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non invasive mito test discounted for ASD families

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The FIRST Next Generation sequencing test of the mitochondrial genome

for the diagnosis of mitochondrial disease

MitoDx offers unparalleled sensitivity. Using Next Generation Sequencing (SOLiD

platform), heteroplasmy levels down to 1% can be detected. Pathogenic mutations

found in

very low levels in non-invasive tissues, like blood and saliva, provide a

definitive result for the

physician and the patient, guiding you to the most effective treatments.

What is mitochondrial disease?

Mitochondrial diseases are disorders of energy metabolism caused in many cases


mutations in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).

How does mitochondrial disease manifest itself?

Organ System Clinical Presentation


· Seizures

· Developmental delay

· Stroke and stroke like episodes

· Migraine

· Mental retardation

· Dementia

· Atypical cerebral palsy

· Psychiatric episodes

· Atypical autism


· Severe dysmotility

· Pseudo obstruction

· Constipation

· Cyclic vomiting



· Myopathy

· Weakness

· Exercise intolerance

· Hypotonia

· Cramping

· Muscle pain

Heart/Cardiac · Conduction block · Cardiomyopathy


· Neuropathy

· Weakness

· Absent reflexes

· Sweating

· Poor thermo-regulation

· Fainting spells


· Visual loss and blindness

· Ophthalmoplegia


· Retinitis Pigmentosa

· Nystagmus

· Ptosis

Hearing · Deafness · SensoriNeural Hearing loss

Pancreas · Diabetes · Exocrine pancreatic failure

(inability to make enzymes)

Liver · Liver failure · Hypoglycemia


· Short stature

· Failure to thrive

· Lactic acidosis

· Air hunger

· Respiratory distress

When to suspect mitochondrial disease:

1) Suspected maternal inheritance

2) Phenotypically different siblings (one with migraines, one with myopathy,


3) Three or more organ systems involved

4) Chronic disease " flare up " after stress or infection

5) Autism spectrum disorder plus (Autism and epilepsy, etc.)

6) Dysautonomic or " functional " symptoms not otherwise explained

Myths about mitochondrial disease:

1) It is a rare disorder. In fact, mitochondrial disease affects more people

than cystic

fibrosis and muscular dystrophy combined. (1 in 2,000-3,000 individuals).

2) It is a childhood disease. Mitochondrial disease affects many adults and may

be a

contributing factor in Parkinson's Disease, Progressive External


Alzheimer's and some forms of cancer.

3) To diagnose mitochondrial disease, a muscle biopsy is required. Actually, due


advances in genetic testing, MEDomics can often detect mitochondrial disease

with a

blood or cheek swab.

Why order the MitoDx test from MEDomics?

1) Unparalleled sensitivity of testing: Using Next Generation Sequencing (SOLiD

platform), MEDomics is able to detect heteroplasmy levels down to 1%.

2) Unsurpassed bioinformatics: The MEDomics team, led by Dr. Steve Sommer MD,

PhD, has been at the forefront of genetic testing and data interpretation for



3) Genetic counseling: Each result is followed up by a consult from a


mitochondrial genetic counselor.

4) The least invasive testing available: MEDomics can use blood, buccal swab or

saliva samples. Doing a MitoDx test before a muscle biopsy is less traumatic and

much less costly to the patient and institution.

For more information:

MEDomics, LLC

426 North San Avenue

Azusa, CA 91702 USA



(626) 804-3645 voice

MEDomics is happy to provide the MitoDx test for patients with ASD at a reduced

rate (15% discount)

off the price of the test. ($2550.00).

Please email Keane (david.keane@...) to get a copy of the ASD

requisition, a

sample shipping kit and to ensure you are getting the discount.

MitoDx is the most comprehensive and least invasive mtDNA test available. Using

the power of Next

Generation Sequencing, MitoDx can detect heteroplasmic mtDNA mutations down to

1% and the

sample is either a simple blood draw or a cheek swab and saliva.

The test must be ordered by a physician.

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