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HELP! very scary couple of days.

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My eleven year old son had been doing so great! We pulled him from school in

September and started home schooling. It is the first fall since regression

that he was not constantly sick. He did have cellulitis in September, but that

was it.

We got a good yeast protocol in place and were going to start AC chelation with

ALA only over this weekend.

On Thursday night after dinner, he started with the allergic asthma coughing.

We gave his rescue inhaler and Benadryl and he was fine. We couldn't figure out

what set it off as he had nothing different for dinner.

My son never tested positive to peanut allergy, and so he would have either

peanut butter on a gf/cf/sf rice cake or a peanut butter sandwich (natural,

organic) on safe bread once in a while. I never saw ANY problem. But last

night he put some o0n a rice cake, and within minutes was having a bad asthma

attack and grabbing his throat! We immediately put the rescue protocol into

place and off to the emergency clinic we went. I had the shot of Epi ready to

go just in case, but his inhaler and Benadryl started to work right away, but I

still wanted to be by the hospital just in case (we have a pediatric urgent care

right across the street from the hospital).

When we got there, he was better, but still sounded wheezy. I noticed some

hives, but as they examined him, he just kept getting better and the hives

dissipated, but the NP said I should have just gone ahead and given him the epi

and gone over to the hospital. I hate to give epinephrine if I didn't have to --

if the other things hadn't helped, I would have, of course, but he was getting


We always have an EPIPEN on hand ever since he had anaphylaxis when he was four

(from fire ants). Other insect bites give him cellulitis from any bite he gets.

The only other food he has ever reacted to this way was broccoli. Then, too, he

ate it for a while and then all of a sudden one day it gave him hives.

I am sure this was the peanut butter. so I have told him not to eat that

anymore. He has always been good about not eating whatever I tell him not to

eat, and I know this closing up of his throat scared him.

Now what? I would like to take him back to a good allergist/immunologist or

other good doctor who is OPEN MINDED about biomedical intervention and get him

re-tested for food allergies. If anyone knows of a good one int he DFW area,

please let me know. We have been to Dr. Rao in Plano, but would really like a

fresh perspective on things. Does DR. do food allergy testing?

I'm perplexed as we still don't know what caused his reaction on Thursday

evening. Needless to say, I did not get much sleep last night as I watched him

closely through the night. What makes a kid not allergic to a food one minute

and horribly allergic the next?

Should we hold off on starting chelation again until this gets figured out or go

ahead and start? He was previously chelated IV from '06-'07 but we stopped when

that caused asthmatic coughing. We thought that was due to the sulfa as it was

after this he broke out in hives after broccoli and also they gave him Bactrim

for something, and he broke out in hives from that, too.

Then we did IV chelation with EDTA only last summer, and on the fourth round of

that, he had a bad asthma attack, and would NEVER do IV again.

Thanks for your help.


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One of my children had serious food allergies. If I was in your shoes, I would

insist on seeing an allergist and getting blood tests for him as soon as

possible. I know from experience how difficult it is when you aren't really

sure what food it is that will cause the anaphylactic reaction! In our case

when we finally did get the blood test we found that my child's blood had high

IgE to peanut and to other legumes, so we at least knew what foods to avoid,

finally. (I had been suspecting peanut for years at that point! What a nervous

wreck I was.) If peanut really is a culprit then you need to get it out of your

home and make sure that there is no chance of even a trace amount in any of your

son's food. For us that basically meant reading labels on everything and only

eating food from home or a few safe places.

In my opinion, because of the severity of the reaction I would devote my energy

to sorting out the food allergies first. If one doctor is not helpful, then

find another one. Once you know exactly what allergies you are dealing with and

exactly what to do then chelation comes next. Focus on the most important tasks






> My eleven year old son had been doing so great! We pulled him from school in

September and started home schooling. It is the first fall since regression

that he was not constantly sick. He did have cellulitis in September, but that

was it.


> We got a good yeast protocol in place and were going to start AC chelation

with ALA only over this weekend.


> On Thursday night after dinner, he started with the allergic asthma coughing.

We gave his rescue inhaler and Benadryl and he was fine. We couldn't figure out

what set it off as he had nothing different for dinner.


> My son never tested positive to peanut allergy, and so he would have either

peanut butter on a gf/cf/sf rice cake or a peanut butter sandwich (natural,

organic) on safe bread once in a while. I never saw ANY problem. But last

night he put some o0n a rice cake, and within minutes was having a bad asthma

attack and grabbing his throat! We immediately put the rescue protocol into

place and off to the emergency clinic we went. I had the shot of Epi ready to

go just in case, but his inhaler and Benadryl started to work right away, but I

still wanted to be by the hospital just in case (we have a pediatric urgent care

right across the street from the hospital).


