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concer about the quelation with dmsa suppository

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hi we are new to the quelation, we have star the quelation with the dsma

suppositorys with a dan doctor last weekend we did the challenger test, the

doctor told us to give him 2 suppositorys 250mg each one, at once, and this

weekend we have to give him one each day friday, saturday and sunday 250mg each,

this will last for a month every weekend and we are not sure if this is ok and

the dossis is correct we have noticed some red little dots on his body and face

could be a side efect from the quelation?,

i guess our concern is if we are doing the rigth ting for our soon or we are

just getting more complicated buecause everytime we read about the quelation is

like not good

will you helps or give us some advice on this matter


elizabeth lucero

alfonso prado

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This is not OK. This type of chelation causes re-distribution of metals and

causes more damage to the cells in the internal organs and the brain. Please

stop this and read about proper chelation, developed by Andy Cutler. This is

often referred to as the AC protocol. You can read about it in the " files "

section here on the group.



From: elucero99 <elitalu27@...>

Sent: Fri, April 23, 2010 1:13:29 PM

Subject: [ ] concer about the quelation with dmsa suppository


hi we are new to the quelation, we have star the quelation with the dsma

suppositorys with a dan doctor last weekend we did the challenger test, the

doctor told us to give him 2 suppositorys 250mg each one, at once, and this

weekend we have to give him one each day friday, saturday and sunday 250mg each,

this will last for a month every weekend and we are not sure if this is ok and

the dossis is correct we have noticed some red little dots on his body and face

could be a side efect from the quelation?,

i guess our concern is if we are doing the rigth ting for our soon or we are

just getting more complicated buecause everytime we read about the quelation is

like not good

will you helps or give us some advice on this matter


elizabeth lucero

alfonso prado

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TJ or anyone,

Is there a sequence that you would recommend for reading up about the AC

method? I'm in the middle of Amalgam Illness right now and am planning

to move onto Hair Analysis, but I'm wondering if some pages on the

group might serve as a better primer for getting me up to speed

(quickly) on what I need to know to safely chelate my 2 year old.



TJ Werth wrote:



> This is not OK. This type of chelation causes re-distribution of

> metals and causes more damage to the cells in the internal organs and

> the brain. Please stop this and read about proper chelation, developed

> by Andy Cutler. This is often referred to as the AC protocol. You can

> read about it in the " files " section here on the group.

> TJ


> ________________________________

> From: elucero99 <elitalu27@... <mailto:elitalu27%40hotmail.com>>


> <mailto: %40>

> Sent: Fri, April 23, 2010 1:13:29 PM

> Subject: [ ] concer about the quelation with dmsa suppository



> hi we are new to the quelation, we have star the quelation with the

> dsma suppositorys with a dan doctor last weekend we did the challenger

> test, the doctor told us to give him 2 suppositorys 250mg each one, at

> once, and this weekend we have to give him one each day friday,

> saturday and sunday 250mg each, this will last for a month every

> weekend and we are not sure if this is ok and the dossis is correct we

> have noticed some red little dots on his body and face could be a side

> efect from the quelation?,


> i guess our concern is if we are doing the rigth ting for our soon or

> we are just getting more complicated buecause everytime we read about

> the quelation is like not good


> will you helps or give us some advice on this matter


> thanks

> elizabeth lucero

> alfonso prado



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and Alfonso,

I am planning to start AC chelation soon, that's why I am on this parent forum

informing myself. What I can tell you is that DAN doesn't make any sense because

of the dangers you are setting your child to due to short life-span and big

dosage you are being recommended . Please do not do it, please tell your DAN!

