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Re: Re: Mito cocktail components?

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On the Mito Action website, Dr. Irina Anselm, a pediatric neurologist, from

Children’s Hospital Boston discussed updates in the approaches to the

treatment of mitochondrial disease in an audio webcast.  Dr. Anselm advocates

starting CoQ10 first, followed by creatine monohydrate for children with

mitochondrial disease. 8  To listen to the entire audio of her webcast where

she discusses updates on mitochondrial disease treatment approaches, visit

www.mitoaction.org where the webcast is available.


1.       Tischon brand CoQ10 – highly recommended by the top pediatric

mito. doctors.  Tischon CoQ10 is the most bioavailable version available at

this time and has recently been awarded an orphan drug designation for treatment

of mitochondrial cytopathies.  Tischon is much more bioavailable than other

over the counter brands of CoQ10. 


MitoMedica H2Q (ubiquinone) – available in gel caps and powder form.

 MitoMedica is Tischon’s most allergenic free brand. 


Cyto Q Qel (ubiquinone) – available in Q Gel Forte (15 mg), Q Gel Mega (60

mg), Q Gel Ultra (100 mg) and Q Gel Double strength (200 mg).   


In a recent article written by six of the top mitochondrial doctors in the field

of mitochondrial medicine, they outline A Modern Approach to the Treatment of

Mitochondrial Disease.  In this article, they state that, “Powder

formulations of CoQ10 have very poor intestinal absorption.†5  And they

further stated that ubiquinol versions of CoQ10 are three to five times better

absorbed than ubiquinone.â€Â    


Quinogel (ubiquinol) – available in gel caps 50 mg and 100 mg


Liquid QH Liposomal Ubiquinol – this liquid version is one of the most

bioavailable versions they sell and is highly recommended by mito doctors if

severe fatigue is an issue.


Tischon CoQ10 can be purchased at, www.epic4health.com


In this same article, they also stated that the most solubilized bioavailable

formulations of CoQ10 are preferred [which the Tischon brand is] and absorption

is improved when taken with a meal. 5   


2.      Creatine Monohydrate-  The top mito doctors are recommending a

product called Neotine which is a form of creatine monohydrate and it is

available at www.neotine.com


Solace Nutrition also makes creatine monohydrate.  The product is called

Cytotine and it is available at www.solacenutrition.com  Some experts

recommend 1/3 the dose if it’s a Solace brand because it’s super



There have been anecdotal reports of children having increased stimming and

diarrhea if the dose of creatine is too high.


When using creatine monohydrate it is very important that AST/ALT (kidney and

liver functions) are monitored by your supervising physician regularly.


3.    Carnitor®/ generic levo-carntine – dosed 2-3 times daily, not all

in one dose. 5


4.   Riboflavin (B2) – Solace Nutrition makes a riboflavin called Cyto B2

that is highly bioavailable.  It may be best given at bedtime.


MitoMedica Riboflavin mini-capsules 100 mg- can be purchased at,



5.      ALA (alpha lipoic acid) – an antioxidant


6.      Leucovorin Calcium (in some patients) – which is the folinic acid

medication of choice for some mito. docs. 


Discuss these with your physician.

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Mito cocktail components?

Date: Saturday, August 14, 2010, 2:38 PM


> Can someone please refresh my memory on all the supplement components of the

Mito Cocktail?

I wrote what my son needed here



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