> When we got there, he was better, but still sounded wheezy. I noticed some

hives, but as they examined him, he just kept getting better and the hives

dissipated, but the NP said I should have just gone ahead and given him the epi

and gone over to the hospital. I hate to give epinephrine if I didn't have to --

if the other things hadn't helped, I would have, of course, but he was getting



> We always have an EPIPEN on hand ever since he had anaphylaxis when he was

four (from fire ants). Other insect bites give him cellulitis from any bite he

gets. The only other food he has ever reacted to this way was broccoli. Then,

too, he ate it for a while and then all of a sudden one day it gave him hives.


> I am sure this was the peanut butter. so I have told him not to eat that

anymore. He has always been good about not eating whatever I tell him not to

eat, and I know this closing up of his throat scared him.


> Now what? I would like to take him back to a good allergist/immunologist or

other good doctor who is OPEN MINDED about biomedical intervention and get him

re-tested for food allergies. If anyone knows of a good one int he DFW area,

please let me know. We have been to Dr. Rao in Plano, but would really like a

fresh perspective on things. Does DR. do food allergy testing?


> I'm perplexed as we still don't know what caused his reaction on Thursday

evening. Needless to say, I did not get much sleep last night as I watched him

closely through the night. What makes a kid not allergic to a food one minute

and horribly allergic the next?


> Should we hold off on starting chelation again until this gets figured out or

go ahead and start? He was previously chelated IV from '06-'07 but we stopped

when that caused asthmatic coughing. We thought that was due to the sulfa as it

was after this he broke out in hives after broccoli and also they gave him

Bactrim for something, and he broke out in hives from that, too.


> Then we did IV chelation with EDTA only last summer, and on the fourth round

of that, he had a bad asthma attack, and would NEVER do IV again.


> Thanks for your help.


> Haven


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I would go ahead with chelation but you need to get some food allergy testing

done. Our pediatrician orders our blood work and sends it into Mayo or find an

allergist. If your son isn't keen on blood work, doing a basic skin testing

should do the trick too. My son with severe food allergy lit up like a

Christmas tree at 9 months skin testing, peanut was huge, and he'd only had it

via breast milk. So, if allergic to peanuts, part of the legume family. So

check out soy, beans and also test for tree nuts, pecans, walnuts etc.... I'd

in the mean time watch all legumes and also stay away from tree nuts and

peanuts. We pulled all peanut butter products from our home for years but we

now have in the home. Our nt son is 8 and does fine around it at school.

You'll need to figure out his threshold. Maybe puberty changed his body. I've

heard things like an illness, pregnancy, trauma, menopause, puberty can change

the body and things bother you once that didn't bother you before. My nt 8 year

old seems a little better but hoping puberty will really help us! Cross my


BTW - my first would be the Benadryl too but have the Epi ready like you did.

Benadryl really is amazing stuff but you never know when you need it!


[ ] HELP! very scary couple of days.

My eleven year old son had been doing so great! We pulled him from school in

September and started home schooling. It is the first fall since regression that

he was not constantly sick. He did have cellulitis in September, but that was


We got a good yeast protocol in place and were going to start AC chelation

with ALA only over this weekend.

On Thursday night after dinner, he started with the allergic asthma coughing.

We gave his rescue inhaler and Benadryl and he was fine. We couldn't figure out

what set it off as he had nothing different for dinner.

My son never tested positive to peanut allergy, and so he would have either

peanut butter on a gf/cf/sf rice cake or a peanut butter sandwich (natural,

organic) on safe bread once in a while. I never saw ANY problem. But last night

he put some o0n a rice cake, and within minutes was having a bad asthma attack

and grabbing his throat! We immediately put the rescue protocol into place and

off to the emergency clinic we went. I had the shot of Epi ready to go just in

case, but his inhaler and Benadryl started to work right away, but I still

wanted to be by the hospital just in case (we have a pediatric urgent care right

across the street from the hospital).

When we got there, he was better, but still sounded wheezy. I noticed some

hives, but as they examined him, he just kept getting better and the hives

dissipated, but the NP said I should have just gone ahead and given him the epi

and gone over to the hospital. I hate to give epinephrine if I didn't have to --

if the other things hadn't helped, I would have, of course, but he was getting


We always have an EPIPEN on hand ever since he had anaphylaxis when he was

four (from fire ants). Other insect bites give him cellulitis from any bite he

gets. The only other food he has ever reacted to this way was broccoli. Then,

too, he ate it for a while and then all of a sudden one day it gave him hives.

I am sure this was the peanut butter. so I have told him not to eat that

anymore. He has always been good about not eating whatever I tell him not to

eat, and I know this closing up of his throat scared him.

Now what? I would like to take him back to a good allergist/immunologist or

other good doctor who is OPEN MINDED about biomedical intervention and get him

re-tested for food allergies. If anyone knows of a good one int he DFW area,

please let me know. We have been to Dr. Rao in Plano, but would really like a

fresh perspective on things. Does DR. do food allergy testing?

