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Re: Living *with* amalgams--what to do if you DON'T chelate?

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Avoid cilantro. It is a mercury mobilizer and can make you very sick if you have

metal in your mouth.

I get booed down for saying this in this forum, but I find that coconut also

moves metals at a very low rate, especially coconut oil. I have consumed it to

very good effect but have had to limit it a lot in the past year because of

this. I know of two other people who used coconut as a chelator, so I don't

think it is unique to me.

My first hand experience is that guaifenisen (sp?) -- the ingredient in Mucinex

-- helps move mercury out of the body if it has been mobilized. When I stopped

tolerating cilantro and began reacting badly to it, I used guaifenisen to help

resolve the side effects. In an emergency (when you have eaten the wrong

thing), that might help you cope. A hot salt water bath can also help in such


Good luck with this.






> I have a/b 5 amalgams (and probably had more--possibly a total of 10 or 11 at

one point--some that were replaced w/ composite when I was younger--not

following any safety protocol), and I believe I have sulfation and mercury

toxicity issues. I also have a 3 year old who I feel was/is effected by these

issues. Avoiding certain high sulfur foods and some chelators keeps me from

feeling bad. I actually feel great, as long as I avoid specific foods/supps.

But I really don't know enough about what to eat/take and what to avoid.


> I do not want to focus on chelation or amalgam removal, at least not at this

point in time. I would love any tips/pointers/resources on how to maximize

health and minimize mercury related issues while living w/ amalgams and mercury

in my system.


> Are there foods or supps that naturally chelate that I should be avoiding?

Are there things I should try and get more of?


> I found this post by Andy Cutler: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/907.html


> Someone asked: " How do we keep the damage of

> mercury at bay without actually taking them out? "


> His reply: " Antioxidants in large quantities. Plus flax oil and a bit of

borage oil to

> replace the rapidly consumed EFA's.


> With the water soluble vitamins and antioxidants it is necessary to give them

> 3 or preferably 4 times a day since they don't stay in the bloodstream a

> whole day. "


> I'd love more specific info in this line of thought if you have it to share.


> Just fyi, we follow a WAPF style diet, also GF/CF/soy/corn+ free. I prefer to

use nutrient dense foods for healing, but will also use supps when necessary.

I'm also working on opening detox pathways w/ supportive nutrients (mag, zinc, B

vits, vit C, liver, sometimes clo, etc etc...)


> I would love any and all input you have on how to live healthily without

removing amalgams or actively chelating mercury, esp ideas for what to avoid and

what to add to our diets/supps.


> Thanks so much for any info you can share!!!



> :)


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Thanks for all the input! I've actually read similar things a/b coconut, and

although I'm fine w/ coconut milk and coconut flour in moderation, even small

(tsp) amounts of coconut oil, coconut water kefir, and .5 cup amounts of coconut

water give me awful pounding headaches that last for hours. So this rings true

for me!

I really appreciate your response--its very helpful!


>>> I get booed down for saying this in this forum, but I find that coconut also

moves metals at a very low rate, especially coconut oil. I have consumed it to

very good effect but have had to limit it a lot in the past year because of

this. I know of two other people who used coconut as a chelator, so I don't

think it is unique to me.<<<

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> Thanks for all the input! I've actually read similar things a/b coconut, and

although I'm fine w/ coconut milk and coconut flour in moderation, even small

(tsp) amounts of coconut oil, coconut water kefir, and .5 cup amounts of coconut

water give me awful pounding headaches that last for hours. So this rings true

for me!


> I really appreciate your response--its very helpful!


> :)


I get really fierce headaches as well from such exposures. For me, they are

often accompanied by nausea (either just feeling sick to my stomach or actually

vomiting). I have concluded that, in my case, this has something to do with the

body trying to use the sinuses as a pathway to get rid of the toxins. Sometimes

getting plenty to drink -- especially grape juice and water -- and some good

quality sea salt (which supports mucus health) helps ease things. Other times,

that only leads to me vomiting, which does cause the headache to go away. I

typically vomit very little food at such times. It is mostly liquids and

something that tastes strongly chemical, either bitter or sour. There have been

a number of reports on this forum of people doing who chelation who ended up

vomiting. It appears to be associated with using too high a dose. (My situation

is a special case: I received a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis in my mid-thirties

and, as best I can tell, in addition to removing metals from my system, I vomit

to remove the build up of chemicals involved in " the normal progression of CF "

which doctors claim you can't get well from. So I have no reason to believe you

will go through what I am going through.)





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This is a very timely topic for me, as I just bought some organic unrefined

coconut oil that I was going to give my kids for yeast control. I tried a tsp,

and it made me a bit nauseous (it could have ben a coincidence, maybe not); my

daughter had the same reaction - nauseous, said it made her feel sick. My son

told me it was " disgusting " , but didn't complain of any physical effects.

> >

> > Thanks for all the input! I've actually read similar things a/b coconut,

and although I'm fine w/ coconut milk and coconut flour in moderation, even

small (tsp) amounts of coconut oil, coconut water kefir, and .5 cup amounts of

coconut water give me awful pounding headaches that last for hours. So this

rings true for me!

