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OTC Anti-fungal/ Anti-viral?? HELP!

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In a message dated 4/25/2010 1:15:22 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time,

dmniemes@... writes:

Our son has some stimming behavior and after comments from other posts and

reading up online about it I'd like to treat him for it but I don't know

how to go about it.

I know that there are prescription treatments but should I just go to his

pediatrician and ask for Difulcan/ Valtrex?? Or is there an OTC treatment

that I can use that will work good too, if so which ones are they? I've

looked into Threelac, is that any good but I don't know about an anti-viral?

Our son is 21 months old, weighs 35 pounds and has hand flapping, humming,

staring at light, etc.

If someone can please help I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you:)

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Our son has some stimming behavior and after comments from other posts and

reading up online about it I'd like to treat him for it but I don't know how to

go about it.

I know that there are prescription treatments but should I just go to his

pediatrician and ask for Difulcan/ Valtrex?? Or is there an OTC treatment that I

can use that will work good too, if so which ones are they? I've looked into

Threelac, is that any good but I don't know about an anti-viral?

Our son is 21 months old, weighs 35 pounds and has hand flapping, humming,

staring at light, etc.

If someone can please help I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you:)

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> Our son has some stimming behavior and after comments from other posts and

reading up online about it I'd like to treat him for it but I don't know how to

go about it.

> I know that there are prescription treatments but should I just go to his

pediatrician and ask for Difulcan/ Valtrex??

>>Or is there an OTC treatment that I can use that will work good too, if so

which ones are they?

I did all biomedical without an rx, I used OTC supplements. So you can do it

either way.

>>I've looked into Threelac, is that any good but I don't know about an


Threelac is helpful for many kids but causes problems for others.

I used OLE, Virastop, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, and lysine as


> Our son is 21 months old, weighs 35 pounds and has hand flapping, humming,

staring at light, etc.

Try increasing the yeast protocol and give B vitamins, see how much of the stims



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Thanks Dana for sharing what you used. Did you use anything to manage

the die off? or just eased up on the medication when it seemed like too

much die off? or just powered on through?

danasview wrote:



> > Our son has some stimming behavior and after comments from other

> posts and reading up online about it I'd like to treat him for it but

> I don't know how to go about it.

> > I know that there are prescription treatments but should I just go

> to his pediatrician and ask for Difulcan/ Valtrex??

> >>Or is there an OTC treatment that I can use that will work good too,

> if so which ones are they?


> I did all biomedical without an rx, I used OTC supplements. So you can

> do it either way.


> >>I've looked into Threelac, is that any good but I don't know about

> an anti-viral?


> Threelac is helpful for many kids but causes problems for others.


> I used OLE, Virastop, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, and lysine as

> anti-virals.


> > Our son is 21 months old, weighs 35 pounds and has hand flapping,

> humming, staring at light, etc.


> Try increasing the yeast protocol and give B vitamins, see how much of

> the stims reduce.


> Dana



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> Thanks Dana for sharing what you used. Did you use anything to manage

> the die off?

We didn't have negative die off symptoms here, we just improved.


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