I'm perplexed as we still don't know what caused his reaction on Thursday

evening. Needless to say, I did not get much sleep last night as I watched him

closely through the night. What makes a kid not allergic to a food one minute

and horribly allergic the next?

Should we hold off on starting chelation again until this gets figured out or

go ahead and start? He was previously chelated IV from '06-'07 but we stopped

when that caused asthmatic coughing. We thought that was due to the sulfa as it

was after this he broke out in hives after broccoli and also they gave him

Bactrim for something, and he broke out in hives from that, too.

Then we did IV chelation with EDTA only last summer, and on the fourth round

of that, he had a bad asthma attack, and would NEVER do IV again.

Thanks for your help.


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Personally, I would forget about finding a biomed friendly allergist right now

and get him in for some emergency testing to rule in/out peanuts. They are

everywhere in food, so knowing if it is the culprit is important. You can take

those results to any doctor later for some good follow-up. Where was his last

testing done?

What are you planning on chelating with this time? Oh, I see the ALA. I guess I

would go ahead and start that, but at a very low dose.

Scary experience, but great news about his homeschooling progress and health






> My eleven year old son had been doing so great! We pulled him from school in

September and started home schooling. It is the first fall since regression

that he was not constantly sick. He did have cellulitis in September, but that

was it.


> We got a good yeast protocol in place and were going to start AC chelation

with ALA only over this weekend.


> On Thursday night after dinner, he started with the allergic asthma coughing.

We gave his rescue inhaler and Benadryl and he was fine. We couldn't figure out

what set it off as he had nothing different for dinner.


> My son never tested positive to peanut allergy, and so he would have either

peanut butter on a gf/cf/sf rice cake or a peanut butter sandwich (natural,

organic) on safe bread once in a while. I never saw ANY problem. But last

night he put some o0n a rice cake, and within minutes was having a bad asthma

attack and grabbing his throat! We immediately put the rescue protocol into

place and off to the emergency clinic we went. I had the shot of Epi ready to

go just in case, but his inhaler and Benadryl started to work right away, but I

still wanted to be by the hospital just in case (we have a pediatric urgent care

right across the street from the hospital).


> When we got there, he was better, but still sounded wheezy. I noticed some

hives, but as they examined him, he just kept getting better and the hives

dissipated, but the NP said I should have just gone ahead and given him the epi

and gone over to the hospital. I hate to give epinephrine if I didn't have to --

if the other things hadn't helped, I would have, of course, but he was getting



> We always have an EPIPEN on hand ever since he had anaphylaxis when he was

four (from fire ants). Other insect bites give him cellulitis from any bite he

gets. The only other food he has ever reacted to this way was broccoli. Then,

too, he ate it for a while and then all of a sudden one day it gave him hives.


> I am sure this was the peanut butter. so I have told him not to eat that

anymore. He has always been good about not eating whatever I tell him not to

eat, and I know this closing up of his throat scared him.


> Now what? I would like to take him back to a good allergist/immunologist or

other good doctor who is OPEN MINDED about biomedical intervention and get him

re-tested for food allergies. If anyone knows of a good one int he DFW area,

please let me know. We have been to Dr. Rao in Plano, but would really like a

fresh perspective on things. Does DR. do food allergy testing?


> I'm perplexed as we still don't know what caused his reaction on Thursday

evening. Needless to say, I did not get much sleep last night as I watched him

closely through the night. What makes a kid not allergic to a food one minute

and horribly allergic the next?


> Should we hold off on starting chelation again until this gets figured out or

go ahead and start? He was previously chelated IV from '06-'07 but we stopped

when that caused asthmatic coughing. We thought that was due to the sulfa as it

was after this he broke out in hives after broccoli and also they gave him

Bactrim for something, and he broke out in hives from that, too.


> Then we did IV chelation with EDTA only last summer, and on the fourth round

of that, he had a bad asthma attack, and would NEVER do IV again.


> Thanks for your help.


> Haven


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Your basic IgE blood test where they test for the " top ten " will turn up an

allergy to peanuts. Even your regular pediatrician could order this.

My 6 year old son started vomiting violently upon his first exposure to peanuts

at age 3...I was pretty sure at the time it was an allergy and a blood test

confirmed that. We've never consulted an allergist, just avoid peanuts (both

ingesting and touching...my husband forgot to wash his hands after eating peanut

butter one time and caused my son to hive up where he touched him) and soy

protein (a small bump on his blood test) even though he has never reacted to any

soy we've given him. However, my son CAN eat other legumes with no problems to

date..peas, white beans, pinto beans etc are all fine. Also is fine with tree


We have no problems chelating with the allergy at all. HOWEVER, if it were me I

would probably not chelate so soon after a reaction just to give the body a week

or two to settle down.




