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Re: Young coconut kefir/strange behaviours/Mysuperteach(Anita)

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I do give my son water kefir, but I make it with water and sugar ans some lemon,

he loves it, and if I don't put lemon I get to water his milk with it also, I

water down his fresh juices and lemonade with it, I'm not sure what strain of

probiotic has (anyone knows?), this has worked wonders for me, because I'm not

exposing him to be sensitive to coconuts. and I don't freak out so much if I run

out of probiotics or if couldn't give him any during the day.



From: claire <cccrous@...>

Sent: Tue, August 10, 2010 4:59:16 AM

Subject: [ ] Young coconut kefir/strange


Hi I guess i wish to ask Anita this question....

I started making YCK using kefir grains for my 3 yr old son-I started slow but

he seemed to crave it so we upped his volume to 500ml over the day within a few

weeks.we saw diarrhoea which seemed like dieoff/clearout with nice general

improvements but as the time went by we started seeing him do strange PANDAS

like behaviours-stooping down to touch the ground every few minutes -strange

whale like noises with his mouth and saying mmmmm over and over .I stopped the

kefir as it seemed to be one of the possibilities for causing this new

behaviour. and as the week went by the behaviour subsided .During the time i

stopped the kefir my son started refusing juice requesting " water " meaning kefir

water . Well i started it back yesterday -again he was craving it all day -going

to get bottle himself so to satisfy him I put a splash in each cup- well the

behaviours are back exactly as before.could it be strep in the YCK that is

triggering this...Im not even certain what cultures with the grains.I know there

is so much research out there to say that strep therm.does not aggravate /cause

PANDAS. Hr did have 2+ of alpha haem strep in his CDSA 6 months ago. What advice

do you have Anita ?I see in a previous post that you give huge doses of probio

and i feel that my son needs it to heal his gut.when we have alot on board he's

much more connected /social but now he's actually more withdrawn.could it just

be Die off.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Joe's mom 3yrs old

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Could you be seeing a yeast die-off reaction that is causing stimming or other

issues, not a PANDAS reaction?

Have you tried giving him activated charcoal, clay, clay baths, epsom baths or

anything else for detox?

Warm Regards,

Summer McFarland





Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and design.

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Hi ,

First let me say I'm really, really far from expert on this. What your son is

doing doesn't sound like die-off I've heard about from most kids, but of course,

if you talk to enough parents, almost anything can look like anything.

If it is die-off, activated charcoal might help and give you a clue as to what

is going on. I must say though that it would seem strange to me that a child

would be craving something that is causing die-off though--die off feels pretty

crappy--so my suspicion would be that it isn't that.

Often kids do seem to crave stuff that isn't good for them, that their body

can't metabolize properly, and this might be the case with the coconut. Have

you used other coconut with your son, and if so, were there any problems?

I know that some people have said that strep strain bacteria in certain

probiotics have caused issues for their kids. Nothing I've ever read anywhere

would confirm that--in fact, stuff like kefir is supposed to be preventative of

things like Strep B running rampant in your system.

What would me my choice for this is to stop using the coconut kefir and try to

get him on another type of cultured drink to see what happens then. As you say,

the behaviour stops when your remove the kefir. Perhaps water kefir would be a

good choice, although those grains are a bit harder to get.

The last thing I can suggest is perhaps looking here

http://bodyecology.com/bedecologists.php to see if someone trained in the BED

might be willing to answer your question. BED really promotes coconut kefir and

perhaps there's been some problem like this before. Long shot, as people who

really promote something tend not to acknowledge problems with that something

well, but it might be worth it.

Sorry I can't be of more help. I hope you're able to figure this out soon.



> Hi I guess i wish to ask Anita this question....

> I started making YCK using kefir grains for my 3 yr old son-I started slow but

he seemed to crave it so we upped his volume to 500ml over the day within a few

weeks.we saw diarrhoea which seemed like dieoff/clearout with nice general

improvements but as the time went by we started seeing him do strange PANDAS

like behaviours-stooping down to touch the ground every few minutes -strange

whale like noises with his mouth and saying mmmmm over and over .I stopped the

kefir as it seemed to be one of the possibilities for causing this new

behaviour. and as the week went by the behaviour subsided .During the time i

stopped the kefir my son started refusing juice requesting " water " meaning kefir

water . Well i started it back yesterday -again he was craving it all day -going

to get bottle himself so to satisfy him I put a splash in each cup- well the

behaviours are back exactly as before.could it be strep in the YCK that is

triggering this...Im not even certain what cultures with the grains.I know there

is so much research out there to say that strep therm.does not aggravate /cause

PANDAS. Hr did have 2+ of alpha haem strep in his CDSA 6 months ago. What advice

do you have Anita ?I see in a previous post that you give huge doses of probio

and i feel that my son needs it to heal his gut.when we have alot on board he's

much more connected /social but now he's actually more withdrawn.could it just

be Die off.

