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Making Better Choices through Science, Keynote address by Dr. Maurice

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Together with Molloy College & The Association for Science in Autism Treatment,

The ELIJA Foundation asks you join us!

October 15, 2010 ~ 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Autism Intervention: Making Better Choices through Science

Keynote Address: Dr. Maurice, Founding Member of ASAT, Author (Let Me

Hear Your Voice, 1993)

Location: Molloy College Suffolk Center, East Farmingdale, NY 11735

There are literally hundreds of interventions for autism, although the vast

majority of these lack any scientific support. Unfortunately, eclectic

approaches that are not grounded in science prevail in many public schools.

Fringe treatments are afforded widespread media coverage, and the internet is

filled with misinformation and unsubstantiated claims. This full day workshop

will provide a step-by-step approach to understanding not only what it means for

an intervention to be science-based but which of the currently available

treatments enjoy existing scientific support. Important considerations for

choosing interventions will be highlighted, along with strategies for evaluating

outcomes. This workshop is open to professionals, parents, and students;

however, we ask that attendees respect our belief that science and scientific

methods are not only relevant to discussions of autism treatment but should

serve as the foundation upon which treatments should be chosen, implemented, and



8:00 am to 8:45 am Registration

8:45 am to 9:00 am Welcomes from Molloy,ELIJA and ASAT

9:00 am to 9:30 am Reflections: Keynote Address by Dr.

Maurice, Founding Member of ASAT, Author, Let Me Hear Your Voice(1993)

9:30 am to 11:00 am The State of the Science, LaRue, Ph.D., BCBA-D

11:00 am to 11:10 am Break

11:10 am to 11:50 am Applying the Science:Child and Provider Considerations,

Cost Benefit Analyses, Celiberti, Ph.D., BCBA-D

11:50 am to 12:30 pm Lunch (Boxed Lunch Provided.

Those with dietary restrictions are kindly asked to bring their own lunch.)

12:30 pm to 1:45 pm Evaluating Effectiveness: Simple Ways to Use

Science in Autism Intervention, W. Mruzek, Ph.D., BCBA-D

1:45 pm to 2:00 pm Overview of ASAT Resources, nne Clancy, Parent

and ASAT Board Member

2:00 pm to 2:30 pm Panel: Bringing It All Together, Moderated by

Ruth Donlin, M.S.


$50 for Full Time Students $60 for Parents of ASD Children $100 for


4.5 CEU's Available for BCBA's

For Inquiries Contact: Sugrue, Co Founder

Email: @... Phone:516.433.4321 Fax: 516.433.4324

Download registration form here


to print and mail/fax your registration information (credit cards accepted).

For More information on the Collaborating Organizations visit their websites:

ELIJA: www.elija.org

ASAT: www.asatonline.org

Molloy College: www.molloy.edu

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Reposted for those with language challenges/differences/issues.. . of a

revision/evolution/revolution, Thereof:)

Hello, Open for Communication? .. .

I would say that ABA helps us better understand the other (in dealing with the

other, of such analysis? of such helpfulness) of what ABA Especially addresses,

where it addresses so much at All.

It all sounds promising, in that respect, of as much?!.



ABA for Understanding (As *free* as that *Really* Is.. .

On as much, and of, oh so much, more?! .. . I Feel as Understand. Otherwise, I

would continue to identify things as *abusive* (to me) where I find them to be

so, otherwise? .. .

Hello (On a/the *greater* sensitivity, perhaps? .. .

Prayer *also* if not Especially gives us the strength to *communicate* more

openly of what it does, Thereof?!. of such facts, and of what such facts

accomplish, oh, Yes, I Feel as Understand

I more than just pray for as much. Especially these days, of understanding

*prayer* as I Do.. .

This posting also points to the abusiveness otherwise, I Feel as Understand.. I

Feel I'm just supporting as much, of doing what I do, of my understanding as

much, Thereof (

Yes, abusiveness (relative abusiveness) has to be pointed out, of the more

intelligent choice/s, (?!.) of as much, I Feel as Understand, of my not being so

much of a *language* class as what I Feel language should be *for?* (for as

much?) of such a language, Thereof

Best wishes in that respect (of Communication? My sense of It

On how to Connect with something that meaningful, perhaps, of my *sense* of

serving Justness -- Thereof.. .

Don't, and I will come after you? ... as I Do?!. serve *Justenss,* Thereof, I

Feel as Understand, of what I consider more *meaningful,* to one and All,

Thereof (Otherwise, you'd only be in my prayers?!. if even that

That I can't deal with as much.

