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My story as an Adult with Autism and a question

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I am an adult with Asperger's Syndrome. I was diagnosed with " Pervasive

Developmental Delay " at about 2 and a half years old. Shortly after my Childhood

Vaccinations were completed. So I have reason to believe that Mercury was one

cause. However, I also have reason to believe that the morning sickness drug

" Bendectin " was also a cause. I was given this drug in the womb from about 2

months until 2 days before I was born. At the time it was already pulled from

the Market, but it was a military doctor who issued and and was later found to

be immune from a class action lawsuit. Every child-to-be he gave that drug to

eventually developed some form of autism. They also, however, were all given

vaccinations and developed symptoms shortly after. So I am acting under the

assumption that something about the Bendectin just made it harder for Mercury

deposits to be removed.

I went through allot as a child. One drug after another. Each to treat the one

before. None worked as intended. If I wasn't drooling at the mouth in some

zombified state the drugs were noted as completely ineffective. I was diagnosed

with Asperger's Syndrome when I was about 14 I think. Even then they continued

with a series of drugs which I knew was causing me harm. As a child I attempted

everything I could to remove myself from the drugs but it was clear that Mental

Health workers didn't care about me personally or how the Drugs were affecting

me. They only cared about how my behavior affected them. Which, ironically, at

this point was mostly because of the drugs impairing my ability to think clearly

and learn.

By the time I was 18, my 20/20 vision was gone. The drug " Depakote " which

normally causes obesity as a side effect instead caused muscular degeneration in

the whole body. No one seemed concerned that I was slowly loosing my vision, or

that my heart was getting weaker.

I decided then to move out and take myself off medications. I had to lie, which

I hate doing. I had to say I was taking them to prevent hospitalization. All the

while I held the drugs in a bag to prove I wasn't taking them, and would

consistently get prescriptions filled, and waited about 6 months for Doctors to

note consistent improvements. Once I had that in writing I told them I wasn't

taking drugs and that they could no longer force me to take them because

improvements were noted without drugs. In fact, I proved right then and there

that most of my problems were the result of drugs.

That was the best choice I ever made. I am 27 years old now, and am recovering

from the symptoms. I am a home owner even. On Poverty level income I figured out

how to save an 1880's home from demolition and I now pay less in the Mortgage

for a 3 bedroom n home than I ever did living in a one room efficiency.

I live independently in a completely different state from any relative. I am

also in a Loving relationship and I have completely blown away anyone's

expectations of me.

There is no way that I could have Autism from any source other than

environmental, given the way I turned my own life around. I am living proof of


Additionally, my vision is improving. Since I took myself off the medications,

the side effects have slowly been reversing. I started taking 2 grams of

bilberry a day to help speed the process for the eyes and since last year my

vision improved 10% according to my glasses prescription. So it's very exciting

to think I might someday have 20/20 vision again when I am done healing.


So naturally, I want to try and document the cause. If it really is true that I

am simply suffering from Mercury poisoning I want to medically document that

fact so other children don't have to go through what I went through. Before the

symptoms are completely gone.

However, nothing has shown up in a recent blood test for Mercury poisoning.

Which makes sense when you consider that it would only stay in the blood for, at

most, 90 days. So I am left to suspect that I may have inorganic deposits of

Mercury in the brain. Since the duration of such deposits is normally about 20

years before declining it would be consistent with what what I have been


So how does one test for that? Is there a specific test I would ask for?


Also, how does one deal with the problem in finding therapy for anxiety when

most centers have a policy not to treat anyone who has Autism? I had to jump

through hoops for the past year just to get a first Therapy session next month.

Anxiety is pretty much the only problem I really have anymore and the only thing

that seems to work for it is about a gram to 2 grams of L-Theanine a day which I

can't always afford. Besides, I would prefer dealing with the cause rather than

the symptoms. If you're childhood was spend mostly in state care, being abused

physically, emotionally, and chemically wouldn't you need therapy?


Anyway, sorry for such a long winded first post. I would appreciate any advice

anyone should have. And since I went through the experience of having Autism I

can probably answer any questions of what that feels like to be in that


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