> Any help would be greatly appreciated


> Joe's mom 3yrs old


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If you are using BED kefir starter I believe it's cultured using milk. My

daughter gets hyper with the coconut kefir although less now than previously.

She has issues with yeast and coconut.

[ ] Re: Young coconut kefir/strange


Hi ,

First let me say I'm really, really far from expert on this. What your son is

doing doesn't sound like die-off I've heard about from most kids, but of course,

if you talk to enough parents, almost anything can look like anything.

If it is die-off, activated charcoal might help and give you a clue as to what

is going on. I must say though that it would seem strange to me that a child

would be craving something that is causing die-off though--die off feels pretty

crappy--so my suspicion would be that it isn't that.

Often kids do seem to crave stuff that isn't good for them, that their body

can't metabolize properly, and this might be the case with the coconut. Have you

used other coconut with your son, and if so, were there any problems?

I know that some people have said that strep strain bacteria in certain

probiotics have caused issues for their kids. Nothing I've ever read anywhere

would confirm that--in fact, stuff like kefir is supposed to be preventative of

things like Strep B running rampant in your system.

What would me my choice for this is to stop using the coconut kefir and try to

get him on another type of cultured drink to see what happens then. As you say,

the behaviour stops when your remove the kefir. Perhaps water kefir would be a

good choice, although those grains are a bit harder to get.

The last thing I can suggest is perhaps looking here

http://bodyecology.com/bedecologists.php to see if someone trained in the BED

might be willing to answer your question. BED really promotes coconut kefir and

perhaps there's been some problem like this before. Long shot, as people who

really promote something tend not to acknowledge problems with that something

well, but it might be worth it.

Sorry I can't be of more help. I hope you're able to figure this out soon.



> Hi I guess i wish to ask Anita this question....

> I started making YCK using kefir grains for my 3 yr old son-I started slow but

he seemed to crave it so we upped his volume to 500ml over the day within a few

weeks.we saw diarrhoea which seemed like dieoff/clearout with nice general

improvements but as the time went by we started seeing him do strange PANDAS

like behaviours-stooping down to touch the ground every few minutes -strange

whale like noises with his mouth and saying mmmmm over and over .I stopped the

kefir as it seemed to be one of the possibilities for causing this new

behaviour. and as the week went by the behaviour subsided .During the time i

stopped the kefir my son started refusing juice requesting " water " meaning kefir

water . Well i started it back yesterday -again he was craving it all day -going

to get bottle himself so to satisfy him I put a splash in each cup- well the

behaviours are back exactly as before.could it be strep in the YCK that is

triggering this...Im not even certain what cul tures with the grains.I know

there is so much research out there to say that strep therm.does not aggravate

/cause PANDAS. Hr did have 2+ of alpha haem strep in his CDSA 6 months ago. What

advice do you have Anita ?I see in a previous post that you give huge doses of

probio and i feel that my son needs it to heal his gut.when we have alot on

board he's much more connected /social but now he's actually more

withdrawn.could it just be Die off.

> Any help would be greatly appreciated


> Joe's mom 3yrs old


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Thanks so much to all who responded.

Im struggling with this one .we are already doing the charcoal every afternoon

at the minute to try and mop up die off. we do see a slight improvement in his

clarity afterwards but these new behaviours are still there -they are very " tic

" like.perhaps it is the coconut as ye have kindly suggested -I havent given him

coconut in any other form. I will get grains and try just plain kefir water in

his juice.He is definately craving it as he takes a sip from his cup when its

plain diluted juice and puts it down and goes straight to get the bottle.

Has anyone seen this kind of behavoiur to a food reaction-Joe has so many things

going on I really dont know which is which a stim ... food reaction... him

just being 3 yrs old. ..pain.Its so hard when the kids dont have the verbal

ability to tell you.he does have words but at this stage its labelling.

again thank you all kindly for your advice

> >

> > Hi I guess i wish to ask Anita this question....

