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Chemical Sensitivity

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Hi Madenliene,

Boy I think you have done a really good job of sharing how

frustrating and idolating this " senstivity " can be. I have

experienced similar problems in smelling sinsitivity and also been on

the other side where having to " live around " those sensitive is a

real pain in the ass as well. I hope, however, that I don't distount

others as your mother so clearly did in this example. It's a tough



-- In @y..., " lemans46 " <Sierra376@w...> wrote:

> Hi all,


> I haven't been online for two days and have just read recent


> I won't reply to them so as not to continue this particular

> discussion that has frustrated all of us!


> But how about this new abuse I have endured? We sometimes get mice

> in the walls in cold weather and this year has been the worst--

> surprisingly since it's been such a mild Autumn. We caught one in

> the basement over a month ago and there are lots more traps down

> there. Meanwhile I've been woke up several nights a week by that

> creepy scratching in the walls sound by them lately. I suggested a

> different location in the basement for additional traps. My mother

> suggested putting two in my room just in case they were in the room

> as opposed to the wall. I didn't think so but agreed it was a good

> idea. My father set two traps. I was in here on the computer. A

> little while later I went in there and detected a smell which began

> to bother me slightly. (I have intolerance to many cleaning

> products, perfume, paint, wallpaper paste, sometimes gasoline, even

> sometimes food cooking, smoke--long ago none of these bothered me


> over time more things and more severe suffering from them--just as

> background to this story.). It wasn't so bad I couldn't be in


> at all but I knew that with longer exposure it would bother me


> Many times I feel desperate to escape when fumes overcome me and

> didn't want to take a chance of that so said I wouldn't be able to

> sleep in there with them and they'd have to go. I remembered


> on the package that the traps were pre-baited so when I detected


> odor that hadn't been there before the traps I knew there was a

> logical explanation for the odor coming from them.


> Well, my parents couldn't even smell it at all. Long story short


> that I spent two nights on the couch downstairs--the first of which


> got NO sleep at all--did this to give the traps a chance to work.

> They didn't want to leave them longer anyway in case they'd attract

> bugs so they're gone now. The new one in the basement caught a


> first night--the ones in my room didn't. Last night I heard yet

> another mouse!


> Anyway my mother was very nasty to me about the entire thing and

> finally I discovered why. She thinks THERE IS NO SMELL. (Which is

> different than SHE doesn't happen to detect it.). I said what do


> think I'm lying and she said no but that it's in my imagination. I

> was incensed. I said oh, so you think I made it up? She said not


> purpose! So the clear message is that she thinks I have no

> credibility and am now imagining things. Then she said she was


> and I said no she wasn't so she said she was sorry for SAYING it


> that she still thinks it. I said I didn't need her phony apology.

> It wasn't that she SAID it--that she THINKS it IS what is so


> and so deeply hurtful and destructive to me. She has known for


> years that I have a strong sense of smell (I've detected a gas leak

> before they noticed it and that was many years ago before I had

> sensitivity.) and they know I have sensitivity to many common

> chemicals that others don't mind at all. So why would she


> me? This is the kind of abuse I have to endure. Meanwhile this

> whole mouse thing caused numerous wars with my mother and also with

> my father. What kind of parents would have an attitude like this?


> just can't take it anymore. See what I mean about the secondary

> stuff being so much worse for me than Lyme itself. God forbid my

> mother would have said I'm sorry the traps are aggravating your

> illness--we'll take them out of your room. I mean it had never

> occurred to me they'd be a problem. Mouse traps smelling never

> crossed my mind. But it happened. So all I needed was a caring

> response and them agreeing I could move the traps. But no...


> How do you endure this kind of ignorance and abuse. I can't escape

> till my boyfriend takes me back so I'm trapped (excuse the " pun " .)

> here and I just can't take this soul shredding attitude anymore.


> Madeleine

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My sense of smell gets to me too. Just by walking into my chicken coup at

night, I can tell if I have a hen with a cold, can easily smell it. Same

with snakes, I can smell them in my barn. I have a problem with some

chemicals, but not bad. My biggest sensitivity is the lights used in some

stores, almost an instant headache. Sound can also get to me, I have had to

turn off fans and things to get it quiet. TG we live in the country ! LOL

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Smell sensitivity, smelling things--like cat pee or smoke--when it is

actually nowhere in sight!!! My husband used to smell cat pee in his truck

and in the house. We don't have a cat, never will, I am deathly allergic to

cats and we have all new hardwood floors.

As far as light sensitivity.....my husband and I both had these. Any type of

lights in stores, sunlight, would give us an instant migraine. For ONE YEAR

we did not turn on any lights in our house, we lived by candlelight cuz of

the light sensitivity. Our kids thought we were nuts.

sue in nj


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  • 5 years later...

richard hutchinson wrote:

> does anyone know about what connection if there one between chemicals

> and es

I'm not sure that I understand exactly what you are asking, but I have

long felt that the liver is the connection between chemical sensitivity

and ES. A normally functioning liver is responsible for many

activities in the body, including the detoxification of chemicals

and heavy metals. For many people here, the symptoms of ES are

the same as the symptoms of mobilized toxins which are not being

properly neutralized by the liver. Thus, consuming foods and/or

supplements which offload the liver from some of its functions

(antioxidants) or work to cleanse/repair the liver can provide a

reduction in symptoms, both for chemical sensitivity and ES.


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Hi, ,

I have been told, in my case, that my liver function and damage to my blood

brain barrier, both, are to blame for the chemical sensitivities. For me,

breathing chemical fumes goes right to my brain thru my nose, apparently.

It seems to be a consensus among those researching ES, that the blood brain

barrier is also affected in ES. And Marc already mentioned liver damage and how

it might apply to those with ES. A researcher by the name of Dr. Hadjivassiliou

(if you research this, add gluten intolerance to the search along with the name,

as I may have misspelled) from the UK, has found a " tight junction permeability

gene " in a percentage of the population, which would allow the blood brain

barrier to open, among other things. (Tight junctions exist all over the body,

not just the bbb.) I have celiac disease, which is a genetic disease whereby

gluten ingestion damages tight junctions of various organs, including the blood

brain barrier (and also causes damage to the liver in some cases, including

mine). It is thought tj permeability is responsible for gluten and emfs getting

across the blood brain barrier.

Btw, I am NOT saying that one with the tj permeability gene (ie possibly those

with ES and MCS) also has celiac disease. I am saying that the tj permeability

gene sounds as tho it may be responsible for also causing ES problems, and

possibly MCS, on its own.


richard hutchinson <rmh@...> wrote:

does anyone know about what connection if there one between chemicals

and es


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