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Natural bee chasers

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We moved & had to get rid of a dead hornets nest outside. We learned the

neighbor has a nest in their kids fort.  There area lot of flowering trees here.

They're flying around wondering where to make a home.  Is there anything non

toxic to keep them away or kill if one wonders in the house?

Thanks, Kathy

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a fly swatter (for the ones in the home). I'm serious. A really good one; or a


As far as sprays, the mint oil ones work for ants if you saturate them (and I

mean saturate). I don't know how they'd work on flying insects, but I think

that is the basis of many hornet/wasp sprays.

There is something called 'Don't Bug Me', too.

I heard of some interesting outdoor 'traps'. Skewer a piece of watermelon and

suspend it over a bucket of wather. The wasps apparently will gorge themselves

and fall in to the water and drown. The following website says this really

won't work for hornets:


We have a lot of bees, wasps, bugs, etc. It can be tough in the summer.



> Hi,


> We moved & had to get rid of a dead hornets nest outside. We learned the

neighbor has a nest in their kids fort.  There area lot of flowering trees here.


> They're flying around wondering where to make a home.  Is there anything non

toxic to keep them away or kill if one wonders in the house?


> Thanks, Kathy




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Maybe some Neem would work?

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Pamela H

Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 2:45 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Natural bee chasers

a fly swatter (for the ones in the home). I'm serious. A really good one; or

a magazine.

As far as sprays, the mint oil ones work for ants if you saturate them (and

I mean saturate). I don't know how they'd work on flying insects, but I

think that is the basis of many hornet/wasp sprays.

There is something called 'Don't Bug Me', too.

I heard of some interesting outdoor 'traps'. Skewer a piece of watermelon

and suspend it over a bucket of wather. The wasps apparently will gorge

themselves and fall in to the water and drown. The following website says

this really won't work for hornets:


We have a lot of bees, wasps, bugs, etc. It can be tough in the summer.



> Hi,


> We moved & had to get rid of a dead hornets nest outside. We learned the

neighbor has a nest in their kids fort. There area lot of flowering trees



> They're flying around wondering where to make a home. Is there anything

non toxic to keep them away or kill if one wonders in the house?


> Thanks, Kathy




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Burning some WOOD in front of the porch of the house will make them go away like

magic. If the wood is a little green, better, produces more smoke, they don't

like smoke.


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[ ] Re: Natural bee chasers

a fly swatter (for the ones in the home). I'm serious. A really good one; or

a magazine.

As far as sprays, the mint oil ones work for ants if you saturate them (and

I mean saturate). I don't know how they'd work on flying insects, but I

think that is the basis of many hornet/wasp sprays.

There is something called 'Don't Bug Me', too.

I heard of some interesting outdoor 'traps'. Skewer a piece of watermelon

and suspend it over a bucket of wather. The wasps apparently will gorge

themselves and fall in to the water and drown. The following website says

this really won't work for hornets:


We have a lot of bees, wasps, bugs, etc. It can be tough in the summer.



> Hi,


> We moved & had to get rid of a dead hornets nest outside. We learned the

neighbor has a nest in their kids fort. There area lot of flowering trees



> They're flying around wondering where to make a home. Is there anything

non toxic to keep them away or kill if one wonders in the house?


> Thanks, Kathy




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We have had a chronic wasp problem in our home - in our sun room. For years we

have tried everything, some organic and some not. This year we discovered a

spray called Eco Smart at Home Depot - it is wintergreen oil, peppermint,

cinnamon and a few other oils mixed together- it smells very pleasant in fact.

It is apparently toxic to flying insects, so the can says, but not toxic to us

humans. We sprayed it indoors and outdoors, and we haven't seen a wasp since.

The stuff is like magic, after years of suffering from wasp infestations, we are

wasp free and no toxic chemicals required.


> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > We moved & had to get rid of a dead hornets nest outside. We learned the

> neighbor has a nest in their kids fort. There area lot of flowering trees

> here.

> >

> > They're flying around wondering where to make a home. Is there anything

> non toxic to keep them away or kill if one wonders in the house?

> >

> > Thanks, Kathy

> >

> >

> >

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I am not sure if this will work for hornets but I think it works for wasps. You

take a paper bag and stuff it with paper (maybe newspaper) hang it near the

nest. It is suppose to trick the wasp into thinking there is another nest

nearby. I heard this last year (I think on TV) but by the time I knew about this

I had put a plastic bag over a wasp nest that was made in our car mirror (of

course it was a car we are not using). I am going to try it in our shed because

we have several nests in our shed (it is just finding the time to do it :)

Hope this helps!


> Hi,


> We moved & had to get rid of a dead hornets nest outside. We learned the

neighbor has a nest in their kids fort.  There area lot of flowering trees here.


> They're flying around wondering where to make a home.  Is there anything non

toxic to keep them away or kill if one wonders in the house?


> Thanks, Kathy




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