

* A stick of butter purchased at a Dallas

grocery story contained high levels of a flame

retardant, PBDE, used in electronics, according

to environmental scientists at the University of

Texas School of Public Health.


alternate links

Contamination of U.S. Butter with PBDEs from Wrapping Paper

<http://tinyurl. com/2fbgnua>here




2) <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentabromodiphenyl_ether> (Flame Retardant


3) Study of Flame Retardant sensitivity in autism (they call PDE an

" environmental contaminant " yet manufacturers purposefully put it in infant

sleepwear and soft furnishings!) Liora


evidence of the in vitro effects of BDE-47 on

innate immune responses in children with autism spectrum disorders.

Ashwood P, Schauer J, Pessah IN, Van de Water J.

J Neuroimmunol. 2009 Mar 31;208(1-2): 130-5. Epub 2009 Feb 10.

" These data suggest that in vitro exposure of

PBMC to BDE-47 affects cell cytokine production

in a pediatric population. Moreover, PBMC from

the ASD subjects were differentially affected

when compared with the TD controls suggesting a

biological basis for altered sensitivity to BDE-47 in the ASD population. "

4) widespread nature of PBDE and other chemical contamination in food products

: study


Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Hexabromocyclodecan e

(HBCD) in Composite U.S. Food Samples.

Schecter A, Haffner D, Colacino J, Patel K, Päpke O, Opel M, Birnbaum L.

Environ Health Perspect. 2010 Mar;118(3):357- 62.

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