> > I started making YCK using kefir grains for my 3 yr old son-I started slow

but he seemed to crave it so we upped his volume to 500ml over the day within a

few weeks.we saw diarrhoea which seemed like dieoff/clearout with nice general

improvements but as the time went by we started seeing him do strange PANDAS

like behaviours-stooping down to touch the ground every few minutes -strange

whale like noises with his mouth and saying mmmmm over and over .I stopped the

kefir as it seemed to be one of the possibilities for causing this new

behaviour. and as the week went by the behaviour subsided .During the time i

stopped the kefir my son started refusing juice requesting " water " meaning kefir

water . Well i started it back yesterday -again he was craving it all day -going

to get bottle himself so to satisfy him I put a splash in each cup- well the

behaviours are back exactly as before.could it be strep in the YCK that is

triggering this...Im not even certain what cultures with the grains.I know there

is so much research out there to say that strep therm.does not aggravate /cause

PANDAS. Hr did have 2+ of alpha haem strep in his CDSA 6 months ago. What advice

do you have Anita ?I see in a previous post that you give huge doses of probio

and i feel that my son needs it to heal his gut.when we have alot on board he's

much more connected /social but now he's actually more withdrawn.could it just

be Die off.

> > Any help would be greatly appreciated

> >

> > Joe's mom 3yrs old

> >


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I am not nearly as knowledgeable as Anita...but I am wondering if what you might

be seeing is viral die off. My kids had all kinds of issues when we did young

coconut kefir for a while...even a tablespoon at first made us horribly sick.

What happens if you add say apple juice instead of the young coconut juice. We

couldn't tolerate that one for a long time.

Are you using water kefir grains or milk.... I have used both with juice and

done well but they are I believe different strains. Right now, I actually have

a few milk grains with my water kefir.

For milk kefir, we do 1 can coconut milk, 1 cup dairyfree milk powder and 1 cup

soy to make a gallon, since we are dairy free. My kids will drink this and

water kefir and kombachu like there was nuttin else to drink...so I rotate them

thru the day...

hope this helps


> >

> > Hi I guess i wish to ask Anita this question....

> > I started making YCK using kefir grains for my 3 yr old son-I started slow

but he seemed to crave it so we upped his volume to 500ml over the day within a

few weeks.we saw diarrhoea which seemed like dieoff/clearout with nice general

improvements but as the time went by we started seeing him do strange PANDAS

like behaviours-stooping down to touch the ground every few minutes -strange

whale like noises with his mouth and saying mmmmm over and over .I stopped the

kefir as it seemed to be one of the possibilities for causing this new

behaviour. and as the week went by the behaviour subsided .During the time i

stopped the kefir my son started refusing juice requesting " water " meaning kefir

water . Well i started it back yesterday -again he was craving it all day -going

to get bottle himself so to satisfy him I put a splash in each cup- well the

behaviours are back exactly as before.could it be strep in the YCK that is

triggering this...Im not even certain what cultures with the grains.I know there

is so much research out there to say that strep therm.does not aggravate /cause

PANDAS. Hr did have 2+ of alpha haem strep in his CDSA 6 months ago. What advice

do you have Anita ?I see in a previous post that you give huge doses of probio

and i feel that my son needs it to heal his gut.when we have alot on board he's

much more connected /social but now he's actually more withdrawn.could it just

be Die off.

> > Any help would be greatly appreciated

> >

> > Joe's mom 3yrs old

> >


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Strep strains of probiotics definitely aggravate PANDAS symptoms in my son and

in many other kids. Could be the addition of kefir is crowding out some yeasts

but allowing the strep to increase. Wd have used Phyto-biotic by enzymatic

Therapy or Paradise Herbs Olive Leaf Extract to keep strep in check, along with

probiotics w/o s. thermophilus.


> > >

> > > Hi I guess i wish to ask Anita this question....

> > > I started making YCK using kefir grains for my 3 yr old son-I started slow

but he seemed to crave it so we upped his volume to 500ml over the day within a

few weeks.we saw diarrhoea which seemed like dieoff/clearout with nice general

improvements but as the time went by we started seeing him do strange PANDAS

like behaviours-stooping down to touch the ground every few minutes -strange

whale like noises with his mouth and saying mmmmm over and over .I stopped the

kefir as it seemed to be one of the possibilities for causing this new

behaviour. and as the week went by the behaviour subsided .During the time i

stopped the kefir my son started refusing juice requesting " water " meaning kefir

water . Well i started it back yesterday -again he was craving it all day -going

to get bottle himself so to satisfy him I put a splash in each cup- well the

behaviours are back exactly as before.could it be strep in the YCK that is

triggering this...Im not even certain what cultures with the grains.I know there

is so much research out there to say that strep therm.does not aggravate /cause

PANDAS. Hr did have 2+ of alpha haem strep in his CDSA 6 months ago. What advice

do you have Anita ?I see in a previous post that you give huge doses of probio

and i feel that my son needs it to heal his gut.when we have alot on board he's

much more connected /social but now he's actually more withdrawn.could it just

be Die off.

> > > Any help would be greatly appreciated

> > >

> > > Joe's mom 3yrs old

> > >

> >


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