That you want to do AC chelation and nothing else, that you find it safe and

science based. Your doctor has to respect your decision and inform himself

accordingly, Mr Cutler has done extensive research on chelation and while it

seems to be more work and most DANs don't have a clue about it, it is well worth

following this AC method. There are plenty of testimonials in this group about

parents obtaining success with their children through this method, if you

understand the chemistry behind chelators, you will see DAN makes no sense. But

even if we don't understand it 100%, (Andy already did it for us and simplified

it much as possible in his book " amalgam illness " ) all we have to do is follow

the his protocol and dosage according to child's weight, together with

supplement recommendation. Order the book, read it. If you have to start

right away, post your child's weight, age and current supplement program, there

are many knowledgeable parents here who will advice you on a safe dose to start

chelating your kid with oral ALA or DMSA in a safe dose, but please do not do

that horrendous amount of DMSA in the suppositories, I can tell you the outcome

will be other than positive. ALA is sold by kirkman, it is unexpensive. I see

you are spanish speaking, so am l. I am in mexico. If you want to contact me in

spanish for whatever reason, feel free to tell me and I can explain more to you


Hope this helps you make the best decision.


Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

[ ] concer about the quelation with dmsa suppository

hi we are new to the quelation, we have star the quelation with the dsma

suppositorys with a dan doctor last weekend we did the challenger test, the

doctor told us to give him 2 suppositorys 250mg each one, at once, and this

weekend we have to give him one each day friday, saturday and sunday 250mg each,

this will last for a month every weekend and we are not sure if this is ok and

the dossis is correct we have noticed some red little dots on his body and face

could be a side efect from the quelation?,

i guess our concern is if we are doing the rigth ting for our soon or we are

just getting more complicated buecause everytime we read about the quelation is

like not good

will you helps or give us some advice on this matter


elizabeth lucero

alfonso prado

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Like I said in the earlier post, there is a section of the group called " files " .

Open it up and you will find many documents that explain the AC protocol in a

shorter version than reading the whole book. There are also documents telling

you the reccomened supporting supplements.

The whole thing come down to low and frequent dosing that respects the half-life

of the chelating agent. For DMSA it is every four hours. For ALA it is three

hours. The dosage range is 1/8 to 1/2 mg per pound of body weight. You must take

a break for at least as long as you chelate.

    Most of us start on Friday afternoon when our kids get out of school and

chelate until Monday morning. This means day and night every 4 hours for DMSA or

every 3 hours for ALA. If you are giving both at the same time it is every three

hours for both. Start at a low dose and work your way up depending on you

child's tolerance to the chelators. Give the supporting supplements on and off

round. The most important of these are antioxidants. Chelation causes oxidative

stress, so you must give antioxidants like vitamin C and E.

It will also cause yeast to flare up because ast the metals move through the

bowel on the way out of the body they will kill the " good " bacteria in the gut

aloowing yeast to overgrow. So you need to get a good yeast protocol on board

like Grapefruit Seed Extract and Biotin. Oil of Oregano is good as well, but the

taste is really bad and is only practical if you child swallows capsules.

    Read the files section and get up to speed. Read, Read, Read. You are in

the right place. Keep up the good fight.



From: john <whitmer.j.s@...>

; frequent-dose-chelation

Sent: Fri, April 23, 2010 2:03:39 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] concer about the quelation with dmsa suppository


TJ or anyone,

Is there a sequence that you would recommend for reading up about the AC

method? I'm in the middle of Amalgam Illness right now and am planning

to move onto Hair Analysis, but I'm wondering if some pages on the

group might serve as a better primer for getting me up to speed

(quickly) on what I need to know to safely chelate my 2 year old.



TJ Werth wrote:



> This is not OK. This type of chelation causes re-distribution of

> metals and causes more damage to the cells in the internal organs and

> the brain. Please stop this and read about proper chelation, developed

> by Andy Cutler. This is often referred to as the AC protocol. You can

> read about it in the " files " section here on the group.

> TJ


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: elucero99 <elitalu27hotmail (DOT) com <mailto:elitalu27% 40hotmail. com>>


> <mailto:Autism- Mercury%40g roups.com>

> Sent: Fri, April 23, 2010 1:13:29 PM

> Subject: [ ] concer about the quelation with dmsa suppository



> hi we are new to the quelation, we have star the quelation with the

> dsma suppositorys with a dan doctor last weekend we did the challenger

> test, the doctor told us to give him 2 suppositorys 250mg each one, at

> once, and this weekend we have to give him one each day friday,

> saturday and sunday 250mg each, this will last for a month every

> weekend and we are not sure if this is ok and the dossis is correct we

> have noticed some red little dots on his body and face could be a side

> efect from the quelation?,


> i guess our concern is if we are doing the rigth ting for our soon or

> we are just getting more complicated buecause everytime we read about

> the quelation is like not good


> will you helps or give us some advice on this matter


> thanks

> elizabeth lucero

> alfonso prado



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TJ, thanks for another really useful response.

