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Re: Flu protocols

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more and more physicians are recommending against the flu vaccine as do I.

There isn't enough evidence of safety and efficacy. In addition to the

protocol they mention (we have a different one, but there's is fine) I would

also administer vitamin D3. To see our reccomendations visit our web site at

www.kidswellness.com or click

here<http://www.kidswellness.com/common/news/store_news.asp?task=store_news & sid_\

store_news=7 & storeID=464477254E3A4415B459127000E2B4AE>


Also to note, if you were to consider chelation (one of the links on the

page) I would only consider the chelation methods of Dr. Cutler with

low frequent doses of DMSA, DMPS or ALA.

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:03 AM, <christiansrecovery09@...> wrote:

> I came across this from FB was wondering if this all looks right before I

> ever use this.




> http://www.talkaboutcuringautism.org/medical/flu-prevention-and-treatment.html


> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect


> ------------------------------------


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Thank you so much for a reply! I refuse any vaccines for my asd(flu shot was

the straw that broke the camels back in 08). and I am very cautious with my

other child. I did vaccines one per dr visit and gave vit a & c the day before,

of, and after the vaccine he got, but now he has an egg allergy, and became

allergic to " dog dander " I no longer vaccinate him since its signs that his

immune system isn't " mature " I guess would be the wording.

I plan on reading up on both protocols to prevent doctors visits.

I plan on chelation here in the near future. I want to make sure I understand

the whole thing and I want to make sure I am prepared for any side

effects(yeast, virus, and all that). My son doesn't seem to have any side

effects or I don't see them. So I am nervous to start and cause a problem else


Thanks again for your time !

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect

Re: [ ] Flu protocols

more and more physicians are recommending against the flu vaccine as do I.

There isn't enough evidence of safety and efficacy. In addition to the

protocol they mention (we have a different one, but there's is fine) I would

also administer vitamin D3. To see our reccomendations visit our web site at

www.kidswellness.com or click

here<http://www.kidswellness.com/common/news/store_news.asp?task=store_news & sid_\

store_news=7 & storeID=464477254E3A4415B459127000E2B4AE>


Also to note, if you were to consider chelation (one of the links on the

page) I would only consider the chelation methods of Dr. Cutler with

low frequent doses of DMSA, DMPS or ALA.

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:03 AM, <christiansrecovery09@...> wrote:

> I came across this from FB was wondering if this all looks right before I

> ever use this.




> http://www.talkaboutcuringautism.org/medical/flu-prevention-and-treatment.html


> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect


> ------------------------------------


> =======================================================


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Preventing flu is easy. Take vitamin D all winter. I put my kids on 5,000 IU all

winter and no flu. Dr. Mercola's website has information about how Vitamin D

deficiency which occurs in winter is the main reason people get the flu.

I keep Oscillococcinum in the house and Elderberry syrup. We start Elderberry, A

drops, echinacea and astragalus at the first signs of illness. If we get achy

and such...then we start the Oscillo...

I would not however endorse the recommendation of their site saying that if your

child is going to get the flu shot with mercury in it seek out chelation. Kind

of stupid to me to cause yourself to need chelation, when you can prevent it


But anyway...



> I came across this from FB was wondering if this all looks right before I ever

use this.



> http://www.talkaboutcuringautism.org/medical/flu-prevention-and-treatment.html


> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect


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