> My eleven year old son had been doing so great! We pulled him from school in

September and started home schooling. It is the first fall since regression

that he was not constantly sick. He did have cellulitis in September, but that

was it.


> We got a good yeast protocol in place and were going to start AC chelation

with ALA only over this weekend.


> On Thursday night after dinner, he started with the allergic asthma coughing.

We gave his rescue inhaler and Benadryl and he was fine. We couldn't figure out

what set it off as he had nothing different for dinner.


> My son never tested positive to peanut allergy, and so he would have either

peanut butter on a gf/cf/sf rice cake or a peanut butter sandwich (natural,

organic) on safe bread once in a while. I never saw ANY problem. But last

night he put some o0n a rice cake, and within minutes was having a bad asthma

attack and grabbing his throat! We immediately put the rescue protocol into

place and off to the emergency clinic we went. I had the shot of Epi ready to

go just in case, but his inhaler and Benadryl started to work right away, but I

still wanted to be by the hospital just in case (we have a pediatric urgent care

right across the street from the hospital).


> When we got there, he was better, but still sounded wheezy. I noticed some

hives, but as they examined him, he just kept getting better and the hives

dissipated, but the NP said I should have just gone ahead and given him the epi

and gone over to the hospital. I hate to give epinephrine if I didn't have to --

if the other things hadn't helped, I would have, of course, but he was getting



> We always have an EPIPEN on hand ever since he had anaphylaxis when he was

four (from fire ants). Other insect bites give him cellulitis from any bite he

gets. The only other food he has ever reacted to this way was broccoli. Then,

too, he ate it for a while and then all of a sudden one day it gave him hives.


> I am sure this was the peanut butter. so I have told him not to eat that

anymore. He has always been good about not eating whatever I tell him not to

eat, and I know this closing up of his throat scared him.


> Now what? I would like to take him back to a good allergist/immunologist or

other good doctor who is OPEN MINDED about biomedical intervention and get him

re-tested for food allergies. If anyone knows of a good one int he DFW area,

please let me know. We have been to Dr. Rao in Plano, but would really like a

fresh perspective on things. Does DR. do food allergy testing?


> I'm perplexed as we still don't know what caused his reaction on Thursday

evening. Needless to say, I did not get much sleep last night as I watched him

closely through the night. What makes a kid not allergic to a food one minute

and horribly allergic the next?


> Should we hold off on starting chelation again until this gets figured out or

go ahead and start? He was previously chelated IV from '06-'07 but we stopped

when that caused asthmatic coughing. We thought that was due to the sulfa as it

was after this he broke out in hives after broccoli and also they gave him

Bactrim for something, and he broke out in hives from that, too.


> Then we did IV chelation with EDTA only last summer, and on the fourth round

of that, he had a bad asthma attack, and would NEVER do IV again.


> Thanks for your help.


> Haven


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Thanks. My son LOVES beans, especially pinto and navy. I have never seen

him have a problem with either of these. He has also eaten cashews and

never had a problem. but the reaction on Friday night was so quick after

eating that peanut butter that it seems plausible that was the culprit

--enough to make me be on the phone tomorrow trying to get this testing set


He had all this allergy testing before both blood and skin years ago, but I

think we need to reassess. I think I will be on edgeuntil I can get some


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Hi Haven,

Don't know but some peanut allergies are actually aflatoxin allergies. I would

consider sunflower butter until you figure this out. Glad you already have an

epi pen.


HELP! very scary couple of days.

Posted by: " hdelay@... " hdelay@... shygirl75158

Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:44 pm (PST)

My eleven year old son had been doing so great! We pulled him from school in

September and started home schooling. It is the first fall since regression that

he was not constantly sick. He did have cellulitis in September, but that was


We got a good yeast protocol in place and were going to start AC chelation with

ALA only over this weekend.

On Thursday night after dinner, he started with the allergic asthma coughing. We

gave his rescue inhaler and Benadryl and he was fine. We couldn't figure out

what set it off as he had nothing different for dinner.

My son never tested positive to peanut allergy, and so he would have either

peanut butter on a gf/cf/sf rice cake or a peanut butter sandwich (natural,

organic) on safe bread once in a while. I never saw ANY problem. But last night

he put some o0n a rice cake, and within minutes was having a bad asthma attack

and grabbing his throat! We immediately put the rescue protocol into place and

off to the emergency clinic we went. I had the shot of Epi ready to go just in

case, but his inhaler and Benadryl started to work right away, but I still

wanted to be by the hospital just in case (we have a pediatric urgent care right

across the street from the hospital).