> >

> > I really appreciate your response--its very helpful!

> >

> > :)

> >



> I get really fierce headaches as well from such exposures. For me, they are

often accompanied by nausea (either just feeling sick to my stomach or actually

vomiting). I have concluded that, in my case, this has something to do with the

body trying to use the sinuses as a pathway to get rid of the toxins. Sometimes

getting plenty to drink -- especially grape juice and water -- and some good

quality sea salt (which supports mucus health) helps ease things. Other times,

that only leads to me vomiting, which does cause the headache to go away. I

typically vomit very little food at such times. It is mostly liquids and

something that tastes strongly chemical, either bitter or sour. There have been

a number of reports on this forum of people doing who chelation who ended up

vomiting. It appears to be associated with using too high a dose. (My situation

is a special case: I received a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis in my mid-thirties

and, as best I can tell, in addition to removing metals from my system, I vomit

to remove the build up of chemicals involved in " the normal progression of CF "

which doctors claim you can't get well from. So I have no reason to believe you

will go through what I am going through.)


> Michele

> http://www.healthgazelle.com

> http://www.kidslikemine.com

> http://www.solanorail.com


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> This is a very timely topic for me, as I just bought some organic unrefined

coconut oil that I was going to give my kids for yeast control. I tried a tsp,

and it made me a bit nauseous (it could have ben a coincidence, maybe not); my

daughter had the same reaction - nauseous, said it made her feel sick. My son

told me it was " disgusting " , but didn't complain of any physical effects.


Some things we have found helpful for addressing yeast:

Eating watermelon

Organic yogurt (it has more variety of probiotics than other yogurts)

Wiping the belly down with diet tonic water or peroxide.

I used coconut oil topically to treat vaginal yeast infections. It was less

problematic than taking it orally, though I still had to not overdo it.

Oil of oregano.

Drinking tonic water (we typically have diet tonic water on hand but I don't

know that it matters whether or not it is the diet version -- it is the quinine

that kills stuff)

Good quality sea salt.

Slowing down the detox/healing process. It is die-off that feeds yeast. If you

feed it less, it blooms less and is easier to manage.

Avoiding yeast-leavened foods and soft or semi-soft cheeses. Hard cheeses, like

Parmesan, seem to be more acceptable.






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> >

> > This is a very timely topic for me, as I just bought some organic unrefined

coconut oil that I was going to give my kids for yeast control. I tried a tsp,

and it made me a bit nauseous (it could have ben a coincidence, maybe not); my

daughter had the same reaction - nauseous, said it made her feel sick. My son

told me it was " disgusting " , but didn't complain of any physical effects.

> >


> Some things we have found helpful for addressing yeast:


> Eating watermelon

> Organic yogurt (it has more variety of probiotics than other yogurts)

> Wiping the belly down with diet tonic water or peroxide.

> I used coconut oil topically to treat vaginal yeast infections. It was less

problematic than taking it orally, though I still had to not overdo it.

> Oil of oregano.

> Drinking tonic water (we typically have diet tonic water on hand but I don't

know that it matters whether or not it is the diet version -- it is the quinine

that kills stuff)

> Good quality sea salt.

> Slowing down the detox/healing process. It is die-off that feeds yeast. If

you feed it less, it blooms less and is easier to manage.

> Avoiding yeast-leavened foods and soft or semi-soft cheeses. Hard cheeses,

like Parmesan, seem to be more acceptable.


> HTH.


> Michele

> http://www.healthgazelle.com

> http://www.kidslikemine.com

> http://www.solanorail.com


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I take coconut oil too - 3-4 tbsp a day for yeast fighting and energy. I

kept reading that it's very helpful and the GSE didn't seem to be working

anymore with the biotin.

How do you use it as a chelator? Do you take some every 2 or 3 hours like

the AC protocol? As I say, I'm using for energy and to help with yeast

control (seems to be working).



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I haven't chelated with it. I only know I now need to avoid it because it moves

metals and I still have a lot of dental work (amalgams, a gold bridge, a crown).

So I don't really have details.

One woman I knew who used coconut as a chelator did not use the oil. She bought

whole coconuts and used some serious food processor to make fresh cream. That's

all I know. Another woman I knew, who had spoken to the two of us and learned

that the ALA that had been recommended to her for blood sugar issues was a

chelator and that was likely why it was making her so sick, used coconut and I

think cilantro to move metals at a lower rate until she could tolerate ALA

better. I also don't know details of that. I do know it helped her and was

better tolerated than the ALA, which she was too sick to take successfully.

That's the best I can do.






> Hello,


> I take coconut oil too - 3-4 tbsp a day for yeast fighting and energy. I

> kept reading that it's very helpful and the GSE didn't seem to be working

> anymore with the biotin.


> How do you use it as a chelator? Do you take some every 2 or 3 hours like

> the AC protocol? As I say, I'm using for energy and to help with yeast

> control (seems to be working).


> Thanks,


> Rosegvr





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