TJ Werth wrote:



> Like I said in the earlier post, there is a section of the group

> called " files " . Open it up and you will find many documents that

> explain the AC protocol in a shorter version than reading the whole

> book. There are also documents telling you the reccomened supporting

> supplements.

> The whole thing come down to low and frequent dosing that respects the

> half-life of the chelating agent. For DMSA it is every four hours. For

> ALA it is three hours. The dosage range is 1/8 to 1/2 mg per pound of

> body weight. You must take a break for at least as long as you chelate.

> Most of us start on Friday afternoon when our kids get out of

> school and chelate until Monday morning. This means day and night

> every 4 hours for DMSA or every 3 hours for ALA. If you are giving

> both at the same time it is every three hours for both. Start at a low

> dose and work your way up depending on you child's tolerance to the

> chelators. Give the supporting supplements on and off round. The most

> important of these are antioxidants. Chelation causes oxidative

> stress, so you must give antioxidants like vitamin C and E.

> It will also cause yeast to flare up because ast the metals move

> through the bowel on the way out of the body they will kill the " good "

> bacteria in the gut aloowing yeast to overgrow. So you need to get a

> good yeast protocol on board like Grapefruit Seed Extract and Biotin.

> Oil of Oregano is good as well, but the taste is really bad and is

> only practical if you child swallows capsules.

> Read the files section and get up to speed. Read, Read, Read. You

> are in the right place. Keep up the good fight.

> TJ


> ________________________________

> From: john <whitmer.j.s@... <mailto:whitmer.j.s%40gmail.com>>


> <mailto: %40>;

> frequent-dose-chelation

> <mailto:frequent-dose-chelation%40>

> Sent: Fri, April 23, 2010 2:03:39 PM

> Subject: Re: [ ] concer about the quelation with dmsa

> suppository



> TJ or anyone,


> Is there a sequence that you would recommend for reading up about the AC

> method? I'm in the middle of Amalgam Illness right now and am planning

> to move onto Hair Analysis, but I'm wondering if some pages on the

> group might serve as a better primer for getting me up to speed

> (quickly) on what I need to know to safely chelate my 2 year old.

> Suggestions?


> thanks,



> TJ Werth wrote:

> >

> >

> > This is not OK. This type of chelation causes re-distribution of

> > metals and causes more damage to the cells in the internal organs and

> > the brain. Please stop this and read about proper chelation, developed

> > by Andy Cutler. This is often referred to as the AC protocol. You can

> > read about it in the " files " section here on the group.

> > TJ

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > From: elucero99 <elitalu27hotmail (DOT) com <mailto:elitalu27%

> 40hotmail. com>>

> >

> > <mailto:Autism- Mercury%40g roups.com>

> > Sent: Fri, April 23, 2010 1:13:29 PM

> > Subject: [ ] concer about the quelation with dmsa

> suppository

> >

> >

> > hi we are new to the quelation, we have star the quelation with the

> > dsma suppositorys with a dan doctor last weekend we did the challenger

> > test, the doctor told us to give him 2 suppositorys 250mg each one, at

> > once, and this weekend we have to give him one each day friday,

> > saturday and sunday 250mg each, this will last for a month every

> > weekend and we are not sure if this is ok and the dossis is correct we

> > have noticed some red little dots on his body and face could be a side

> > efect from the quelation?,

> >

> > i guess our concern is if we are doing the rigth ting for our soon or

> > we are just getting more complicated buecause everytime we read about

> > the quelation is like not good

> >

> > will you helps or give us some advice on this matter

> >

> > thanks

> > elizabeth lucero

> > alfonso prado

> >

> >

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