When we got there, he was better, but still sounded wheezy. I noticed some

hives, but as they examined him, he just kept getting better and the hives

dissipated, but the NP said I should have just gone ahead and given him the epi

and gone over to the hospital. I hate to give epinephrine if I didn't have to --

if the other things hadn't helped, I would have, of course, but he was getting


We always have an EPIPEN on hand ever since he had anaphylaxis when he was four

(from fire ants). Other insect bites give him cellulitis from any bite he gets.

The only other food he has ever reacted to this way was broccoli. Then, too, he

ate it for a while and then all of a sudden one day it gave him hives.

I am sure this was the peanut butter. so I have told him not to eat that

anymore. He has always been good about not eating whatever I tell him not to

eat, and I know this closing up of his throat scared him.

Now what? I would like to take him back to a good allergist/immunologist or

other good doctor who is OPEN MINDED about biomedical intervention and get him

re-tested for food allergies. If anyone knows of a good one int he DFW area,

please let me know. We have been to Dr. Rao in Plano, but would really like a

fresh perspective on things. Does DR. do food allergy testing?

I'm perplexed as we still don't know what caused his reaction on Thursday

evening. Needless to say, I did not get much sleep last night as I watched him

closely through the night. What makes a kid not allergic to a food one minute

and horribly allergic the next?

Should we hold off on starting chelation again until this gets figured out or go

ahead and start? He was previously chelated IV from '06-'07 but we stopped when

that caused asthmatic coughing. We thought that was due to the sulfa as it was

after this he broke out in hives after broccoli and also they gave him Bactrim

for something, and he broke out in hives from that, too.

Then we did IV chelation with EDTA only last summer, and on the fourth round of

that, he had a bad asthma attack, and would NEVER do IV again.

Thanks for your help.


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Natuarally occuring fungal mycotoxins that can contaminate grains, oilseeds and

nuts prior to harvest.

There is a 'safe' level allowed by the FDA since most all peanuts contain some


It is produced by mold, I think, so I wonder if a mold allergy would be

detectable or if you need to test for specific aflatoxin? Not sure.

At high levels, it can caues liver damage. I only know a little about it from I

book I've read (The China Study).



> What is aflatoxin?




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Hi Haven. Haven't been on this board in a while. Just read your post. I want to

relate my own personal experience. I went gf about a year ago after saliva

testing showed I had issues with gluten. I am chelating on round 69 now. I

always had a little issue with some dairy - but could do hard cheeses with

enzymes. But that was it - nothing else bothered me. This summer I was under

some stress and had reduced my adrenal support. I continued to chelate - all

was well, or so I thought.

One day, I just started getting hives, out of no where for the first time in my

life. Didn't even recognize them as such. Tried to trace it back to something

in particular, but I couldn't. Then I ate dinner, much like your little one,

one day - and had an anaphylaxis reaction, from a dinner I had eaten many a

time. I felt like my throat was closing off. No Epi pen in our house, so I

took lots of quercetin and then some benadryl. It happened again and again. I

first thought it was chocolate, then I finally realized it was the dairy

component in my meals. I cut out the dairy. Then I ate a meal with nuts - same

here never an issue with nuts in my life ever - same anaphylaxis reaction.

Finally I went gfcf/sf /no nuts- much stricter diet than my son who is chelating


My holistic doc said my adrenals were stressed, some triggering event, whether

it was the added stress in my life, combined with the lower adrenal support, who

knows - he said my " threshhold " was lowered, and things that were subclinically

a problem became a big problem all of a sudden. Maybe the dairy and nuts were

causing problems unbeknownst to me, at some tolerable non symptomatic level, but

once my threshhold was lowered, they become more problematic.

Anyway - I don't know if this helps you or not - but perhaps you may have to

observe a more restricted diet for whatever reason things have shifted for him.

By observing a more restricted diet I have been able to chelate just fine. Even

when I had the hives - etc, whether advisable or not, I still did a round, with

lots of nettles and quercetin and extra adrenal support on board. And it was


Just wanting to let you know that things can shift allergy wise even when

testing may not necessarily reveal an obvious allergy.



> Thanks. My son LOVES beans, especially pinto and navy. I have never seen

> him have a problem with either of these. He has also eaten cashews and

> never had a problem. but the reaction on Friday night was so quick after

> eating that peanut butter that it seems plausible that was the culprit

> --enough to make me be on the phone tomorrow trying to get this testing set

> up.


> He had all this allergy testing before both blood and skin years ago, but I

> think we need to reassess. I think I will be on edgeuntil I can get some

> answers.




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Worth repeating? Cleaned up a bit, for those who need as much, and can't put

things together better otherwise? .. .

Hi Irene,

You're not thinking chelation had something to do with such developments? (it

seems) but perhaps if so, the good of chelation outways the bad, and let's not

go there on that account?