On *Sensitivity.* On what it is and how to deal with It, is my sense of It, of

this! and what we need to be doing (for as much, Thereof?!.

On actually defining understanding (of The feeling/s) as the *condition of

health* if not of everything more meaningful, Thereof

Don't be marginalizing as much of being part of the *problem?* otherwise? of a

choice of as much, of, *that* just keeps on going! (I Feel) where I Feel we

should be going, Thereof

I wish as much for Us, of The choice/s, Thereof.. For those who (that which)

would be so *advanced* (and advancing, no less, of Understanding More

The key with respect to ABA is in its ability to analyze as much of as much, of

Understanding More, I Feel (of the clearer data/evidence) and building on that,

of such sensitivity, I Feel as Understand. I find everything else relatively

abusive (unjust) of as much (otherwise) and promote that view/action as the more

meaningful choice in dealing with as much, (Thereof) of such choice/s.. .

I would recommend attending the promoted seminar/presentation (given the more

reasonable choice/s, Thereof?) where about as much, Thereof

I found Maurice wrote and did some great stuff in that respect. (My

sense of It, of our results, of these results?!.) I have followed some of her

work, whether she has become *better now* than she was, I'm not sure. Perhaps we

could, some of us, one of us? report back here in that respect, of what she

further claims to be about? of being about so much at All? (She *was* also

especially about *prayer,* if I do recall..) Here's more than hoping so, of as

much, well, you should better understand how that goes by now?!.

But I have gathered some still probably don't (and won't?) and will need help

for as much by as much



> Together with Molloy College & The Association for Science in Autism

Treatment, The ELIJA Foundation asks you join us!


> October 15, 2010 ~ 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

> Autism Intervention: Making Better Choices through Science

> Keynote Address: Dr. Maurice, Founding Member of ASAT, Author (Let


> Hear Your Voice, 1993)

> Location: Molloy College Suffolk Center, East Farmingdale, NY 11735


> There are literally hundreds of interventions for autism, although the vast

majority of these lack any scientific support. Unfortunately, eclectic

approaches that are not grounded in science prevail in many public schools.

Fringe treatments are afforded widespread media coverage, and the internet is

filled with misinformation and unsubstantiated claims. This full day workshop

> will provide a step-by-step approach to understanding not only what it means

for an intervention to be science-based but which of the currently available

treatments enjoy existing scientific support. Important considerations for

choosing interventions will be highlighted, along with strategies for evaluating

outcomes. This workshop is open to professionals, parents, and students;

> however, we ask that attendees respect our belief that science and scientific

methods are not only relevant to discussions of autism treatment but should

serve as the foundation upon which treatments should be chosen, implemented, and



> Schedule

> 8:00 am to 8:45 am Registration

> 8:45 am to 9:00 am Welcomes from Molloy,ELIJA and ASAT

> 9:00 am to 9:30 am Reflections: Keynote Address by Dr.

> Maurice, Founding Member of ASAT, Author, Let Me Hear Your Voice(1993)

> 9:30 am to 11:00 am The State of the Science, LaRue, Ph.D., BCBA-D

> 11:00 am to 11:10 am Break

> 11:10 am to 11:50 am Applying the Science:Child and Provider Considerations,

Cost Benefit Analyses, Celiberti, Ph.D., BCBA-D

> 11:50 am to 12:30 pm Lunch (Boxed Lunch Provided.

> Those with dietary restrictions are kindly asked to bring their own lunch.)

> 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm Evaluating Effectiveness: Simple Ways to Use

> Science in Autism Intervention, W. Mruzek, Ph.D., BCBA-D

> 1:45 pm to 2:00 pm Overview of ASAT Resources, nne Clancy, Parent

> and ASAT Board Member

> 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm Panel: Bringing It All Together, Moderated by

> Ruth Donlin, M.S.


> Registration

> $50 for Full Time Students $60 for Parents of ASD Children $100 for

> Professionals

> 4.5 CEU's Available for BCBA's

> For Inquiries Contact: Sugrue, Co Founder

> Email: @... Phone:516.433.4321 Fax: 516.433.4324


> Download registration form here

> https://elijaorg.ipower.com/images/ELIJAASATMOLLOYBrochureOct2010.pdf

> to print and mail/fax your registration information (credit cards accepted).


> For More information on the Collaborating Organizations visit their websites:

> ELIJA: www.elija.org

> ASAT: www.asatonline.org

> Molloy College: www.molloy.edu


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