Maybe others would have something to add on a downside (typical downside) to

chelation? that they might have experienced? for the objectivity of our being

here in that respect of health? of such health?

Just thinking, and asking, (perhaps more out-loud than others) that there would

be a better way for what should be so good for us of the logic of as much? Of

Communication, but what else, of having arrived so far? .. .

Mike Glavic

No, I don't stand for the abuse otherwise. (No.) I'm not really so sure that

chelation is doing all that much for me, that I want to do it for the rest of my

life, especially where it might make me more, sensitive? Sensitive is OK, (if

not good, Especially good?) as long as it doesn't kill or hurt of limit or

confuse me, I figure.

Does this, what I'm saying, seem to be a positive development with respect to

the merits of doing chelation/AC chelation? It's not like I just want to be a

part of a greater support group or anything like that? that I want to need to be

part of as much, I mean.. Being part of an independence group would be better,

where the choice would be ours by as much? (Here's more than hoping so, and

expecting as much of what would be so virtuous, I'd be Understanding? .. . What

better to be.. .

Sure, call that a test for as much if you'd like, that I need to chelate

otherwise (I won't, more likely?!. of what I'm aiming for in that/this respect..

.. (And " get, " Thereof? .. .

I figure *that'd* be understanding, and what *I'm* about by as much

Don't trust anyone otherwise?!. Whatever

> > >

> > > Thanks. My son LOVES beans, especially pinto and navy. I have never seen

> > > him have a problem with either of these. He has also eaten cashews and

> > > never had a problem. but the reaction on Friday night was so quick after

> > > eating that peanut butter that it seems plausible that was the culprit

> > > --enough to make me be on the phone tomorrow trying to get this testing


> > > up.

> > >

> > > He had all this allergy testing before both blood and skin years ago, but


> > > think we need to reassess. I think I will be on edgeuntil I can get some

> > > answers.

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Success is measured by *objectivity* if not such objectivity, (of Understanding?

of as much? of More) believe it or not? .. . of *Communication,* that you would

understand what that is, (anything so meaningful is?) but how else, isn't so

much a question for me alone, political/socialist BS, othewise? as with abuse

otherwise? .. .

On my dealing with abuse otherwise

Whatever? .. .


On GSE related to bumps, pimples, warts, or whatever, wherever that thread went?

... . F? G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P? .. .

A little more than we bargained for, perhaps, of a good thing if not The good

thing? .. .

I don't think you should blame yourself one little bit. GSE being promoted as an

anti-fungal, and I'm not sure what else, but definitely as a more natural item

to try for whatever, I believe your trying GSE where trying things is the way to

figure out what works best for you and your individual situation was a

*responsible* thing to be doing, for your self, no less

But to more specifically answer your question, no, I don't know how to remedy

the reaction you are getting except to ease your pain perhaps, is that most

things do heal of our own natural defence mechanism, (where we would be so

healthy?!. I Feel) and that whatever builds up your health and immunity should

prove best for that, where trying more new things at this juncture might not be

the thing to do, (hello?) unless someone else here can chime in on what more

*specifically* works for the situation you've gotten yourself into from trying


I tried GSE on a wart, and OoO (oil of oregano, which was claimed to work for

such things by others) and nothing came of it (nothing good). I believe we tend

to generalize on things that work in specific situations (if not with ourselves

as distinct individuals? of special needs, where there would be any) perhaps

more than we should. (Everything in Moderation? Everything so meaningful in

moderation of *Communication,* I Feel, Thereof) Tried and true of the test of

time would seem to be the better thing to be doing, most of the time, in that

respect, that good things don't stand for as much, but I Feel they do! (Wouldn't

I also be a product of a billion years of evolution? Hello) Take things so

gradually, that you would know what you're doing and be doing the right thing in

that respect, of what you Feel? .. .

Fill in the blanks of humanity otherwise? .. . It could be " nerves " how

everything is connected in that respect? and giving you warning of as much? .. .

I'm more and more blaming my warts/bumps etc., on my *nerves,* (nervous system

and susceptibility?!.) 'cause, they seem to coincide to when I'm under pressure

(with respect to whatever else I'm doing?!.) that I need to be under such

pressure, is really up to me? .. . Is really up to me, as biological/bio-medical

as that is? that the bio-medical would even *exist* otherwise (of my Feeling/s?

of Understanding? of as much?) that that isn't what everything is, for? that

everything wouldn't be so meaningful, I mean.. .

I've done chelation (ALA chelation) for 15 weeks now and I've seen *nothing*

from it, except it has kept me busy, if not too busy? .. . Now I'm being told I

have to do it much longer than that, blah, blah, blah, blah? where that might

work and what do I have to lose? blah, blah, blah? Go with what you Feel?!. Hey,

when in doubt, I can't think of anything better, and feel anything else would be

a lie, that I need more of them, or stupid hope, but I'm not thinking so. Yes, I

do believe chelation (like I've done) is worth trying, so far, if not only so

far, of what seems so reasonable to me, of what I Feel, Thereof, that I ain't

the master of as much, but I Feel I Am

Show me someone who speaks more cogently if not of a language, otherwise, for

what would prove otherwise of as much as True communication? Hello? .. . (It's

free, of so Free, so don't rock It, as knock It? of The real choice is y/ours,

Thereof (I Feel as understand.. .

I will not tolerate communication abuse (in the name of language abuse or

whatever?) anymore, than I have to... to be of a world, Thereof? .. . if you can

call what we have a *real* world, as a true world? .. . but I'm thinking it

*isn't* so much, without me, of as much, (Thereof) of Feeling as Understanding,

that there would be any facts, more facts primary to as much, if you Know what I

mean? (but how could you otherwise isn't so much a question for me alone

Maybe I'm getting that from the chelation I'm doing? that I wouldn't be the man

of evidence/science in that picture? (but I Feel I Am! .. .).) I also have small

bumbs all over my head that I scratch, and I do recall tryng GSE on one of them,

when I only had one.. . at one time, and our family doctor was good for nothing

if not stuffing money in his pocket, for what I got from him, think, zip? the

*zero* (if not worse) I find *many professionals* to be, (primarily of?) and

that would also include politicians; not saying that about everyone, no.. .

*Communication* (such as that?!.) works the best, where that don't bring down

the house/world otherwise? that I would care about a world/house otherwise..

(No, not Really. I've done the math in that respect, yes, IFAU) Yes, I do tend

to deflate *fantasies,* (like I Do?!.) like I need BS (but less and less as time

goes by, I figure, of my Figuring, or of my Maturing, perhaps, that I will stand

for abuse otherwise? Does that seem like I do? .. .

If people can't accept your face however it is in your hour of need, over the

holidays, they aren't your friends? (worth having?) that you want to be

entertaining or showing what isn't? that life should be a show or something,

otherwise than things truly are? Toss this then in that respect, of, be my

guest, Thereof? .. . Guest not of my world, so much.. .

Oh, and don't forget *prayer,* (communicating however you can for whatever else

there is? that that hasn't proven worth trying? that humanity can't prove or

hasn't proven, for whatever its problem is?) that that don't make everything

you're trying to do for yourself better, but *I* understand it does (And I

figure you won't get bumps from that, especially where you're true to as much

which might necessitate keeping as much to yourself, rather than sharing as much

with your, adversaries? of as good as you are? of your having established as

much for your self?) It's so *logical/reasonable* where God would be so perfect

and true? maybe is what the bumbs you have are saying, in their own way? .. .

Best wishes in that respect, of I Feel the answer would come from that where the

answer would come at All.. . I do more than hope your bumps clear up? just as I

also hope/more than just hope mine do as well... that I need the alternative/s,

that the alternative/s have worked any better, but I know they haven't? of

understanding what I do, of Understanding More is what I Do, and that's exactly

how It's done, I Feel as Understand (of Communication! that anyone else could

tell me what Communication is better, but I understand they don't, of having the

faith to say so, of The confidence, Thereof

See where that gets me?!. Be my guest on that/this experiment... that I have

figured is all that we can be, of what is *so* meaningful, Thereof, of any

discussion board should be more than satisfied of as much.. . that any

discussion board would be open for as much, of such answers, I'd be Feelin', of

and for as much, Thereof (but how else, that you or whoever are the primary

contributor in that respect? .. . hmmmmmm, but I'm not thinking so? .. .

I do stuff like that... and call it Understanding?!. [Of] What I hope for Us, of

such experiment, that any other would be so meaningful as just, Thereof

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and keep up the good work in that/this

respect, and not so much otherwise.. .


Freedom, of Communication?!. especially from Communication *abuse,* that we

could or would get connected in getting the more meaningful (true?) answers

otherwise, of Feeling as understanding

I figure that takes me where I need to go, of what I have figured I need to be

doing for as much, as I do Thereof, of Understanding More! where *I've* figured

everything else is somewhat relatively abusive to as much... so take greater

responsibility for yourself, accordingly? .. . is All I'm Saying For Every One

(of as much, Thereof !

Yes, I realize political socialists and professionals and profiters (and

abusers, basically?) are not so much into that, of such volunteer and

volunteering? of The mission? of the true missionary? of Understanding? that I

need to worry about them of as much, but I Feel I don't.. .

Let's see if that makes my bumps go away, how serious they are otherwise?!.

Bonus answer? .. .

Being against communication (any form of symbolic expression? of reaching out?

of our Feeling/s? but I didn't say art/that that is art, where for Understanding

More? but call It what you Will? as Feel?) makes abusers out of all of us,

(where that gets things if not us) and I won't stand for that, abuse against as


Ruler of my world. (That I would want to be of a world otherwise

Where you wanted to Know?!. Don't be abusive otherwise. Consider this The

treatment if not The prosecution?!. There I Go, Thereof

Leader of such world. (And what I wish for you, of such treatment, no less.. .

So It Opens Minds, that that wouldn't be The thing! of as much, Thereof.. . of

as much, Thereof, I Feel as Understand (More, of *Communication,* of All that

would be so, meaningful

I'm not re-writing this presently (for another language, or whatever?) in

leaving it as The puzzle of and for as much?!. as things *Really* are, (were,

perhaps) for as much, Thereof

You're welcome?!.

I suppose I could re-write that for money and of/for political advantage, where

I wanted to? be more about that? if not you? .. . of The choice is y/ours,

Thereof, of Feeling as Understanding (Communication) but I do prefer The

high-ground in this respect.. . (of as much! understanding what my options are

in that respect) but I'll take your money or votes if you want... but I will not

take the abuse (otherwise? No

I will not stand for abuse otherwise of as much?!. That's Just, The way I Am.. .

! of Understanding More of Communication, and what All there is, Thereof, I Feel

as understand

Ah, if there wasn't even more communication going on in that respect I'm sure it

would even be a better/more meaningful world than it is

On, what should rule? *Volunteer,* Thereof, that there would be any other, so

noble and virtuous? (and healthy?) I *Am,* of what truly rules *my* world.. .

Where only *Volunteers* (true volunteers?) tell The truth, of understanding as

much, by and for as much? .. . That anything else could be so *pure,* and not

for the alternative advantage/disadvantage? that those not of Volunteers (of

their true selves? as Volunteers/Individuals, first) are actually about? in

giving you the *wrong* advice, more basically? .. . Judge a real/true man/person

by as much, as we are, we Do? (of Communication) I would advise for as much, of

you, of such facts.. . if not The truth, Thereof, that we could get so much for

money or politics, but I have discovered otherwise, of their inherent biases and

problems.. .

So I have a few bumps. Some could *like* them I'm figuring, for whatever they

say? .. .

Either we're primarily for The *volunteerism of Communication* (of as much?) or

we're not, so much, of as much.. .

Of *Real* consideration? That any other should matter.. .

I Feel as Understand

You should be *feeling* better now? .. . where you've tried to put this

together/of as much, Thereof? (of such problem/s, resolved? Presto?) would be my

sense of It, of how so much comes together, by as much, Thereof, that that

wouldn't be practicing what there is to teach and teaching Itself, but I Feel It



Don't ask? and you won't Know, as Understand? Maybe that's what you'd prefer

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks. My son LOVES beans, especially pinto and navy. I have never


> > > > > him have a problem with either of these. He has also eaten cashews


> > > > > never had a problem. but the reaction on Friday night was so quick


> > > > > eating that peanut butter that it seems plausible that was the culprit

> > > > > --enough to make me be on the phone tomorrow trying to get this

testing set

> > > > > up.

> > > > >

> > > > > He had all this allergy testing before both blood and skin years ago,

but I

> > > > > think we need to reassess. I think I will be on edgeuntil I can get


> > > > > answers.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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thanks so much for your reply. I know things can change on a dime. My

husband is allergic to ALL fresh fruits and vegetables. He can have canned

(a little) but not fresh! I find this strange. I am allergic things like

Demerol and morphine -- pretty much any drug that ends in " Ine " , so I was

worried for Ethan as soon as he was born, hoping he wouldn't have the same

allergies as his dad or me.

He eats fresh fruit, and he loves avocados. His dad can't come near an


I have fed my husband salmon croquet with salmon from a can, but one evening

I decided to cook fresh salmon, and my husband's throat starts to close up!

The only time in my life I even felt my throat start to swell a little was

when I was attacked by a swarm of honey bees. I was stung over a hundred

times, and I still never had trouble breathing and was able to get to a

hospital (but boy if you want fast service at a hospital just tell them

you've been stung by bees). I have never had a problem with any food.

I know stress can play a huge role. I empathize about the hives. My bouts

of hives came during the years I taught in an inner city middle school and

there were at least two or three gang fights in the halls every week.. On

one I was crammed up against the wall and could go NO Where --so many kids

packed into the fray, and I felt the hives come. They covered every where

except stopped at my jaw line. the doctor said he was going to write me a

prescription and he wrote on the pad, " Get another job! " I was a this

school two years, and that is the only time period I had hives.

I think it could have been the brand. I usually buy Whole Foods organic.

This was Suckers all natural. But I won't let him have nuts again until we

get some testing done.

He is better now but still sounding stuffy from the cold. It could have

been the cold virus which made him more susceptible, but I am not taking any


Thanks for all the info!

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